home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
- * March 31, 1998.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Pete Collins
- * Brian King
- * Ben Goodger
- */
- var insertNew = true;
- var insertNewIMap = true;
- var wasEnableAll = false;
- var constrainOn = false;
- // Note used in current version, but these are set correctly
- // and could be used to reset width and height used for constrain ratio
- var constrainWidth = 0;
- var constrainHeight = 0;
- var imageElement;
- var imageMap = 0;
- var canRemoveImageMap = false;
- var imageMapDisabled = false;
- var dialog;
- var globalMap;
- var firstTimeOkUsed = true;
- var doAltTextError = false;
- var actualWidth = "";
- var gOriginalSrc = "";
- var actualHeight = "";
- var gHaveDocumentUrl = false;
- // These must correspond to values in EditorDialog.css for each theme
- // (unfortunately, setting "style" attribute here doesn't work!)
- var gPreviewImageWidth = 80;
- var gPreviewImageHeight = 50;
- var StartupCalled = false;
- // dialog initialization code
- function Startup()
- {
- //XXX Very weird! When calling this with an existing image,
- // we get called twice. That causes dialog layout
- // to explode to fullscreen!
- if (StartupCalled)
- {
- dump("*** CALLING IMAGE DIALOG Startup() AGAIN! ***\n");
- return;
- }
- StartupCalled = true;
- if (!InitEditorShell())
- return;
- doSetOKCancel(onOK, onCancel);
- // Create dialog object to store controls for easy access
- dialog = new Object;
- dialog.srcInput = document.getElementById( "srcInput" );
- dialog.altTextInput = document.getElementById( "altTextInput" );
- dialog.MoreFewerButton = document.getElementById( "MoreFewerButton" );
- dialog.MoreSection = document.getElementById( "MoreSection" );
- dialog.customSizeRadio = document.getElementById( "customSizeRadio" );
- dialog.actualSizeRadio = document.getElementById( "actualSizeRadio" );
- dialog.constrainCheckbox = document.getElementById( "constrainCheckbox" );
- dialog.widthInput = document.getElementById( "widthInput" );
- dialog.heightInput = document.getElementById( "heightInput" );
- dialog.widthUnitsMenulist = document.getElementById( "widthUnitsMenulist" );
- dialog.heightUnitsMenulist = document.getElementById( "heightUnitsMenulist" );
- dialog.imagelrInput = document.getElementById( "imageleftrightInput" );
- dialog.imagetbInput = document.getElementById( "imagetopbottomInput" );
- dialog.border = document.getElementById( "border" );
- dialog.alignTypeSelect = document.getElementById( "alignTypeSelect" );
- dialog.ImageHolder = document.getElementById( "preview-image-holder" );
- dialog.PreviewWidth = document.getElementById( "PreviewWidth" );
- dialog.PreviewHeight = document.getElementById( "PreviewHeight" );
- dialog.PreviewSize = document.getElementById( "PreviewSize" );
- dialog.PreviewImage = null;
- // Get a single selected image element
- var tagName = "img"
- imageElement = editorShell.GetSelectedElement(tagName);
- if (imageElement)
- {
- // We found an element and don't need to insert one
- insertNew = false;
- actualWidth = imageElement.naturalWidth;
- actualHeight = imageElement.naturalHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- insertNew = true;
- // We don't have an element selected,
- // so create one with default attributes
- imageElement = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults(tagName);
- if( !imageElement )
- {
- dump("Failed to get selected element or create a new one!\n");
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- }
- // Make a copy to use for AdvancedEdit
- globalElement = imageElement.cloneNode(false);
- // We only need to test for this once per dialog load
- gHaveDocumentUrl = GetDocumentBaseUrl();
- InitDialog();
- // Save initial source URL
- gOriginalSrc = dialog.srcInput.value;
- // By default turn constrain on, but both width and height must be in pixels
- dialog.constrainCheckbox.checked =
- dialog.widthUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex == 0 &&
- dialog.heightUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex == 0;
- // Set SeeMore bool to the OPPOSITE of the current state,
- // which is automatically saved by using the 'persist="more"'
- // attribute on the MoreFewerButton button
- // onMoreFewer will toggle the state and redraw the dialog
- SeeMore = (dialog.MoreFewerButton.getAttribute("more") != "1");
- // Initialize widgets with image attributes in the case where the entire dialog isn't visible
- onMoreFewer(); // this call will initialize all widgets if entire dialog is visible
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.srcInput);
- SetWindowLocation();
- }
- // Set dialog widgets with attribute data
- // We get them from globalElement copy so this can be used
- // by AdvancedEdit(), which is shared by all property dialogs
- function InitDialog()
- {
- // Set the controls to the image's attributes
- dialog.srcInput.value = globalElement.getAttribute("src");
- // Set "Relativize" checkbox according to current URL state
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- // Force loading of image from its source and show preview image
- LoadPreviewImage();
- dialog.altTextInput.value = globalElement.getAttribute("alt");
- // setup the height and width widgets
- var width = InitPixelOrPercentMenulist(globalElement,
- insertNew ? null : imageElement,
- "width", "widthUnitsMenulist", gPixel);
- var height = InitPixelOrPercentMenulist(globalElement,
- insertNew ? null : imageElement,
- "height", "heightUnitsMenulist", gPixel);
- // Set actual radio button if both set values are the same as actual
- if (actualWidth && actualHeight)
- dialog.actualSizeRadio.checked = (width == actualWidth) && (height == actualHeight);
- else if ( !(width || height) )
- dialog.actualSizeRadio.checked = true;
- if (!dialog.actualSizeRadio.checked)
- dialog.customSizeRadio.checked = true;
- dialog.widthInput.value = constrainWidth = width ? width : (actualWidth ? actualWidth : "");
- dialog.heightInput.value = constrainHeight = height ? height : (actualHeight ? actualHeight : "");
- // set spacing editfields
- dialog.imagelrInput.value = globalElement.getAttribute("hspace");
- dialog.imagetbInput.value = globalElement.getAttribute("vspace");
- dialog.border.value = globalElement.getAttribute("border");
- // Get alignment setting
- var align = globalElement.getAttribute("align");
- if (align) {
- align = align.toLowerCase();
- }
- var imgClass;
- var textID;
- switch ( align )
- {
- case "top":
- case "center":
- case "right":
- case "left":
- dialog.alignTypeSelect.value = align;
- break;
- default: // Default or "bottom"
- dialog.alignTypeSelect.value = "bottom";
- }
- // Get image map for image
- imageMap = GetImageMap();
- //XXX: We should eliminate dual imageMap variables (bug 94749)
- globalMap = imageMap;
- // we want to force an update so initialize "wasEnableAll" to be the opposite of what the actual state is
- wasEnableAll = !IsValidImage(dialog.srcInput.value);
- doOverallEnabling();
- doDimensionEnabling();
- }
- function GetImageMap()
- {
- var usemap = globalElement.getAttribute("usemap");
- if (usemap)
- {
- canRemoveImageMap = true;
- var mapname = usemap.substring(1, usemap.length);
- var mapCollection = editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByName(mapname);
- if (mapCollection[0] != null)
- {
- insertNewIMap = false;
- return mapCollection[0];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- canRemoveImageMap = false;
- }
- insertNewIMap = true;
- return null;
- }
- function chooseFile()
- {
- // Get a local file, converted into URL format
- var fileName = GetLocalFileURL("img");
- if (fileName)
- {
- // Always try to relativize local file URLs
- if (gHaveDocumentUrl)
- fileName = MakeRelativeUrl(fileName);
- dialog.srcInput.value = fileName;
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- doOverallEnabling();
- }
- LoadPreviewImage();
- // Put focus into the input field
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.srcInput);
- }
- function PreviewImageLoaded()
- {
- if (dialog.PreviewImage)
- {
- // Image loading has completed -- we can get actual width
- actualWidth = dialog.PreviewImage.naturalWidth;
- actualHeight = dialog.PreviewImage.naturalHeight;
- if (actualWidth && actualHeight)
- {
- // Use actual size or scale to fit preview if either dimension is too large
- var width = actualWidth;
- var height = actualHeight;
- if (actualWidth > gPreviewImageWidth)
- {
- width = gPreviewImageWidth;
- height = actualHeight * (gPreviewImageWidth / actualWidth);
- }
- if (height > gPreviewImageHeight)
- {
- height = gPreviewImageHeight;
- width = actualWidth * (gPreviewImageHeight / actualHeight);
- }
- dialog.PreviewImage.width = width;
- dialog.PreviewImage.height = height;
- dialog.PreviewWidth.setAttribute("value", actualWidth);
- dialog.PreviewHeight.setAttribute("value", actualHeight);
- dialog.PreviewSize.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
- dialog.ImageHolder.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
- // Use values as start for constrain proportions
- }
- if (dialog.actualSizeRadio.checked)
- SetActualSize();
- }
- }
- function LoadPreviewImage()
- {
- dialog.PreviewSize.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
- var imageSrc = TrimString(dialog.srcInput.value);
- if (!imageSrc)
- return;
- if (IsValidImage(dialog.srcInput.value))
- {
- try {
- // Remove the image URL from image cache so it loads fresh
- // (if we don't do this, loads after the first will always use image cache
- // and we won't see image edit changes or be able to get actual width and height)
- var IOService = GetIOService();
- if (IOService)
- {
- // We must have an absolute URL to preview it or remove it from the cache
- imageSrc = MakeAbsoluteUrl(imageSrc);
- if (GetScheme(imageSrc))
- {
- var uri = IOService.newURI(imageSrc, null);
- if (uri)
- {
- var imgCacheService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/image/cache;1"].getService();
- var imgCache = imgCacheService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.imgICache);
- // This returns error if image wasn't in the cache; ignore that
- if (imgCache)
- imgCache.removeEntry(uri);
- }
- }
- }
- } catch(e) {}
- if(dialog.PreviewImage)
- removeEventListener("load", PreviewImageLoaded, true);
- if (dialog.ImageHolder.firstChild)
- dialog.ImageHolder.removeChild(dialog.ImageHolder.firstChild);
- dialog.PreviewImage = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html:img");
- if(dialog.PreviewImage)
- {
- dialog.ImageHolder.appendChild(dialog.PreviewImage);
- dialog.PreviewImage.addEventListener("load", PreviewImageLoaded, true);
- dialog.PreviewImage.src = imageSrc;
- }
- }
- }
- function SetActualSize()
- {
- dialog.widthInput.value = actualWidth ? actualWidth : "";
- dialog.widthUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex = 0;
- dialog.heightInput.value = actualHeight ? actualHeight : "";
- dialog.heightUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex = 0;
- doDimensionEnabling();
- }
- function ChangeImageSrc()
- {
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- LoadPreviewImage();
- doOverallEnabling();
- }
- function doDimensionEnabling()
- {
- // Enabled only if "Custom" is checked
- var enable = (dialog.customSizeRadio.checked);
- // BUG 74145: After input field is disabled,
- // setting it enabled causes blinking caret to appear
- // even though focus isn't set to it.
- SetElementEnabledById( "heightInput", enable );
- SetElementEnabledById( "heightLabel", enable );
- SetElementEnabledById( "heightUnitsMenulist", enable );
- SetElementEnabledById( "widthInput", enable );
- SetElementEnabledById( "widthLabel", enable);
- SetElementEnabledById( "widthUnitsMenulist", enable );
- var constrainEnable = enable
- && ( dialog.widthUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex == 0 )
- && ( dialog.heightUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex == 0 );
- SetElementEnabledById( "constrainCheckbox", constrainEnable );
- }
- function doOverallEnabling()
- {
- // An image is "valid" if it loaded correctly in the preview window
- // or has the proper file extension
- var canEnableOk = IsValidImage(dialog.srcInput.value);
- if ( wasEnableAll == canEnableOk )
- return;
- wasEnableAll = canEnableOk;
- SetElementEnabledById("ok", canEnableOk );
- SetElementEnabledById( "imagemapLabel", canEnableOk );
- //TODO: Restore when Image Map editor is finished
- //SetElementEnabledById( "editImageMap", canEnableOk );
- SetElementEnabledById( "removeImageMap", canRemoveImageMap);
- }
- function ToggleConstrain()
- {
- // If just turned on, save the current width and height as basis for constrain ratio
- // Thus clicking on/off lets user say "Use these values as aspect ration"
- if (dialog.constrainCheckbox.checked && !dialog.constrainCheckbox.disabled
- && (dialog.widthUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex == 0)
- && (dialog.heightUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex == 0))
- {
- constrainWidth = Number(dialog.widthInput.value.trimString());
- constrainHeight = Number(dialog.heightInput.value.trimString());
- }
- }
- function constrainProportions( srcID, destID )
- {
- var srcElement = document.getElementById ( srcID );
- if ( !srcElement )
- return;
- var destElement = document.getElementById( destID );
- if ( !destElement )
- return;
- // always force an integer (whether we are constraining or not)
- forceInteger( srcID );
- if (!actualWidth || !actualHeight ||
- !(dialog.constrainCheckbox.checked && !dialog.constrainCheckbox.disabled))
- return;
- // double-check that neither width nor height is in percent mode; bail if so!
- if ( (dialog.widthUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex != 0)
- || (dialog.heightUnitsMenulist.selectedIndex != 0) )
- return;
- // This always uses the actual width and height ratios
- // which is kind of funky if you change one number without the constrain
- // and then turn constrain on and change a number
- // I prefer the old strategy (below) but I can see some merit to this solution
- if (srcID == "widthInput")
- destElement.value = Math.round( srcElement.value * actualHeight / actualWidth );
- else
- destElement.value = Math.round( srcElement.value * actualWidth / actualHeight );
- /*
- // With this strategy, the width and height ratio
- // can be reset to whatever the user entered.
- if (srcID == "widthInput")
- destElement.value = Math.round( srcElement.value * constrainHeight / constrainWidth );
- else
- destElement.value = Math.round( srcElement.value * constrainWidth / constrainHeight );
- */
- }
- function editImageMap()
- {
- // Make a copy to use for image map editor
- if (insertNewIMap)
- {
- imageMap = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults("map");
- globalMap = imageMap.cloneNode(true);
- }
- else
- globalMap = imageMap;
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdImageMap.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", globalElement, globalMap);
- }
- function removeImageMap()
- {
- globalElement.removeAttribute("usemap");
- if (imageMap)
- {
- editorShell.DeleteElement(imageMap);
- insertNewIMap = true;
- globalMap = null;
- imageMap = null;
- }
- canRemoveImageMap = false;
- SetElementEnabledById( "removeImageMap", false);
- }
- // Get data from widgets, validate, and set for the global element
- // accessible to AdvancedEdit() [in EdDialogCommon.js]
- function ValidateData()
- {
- if ( !IsValidImage(dialog.srcInput.value))
- {
- AlertWithTitle(null, GetString("MissingImageError"));
- window.focus();
- return false;
- }
- // We must convert to "file:///" or "http://" format else image doesn't load!
- var src = dialog.srcInput.value.trimString();
- globalElement.setAttribute("src", src);
- // Note: allow typing spaces,
- // Warn user if empty string just once per dialog session
- // but don't consider this a failure
- var alt = dialog.altTextInput.value;
- if (doAltTextError && !alt)
- {
- AlertWithTitle(null, GetString("NoAltText"));
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.altTextInput);
- doAltTextError = false;
- return false;
- }
- globalElement.setAttribute("alt", alt);
- var width = "";
- var height = "";
- if (!dialog.actualSizeRadio.checked)
- {
- // Get user values for width and height
- width = ValidateNumber(dialog.widthInput, dialog.widthUnitsMenulist, 1, maxPixels,
- globalElement, "width", false, true);
- if (gValidationError)
- return false;
- height = ValidateNumber(dialog.heightInput, dialog.heightUnitsMenulist, 1, maxPixels,
- globalElement, "height", false, true);
- if (gValidationError)
- return false;
- }
- // We always set the width and height attributes, even if same as actual.
- // This speeds up layout of pages since sizes are known before image is loaded
- if (!width)
- width = actualWidth;
- if (!height)
- height = actualHeight;
- // Remove existing width and height only if source changed
- // and we couldn't obtain actual dimensions
- var srcChanged = (src != gOriginalSrc);
- if (width)
- globalElement.setAttribute("width", width);
- else if (srcChanged)
- globalElement.removeAttribute("width");
- if (height)
- globalElement.setAttribute("height", height);
- else if (srcChanged)
- globalElement.removeAttribute("height");
- // spacing attributes
- ValidateNumber(dialog.imagelrInput, null, 0, maxPixels,
- globalElement, "hspace", false, true, true);
- if (gValidationError)
- return false;
- ValidateNumber(dialog.imagetbInput, null, 0, maxPixels,
- globalElement, "vspace", false, true);
- if (gValidationError)
- return false;
- // note this is deprecated and should be converted to stylesheets
- ValidateNumber(dialog.border, null, 0, maxPixels,
- globalElement, "border", false, true);
- if (gValidationError)
- return false;
- // Default or setting "bottom" means don't set the attribute
- // Note that the attributes "left" and "right" are opposite
- // of what we use in the UI, which describes where the TEXT wraps,
- // not the image location (which is what the HTML describes)
- switch ( dialog.alignTypeSelect.value )
- {
- case "top":
- case "center":
- case "right":
- case "left":
- globalElement.setAttribute( "align", dialog.alignTypeSelect.value );
- break;
- default:
- globalElement.removeAttribute( "align" );
- }
- return true;
- }
- function doHelpButton()
- {
- openHelp("chrome://help/content/help.xul?image_properties");
- }
- function onOK()
- {
- // Show alt text error only once
- // (we don't initialize doAltTextError=true
- // so Advanced edit button dialog doesn't trigger that error message)
- doAltTextError = firstTimeOkUsed;
- firstTimeOkUsed = false;
- // handle insertion of new image
- if (ValidateData())
- {
- // Assign to map if there is one
- if ( globalMap )
- {
- var mapName = globalMap.getAttribute("name");
- if (mapName != "")
- {
- globalElement.setAttribute("usemap", ("#"+mapName));
- if (globalElement.getAttribute("border") == "")
- globalElement.setAttribute("border", 0);
- }
- // Copy or insert image map
- imageMap = globalMap.cloneNode(true);
- if (insertNewIMap)
- {
- try
- {
- editorShell.editorDocument.body.appendChild(imageMap);
- //editorShell.InsertElementAtSelection(imageMap, false);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- dump("Exception occured in InsertElementAtSelection\n");
- }
- }
- }
- // All values are valid - copy to actual element in doc or
- // element created to insert
- editorShell.CloneAttributes(imageElement, globalElement);
- if (insertNew)
- {
- try {
- // 'true' means delete the selection before inserting
- editorShell.InsertElementAtSelection(imageElement, true);
- } catch (e) {
- dump(e);
- }
- }
- // un-comment to see that inserting image maps does not work!
- /*test = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults("map");
- test.setAttribute("name", "testing");
- testArea = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults("area");
- testArea.setAttribute("shape", "circle");
- testArea.setAttribute("coords", "86,102,52");
- testArea.setAttribute("href", "test");
- test.appendChild(testArea);
- editorShell.InsertElementAtSelection(test, false);*/
- SaveWindowLocation();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }