home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // the rdf service
- var gRDFService;
- var gTitleArc;
- var gContentArc;
- var gBuiltinUrlsDataSource;
- var gDataSourceState;
- var gDataSourceLoaded;
- var gSinkObserverRegistered;
- var SinkObserver =
- {
- onBeginLoad: function( aSink) {
- gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 1);
- debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onBeginLoad: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
- },
- onInterrupt: function( aSink) {
- gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 2);
- debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onInterrupt: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
- },
- onResume: function( aSink) {
- gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState & ~2);
- debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onResume: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
- },
- onEndLoad: function( aSink) {
- gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 4);
- gDataSourceLoaded = (gDataSourceState == 5);
- debug_dump("\n-> onEndLoad: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + ", gDataSourceLoaded=" + gDataSourceLoaded + "\n");
- if (!gDataSourceLoaded) {
- debug_dump("\n-> builtin URLs not loaded!\n");
- return;
- }
- gBuiltinUrlsDataSource = aSink.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
- debug_dump("Got gBuiltinUrlsDataSource " + gBuiltinUrlsDataSource + " with gTitleArc " + gTitleArc + " and gContentArc " + gContentArc + "\n");
- },
- onError: function( aSink, aStatus, aErrMsg) {
- gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 8);
- debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onError: " + aSink + ", status=" + aStatus +
- ", errMsg=" + aErrMsg + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
- }
- };
- function debug_dump(msg)
- {
- }
- /*
- function debug_dump(msg)
- {
- dump(msg);
- }
- */
- function loadDS()
- {
- debug_dump("\n-->loadDS() called for " + window.document + " <--\n");
- if (gBuiltinUrlsDataSource && gDataSourceLoaded) {
- debug_dump("\n-->loadDS(): gBuiltinUrlsDataSource=" + gBuiltinUrlsDataSource + ", gDataSourceLoaded=" + gDataSourceLoaded + ", returning! <--\n");
- return;
- }
- if (gSinkObserverRegistered)
- {
- debug_dump("Already registered SinkObserver in loadDS()\n");
- return;
- }
- // initialize
- gRDFService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1'].getService();
- gRDFService = gRDFService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- if (!gRDFService) {
- debug_dump("\n-->loadDS(): gRDFService service is null!\n");
- return;
- }
- gTitleArc = gRDFService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#title");
- gContentArc = gRDFService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#content");
- var ds_uri = "chrome://global-region/locale/builtinURLs.rdf";
- var url_ds = gRDFService.GetDataSource(ds_uri); // return nsIRDFDataSource
- if (!url_ds) {
- debug_dump("\n >>Can't get " + ds_uri + "<-\n");
- return;
- }
- if (url_ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).loaded)
- {
- ds_uri = "chrome://global-region/locale/builtinURLs.rdf";
- gBuiltinUrlsDataSource = gRDFService.GetDataSource(ds_uri); // return nsIRDFDataSource
- gDataSourceLoaded = (gBuiltinUrlsDataSource != null);
- }
- else
- {
- var rdfXMLSink = url_ds.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink );
- if (rdfXMLSink) {
- gBuiltinUrlsDataSource = null;
- gDataSourceState = 0x0; // init.
- gDataSourceLoaded = false;
- gSinkObserverRegistered = true;
- rdfXMLSink.addXMLSinkObserver(SinkObserver);
- }
- else
- {
- debug_dump("rdfXMLSink is null\n");
- }
- }
- }
- function xlateURL(key)
- {
- debug_dump("\n>> xlateURL(" + key + "): gBuiltinUrlsDataSource=" + gBuiltinUrlsDataSource + ", gDataSourceLoaded=" + gDataSourceLoaded + "\n");
- if (!gBuiltinUrlsDataSource || !gDataSourceLoaded) {
- throw("urn translation data source not loaded");
- }
- // get data
- var srcNode = gRDFService.GetResource(key);
- var titleTarget = gBuiltinUrlsDataSource.GetTarget(srcNode, gTitleArc, true);
- if (titleTarget) {
- titleTarget =
- titleTarget.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- debug_dump("\n-> " + key + "::title=" + titleTarget.Value);
- }
- else {
- debug_dump("\n title target=" + titleTarget + "\n");
- }
- var contentTarget = gBuiltinUrlsDataSource.GetTarget(srcNode, gContentArc, true);
- if (contentTarget) {
- contentTarget =
- contentTarget.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- debug_dump("\n-> " + key + "::content=" + contentTarget.Value + "\n");
- return contentTarget.Value;
- }
- else {
- debug_dump("\n content target=" + contentTarget + "\n");
- throw("urn not found in datasource");
- }
- // not reached
- return "";
- }
- function loadXURL(key)
- {
- debug_dump("loadXURL call with " + key + "\n");
- window._content.location.href = xlateURL(key);
- }
- loadDS();