101 The plug-in you are trying to install was designed \nfor a newer version of MUSICMATCH Jukebox.\n\nChoose 'Register'\nthen 'Update Software' to download the latest \nversion of MUSICMATCH Jukebox.
102 The plug-in you are trying to install was not designed\nfor this version of MUSICMATCH Jukebox.\n\n
103 MUSICMATCH Installer
104 Installation failed.
105 Could not load UNZIP32.DLL.
106 There was an error retrieving the installation path.
107 You can change the skin by choosing 'Change Skin...' from the 'Options' menu.
108 MUSICMATCH Installer
109 Installation of the plug-in was successful.
110 Could not load preferences.dll.
111 Could not find the file you are trying to install.
112 Copying files...
113 Installation
114 Preparing to install...
115 Extracting files...
116 Installation is complete.
117 Executing
118 Registering
119 Copying
120 You must restart Windows so that installation can finish.\n\nDo you want to restart now?
121 This plug-in requires the latest version of MUSICMATCH Jukebox. \n\nPlease select Options->Update Software to obtain the latest MUSICMATCH Jukebox software.
122 This software does not have a certificate, so it might not be safe to install and run on your computer. \nA certificate contains information that a specific software program is genuine. This ensures that no other program can assume the identity of the original program. \nThe software publisher has not obtained a certificate for this software from MUSICMATCH, so the authenticity of this software cannot be verified. \n\nThe file will not be installed.
123 The skin being installed contains files with extensions other than .INI and .BMP. \n\nThe skin will not be installed.
124 The skin that you are installing already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite?
125 File could not be processed
126 The file could not be validated and presents a security risk to your system. \nIt will not be installed.
127 The file could not be validated and presents a security risk to your system. \nIt will not be installed.
128 Caution: The author of this file has registered with MUSICMATCH to provide trusted content for MUSICMATCH Jukebox. %s asserts that this content is safe. You should only install this file if you trust %s to make that assertion.
129 Unsigned Program Download
130 The author of this file has not registered with MUSICMATCH to provide trusted content for MUSICMATCH Jukebox. \nIt might not be safe to install and run on your computer. \n\nDo you want to continue?
131 This file has expired.
132 The author of this file has had their privileges revoked. The file will not be installed.
133 A required component is missing. Please re-install MUSICMATCH Jukebox.