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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Bill Law <law@netscape.com>
* Scott MacGregor <mscott@netscape.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/* This file implements the nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog interface.
* The implementation consists of a JavaScript "class" named nsHelperAppDialog,
* comprised of:
* - a JS constructor function
* - a prototype providing all the interface methods and implementation stuff
* In addition, this file implements an nsIModule object that registers the
* nsHelperAppDialog component.
/* ctor
function nsHelperAppDialog() {
// Initialize data properties.
this.mLauncher = null;
this.mContext = null;
this.mSourcePath = null;
this.choseApp = false;
this.chosenApp = null;
this.givenDefaultApp = false;
this.strings = new Array;
this.elements = new Array;
nsHelperAppDialog.prototype = {
// Turn this on to get debugging messages.
debug: false,
nsIMIMEInfo : Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEInfo,
// Dump text (if debug is on).
dump: function( text ) {
if ( this.debug ) {
dump( text );
// This "class" supports nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog, and nsISupports.
QueryInterface: function (iid) {
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog) &&
!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
// ---------- nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog methods ----------
// show: Open XUL dialog using window watcher. Since the dialog is not
// modal, it needs to be a top level window and the way to open
// one of those is via that route).
show: function(aLauncher, aContext) {
this.mLauncher = aLauncher;
this.mContext = aContext;
// Display the dialog using the Window Watcher interface.
var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher );
this.mDialog = ww.openWindow( null, // no parent
null );
// Hook this object to the dialog.
this.mDialog.dialog = this;
// promptForSaveToFile: Display file picker dialog and return selected file.
promptForSaveToFile: function(aContext, aDefaultFile, aSuggestedFileExtension) {
var result = "";
// Use file picker to show dialog.
var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
var picker = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/filepicker;1" ]
.createInstance( nsIFilePicker );
var bundle = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1" ]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService )
.createBundle( "chrome://global/locale/nsHelperAppDlg.properties");
var windowTitle = bundle.GetStringFromName( "saveDialogTitle" );
var parent = aContext
.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor )
.getInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowInternal );
picker.init( parent, windowTitle, nsIFilePicker.modeSave );
picker.defaultString = aDefaultFile;
var wildCardExtension = "*";
if ( aSuggestedFileExtension ) {
wildCardExtension += aSuggestedFileExtension;
picker.appendFilter( wildCardExtension, wildCardExtension );
picker.appendFilters( nsIFilePicker.filterAll );
// Pull in the user's preferences and get the default download directory.
var prefs = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1" ]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch );
try {
var startDir = prefs.getComplexValue("browser.download.dir",
if ( startDir.exists() ) {
picker.displayDirectory = startDir;
} catch( exception ) {
var dlgResult = picker.show();
if ( dlgResult == nsIFilePicker.returnCancel ) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
// be sure to save the directory the user chose as the new browser.download.dir
result = picker.file;
if ( result ) {
var newDir = result.parent;
Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile, newDir);
return result;
// showProgressDialog: For now, use old dialog. At some point, the caller should be
// converted to use the new generic progress dialog (when it's
// finished).
showProgressDialog: function(aLauncher, aContext) {
// Display the dialog using the Window Watcher interface.
var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher );
ww.openWindow( null, // no parent
aLauncher );
// ---------- implementation methods ----------
// initDialog: Fill various dialog fields with initial content.
initDialog : function() {
// Check if file is executable (in which case, we will go straight to
// "save to disk").
var ignore1 = new Object;
var ignore2 = new Object;
var tmpFile = this.mLauncher.getDownloadInfo( ignore1, ignore2 );
if ( tmpFile.isExecutable() ) {
this.mLauncher.saveToDisk( null, false );
// Put product brand short name in prompt.
var prompt = this.dialogElement( "prompt" );
var modified = this.replaceInsert( prompt.firstChild.nodeValue, 1, this.getString( "brandShortName" ) );
prompt.firstChild.nodeValue = modified;
// Put file name in window title.
var win = this.dialogElement( "nsHelperAppDlg" );
var url = this.mLauncher.source.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIURL );
var fname = "";
this.mSourcePath = url.prePath;
if ( url ) {
// A url, use file name from it.
fname = url.fileName;
this.mSourcePath += url.directory;
} else {
// A generic uri, use path.
fname = this.mLauncher.source.path;
this.mSourcePath += url.path;
var title = this.replaceInsert( win.getAttribute( "title" ), 1, fname);
win.setAttribute( "title", title );
// Put content type and location into intro.
var iconString = "moz-icon://" + fname + "?size=32&contentType=" + this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.MIMEType;
this.dialogElement("contentTypeImage").setAttribute("src", iconString);
// always make sure the window starts off with this checked....
this.dialogElement( "alwaysAskMe" ).checked = true;
// Add special debug hook.
if ( this.debug ) {
prompt.setAttribute( "onclick", "dialog.doDebug()" );
// Set up dialog button callbacks.
var object = this; // "this.onOK()" doesn't work!
this.mDialog.doSetOKCancel( function () { return object.onOK(); },
function () { return object.onCancel(); } );
// Position it.
if ( this.mDialog.opener ) {
} else {
// Set initial focus
this.dialogElement( "mode" ).focus();
// initIntro:
initIntro: function(url) {
var intro = this.dialogElement( "intro" );
var desc = this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.Description;
var modified;
if ( desc != "" )
// Use intro with descriptive text.
modified = this.replaceInsert( this.getString( "intro.withDesc" ), 1, this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.Description );
// Use intro without descriptive text.
modified = this.getString( "intro.noDesc" );
modified = this.replaceInsert( modified, 2, this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.MIMEType );
// if mSourcePath is a local file, then let's use the pretty path name instead of an ugly
// url...
var pathString = this.mSourcePath;
var fileURL = url.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL);
if (fileURL)
var fileObject = fileURL.file;
if (fileObject)
var parentObject = fileObject.parent;
if (parentObject)
pathString = parentObject.unicodePath;
} catch(ex) {}
intro.firstChild.nodeValue = "";
intro.firstChild.nodeValue = modified;
// Set the location text, which is separate from the intro text so it can be cropped
var location = this.dialogElement( "location" );
location.value = pathString;
// initAppAndSaveToDiskValues:
initAppAndSaveToDiskValues: function() {
// Pre-select the choice the user made last time.
this.chosenApp = this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredApplicationHandler;
var applicationDescription = this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.applicationDescription;
if (applicationDescription != "")
this.givenDefaultApp = true;
else if (this.chosenApp && this.chosenApp.unicodePath)
// If a user-chosen application, show its path.
this.choseApp = true;
if ( (applicationDescription || this.choseApp) && this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredAction != this.nsIMIMEInfo.saveToDisk )
var openUsing = this.dialogElement( "openUsing" );
openUsing.radioGroup.selectedItem = openUsing;
// Save to disk.
var saveToDisk = this.dialogElement( "saveToDisk" );
saveToDisk.radioGroup.selectedItem = saveToDisk;
// Disable choose app button.
this.dialogElement( "chooseApp" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
updateApplicationName: function(newValue)
var applicationText = this.getString( "openUsingString" );
applicationText = this.replaceInsert( applicationText, 1, newValue );
var expl = this.dialogElement( "openUsing" );
expl.label = applicationText;
// Enable pick app button if the user chooses that option.
toggleChoice : function () {
// See what option is selected.
if ( this.dialogElement( "openUsing" ).selected ) {
// We can enable the pick app button.
this.dialogElement( "chooseApp" ).removeAttribute( "disabled" );
} else {
// We can disable the pick app button.
this.dialogElement( "chooseApp" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
processAlwaysAskState : function ()
// if the user deselected the always ask checkbox, then store that on the mime object for future use...
if (!this.dialogElement( "alwaysAskMe" ).checked)
// we first need to rest the user action if the user selected save to disk instead of open...
// reset the preferred action in this case...we need to do this b4 setting the always ask before handling state
if (!this.dialogElement( "openUsing" ).selected)
this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredAction = this.nsIMIMEInfo.saveToDisk;
this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
updateOKButton: function() {
var ok = false;
if ( this.dialogElement( "saveToDisk" ).selected )
// This is always OK.
ok = true;
// only enable the OK button if we have a default app to use or if
// the user chose an app....
if ((this.choseApp && this.chosenApp.unicodePath) || this.givenDefaultApp)
ok = true;
// Enable Ok button if ok to press.
this.dialogElement( "ok" ).disabled = !ok;
// onOK:
onOK: function() {
if ( this.dialogElement( "openUsing" ).selected )
// If no app "chosen" then convert input string to file.
if (this.chosenApp)
this.mLauncher.launchWithApplication( this.chosenApp, false );
this.mLauncher.launchWithApplication( null, false );
this.mLauncher.saveToDisk( null, false );
// Unhook dialog from this object.
this.mDialog.dialog = null;
// Close up dialog by returning true.
return true;
// onCancel:
onCancel: function() {
// Cancel app launcher.
try {
} catch( exception ) {
// Unhook dialog from this object.
this.mDialog.dialog = null;
// Close up dialog by returning true.
return true;
// dialogElement: Try cache; obtain from document if not there.
dialogElement: function( id ) {
// Check if we've already fetched it.
if ( !( id in this.elements ) ) {
// No, then get it from dialog.
this.elements[ id ] = this.mDialog.document.getElementById( id );
return this.elements[ id ];
// chooseApp: Open file picker and prompt user for application.
chooseApp: function() {
var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance( nsIFilePicker );
fp.init( this.mDialog,
this.getString( "chooseAppFilePickerTitle" ),
nsIFilePicker.modeOpen );
// XXX - We want to say nsIFilePicker.filterExecutable or something
fp.appendFilters( nsIFilePicker.filterAll );
if ( fp.show() == nsIFilePicker.returnOK && fp.file ) {
// Remember the file they chose to run.
this.choseApp = true;
this.chosenApp = fp.file;
// Update dialog.
// setDefault: Open "edit MIMEInfo" dialog (borrowed from prefs).
setDefault: function() {
// Get RDF service.
var rdf = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1" ]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService );
// Now ask if it knows about this mime type.
var exists = false;
var fileLocator = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1" ]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIProperties );
var file = fileLocator.get( "UMimTyp", Components.interfaces.nsIFile );
// We must try creating a fresh remote DS in order to avoid accidentally
// having GetDataSource trigger an asych load.
var ds = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=xml-datasource" ].createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource );
try {
// Initialize it. This will fail if the uriloader (or anybody else)
// has already loaded/registered this data source.
var remoteDS = ds.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource );
remoteDS.Init( file.URL );
remoteDS.Refresh( true );
} catch ( all ) {
// OK then, presume it was already registered; get it.
ds = rdf.GetDataSource( file.URL );
// Now check if this mimetype is really in there;
// This is done by seeing if there's a "value" arc from the mimetype resource
// to the mimetype literal string.
var mimeRes = rdf.GetResource( "urn:mimetype:" + this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.MIMEType );
var valueProperty = rdf.GetResource( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#value" );
var mimeLiteral = rdf.GetLiteral( this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo.MIMEType );
exists = ds.HasAssertion( mimeRes, valueProperty, mimeLiteral, true );
var dlgUrl;
if ( exists ) {
// Open "edit mime type" dialog.
dlgUrl = "chrome://communicator/content/pref/pref-applications-edit.xul";
} else {
// Open "add mime type" dialog.
dlgUrl = "chrome://communicator/content/pref/pref-applications-new.xul";
// Open whichever dialog is appropriate, passing this dialog object as argument.
this.mDialog.openDialog( dlgUrl,
this );
// Refresh dialog with updated info about the default action.
// updateMIMEInfo: This is called from the pref-applications-edit dialog when the user
// presses OK. Take the updated MIMEInfo and have the helper app service
// "write" it back out to the RDF datasource.
updateMIMEInfo: function() {
this.dumpObjectProperties( "\tMIMEInfo", this.mLauncher.MIMEInfo );
// dumpInfo:
doDebug: function() {
const nsIProgressDialog = Components.interfaces.nsIProgressDialog;
// Open new progress dialog.
var progress = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/progressdialog;1" ]
.createInstance( nsIProgressDialog );
// Show it.
progress.open( this.mDialog );
// dumpObj:
dumpObj: function( spec ) {
var val = "<undefined>";
try {
val = eval( "this."+spec ).toString();
} catch( exception ) {
this.dump( spec + "=" + val + "\n" );
// dumpObjectProperties
dumpObjectProperties: function( desc, obj ) {
for( prop in obj ) {
this.dump( desc + "." + prop + "=" );
var val = "<undefined>";
try {
val = obj[ prop ];
} catch ( exception ) {
this.dump( val + "\n" );
// getString: Fetch data string from dialog content (and cache it).
getString: function( id ) {
// Check if we've fetched this string already.
if ( !( id in this.strings ) ) {
// Try to get it.
var elem = this.mDialog.document.getElementById( id );
if ( elem
elem.firstChild.nodeValue ) {
this.strings[ id ] = elem.firstChild.nodeValue;
} else {
// If unable to fetch string, use an empty string.
this.strings[ id ] = "";
return this.strings[ id ];
// replaceInsert: Replace given insert with replacement text and return the result.
replaceInsert: function( text, insertNo, replacementText ) {
var result = text;
var regExp = new RegExp("#"+insertNo);
result = result.replace( regExp, replacementText );
return result;
// This Component's module implementation. All the code below is used to get this
// component registered and accessible via XPCOM.
var module = {
firstTime: true,
// registerSelf: Register this component.
registerSelf: function (compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) {
if (this.firstTime) {
this.firstTime = false;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FACTORY_REGISTER_AGAIN;
compMgr.registerComponentWithType( this.cid,
"Mozilla Helper App Launcher Dialog",
type );
// getClassObject: Return this component's factory object.
getClassObject: function (compMgr, cid, iid) {
if (!cid.equals(this.cid)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
return this.factory;
/* CID for this class */
cid: Components.ID("{F68578EB-6EC2-4169-AE19-8C6243F0ABE1}"),
/* Contract ID for this class */
contractId: "@mozilla.org/helperapplauncherdialog;1",
/* factory object */
factory: {
// createInstance: Return a new nsProgressDialog object.
createInstance: function (outer, iid) {
if (outer != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
return (new nsHelperAppDialog()).QueryInterface(iid);
// canUnload: n/a (returns true)
canUnload: function(compMgr) {
return true;
// NSGetModule: Return the nsIModule object.
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return module;