If you are running Tennis Masters Series for the first time, or are encountering sound and video related problems, please make sure that you are using the most current drivers available on the hardware manufacturer's website.
When installing the game, you will be prompted to install DirectX 8.0. It is required to install DirectX 8.0 in order to play Tennis Masters Series.
Problem: I cannot move my mouse or type any text within the game or move my player around.
Solution: Verify that your mouse and/or keyboard is properly hooked up to your system and detected/configured by windows. Changing mouse/keyboards/joysticks when you are already in the game can have unexpected results.
Problem: I cannot see any game on my local area network.
Solution: Make sure that your network card is properly installed and configured. TCP IP protocol is required in order to play in multiplayer. A good way to test if you are properly configured is to use the command "ping".
- Some keyboards do not support enough simultaneous keystrokes to allow two players to play at the same time.
- Pressing alt-tab while running Tennis Masters Series might be hazardous.
- Windows 95 users: When booting-up Tennis Master Series, you may receive the message "DLL missing WS_32.DLL". This can be fixed by installing the Windows Socket update included on the Tennis Master Series CD-ROM. You can find the file in the folder : "\win95\W95ws2setup.exe"
Antivirus Users:
- If you are running Panda Antivirus, your system may freeze when exiting Tennis Masters Series.
- For optimal performance, it's recommended that you disable all anti-virus software, as well as all other Windows applications, before launching Tennis Masters Series.