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- ;
- ; Installation Instruction File of OPTi Mario Installer
- ; !!! WARNNING: Please DO NOT CHANGE or may DESTROY your System Settings !!!
- ;
- [DISK] ; Diskette Sequence Number
- 1/1
- [TITLE] ; Title Bar of Installer (only in 1st Diskette)
- " OPTi 82C924 Pro Sound Device Installation v1.03f "
- [SIZE] ; Disk size requirement (only in 1st Diskette)
- 1166826
- [CUSTOM] ; Customized installation options
- HOME=C:\OPTI924 ; default installation Directory
- SET_HOME=SOUND16 ; environment varaible for HOME DIR & config filename
- WINDRV=SND924.DRV ; Windows Base Driver Name
- VxD=VSND924D.386 ; Windows Virtual Driver Name for "SYSTEM.INI" update
- COMPANY=OPTi ; Company Name
- PRODUCT=MARIO ; Product Name
- WIN31=NO ; don't install Windows 3.1 drivers
- WINAPP=NO ; Choice to install Windows Application?
- CDROM=YES ; YES: A version with CD selection
- ; NO: A version with no CD selection
- MODEM=NO ; YES: A version with Modem support
- ; NO: A version with no Modem support
- BACKUP=MAD ; File name extention for system files backup
- [AUTOEXEC] ; add commands into AUTOEXEC.BAT
- ; with leading HOME Dir: +command
- +sndinit /b ; or without HOME Dir: command
- [CONFIG.SYS] ; add commands into CONFIG.SYS
- ; with leading HOME Dir: +command
- ; or without HOME Dir: command
- [WINDOWS] ; specify files to copy into Windows Directory
- [CONTROL.INI] ; specify Windows driver names and descriptions
- snd924.drv="OPTi 82C924 Audio Device Driver"
- [FILES] ; Zip files copy section
- ;filename, Description, subDir, Percentage
- SNDINIT.ZIP, "SNDINIT Programs", -, 30
- TOOLS.ZIP, "DOS Tools", -, 45
- DRIVERS.ZIP, "CDROM Drivers", -, 25