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- ImgViewer/32 <ASP>
- version 1.0
- ⌐1992-1996 All rights reserved
- _______
- By Don Bradner ____|__ | (R)
- Arcata Pet --| | |-------------------
- 600 F Street | ____|__ | Association of
- Arcata, CA 95521 | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- Internet: dbirdman@redshift.com
- http://www.redshift.com/~arcatpet
- Compuserve: 76130,1007
- America OnLine: DBirdMan
- The online help file is the primary documentation for ImgViewer/32.
- This text document is meant to get you started.
- Contents of this file:
- I. Program Description
- II. Program Requirements
- III. Installing ImgViewer/32
- IV. Getting Started
- V. Files and Uninstalling
- VI. Troubleshooting
- VII. Obtaining images
- VIII. Getting future upgrades
- IX. Purchase and distribution
- X. ASP Ombudsman Statement
- ImgViewer/32 is a Windows95/NT program for viewing and printing
- digital images in a variety of standard formats. Image formats
- supported include GIF, .BMP, PCX, TGA, TIF, .JPG, and .PNG. GIF,
- PNG, and PCX provide compression of 256-color images, while .JPG and
- PNG provides compression for 16-million color images, thus saving
- disk space. The Help file contains a section which discusses
- the advantages/disadvantages of each format.
- ImgViewer/32 has editing features and file conversion routines built
- in, which allow you to change images to suit your needs. You can
- crop, resize, stretch, rotate, mirror, flip, sharpen, soften, extract
- edges, negate and adjust brightness, contrast and gamma.
- A quick Zoom Tool provides instant magnification of areas of an
- image, for close inspection.
- Full documentation is included in the form of a Windows Help file.
- When you desire help, press your F1 function key for context-sensitive
- help, or press the help button if you are in a dialog box.
- ImgViewer/32 is shareware. It is fully functional and provides
- all features that are included in the registered version, but
- it will "nag" non-registered users occasionally. You are
- entitled to evaluate the program for a period of 30 days, after
- which you are expected to register for continued use. When you
- register, you will receive a copy that includes a key file that
- eliminates the nag screens for the current and future versions.
- ImgViewer/32 contains functions which can read and write the .GIF format,
- which contains compression technology covered by U.S. Patent No.
- 4,558,302, owned by the Unisys corporation. The author of ImgViewer/32 has
- obtained a license from Unisys, and pays a royalty on each
- sale, to use this technology. The following statement is
- required by that license:
- "Use of this software is permitted only to the extent
- reasonably required to determine whether to purchase
- the software.
- "After payment is made, use of this software is limited
- to use on only a single personal computer or
- workstation which is not used as a server. An
- additional payment is required for each use on
- another personal computer or workstation.
- "Only a single copy may be made of this software
- solely for backup or archival purposes. The software
- may also be transferred to a single hard disk.
- "Any use of this software in violation of the above is
- not licensed.
- "For information concerning licensing the LZW
- compression and/or decompression capability, please
- contact:
- Unisys Corporation
- Welch Licensing Department - CISW19
- Township Line & Union Meeting Roads
- P.O. Box 500
- Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19424"
- II. Program requirements.
- ImgViewer/32 requires an IBM compatible 486 or better, running
- Windows 95, or Windows NT, with at least 12 megs of RAM and VGA or
- better graphics. Recommended: Pentium 75 or better with an
- accelerated graphics adapter.
- Most operations require a mouse.
- Graphics files can be quite large, particularly with true-color, so a
- large hard disk is recommended. ImgViewer/32 will require about 2
- megs for program installation.
- III. Installing ImgViewer/32
- To install ImgViewer/32, run the included setup program. If the
- program is on a floppy disk, you can use File/Run in the Program
- Manager and type a:\ivsetup or b:\ivsetup, whichever drive is involved.
- You can use the same technique to run setup from a directory on your
- hard drive by supplying the full path, such as c:\temp\ivsetup.
- Alternatively you can use File manager to find the files and
- double-click on IVSETUP.EXE.
- Windows 95/NT-4 users can use the "Add/Remove Programs" item in the
- Control Panel to find and start IVSETUP.
- If you obtained ImgViewer/32 by downloading it from a computer
- Bulletin Board (BBS) or another online source, two necessary files
- may not have been included. You will need files called VB40032.DLL
- and MFC40.DLL, if they do not happen to already be on your
- system. Information on obtaining these files are in section V.
- IV. Getting Started.
- Double-click the ImgViewer/32 icon to start the program. If this is
- not a registered copy you may see a shareware "nag" screen. This
- screen will only be repeated every 10 days, so as to not unduly
- interfere with your operation of the program. Click OK, or you may
- choose to print an order form.
- When you see the main program window, Click the "open file" icon at the
- left end of the icon bar, and then browse for image files to view.
- If you would like to alter the image, most of the items in the Image
- menu are simple. Browsing the help file will provide you with more
- information on the image-altering functions.
- If, when you install ImgViewer/32, you are told that one or more
- system files are needed (or the program fails to run with a message
- that one of these files is missing), you will need to obtain them.
- Both files should be placed in the Windows\System directory (System32
- for NT). Because they are required for many programs they are not
- usually packaged with any programs for download from online services.
- They ARE included if you got the program on disk from the author. The
- two files are:
- VB40032.DLL, A "runtime" library for programs written in Visual Basic
- 4.0. This file is almost always available from any source that has
- ImgViewer/32 available.
- MFC40.DLL, A library for components written in Visual C++ version 4.
- As with the VB runtime, this file is generally also available from any
- source for ImgViewer/32.
- Where to find them:
- Internet:
- Jumps for both files are available on the ImgViewer/32 web page at:
- http://www.redshift.com/~arcatpet/imgv32.html
- Direct ftp URLs:
- ftp://redshift.com/arcatpet/mfc40.zip
- ftp://redshift.com/arcatpet/vbrun4.zip
- Compuserve:
- Both files can be found in a single file in the WUGNET forum. The
- file name is REQFILES.ZIP.
- America Online:
- Both files may be found in the authorÆs forum, KeyWord: ArcataPet.
- The rest of the files:
- When ImgViewer/32 is installed, a program (UNINSTAL.EXE) and a data
- file (INSTALL.LOG) are placed in the ImgV32 directory. The
- following information is provided to aid in removing the
- program in case those files are lost or damaged.
- Files distributed with ImgViewer/32:
- This file contains all of the program files. Running it will
- install of the files where they belong, and will also produce a
- record and program that can be used to uninstall this package.
- The text file you are reading now. It is placed outside
- the main install program so that it is readable before the
- program is installed.
- Information files for shareware distributors and online
- services. These explain distribution rights and allowable
- methods.
- Files installed by running IVSETUP.EXE:
- Main Program directory files IMGV32.EXE, IMGV32.HLP, IMGV32.CNT
- Windows\System directory files
- Registered users will have one additional file: IV32_REG.KEY.
- This file must be in your ImgV32 directory, and will keep the
- startup shareware screen from appearing. If you upgrade to a
- new version of ImgViewer/32, do not delete this file - it will work
- with all future versions.
- Files created by ImgViewer/32:
- ImgViewer/32 creates some temporary files with .TMP
- extensions in the directory pointed to by your TEMP variable.
- If there is no TEMP variable the files will be in the ImgV32
- directory. Under normal use, the program will clean these up
- when it exits. If the program crashes it can leave remnant .TMP
- files which should be removed manually as is true of all remnant
- temporary files.
- Uninstalling ImgViewer/32:
- If the UNINSTAL.EXE program and INSTALL.LOG file have been left
- intact in the ImgV32 directory, running the program will remove all
- files that were installed with ImgViewer/32. If the UNINSTAL program
- has been removed, use the file list above to determine which files
- to remove.
- VI. Troubleshooting.
- If you have any problems with ImgViewer/32, please contact the
- author, even if you are not a registered user. A fix may be
- available, or you may help the program become better by your
- report. Be as clear and concise as possible in describing problems.
- VII. Obtaining images.
- If you regularly use Computer BBS systems or online sources such as
- Compuserve, America Online, or the Internet, you will find a wealth
- of images that can be downloaded. These images are usually in the
- .GIF or .JPG formats to reduce download time.
- The author is maintaining a small collection of his scans of his own
- photos and those of users where permission has been granted. It is
- available by FTP from redshift.com/arcatpet/wwplus/images Files are in
- .JPG format. Thumbnails are available at the website
- http://www.redshift.com/~arcatpet
- You may send two pictures or 35mm slides with your
- registration, for free scanning. The originals will be
- returned. Additional scanning is available; contact the author
- for details.
- VIII. Getting future Upgrades.
- When you order ImgViewer/32 from the author, you will receive a copy
- of the latest version and an ownership key that permanently enables
- the program. That key file will work with future versions of the
- program, so no upgrade fee will be required, but you will need
- to find and download those versions as they occur.
- The author maintains a current copy available for internet FTP.
- ftp://redshift.com/arcatpet/imgV32/imgv32.zip. There is a jump
- from the ImgViewer/32 web page at
- http://www.redshift.com/~arcatpet/imgv32.html
- On America OnLine, use the Keyword "ArcataPet" to reach the
- author's forum. Current versions will be in the library of
- that forum.
- On Compuserve, recent versions can be found in several forums,
- The author does not maintain a presence on other online
- services such as MSN and Prodigy, but recent copies are still
- usually found there.
- Registered users who do not have online access may get a disk copy
- from the author for a fee of $5 ($7 non-US). Send a short note
- indicating your registered status and requesting the latest copy.
- Please use the same name under which you ordered originally.
- IX. Purchase and Distribution.
- ImgViewer/32 is shareware. Free use is extended to any user
- for an evaluation period of 30 days. For use to be continued,
- the program must be registered with the author. Price is $25.00.
- California residents please add $1.81 sales tax, and non-US
- buyers should include $2.00 for airmail shipping. All
- funds should be drawn on a US Dollar account. A convenient form
- for ordering is included in the Help file (and may be
- printed from there).
- As a purchase incentive, the author will provide on request two
- free scanned images from your original prints or slides, when sent
- with the order.
- Commercial use: ImgViewer/32 may be used commercially, as long as there is
- a registered copy for each computer/terminal that is using it.
- Bulk licensing is available.
- You may freely distribute ImgViewer/32 as long as no fees are charged
- for the program, and all necessary files are included. Commercial
- Shareware vendors should read the included VENDINFO.DIZ file for
- details. If you are a registered user, do not distribute the file
- IV32_REG.KEY, which identifies you as the user (This identification
- shows up in the "About" box).
- X. ASP Ombudman Statement
- This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
- directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
- resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
- technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
- Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX
- 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP
- Ombudsman 70007,3536