home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- pcANYWHERE32 for Windows 95 and Windows NT Version 8.0
- Copyright 1997 Symantec Corp. All Rights Reserved. 08AUG97
- ======================================================================
- Thank you for choosing pcANYWHERE32
- If you experience problems with pcANYWHERE32, please check the manual
- and this document for any information that may pertain to your
- problem. If this information does not help, you can contact Symantec
- Technical Support at (541) 465-8430. We also provide the following
- online service and support options:
- Symantec BBS (541)484-6669
- CompuServe Type "GO SYMANTEC" at any prompt
- America Online Type keyword "SYMANTEC"
- Internet HTTP://WWW.SYMANTEC.COM (information only)
- FTP.SYMANTEC.COM (downloads only)
- News Server Service.symantec.com
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- * The 30-day trail version will allow potential customers to test
- drive a fully functional version of pcANYWHERE32, with the following
- enhancements/constraints:
- * The user will not be able to re-install on the same machine (PC)
- after the 30-day time-out. The disks may be used on a different
- PC, however.
- * On startup, a dialog box will indicate the number of days until
- expiration. The user must press "I Agree" button in order to run
- the product.
- * During the last five (5) days of the trail period an additional
- dialog will remind the user of expiration and also offer purchase
- information.
- * In addition, to the above dialog boxes, the "About Box" of
- pcANYWHERE32 30-day version, will indicate the number of days left
- in the trial period.
- * This 30-day version will not allow for an administrator install.
- If you run setup /A it will display a message saying that it is
- not supported for evaluation.
- ======================================================================
- This file includes additions and changes to the printed manual. It
- also includes important upgrade, troubleshooting and compatibility
- information.
- Please read this information before using pcANYWHERE.
- This document is organized into three sections:
- 1. Installation
- 2. Compatibility
- 3. Corrections and Additions
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 1.1 Upgrading from a previous Version of pcANYWHERE32
- -------------------------------------------------
- If you have a previous version of pcANYWHERE32 installed either
- uninstall the previous version FIRST then install version 8.0
- OR install directly over your existing version. Attempting to keep
- both versions can cause pcANYWHERE version 8.0 not to function
- correctly.
- ---------------------
- * Administrators creating a pcANYWHERE32 NT workstation installation
- from a network drive need to alter the "Add Be A Host" template
- before workstation users begin to create Host session items. The
- default template setting "Run as a Service" should be unchecked if
- Host items files are stored on the network. Host files stored on a
- network drives will not launch if "Run as a Service" is checked.
- * Do not restrict access to the pcANYWHERE installation directory by
- setting callers' security privileges to "No Access". Callers must be
- given read-access to these files.
- * In order to access Administrator options, a workstation install must
- be performed on the Administrator's machine. If the /A option is
- invoked without first installing a workstation, you will not be
- prompted for an Administrator password.
- * If Host or caller files are located on a network drive, you will not
- have access to the "Launch Host at startup" feature.
- 1.3 Standalone Installations
- ------------------------
- It is not recommended to install the standalone version of
- pcANYWHERE32 on your network. Installing the standalone version
- on the network instead of the local drive will cause a "Device file
- aw_host.386 cannot be found" error upon reboot after the
- installation. If you wish to use pcANYWHERE32 from the network
- please install a workstation installation.
- 1.4 International Installations
- ---------------------------
- Installing the International English version of pcANYWHERE32 on
- a PC that has a Internationalized Symantec product already installed
- will cause your existing LiveUpdate to be replaced by International
- English version of LiveUpdate.
- 1.5 BackOffice Installation
- -----------------------
- The Package Distribution File (PDF) required for System
- Management Server software distribution is located in the
- \BKOFFICE directory. Import the PCAW32.PDF file using the Import
- utility within the System Management Server Administrator when
- creating a new pcANYWHERE32 package. Copy the contents of all
- seven disks located in \installs\pca32 into ONE directory on your
- BackOffice server. For more information on how to setup and
- distribute applications from your BackOffice server please refer
- to the SMS documentation.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 2.1 pcANYWHERE 5.0 for DOS
- pcANYWHERE 2.0 for Windows
- pcANYWHERE 7.x for Windows 95 and Windows NT
- --------------------------------------------
- * pcANYWHERE 2.0x TCP/IP Hosts can be made visible to a pcANYWHERE32
- Remote browse list in two different ways:
- 1. Specify the Host IP explicitly on the Remote TCP/IP browse list,
- located under Application Options, or
- 2. Enhance TCP/IP on older pcANYWHERE 2.0 Hosts with the file
- (AWCMTCP.DLL). This file is included in the self extracting file
- Ports_20.exe which is available on the Symantec BBS or Symantec
- forum on CompuServe.
- * Executing an AutoXfer(tm) procedure with a previous version of
- pcANYWHERE will "End session when finished" even when this feature
- is not enabled.
- * Simultaneous File Transfer and Remote Control is only supported
- between pcANYWHERE 7.5 or later Hosts and Remotes.
- * If you experience slow performance when connected to a pcANYWHERE32
- host (version 7.5 or higher) from pcANYWHERE 5.0 for DOS or 2.0
- for Windows remote try turning off the remote's cache file.
- * Previous versions of pcANYWHERE (2.0, and 7.x) do not support
- Host conferencing. pcANYWHERE v8.0 Conferencing hosts will be
- shown as BUSY in version 2.0 and 7.x remote host lists.
- * Data Conversion
- Under NT, when converting pcANYWHERE configuration files
- configiured for IPX the connection type will be changed to SPX.
- The master password from a previous installation of pcANYWHERE 2.0x
- should be disabled before converting files.
- Data files configured as "Shared" under a previous Administrator
- installation of pcANYWHERE cannot be converted to pcANYWHERE32.
- 2.2 NORTON UTILITIES 2.0 for 95 and NT
- ----------------------------------
- Users of Norton System Doctor should disable notification when
- operating a pcANYWHERE32 host. When rebooting a host machine
- remotely, Norton System Doctor message dialogs may keep the
- pcANYWHERE host from resetting properly.
- 2.3 NORTON ANTIVIRUS 2.0 for 95 and NT
- ----------------------------------
- If you have your pcANYWHERE32 Host set to Launch at Startup
- and you reboot your host computer NAV might halt the reboot process
- when a virus is found.
- To allow NAV to inoculate the virus and complete the
- reboot so that you may reconnect to your host computer set the
- following options in NAV.
- 1. In the Alert tab set "Remove Alert Dialog after __ Seconds" to
- a numeric value.
- 2. In the Inoculation tab Disable "Inoculate Boot Records and
- System Files" to skip this action
- OR
- Set Inoculation to "Inoculate Automatically" for when an item
- has not been inoculated or changed.
- 3. In the Auto-Protect tab set "When a Virus is Found" to "Repair
- Automatically"
- 2.4 WinFAX Fax/Data Call Discrimination
- -----------------------------------
- In order for WinFax to give control of an incoming telephone call to a
- waiting pcANYWHERE32 Host, the WinFax feature "Call Discrimination"
- must be enabled. For more information, consult your WinFax User
- Manual.
- To enable Fax/Data Call Discrimination follow the procedure below:
- For WinFAX 7.x:
- 1. In Winfax, click on "Setup" drop down menu and then click on
- "Receive".
- 2. Enable "Direct data calls to an available data communications
- program"***.
- 3. Enable "Automatically answer incoming calls"
- 4. Click on OK.
- 5. Start WINFAX (see below)
- For WinFAX 8.0:
- 1. In Winfax, click on "Setup" drop down menu and then click on
- "Receive".
- 2. Enable "Automatically answer incoming calls"
- 3. Click on the "Advanced Tab and enable "Direct data calls to
- an available data communications program"***.
- 4. Click on OK.
- ***If this option is greyed out, visit http://service.symantec.com
- and use Symantec's "Support Genie". Select WinFax 8.0 as the
- product and specify "call discrimination" as the problem
- description.
- Starting WinFAX
- 1. Run WinFAX or the Commbar utility (in verion 7.x) or the
- Controller (in version 8.0)
- 2. Start the pcANYWHERE32 Host. WinFAX will answer the call.
- If it is a FAX call, WinFAX will handle it. If it is
- a data call, WinFAX will hand the call off to pcANYWHERE32.
- Note: FAX/DATA/VOICE will require a specific dialing sequence or with
- WinFAXPRO 8.0, a DATA only mailbox may be set up.
- **Important**
- Certain USRobotics 28.8 modems, with EPROM dates predating '96,
- do not handle call discrimination properly. Please contact USRobotics
- for information on how to obtain the newer chipset.
- ----------
- * For optimal performance under Windows NT, it is recommended
- that pcANYWHERE32 NT Hosts are configured to "Run as a Service".
- * Those who see a performance decrease when opening a DOS window on a
- pcANYWHERE32 NT Host can improve the speed by altering NT tasking,
- located under System in the Control Panel. The default setting
- should be changed from "Best Foreground Application Response
- Time", to "Foreground and Background tasks equally responsive".
- Under Microsoft NT 4.0, go to the control panel, click "System",
- click the "Performance" tab and mode the slider bar all the way to
- the LEFT. Foreground and background tasks are now equally
- responsive.
- * If you have problems with your remote keyboard (such as non-ALT keys
- selecting menus) when connected to a pcANYWHERE32 NT Host, try
- individually pressing the ESC, Left and Right Shift, ALT, or
- CTRL keys.
- * You may experience difficulty changing desktop resolution and color
- depth under Windows NT 4.0 in certain conditions such as installing
- new video card hardware or changing between VGA (safe mode) and
- back again.
- To resolve this problem:
- 1. Uninstall pcANYWHERE32
- 2. Within the NT Control Panel, change to the proper resolution
- 3. Reinstall pcANYWHERE32
- * When connected to a pcANYWHERE32 host under Windows NT 4.0, the use
- of non-standard cursors (Ex. High-colored or animated) may cause
- unpredictable results, such as improper translation of the cursor
- on the remote and/or markedly slowed session performance.
- * If you are using a pcANYWHERE DOS 5.x remote to connect to an NT 4.0
- host and encounter video problems, set the host video mode selection
- to run in "Compatibility" mode.
- * If you are using NT Authentication and you are using an NT Domain
- user to login into to a pcANYWHERE host then that user must be given
- the Log On Locally right. If the the NT Domain user account does not
- have this NT User right you will not be able to login to your host.
- * NT 4.0 Hosts configured for SPX protocol will remain in the remote's
- SPX host list as an available host after the host has been canceled.
- To solve this problem you must add the SAP agent to your HOST'S
- Network configuration.
- To add the SAP agent perform the following steps on your NT host:
- 1. Open Control Panel,
- 2. Select Network
- 3. Select Services
- 4. Select ADD button
- 5. Select SAP AGENT from the list
- Note: If you have a service pack already installed it must be
- reapplied after adding the SAP Agent.
- * If you unlock your NT Workstation and you see a screen with the
- color of your desktop but nothing else, it appears that you are
- stuck. You can perform the following steps to get out of this
- condition:
- 1. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to bring up the NT Security Dialog.
- 2. Select either "Logoff..." or "Shutdown...".
- 3. During the Logoff / Shutdown process NT will prompt you to save
- any unsaved work.
- 4. When you are presented with the NT Logon Screen, either by Logoff
- or Shutdown (and the corresponding reboot), the problem will be
- gone and you can re-log into Windows NT."
- 2.6 WINDOWS 95
- ----------
- * On Windows 95 remotes only, when selecting CTRL+ALT+DEL in session,
- the CTRL and ALT key are left in the depressed state on the host. In
- session, it may appear as if the keyboard is locked. To correct
- this, the key may be toggled again on the remote or the focus can be
- changed to the remote desktop and back to the pcANYWHERE terminal
- window.
- * If you have Microsoft's Dialup Networking v1.2 for Windows 95
- installed, it is recommended that you update to the latest version
- of Winsock 2. For more information about this update and how to
- install it please contact Microsoft.
- 2.7 International Issues
- --------------------
- * Currently the Connection Dialog Host List does not support Double
- Byte Character Sets (DBCS). This may cause some displaying problems.
- You will still be able to connect to the Host, but the name will
- contain different characters.
- * NEC PC98 users - If your ALT key (GRPH) locks in session, contact
- NEC or your computer distributor for the keyboard driver upgrade,
- with the filename KBD98UPD.EXE.
- --------------
- * Multiple sessions using IPX connections are not supported under
- Microsoft Windows 95.
- * pcANYWHERE32 SPX Host lists are supported under Windows NT 3.51
- ONLY if the Novell Netware client for Windows NT is installed.
- * The NetWare Client for NT must be installed BEFORE pcANYWHERE32
- is installed. If you install the client after pcANYWHERE32 is
- installed you will lose functionality for both the client and
- To properly install both the client and pcANYWHERE32 perform
- the following steps:
- 1. Uninstall pcANYWHERE32
- 2. Install the Netware client for NT
- 3. Install pcANYWHERE32
- ------------------------
- pcANYWHERE32 has been tested on the following multiprocessor
- computers:
- Micron Millennia SMP Power Server (2 processors)
- Hewlett Packard Netserver (4 processors)
- Hewlett Packard Vectra XU (2 processors)
- Compaq Proliant 2500 (2 processors)
- If you are planning to use pcANYWHERE on another multiprocessor
- computer, Symantec recommends that you test pcANYWHERE on that
- computer before using it in a production environment.
- 2.10 Banyan Vines
- ------------
- Multiple sessions using Banyan Vines connections are not currently
- supported under Microsoft Windows 95 and NT 3.51/4.0
- 2.11 CAPI
- ----
- AVM/A1 cards running the North American CAPI drivers (Windows 95) do
- not support channel bonding. Checking "Attempt Channel Bonding" in
- pcANYWHERE32 may produce unpredictable results.
- Contact AVM for information on updated drivers.
- If you plan to use channel bonding, make sure the host option called
- "attempt channel bonding" is enabled on the pcANYWHERE32 host.
- 2.12 Infrared
- --------
- In-session video performance on NT and 95 could be slowed when using
- Microsoft's Infrared driver. To avoid this problem perform the
- following steps:
- 1. Open Control Panel and select Infrared
- 2. Select Monitor Preferences
- 3. Disable the option "Display the Infrared Icon in Taskbar"
- ----------------------------------------
- If you experience problems with a 3D graphics accelerator video
- adapter, you may need to disable some of the adapter's advanced
- accelerator features.
- * Testing with the Matrox Millenium indicates that the PowerGDI
- Acceleration option should be disabled when the adapter is used
- with a pcANYWHERE32 Host.
- * Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 - If you observe horizontal lines on your
- desktop when windows are dragged, contact Diamond
- (www.diamondmm.com) for the latest Windows 95 drivers,
- version posted 12/10/96, 3D952104.EXE
- 2.14 MODEMS
- ------
- If you experience connection problems using modems under WIN95, try
- lowering the default FIFO buffer settings, or changing the default
- data rate. These options are found in the modem's Connection
- property page, under the headings "Port Settings" and "Maximum
- Speed".
- --------------
- * To avoid conflicts with the Remote Access Service and pcANYWHERE
- modem hosts, a pcANYWHERE network host should be setup instead.
- For more information, refer to the pcANYWHERE manual under
- "Remote Networking".
- * After successfully configuring a Remote Networking item, a
- pcANYWHERE32 Remote Control item named "RAS" is created in the
- Remote Control window. This item is not to be used for your
- dial-up networking connections. Click "Remote Networking" and
- choose the appropriate item.
- --------------------
- Many older and low-end PC's use 8250 UART chips for their serial
- ports. These chips do not adequately support large amounts of data at
- high data rates. To get the best performance from pcANYWHERE and other
- communication applications, you should use a serial I/O card with a
- 16550A UART or similar chip. These are available at many computer
- stores.
- 2.17 MICROSOFT QuikRes
- -----------------
- Changing the pcANYWHERE host desktop resolution or color depth
- on-the-fly with the freeware program "QuikRes" may cause the host to
- lose desktop optimization or end the connection.
- 2.18 Video Conferencing
- ------------------
- * To configure your video conferencing software to work with
- pcANYWHERE complete the following steps:
- On your PC that will act as the pcANYWHERE remote:
- 1. Go to your start menu and select Run
- 2. Select Browse and locate your pcANYWHERE install directory.
- For example, the default install directory is c:\PROGRAM FILES\
- 3. Locate the file Videocon.exe and execute it.
- 4. Enter the correct path where the video conferencing software
- program is located on your host PC.
- 5. If you want to pass a TCP/IP address to your video
- conferencing software enter the software's command line switch.
- 6. Select OK
- On your PC that will act as the pcANYWHERE host:
- 1. Start the pcANYWHERE TCPIP host
- 2. Start the CuSeeMe Listener feature on your pcANYHERE host
- Complete the connection
- 1. Establish a pcANYWHERE TCPIP connection between the remote and
- host
- 2. ON the Remote's In-session toolbar select the Video Conferencing
- button.
- 2.19 Nuts & Bolts software
- ---------------------
- PcANYWHERE will not function under Windows 95 if the "Write protect
- all VxD's and System Memory" item within the Bomb Shelter component
- is enabled. This item is enabled by default. Disable this item and
- pcANYWHERE will function with this software.
- -----------------------------
- PcANYWHERE users owning FTP Corporations' OnNet Stack do not have
- access to the SPX device protocol under pcANYWHERE32.
- ------------------------
- Network administrators may configure their network security to allow
- TCP/IP connections over the Internet. pcANYWHERE32 uses two ports,
- 5631 and 5632, which must be left open by the system administrator
- to allow connections through the firewall.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- --------------------
- *You can use the following command line options from the DOS prompt to
- start Gateways, Hosts, Remotes, or Online functions:
- <path to pcaw32>\AWHOST32.EXE <path to pcaw32>\data\<file>.bhf
- <path to pcaw32>\AWREM32.EXE <path to pcaw32>\data\<file>.chf
- <path to pcaw32>\AWGATE32.EXE <path to pcaw32>\data\<file>.gwf
- <path to pcaw32>\AWONL32.EXE <path to pcaw32>\data\<file>.osf
- You can now use a command line option to have a pcANYWHERE host call
- a remote. At the command prompt, type:
- AWHOST32.EXE <file>.BHF /c (for Windows 95)
- AWHOST32.EXE <file>.BHF /d /c (for Windows NT)
- NOTE: This command will not work if the host is waiting on two devices
- * Scripts may be executed from the command line by using the following
- syntax:
- <path to pcaw32>\AWREM32.EXE <path><scriptname>.scr
- * Allow host to specify the remote's phone number from the command
- line when the host is calling the remote.
- Format:
- <path to pcaw32>\AWHOST32.EXE <path to pcaw32>\data\<file>.bhf /cN
- Where:
- N - is the phone number you wish to dial (Ex. 1234567)
- The phone number can be at most 30 digits.
- <file>.bhf - is a host file configured for modem or TAPI.
- Example:
- AWHOST32.EXE c:\program files\pcanywhere\data\modem.bhf /c1234567
- 3.2 Stophost Utility
- ----------------
- This utility is used to cancel waiting pcANYWHERE32 hosts outside
- the pcANYWHERE application. This utility is useful when used in
- a DOS batch file or a NetWare login script, thus giving you the
- ability to cancel pcANYWHERE hosts on one or more workstations
- on your network. The Stophost.exe utility can be found in your
- pcANYWHERE installation directory.
- 3.3. Encrpytion
- ----------
- pcANYWHERE provides two unsupported utilities (MACHKEY.EXE and
- CertCons.exe) to help configure and manage your OS's encryption
- configuration. For more information on these utilities refer to
- the crypto.txt file located in your pcANYWHERE installation
- directory.
- 3.4 Host Conferencing
- -----------------
- * It is recommended that the host conferencing PC be a Pentium
- class computer, especially if a large number of remotes
- (i.e. 50 or more) will be connecting to the conferencing host.
- * Host Conferencing does not support encryption. If you attempt
- to start an encryption-enabled Conferencing host a message
- will appear indicating encryption will not be used and continue
- to load the TCP/IP Conferencing host. Remotes connecting to the
- Conferencing Host will drop down to the NONE encryption level
- upon connection.
- 3.5 Host Administrator
- ------------------
- To manipulate host services on other NT PCs outside of an NT Domain,
- both the PC running the Host Administrator and the NT PCs you wish to
- manipulate must have the same NT account name, password, and
- Administrator rights. This does not apply when manipulating pcANYWHERE
- host services on NT PCs within a domain. In this scenario all NT PCs
- need only to be logged into the Domain with any account with
- Administrator rights.
- 3.6 Fault Tolerant Booting
- ----------------------
- Because all hardware works differently, pcAnywhere 8.0 may be
- incompatible with your video card or the drivers that it uses.
- pcAnywhere has a built-in mechanism to detect this and disables
- itself when this type of scenario comes up.
- If, while your computer is booting up, you see it reboot itself
- for no apparent reason, it may be that pcAnywhere has noticed
- this scenario and is in the process of disabling itself.
- Please note that pcAnywhere does not completely disable itself,
- it just changes the defaulted Video Acceleration Mode to Video
- Compatibility Mode which works with all video cards and drivers.
- 3.7 File Transfer/Virus Scanning
- ----------------------------
- pcANYWHERE32 will not scan files contained within ZIP files for
- viruses during file transfers when the "Virus Check All Downloadable
- Files" option is enabled.
- -----------------------
- Under Security Options, the feature "Prompt to confirm connection"
- will only function for those callers that are not SuperUsers (that
- is, those who have individual caller privileges defined).
- 3.9 Drive Security
- --------------
- When Floppy Drive Access under Drive security for a Caller is set to
- NO ACCESS you may encounter a "Media Not Present or Not Formatted
- error" when using Windows 95 features such as My Computer or Explorer.
- However, some third party applications installed on the Windows 95
- host may be able to access the floppy drive, but they will not see
- any data. For example, Norton Antivirus will scan a floppy, but the
- file scan will be zero since it could not access files the floppy
- drive.
- 3.10 Voice/Data Switching
- --------------------
- In NT 3.51 certain modem strings are issuing an X4 command
- (Send no dialtone if dial tone is not detected in approximately
- 5 seconds). For voice first connections the modem is not going
- to hear a dial tone and if a carrier is not detected before the
- time out a NO CONNECTION will result. To avoid this problem use
- the ATX0 command (blind dial, ignore dial tone and busy signal)
- in the Extra Modem Commands field.
- 3.11 Gateways
- --------
- * Modem In/SPX out gateways running on NT 3.51 will not display an
- SPX host list when a pcANYWHERE remote dials into the gateway.
- To get around this you must type both the name of a host PC
- and the phone number in your Remote objects property Settings
- dialog. Ex. 123-4567@SPX_HOST_NAME
- * Gateways do not support the Callback feature. If a gateway
- dials into a host configured for callback the gateway will not
- connect the waiting remote to the host when the host calls back.
- The gateway will return to waiting mode.
- ---------------
- * The script command "LOAD CONFIG" is no longer supported. Use the
- commands "LOAD ONLSVCINFO" or "LOAD HOSTINFO" instead.
- * pcANYWHERE32 v8.0 scripting language is now year 2000 compatible.
- All date functions now require four digit values and will not
- work when executed in version 7.x. If your version 8.0 script
- does NOT contain date functions then your script should operate
- correctly when executed in version 7.x.
- 3.13 OLE
- ---
- * pcANYWHERE Host objects do not support OLE when they are "Run as a
- service." Disable this feature when launching Host objects embedded
- within other applications or run from the file manager.
- * The OLE service must be installed and activated under Windows NT
- 3.51 before installing pcANYWHERE32; otherwise, you might receive an
- "OLE Initialization failed" message when running pcANYWHERE32.
- 3.14 Active Windows Tracking
- -----------------------
- To enable sound with Active Windows Tracking on your remote PC add
- the following DWORD registry Key:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\CurrentVersion
- \WINAW32\Sounds\WindowTrackingSound
- 1 - turns the sound ON during window tracking
- 0 - turns the sound OFF during window tracking
- When the key does not exist the default is no sound.
- 3.15 Mouse Synchronization
- ---------------------
- If you are experiencing mouse synchronization problems enable the
- Synchronize Mouse Buttons option in the Applications Option's Remote
- Operation tab on your remote.
- 3.16 TCP/IP
- ------
- * When specifying TCP/IP Host names to connect to, lowercase extended
- ASCII characters (e.g. "÷") cannot be used, or the name will not
- appear on the list of available Hosts.
- * The pcANYWHERE32 TCP/IP driver now supports browsing for Hosts at
- connection time. While the default configuration of this feature
- will work fine for most users, you may need to make some
- adjustments on your system. To do this, you will need to use the
- Windows Registry Editor. See your Windows documentation for more
- information.
- The following Registry items affect the ability to browse and
- connect to pcANYWHERE32 TCP/IP Hosts:
- TCPIPBrowseDelay -
- Allows the user to set the delay used when creating the Remote's
- browse list. For a RAS connection, start with a setting of 11. If
- the complete Host list is not received over a WAN connection,
- start this value at 2 and increase until the entire Host list is
- displayed.
- DisplayInHostList -
- This item can be altered for pcANYWHERE32 Hosts that do not wish
- to appear in a Remote's browse list, when the Remote is scanning
- the network. The default for this setting is 1. To keep the Host
- from being displayed on a browse list, assign the registry key a
- value of zero.
- TCPIPConnectIfUnknown -
- Use this feature if your Internet service provider filters
- UDP packets. Test this by specifying a known pcANYWHERE32
- Host in the TCP/IP Host list. If the status remains "unknown",
- set the DWORD to 1. (Connecting to a Host whose status is known,
- but is actually busy, will correctly result in a blank screen).
- TCPIPNetBroadcast -
- Allows you to control TCP/IP network broadcasts for those users
- who would like to limit their network traffic. Create this key
- as a DWORD and give it value of 0, 1, or 2 depending on the
- TCP/IP Broadcast you wish to implement. The default value is 1.
- 0 - Turns off all TCP/IP Broadcasts, as a result, only those
- hosts specified in applications options - TCP/IP host list
- will appear in a remoteÆs TCP/IP browse list.
- 1 - This option is best when accessing pcANYWHERE TCP/IP hosts
- thru the Internet and on Wide area networks. However, this
- option sends the most TCP/IP packets on your network.
- 2 - Use this value to have pcANYWHERE send a typical TCP/IP
- Broadcast packet on your network. This option sends less
- TCP/IP packets than value 1.
- Note: If your network router filters these Broadcast
- packets you will not be able access pcANYWHERE hosts
- thru this router.
- TCPIPQueryInterval -
- Usually this item will be used to limit network traffic.
- Sometimes the additional network queries to refresh the browse
- list will interfere with getting status lights or making
- connections. If the user is having a problem getting the status
- lights to turn green, change this value to a very high one such
- as 1000. Also, set this registry item to a high value, if the
- user is getting a message that a known ready host is busy when
- trying to connect to that host and UDP packets are not filtered.
- It is especially important to increase this value if the
- TCPIPBrowseDelay value has been increased, because it is
- difficult to connect if the network query is going on at the
- same time. This DWORD registry item allows the user to adjust
- the amount of delay in seconds between the network broadcasts
- used to refresh the host list. The default is 50 seconds.
- The minimum setting is 30 seconds. A setting of zero turns off
- all list updates.
- To add or modify these Registry entries, use the following steps:
- 1. Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE or REGEDT32.EXE)
- 2. Edit the key:
- 3. Create or edit the DWORD value with the TCP/IP browse option name.
- 4. Assign the desired value to the entry.