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Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSERe LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom WINRECTSTRUCT origX origY _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo detect32 GetComPort32 detect16 GetComPort16 detect32 Readme32 detect16 Readme16 Doing verbose.A Found -p0...so pull create of $$$PLTOK.TXT.A Found -p1...so do Normal CDROM install.A Found -p2...so do SILENT'R install.A Found -p3...so do Automated install.A U.S. Roboticsa PalmPilot Desktopa 2.0a pilot.exe pilot PalmPilot Desktop 2.0! PalmPilot 2.0 requires Windows 95 or Windows NT. Please install Pilot Desktop 1.0 for Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups.A image.bmp_ Welcome to the Lotus Organizer HotSync Installation program. aE This program will install Organizer HotSync Manager on your system. Welcomeb5 svOriginalDirectory is: b CRB-svOldPilotVersion is: b0 CRB-svOldHotSyncVersion is: b1 At REMOVE_PRODUCT. PalmPilot Desktopa has been removed from your system. Upgrade PalmPilot Desktop$ Setup detected PalmPilot Desktop b0 with Organizer PalmPilot Synchronization Software$ in the Destination Directory below. If you have not performed a HotSync with your PalmPilot, please cancel the setup now. We recommend installing $ PalmPilot Desktop$ in the Destination Directory. If an alternate directory is selected, Setup will install a new version of $ PalmPilot Desktop$ in the designated directory without migrating your current user data. ProceedFurther:Upgrade it is., ProceedFurther:Upgrade it is NOT. detect32.dll READPALM.TXTa READPALM.TXT! Read me( Do you want to view the README file now?A READPALM.TXT Failed copy readme fileA Create User Account$ Please enter your user name (e.g., John Smith) that will aA be used to identify your PalmPilot as well as serve as your user $ ID on PalmPilot Desktop. User NameR$ User name can't exceed %d charactersA PIM typeJ PIM OnlyA PIM with Group SchedulingA Select type of PIMa/ Select type of PIM system you're installing fora Select PIM Only to run with Organizer in personal information manager only mode. Select PIM with Group Scheduling for use with Lotus Notes release 4.5.a PIM with Group Scheduling! Group Scheduling is not yet available Defaulting to PIM OnlyA FileComponents Select the components you want to install. Note: when reinstalling, components you unselect will be removed. New Installation Requested$ The Destination Directory has been altered from the original a< upgrade Directory. Setup will create a new installation of $ PalmPilot Desktop$ instead of upgrading the existing PalmPilot Desktop. Made bvUpgrade FALSE 001., Made bvUpgrade TRUE 001. Made bvUpgrade TRUE 003. Upgrade Re-requested$ The Destination Directory is now the same as the old PalmPilot Desktop directory. a3 Setup will upgrade the existing PalmPilot Desktop. a certain message a certain message 002 New Installation Requested$ The Destination Directory has been altered from the original installation directory - b Setup will create a new installation of $ PalmPilot Desktop$ in this new location - $ Existing user data will be left alone, but will not be moved.$ Please review the README.TXT file for more information. a certain message 003# a certain message 004 ReInstall Re-requested$ The Destination Directory is set back to the original location of a1 the existing installation. Setup will reinstall $ PalmPilot Desktop$ Organizer PalmPilot Synchronization Software! PalmPilot Tutorial (requires 256 color video)! Word Macros (supports v2.0, 6.0, 7.0)! Excel Macros! Mail! Expense! Please pick at least one component to installA Create User Account$ Please enter your user name (e.g., John Smith) that will aA be used to identify your PalmPilot as well as serve as your user $ ID on PalmPilot Desktop. User NameR$ Please enter user name* User name can't exceed %d charactersA Organizer HotSync 1.0 Select Program Group$ Setup will add program icons to the Program Group listed below.a? You may type a new group name, or select one from the existing$ group list. Click Next to continue. Lotus tutor Lotus1.bmpa Lotus1.bmp In the following dialog you will select the serial port for a: HotSync. Setup can detect the status of your serial ports $ automatically. Please remove your PalmPilot from the cradle.$ Do you want Setup to automatically detect your $ serial ports? Serial Port Setup! At TransferFiles.$ svOriginalDirectory is: b svTarget is: b Calling RemovePilotFiles. Pilot Desktop 2.0A Organizer HotSync 1.0 helpnote helpnote comports.wria comports.wri! files20.wria files20.wri! pinstnts.wria pinstnts.wri! Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Copying Tutorial Files...d Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Done with File copying......." Do special case procesing.# Installation complete.( Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa Setupa NewUserb$ Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera DirectComPortb* Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera ModemComPortb+ Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera ModemComPortb* At if(bvUPgrade). SdFinishReboot failed.A redir20.exe redir20.exe hotsync.exe3 pilottut.exe3 Setup has completed installation of Organizer HotSync. It is now aB necessary to reboot your system for these changes to take effect. Restart Windowsb Can't set billboardA Can't get extentA Installing a Organizer HotSync Software 1.0 SetupA Directory: b User Name: b$ Folder Name: b Install Tutorial: b pilot.ini& pilot.ini& pilot.ini% Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop Address Booka drag0a. Word.Document.6\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverA Address Booka drag1a, Excel.Sheet.5\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverA Component0a Conduita OrgDate.dllA Component0a Creatora 1684108389A Component0a Directorya datebookA Component0a File0a datebook.datA Component0a Modulea date20.dllA Component0a Remote0a DatebookDBA Component1a Conduita OrgAddr.dllA Component1a Creatora 1633969266A Component1a Directorya addressA Component1a File0a address.datA Component1a Modulea addr20.dllA Component1a Remote0a AddressDBA Component2a Conduita OrgToDo.dllA Component2a Creatora 1953457263A Component2a Directorya todoA Component2a File0a todo.datA Component2a Modulea todo20.dllA Component2a Remote0a ToDoDBA Component3a Conduita OrgMemo.dllA Component3a Creatora 1835363695A Component3a Directorya memopadA Component3a File0a memopad.datA Component3a Modulea memo20.dllA Component3a Remote0a MemoDBA Corea Pathb hotsync.exe Corea HotSyncPathb5 pilottut.exe Corea TutorialPathb5 DateBooka EventFonta+ -9,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,1,2,1,34,"Small Fonts"A HotSync Managera BackupConduita bakcn20.dllA HotSync Managera InstallConduita inscn20.dllA HotSync Managera Notifier0a pdn20.dllA Memo Pada drag0a. Word.Document.6\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverA Preferencesa Privatea ToDoa drag0a. Word.Document.6\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverA ToDoa drag1a, Excel.Sheet.5\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverA Software\Lotus\Organizer\ExtensionP Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\Synchronization LogP \SyncLog.dllQ PathA Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\USRobotics Palm PilotP \OrgPilot.dllQ PathA Organizer PalmPilot Synchronization SoftwareA There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Setupb In SetupPilotFileSet Organizer PalmPilot Synchronization Software! Copying Organizer HotSync files... pilot.za program\*.*A pilot.za org_cnd\*.*A pilot.za org_prg\*.*A games pilot.za mfcdlls\*.*B[ update\v2.00 update\v1.00 add-on In SetupPilotFiles, ADD_ON does not exist. After Create for ADD_ON. ret is:b helpnote Graffiti Game (Giraffe)! add-on pilot.za giraffe\*.*A Expense! template expense.za template\*.*A expense.za Mail! add-on mail.za add-on\*.*A Failure 1a Number: %dB failure 1A mail.za Failure 3a Number: %dB failure 3A PalmPilot Tutorial (requires 256 color video)! tutorial.za pilot.tmp! pilot.tmp Disk 1 - Setup, Disk 2, Disk 3, Disk 4, Disk b disk%d.idB Wrong Disk$ Wrong disk, please insert b Setup Needs The Next Disk$ Please insert b Wrong Disk$ Wrong disk, please insert b PalmPilot Desktop! PalmPilot Desktop(Editing Archive)! The HotSync application is running. Organizer HotSync aI Setup will shut down this application before continuing the installation. Pilot Desktop! Pilot Desktop(Editing Archive)! The HotSync application is running. Organizer HotSync aI Setup will shut down this application before continuing the installation. HotSync Manager! The a HotSync Manager$ application is running. Organizer HotSync $ Setup will shut down $ HotSync Manager$ before continuing the installation. In UpdateWin95UninstallRegistry Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Pilot Desktop 2.0 UninstallStringA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA pilot.exe hotsync.exe HotSync Manager 2.0b instapp.exe PalmPilot Install Toolb READPALM.TXT notepad.exe$ Read Me Organizer HotSyncb pilottut.exe PalmPilot Tutorialb instapp.exe expense.prc add-on: "Install Expense"b expsn123.exe //u $ instapp.exe mail.prc add-on: "Install PalmPilot Mail Application"b instapp.exe giraffe.prc add-on: "Install Graffiti Game (Giraffe)"b pilotuni.exe uninst.exe$ UnInstall Organizer HotSyncb Startupa HotSync Manager> Startupa HotSync Manager 1.1> Startupa HotSync Manager 2.0% hotsync.exe Startupa HotSync Manager 2.0b Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa Corea Path2 pilot.exeR pilot.exe pilot20.exeR Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa Corea TutorialPath2 pilottut.exeR pilot.exeR pilot.exe pilot20.exeR Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa Corea HotSyncPath2 hotsync.exeR hotsync.exe hsm20.exeR pilot.exeR pilot.exe pilot20.exeR Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa Corea Path2 Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa Corea Path2 pilot.exeR pilot.exe pilot.exeR pilot.exe Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa Corea HotSyncPath2 hsm20.exe# hotsync.exe# Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera BackupConduit2 hotsync.exeR hotsync.exe bakcond.dll# hotsync.exeR hotsync.exe hsm11.exeR bakcn20.dll# In UninstallPilot In RemovePilotFiles Is VERSION_PILOT10: address.dll) cbase5.dll) datebook.dll) lotus10.tpa) memopad.dll) pilot.exe) pilot.hlp) tables.dll) todo.dll) Is VERSION_PILOT11: address.dll) cbase5.dll) datebook.dll) lotus10.tpa) memopad.dll) pilot11.exe) pilot.hlp) pilot.exe) pilot.hlp) tables.dll) todo.dll) Is VERSION_PILOT20: addr20.dll) date20.dll) imex20.dll) instapp.exe) lotus20.tpa) memo20.dll) pdcmn20.dll) pilot.exe) pilot.hlp) pilot20.exe) pilot20.hlp) table20.dll) todo20.dll) pilottut.exe) pilotuni.exe) READPALM.TXT) uninst.exe) Is VERSION_HOTSYNC10: " Deleting HotSync stuff. hotsync.exe) hotsync.hlp) cmdsrv.dll) addcond.dll) bakcond.dll) comut16.dll) datcond.dll) instcond.dll) memcond.dll) syncmgr.dll) todcond.dll) Is VERSION_HOTSYNC11: " addcn20.dll) bakcn20.dll) cmds11.dll) comut16.dll) custmize.exe) custmize.ico) datcn20.dll) hotsync.exe) hsm11.exe) hotsync.hlp) hsm11.hlp) inscn20.dll) memcn20.dll) sync20.dll) table20.dll) todcn20.dll) addcn20.dll) redir20.exe) bakcn20.dll) cmds20.dll) custmize.exe) custmize.ico) custom.hlp) datcn20.dll) hslog20.dll) hotsync.exe) hsm20.exe) hotsync.hlp) hsm20.hlp) inscn20.dll) memcn20.dll) pdn20.dll) sync20.dll) table20.dll) todcn20.dll) PilotDeInstKey, Pilot Desktop 2.0 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb UninstallString2 *.isuR In RemovePilotFiles, Deleting file: b *.isuR In RemovePilotFolder.( Pilot Desktop 1.0a Pilot Desktop! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Read Me Organizer HotSync! Read Me Organizer HotSynca Pilot Desktop 1.0b5 Pilot Desktop 1.0a Pilot Tutorial! Pilot Desktop 1.0a! "Install Graffiti Game (Giraffe)"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a UnInstall! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Pilot Install Tool! Doing HSM11 folder stuff ???> Pilot Desktop 1.0a Pilot Desktop! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Read Me Organizer HotSync! Read Me Organizer HotSynca Pilot Desktop 1.0b5 Pilot Desktop 1.0a Pilot Tutorial! Pilot Desktop 1.0a! "Install Graffiti Game (Giraffe)"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a UnInstall! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Pilot Install Tool! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Customize! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Custmize! Pilot Desktop 1.0a "Install Expense"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a' "Install Expense PalmPilot Application"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Read Me Expense! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Expense Help! Pilot Desktop 1.0a$ "Install Expenses Pilot Application"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a# "Install Expense Pilot Application"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Expense Report! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a PalmPilot Desktop 2.0! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a Read Me Organizer HotSync! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a PalmPilot Tutorial! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a PalmPilot Install Tool! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a UnInstall Organizer HotSync! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a' "Install Expense PalmPilot Application"! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a "Install Expense"! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a Read Me Expense! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a Expense Help! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a$ "Install PalmPilot Mail Application"! Pilot Desktop 2.0a Pilot Desktop 2.0! Pilot Desktop 2.0a Read Me Organizer HotSync! Pilot Desktop 2.0a Pilot Tutorial! Pilot Desktop 2.0a Pilot Install Tool! Pilot Desktop 2.0a UnInstall! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a Expense Report! Pilot Desktop 2.0a# "Install Expense Pilot Application"! Pilot Desktop 2.0a Read Me Expenses! Pilot Desktop 2.0a Expenses Help! Pilot Desktop 2.0a$ "Install PalmPilot Mail Application"! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Customize! Pilot Desktop 1.0a Custmize! Pilot Desktop 1.0a HotSync Manager! Startupa HotSync Manager! Pilot Desktop 1.0a HotSync Manager 1.1! Startupa HotSync Manager 1.1! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a HotSync Manager 2.0! Startupa HotSync Manager 2.0! Pilot Desktop 2.0a HotSync Manager 2.0! Startupa HotSync Manager 2.0! Unable to create list.A Unable to create subfolders list.A In RemoveRegistry( Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktop, Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop Address Book Component0 Component1 Component2 Component3 DateBook HotSync Manager Memo Pad Preferences Setup ApplicationExpense ApplicationMail Software\Palm Computing, Software\U.S. Robotics Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla PilotDeInstKey Software\Palm Computing Corporation Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs% ctl3d32.dll Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs% mfc30.dll Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs% msvcrt20.dll Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Pilot Desktop 2.0 Software\U.S. Robotics In MigrateOldRegistry Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera DirectComPort2 HotSync Managera DirectComPortb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera ModemComPort2 HotSync Managera ModemComPortb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera Activity2 HotSync Managera Activityb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera Direct2 HotSync Managera Directb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera DirectBaudRate2 HotSync Managera DirectBaudRateb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera ModemBaudRate2 HotSync Managera ModemBaudRateb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera ModemInitString2 HotSync Managera ModemInitStringb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa HotSync Managera ModemType2 HotSync Managera ModemTypeb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa Preferencesa LastUserName2 Preferencesa LastUserNameb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa Preferencesa Private2 Preferencesa Privateb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa Preferencesa Startup2 Preferencesa Startupb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa DateBooka WorkDayBegins2 DateBooka WorkDayBeginsb Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa DateBooka WorkWeekBegins2 DateBooka WorkWeekBeginsb In UninstallOldPilot Previous Installation Detected Please choose one of the following: @12004;1;255,0,255A @12001;1;255,0,255A ReInstall a PalmPilot Desktop$ Recommended for most computers. UnInstall Setup will remove the current copy of PalmPilot Desktop$ Exit Setup$ Setup is not complete. If you quit the Setup program now, the program will not be installed.aM You may run the Setup program at a later time to complete the installation.$ To continue installing the program, click No. To quit the Setup program, click Yes.( $$$PLTOK.TXT! $$$PLTOK.TXT could not be openedA Please do not delete this file. It is used for U.S.Robotics Installation/ReInstallation of Pilot Desktop Software. $$$PLTOK.TXT! Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop! \Application$ \Application$ Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop ApplicationExpensea Conduita expcn20.dllA ApplicationExpensea Creatora 1702391923A ApplicationExpensea Directorya expenseA ApplicationExpensea File0a expense.dbA ApplicationExpensea Modulea Expsn123.exeA ApplicationExpensea Remote0a ExpenseDBA ApplicationExpensea Integratea ApplicationExpensea Namea ExpenseA ApplicationExpensea Prioritya ApplicationExpensea Argumentsa /u "%USERNAME%"A Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop ApplicationMaila Conduita Mail20.dllA ApplicationMaila Creatora 1835100524A ApplicationMaila Directorya MailA ApplicationMaila File0a Mail.datA ApplicationMaila Modulea ApplicationMaila Remote0a MailDBA ApplicationMaila Integratea ApplicationMaila Namea MailA ApplicationMaila Prioritya Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop! Applicationb Conduita NetCond.dllA Applicationb Creatora 1835363695A Applicationb Directorya Applicationb File0a PlaceHolderA Applicationb Integratea Applicationb Modulea PlaceHolderA Applicationb Remote0a PlaceHolderA Applicationb NoDeleteScriptsa Applicationb VerboseLoga Applicationb ClearDatabasea Applicationb DeleteDatabasea In FindDestroyOldAppliRegEntries Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop ApplicationExpense ApplicationMail Upgrade is TRUE, Upgrade is FALSE bvReInstall is TRUE, bvReInstall is FALSE expense.prc$ add-on mail.prc$ add-on upd104.prc% update\v1.00 giraffe.prc$ add-on expense.hlp) expcn20.dll) maptable.xls) expsn123.exe) usrxpens.xla) template palmcomp.xlt) datalist.xlt) sample1.xlt) sample2.xlt) sample3.xlt) sample4.xlt) mail20.dll) mail20.hlp) mail.inf) cdatew32.dll) cfilew32.dll) chrset32.dll) cintlw32.dll) cmdtew32.dll) cmemew32.dll) mapith16.dll) meapi32.dll) medb632.dll) vim32.dll) vmefnw32.dll) cdfw800.dll) cdmw800.dll) cfw800.dll) ciw800.dll) cmw800.dll) mew800.dll) Delete games minehunt.prc% games hardball.prc) puzzle.prc) subhunt.prc) Deleting TECHNOTE stuff$ TARGETDIR is: b helpnote comports.wri) files20.wri) pinstnts.wri) games? helpnote? update? template? Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop Application! Conduit2 Mail20.dll! Failure deleting Mail keya Number: %dB expcn20.dll! Failure deleting Expense keya Number: %dB $$$PLTNO.TXT! addr20.dll) date20.dll) imex20.dll) lotus20.tpa) memo20.dll) pdcmn20.dll) pilot.exe) pilot.hlp) PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a PalmPilot Desktop 2.0! PalmPilot Desktop 2.0a PalmPilot Tutorial! $$$PLTNO.TXT! $$$PLTNO.TXT could not be openedA Please do not delete this file. It is used for U.S.Robotics Installation/ReInstallation of Pilot Desktop Software. Word Macros (supports v2.0, 6.0, 7.0)! palmapp.dota palmapp.dot! Cannot install %s. a= WORD appears to be running. PALMAPP.DOT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Word Macrosb palmapp.dota palmapp.dot palmapp.dota palmapp.dot Excel Macros! palmapp.xlta palmapp.xlt! Cannot install %s. a> EXCEL appears to be running. PALMAPP.XLT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Excel Macrosb palmapp.xlta palmapp.xlt palmapp.xlta palmapp.xlt Word.Document.6\protocol\StdFileEditing\server Cannot install %s. aG WORD does not appear to be installed. PALMAPP.DOT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Word Macrosb winword.exe! Cannot install %s. aG WORD does not appear to be installed. PALMAPP.DOT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Word Macrosb winword.exeR Cannot install %s. aG WORD does not appear to be installed. PALMAPP.DOT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Word Macrosb startup Cannot install %s in %s. a; Your %s may be read-only. PALMAPP.DOT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Word Macrosb Excel.Sheet.5\protocol\StdFileEditing\server Cannot install %s. aH EXCEL does not appear to be installed. PALMAPP.XLT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Excel Macrosb excel.exe! Cannot install %s. aH EXCEL does not appear to be installed. PALMAPP.XLT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Excel Macrosb xlstart Cannot install %s in %s. aE Your %s directory may be read-only. PALMAPP.XLT will be copied to %s.$ Refer to the README.TXT for more information. Errorb6 Excel Macrosb OrganizerFile\shell\open\command Cannot find Organizer. Please install it BEFORE installing HotSyncA org32.exe! Installation ErroraB Cannot find Organizer. Please install it BEFORE installing HotSynca \Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop\HotSync Manager Notifierb Orgnotif.dllB Orgnotif.dll( \SOFTWAREa Lotus% ComponentsR LocalPath2 \SOFTWAREa Lotus% Organizer% 97.1R Path2 \SOFTWAREa Microsoft% Windows% CurrentVersion% App Paths% HOTSYNC.EXE$ \hotsync.exeQ \SOFTWAREa Microsoft% Windows% CurrentVersion% App Paths% HOTSYNC.EXEQ PathA .Default\Software\Lotus\Organizer\97.1, Software\Lotus\Organizer\97.1 UserName! Previous versions of Pilot Desktop and/or HotSync exist. Please remove these copies before installing this softwareA Word.Document.6\protocol\StdFileEditing\server winword.exe! startup palmapp.dot Excel.Sheet.5\protocol\StdFileEditing\server excel.exe! xlstart palmapp.xlt palmapp.xls edit( SETUPSTR862R5 Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb6 _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A GetModuleHandle/ ShowWindow! SetFocus! GetDlgItem! Enable! SetWindowText! IsWindow! GetWindowRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 GetClientRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 SetWindowPos! MoveWindow! PostMessage! InstallShield can not call DLL function: b 3.00.071