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- Lotus Organizer 97 GS U.S. Robotics PalmPilot Readme File
- Organizer 97 GS PIM-only offers support for U.S. Robotics PalmPilot.
- You can combine (or synchronize) entries between your Organizer 97 GS
- PIM-only file and PalmPilot to keep both Organizer and PalmPilot files
- up-to- date. This READPALM.TXT file contains information that isn't
- included in Organizer 97 GS online Help for U.S. Robotics PalmPilot.
- *********************************************************************
- PalmPilot applications available when you install Organizer PalmPilot
- support
- *********************************************************************
- When you install Organizer PalmPilot support, you recieve two
- PalmPilot applications. The first PalmPilot application you receive
- is HotSync, which you use to combine (or synchronize) entries between
- Organizer and PalmPilot. The second PalmPilot application you receive
- is PalmPilot Install Tool. You use PalmPilot Install Tool to find
- files you want to install on PalmPilot which you've downloaded from
- the World Wide Web (the Web) and copied to your computer. After you
- find the files on your computer, you use PalmPilot Install Tool to
- install the files on PalmPilot. Consult your PalmPilot documentation
- for more information on HotSync and PalmPilot Install Tool.
- ********************
- Troubleshooting Tips
- ********************
- > General
- Note Organizer 97 GS PIM-only support for U.S. Robotics PalmPilot
- does not support Windows NT.
- Note The time required to combine (or synchronize) entries the first
- time may vary, depending on the number of entries in your Organizer
- file and PalmPilot.
- Tip Be sure that ALL Edit entry dialog boxes are closed in Organizer
- before you combine (or synchronize) entries. If you leave an Edit
- entry dialog box open, the changes you made to the entry will not be
- combined (or synchronized) in the future.
- Tip If you make changes in the U.S. Robotics PalmPilot dialog box,
- the changes you make will only affect records that you synchronize
- (or combine) after you make the change.
- Tip Untimed, repeating, Date Book events without end dates in
- PalmPilot that you combine (or synchronize) with Organizer will
- appear as repeating entries in Organizerfor a specific period of time.
- Untimed, repeating, Date Book events without end dates in PalmPilot
- that map to daily or weekly Organizer Calendar appointments or
- Anniversary entries will repeat for one year. Untimed, repeating,
- Date Book events without end dates in PalmPilot that map to monthly
- or yearly Organizer Calendar appointments or Anniversary entries
- will repeat until the year 2031. Untimed, repeating, Date Book
- events without end dates in PalmPilot that map to Organizer Planner
- events will also repeat until the year 2031.
- Scenario You try to combine (or synchronize) PalmPilot with your
- Organizer file, which is stored on a network. There is a delay while
- the synchronization is taking place. (In particular, you may
- experience this delay when you first combine (or synchronize) your
- entries.)
- Solution Create a copy of your Organizer file on your computer
- and combine (or synchronize) the PalmPilot entries with this local
- copy of the Organizer file. Copy this Organizer file (which will now
- contain the synchronized PalmPilot entries as updated Organizer
- entries)back to the network.
- > Installation
- Tip Before you combine (or synchronize) Organizer and PalmPilot
- entries for the first time, we recommend that one of the files
- (either Organizer or PalmPilot) is a new (and empty) file. For
- example, create a new Organizer file that doesn't contain any
- entries before you combine (or synchronize) entries from PalmPilot
- for the first time.
- Scenario If you un-install and then re-install the Organizer 97 GS
- PalmPilot program, and then you try to combine (or synchronize) your
- entries, you're unable to do so.
- Solution PalmPilot recommends the following procedure to remove
- possible conflicting entries in the registry and/or the directory.
- 1. Uninstall all versions of Pilot Desktop and HotSync from your
- system.
- 2. Reinstall Pilot Desktop and HotSync on your system.
- Scenario You re-install the Organizer 97 GS PalmPilot program after
- un-installing it. The Install program asks if you want to see the
- available Communication ports. If you do, the Communication port with
- the PalmPilot cradle is marked as "Attached to a modem" and a
- different Communication port is selected incorrectly.
- Solution Disconnect the PalmPilot cradle from the Communication port
- before you reinstall the Organizer 97 GS PalmPilot program. You can
- also manually select the correct Communication port to avoid a
- different Communication port from being selected by default.
- > Address
- Tip If you enter address information (for example street, city,
- state, zip code, and country) into a single PalmPilot custom field,
- be sure to enter the information in the following format:
- Street
- City, State Zip code
- Country
- where:
- "Street" is followed with a single carriage return.
- "City," "State," and "Zip code" are all on the same line, with a
- comma (,) after "City," two spaces after "State," and a carriage
- return after "Zip code."
- "Country" is on a separate line.
- Tip When you combine (or synchronize) Organizer Business Address
- records with PalmPilot, the Ext field from Business Address records
- isn't mapped to a field in the PalmPilot Address entry it maps to.
- You must manually add the information from the Ext field in the
- Organizer Business Address record to a field in the PalmPilot Address
- entry for the extension to appear in the PalmPilot Address entry.
- Tip You can determine how and where information from your Organizer
- Address records will appear in PalmPilot when you synchronize.
- 1. From the Organizer menu, choose File - Extensions - US Robotics
- PalmPilot.
- 2. Click the Address tab.
- 3. Click Options.
- 4. Under "Pilot Address," select "Business" to send information from
- the PalmPilot Address entry fields to the Organizer Business Address
- record fields, or "Home" to send information from the PalmPilot
- Address entry fields to the Organizer Home Address record fields.
- 5. Under "Pilot Custom Fields," select "Other Address" or "Map fields"
- to specify how to map the Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, and Custom4
- fields in the PalmPilot Address entry to fields in the Organizer
- Address record.
- Note You can change the names of the Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, and
- Custom4 fields PalmPilot Address entry fields as a reminder of how
- these fields appear in PalmPilot. For example, if you renamed Custom1
- to contain the name of a spouse, you can enter Spouse next to Custom1
- so that you'll know where this information will appear after you
- synchronize.
- 6. (Optional) If you selected "Map fields," under "Organizer Field,"
- select how you want the field under "Pilot Label" to map when you
- synchronize.
- Note You can select where the fields under "Pilot Label" will appear.
- Under "Organizer Field," choose the Organizer Address record field
- that you want the field under "Pilot Label" to map to when you
- synchronize.
- 7. Click OK.
- Tip You can determine how street, city, state, zip code, and country
- information map between Organizer and PalmPilot. However, the
- remaining fields are automatically mapped for you. Organizer
- prioritizes mapping these Address record fields and PalmPilot
- Address entries when you combine (or synchronize) Organizer Address
- record fields and PalmPilot Address entries. The information that
- appears in your PalmPilot Address entries and your Organizer Address
- records after you combine (or synchronize) your Organizer entries
- with PalmPilot determines where the information appears.
- In the tables below, the fields are listed in order of priority when
- you synchronize. If there's no information in a field, then the field
- with the next lowest priority that contains information appears next
- in your PalmPilot Address entry. For example, if the Business Fax
- field in your Organizer Address record doesn't contain information
- and the Business E-mail field does contain information, then when you
- synchronize, the second field in your PalmPilot Address entry will
- contain information from the Business Email field in your Organizer
- file.
- Organizer Address record field PalmPilot Address entry field
- 1. Business Tel 1 Work
- 2. Home Tel 1 Home
- 3. Business Fax Fax
- 4. Business E-mail E-mail
- 5. Home [Unused1] Mobile
- 6. Home [Unused2] Pager
- 7. Business E-mail 2 Work
- 8. Home E-Mail E-mail
- 9. Home Fax Fax
- 10. Home Tel 2 Home
- PalmPilot Address entry field Organizer Address record field
- Work Business Tel 1, Business Tel 2
- Home Home Tel 1, Home Tel 2
- Fax Work Fax, Home Fax
- Other Work Tel 2, Home Tel 2
- E-mail Work E-mail, Home E-mail
- Main Business Tel 1, Home Tel 1
- Pager Home [Unused1], Home [Unused2]
- Mobile Home [Unused2], Home [Unused1]
- Scenario You create an Address entry in PalmPilot, click Details,
- and select a field from the Show in View box. The field you selected
- appears in the PalmPilot Address List screen with that entry. You
- then combine (or synchronize) entries with Organizer. In Organizer,
- you edit the Organizer Address record the PalmPilot Address entry
- maps to. You combine (or ynchronize) entries again. The PalmPilot
- Address entry you edited in Organizer appears in the PalmPilot
- Address List screen with a field that's different from the field you
- originally selected in the Show in List box.
- Solution If you want the field you originally selected in the Show
- in List box to appear in the Address List view, re-select that field
- in the Show in List box.
- > Anniversary
- Tip You create a repeating Organizer Anniversary entry and then
- combine (or synchronize) with PalmPilot. You edit the date of the
- PalmPilot Date Book event that the Organizer Anniversary entry maps
- to, and then combine (or synchronize) the entry. The edited Date
- Book event maps back to Organizer as a Planner event, because you've
- changed the way that the Anniversary entry repeats.
- Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor software may
- be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
- electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part
- without the prior written consent of Lotus Development Corporation,
- except in the manner described in the software agreement.
- ⌐ Copyright 1991 - 1997
- Lotus Development Corporation.
- All rights reserved.
- 55 Cambridge Parkway
- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
- All rights reserved. Printed in the United States.
- Lotus Organizer, is a registered trademark of Lotus Development
- Corporation. Other products and company names herein may be the
- trademarks of their respective owners.