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- NASCAR Racing 2 Demo
- **** TO ORDER CALL: 1-800-757-7707 ****
- REQUIREMENTS: The demo requires 16MB RAM and a Pentium. The requirements
- for the full product are not determined at this point, but may be lower.
- STARTING THE GAME - After installing the demo, start it from DOS by
- typing N2DEMO <enter>. The demo will automatically run SVGA graphics
- and will use the UniVBE if it is loaded. (See below.)
- WINDOWS 95 - Currently, NASCAR 2 must be run in DOS. If you are using
- Win95, please make sure you restart the computer in MS-DOS mode. We
- hope to be able to run the game from a DOS box within Win95 soon.
- MOUSE - You must have a mouse installed for NASCAR 2 to run.
- UNIVBE - We also support UniVBE. If you wish to run the game with this
- option, type "uvconfig" from the NASCAR2 directory. In the release version
- you'll install this from the setup program.
- SOUND - If you have difficulties setting up your sound, and you have the
- original NASCAR Racing game, you can copy the sound.cfg file from that
- directory to the NASCAR Racing 2 Demo directory.
- *** MAIN MENU ***
- The first thing you should do is select "options" and set your
- controls and calibrate your joystick (if you are using one). You can only
- use one joystick at this time so pedals won't work yet. (You can use the
- controls.cfg file from your NASCAR 1 main directory to get the same controls
- you had in N1.) Once this is done, go back to the main menu.
- From the main menu "championship season" and "multiplayer" will only take
- you to the main screens for those options. You won't be able to go any
- further yet.
- Selecting "Driver info" will take you to a screen showing info for
- some NASCAR drivers. Currently, there is not much here, but we intend to
- have a bio of the driver, bio of the team, career stats of the driver, and
- the ability to enter the driver's ratings (power, traction, etc). The
- 3D car will have a slightly different angle. You will be able to access the
- paintkit directly from these driver screens, and view and change (for
- unlicensed drivers) driver attributes. Eventually, the first screen will be
- an entry list management screen in which you'll be able to create new drivers
- and new race entry lists.
- Selecting "Quick Race" will take you to our new quick race screen.
- In this screen you can set your preferred options, them just jump in and
- race. You can select between the Race at Watkins Glen and The NAPA 500 at
- Atlanta. Notice that you actually select "events" and not tracks. In the
- demo, you can select "race length", "# of opponents", "Opponent strength",
- and "pace lap". The rest of these options will be implemented in the
- full release version of the game.
- Eventually, you will be able to select "driving mode - simulation or arcade",
- the "entry list" (list of drivers available to race), and the race weekend
- type (none, full, test). Note that "preseason testing" has moved from the
- main menu to "weekend type - test" (unavailable right now). Select "Race"
- when you have set the options you want.
- NOTE: the different way you change options is still being worked on. The
- controls you see now are just temporary until the real ones are put in.
- Once you select "race" from the quick race menu you will come to the
- race weekend screen. Currently, we have the Interstate Batteries car on the
- screen. Eventually, this car will be the player's car.
- Specific race info will be displayed across the top of the screen. Notice
- in the top right the description of the current session. To change the
- session you click the "next session" button at the bottom of the screen.
- We may make the top right display a drop down box. When you select it,
- the box pops down and you can drag the cursor to the session you want.
- CAR SETUP - will take you to a non-working version of the new car setup.
- You can't change anything yet, but notice the difference. In the full
- version, clicking on an option will allow you to change it. You can see
- the whole car setup from one screen. We also tried to make the car weight
- stuff easier to understand.
- REPLAY - will take you to a semi-working version of the replay. To
- manipulate the replay in the demo, you must use the keyboard controls
- listed below. The full version will be controlled by the mouse and will
- allow you to choose between the view you see in the demo and a full screen
- view. The TV camera angles are not functioning in the demo.
- v to change car
- c to change camera
- < for rewind
- > for fast forward
- space to play
- esc to exit back to the weekend screen
- OPTIONS - will take you to the same options screens as the main menu. This
- will allow people to easily change their configuration without having to
- escape back to the main menu. In the demo, most options are functioning,
- however, the Lap Display is not.
- NEXT SESSION - changes the session among practice, qualify, warmup, and race.
- STANDINGS, ACCELERATED TIME, LOAD/SAVE - are not available in the demo.
- DRIVE - will take you to the track, ready to drive.
- *** DRIVING ***
- KEYBOARD CONTROLS - Only 2 black box functions are working F1 (Lap
- Info) and F4 (Tire Temps). These are not 100% accurate at this time.
- Select "m" to toggle the mirror on/off. We are displaying the real
- 3D cars in the mirrors. Because of this there is a large hit to the frame
- rate when you turn these on. We are working on improving this.
- You can change the various graphic options while driving with the number keys
- (1-9), just as in NASCAR 1.
- In the full version, you will be able to select a key (s) to toggle the
- gear and speed indicator.
- FRAME RATE - The frame rate should improve in the final versin of
- the product. We still have some things left to do to improve this.
- SPOTTER/CREW CHIEF - The big thing you'll notice is the spotter/crew chief
- voice. Drive around for a while and listen to the speech. If you have
- the pace lap and yellow flags on he'll say more things. The full version
- will contain more speech (crashing stuff, etc.) and we will be tweaking the
- frequency of the various speech. There will be an option in the sound
- screen to determine the level of frequency which the spotter will talk
- to you. Right now the spotter may say some things which are inappropriate
- for the situation.
- TRACKS - Check out the new and improved Watkins Glen. It is now about 110%
- better than it was. Unfortunately, we still have the walls in the chicane,
- despite all our efforts to change this. Also notice the curbing.