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- Strings for the HI/Q3 engine.
- (Remember, unless the line begins with a pipe, it is ignored by
- the strings parser. Therefore, the strings and their usage are
- commented herein to act as a guide to localization personnel)
- ===============================================================
- The word "error" (Used as the title of many error message boxes)
- |tQ3Error_Error|Error
- ===============================================================
- These strings are used in the Mac specific windowing dialogs during startup.
- (can't find where this is used. Not implementd.)
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Colors_256|This display is not currently set to 256 Colors.
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Colors_Thousands|This display is not currently set to Thousands of Colors.
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Colors_Txt1|Quit
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Colors_Txt2|Choose Another Display
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Colors_Txt3|Change It
- (used by the monitor-detection code)
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Display_Txt0|Click "This One" to use this display.
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Display_Txt1|Cancel
- |tQ3Error_MAC_Display_Txt2|This One
- (used by the color-detection code)
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_2000|May I set your display to 256 colors? It will be restored to the current mode when exiting the program.
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_2001|This program requires 256 colors.
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_2010|May I set your display to thousands of colors? It will be restored to the current mode when exiting the program.
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_2011|This program requires thousands of colors.
- (used by generic alerts)
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_BtnOK|OK
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_BtnYES|YES
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_BtnNO|NO
- |tQ3Error_MAC_String_BtnCANCEL|CANCEL
- ===============================================================
- These strings are used by tEvtMgr::mStopProgram in the prompt box
- The actual usage is akin to sprintf(actualtext,"%s %s?",tConfirmExit,tApplicationTitle)
- so if the title of the app is "Test App", the actual text displayed is:
- "Are you sure you want to exit Test App?"
- |tConfirmExit|Are you sure you want to exit
- |tConfirmExitTitle|Confirm Exit
- ===============================================================
- These strings are used by Q3CAST.CPP during cast initialization and asset loading.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_OpeningFile|Error opening asset data file
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_CorruptHeader|Corrupted assets file header.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_BadTag|Bad tag in assets file header.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_WrongBitDepth|Wrong target bit depth in asset file.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_ReadAssets|Error reading assets from assets file.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_ReadPalette|Error reading palette.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_BadSoundFreq|Unexpected frequency for sound asset.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_BadSoundFormat|Unexpected format for sound asset.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_ReadSound|Error reading sound asset.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_ReadCast|Error reading cast asset.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_ReadSprite|Error reading sprite asset.
- |tQ3Error_Q3CAST_ReadSequence|Error reading sequence asset.
- ===============================================================
- These strings are used by Q3FONT.CPP during font initialization.
- |tQ3Error_Q3FONT_ReadAssets|Can't open font file.
- ===============================================================
- These strings are used by Q3SURFACE.CPP
- |tQ3Error_Q3SURFACE_Alloc|Error allocating surface memory.
- |tQ3Error_Q3SURFACE_InvalidBits|Unable to draw surface, invalid fBits.
- ===============================================================
- These strings are used by Q3STREAM.CPP
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_NotLoaded|Error playing SndStream, not loaded.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_NotStarted|Error pausing SndStream, never started.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_ResumeNotStarted|Error resuming SndStream, never started.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_AllocChannel|Error allocating SndStream channel.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_DefaultLoad|Error loading debug sound file.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_ExternalLoad|Error opening external sound file:
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_InternalLoad|Error opening sound from asset file.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_AssetLoad|Error opening assets file for sound play.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_AiffProcessing|Error processing AIFF sound file.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_AiffFormat|Unsupported AIFF sound file format.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_CastInfo|Error getting sound info from cast.
- |tQ3Error_Q3STREAM_AllocBuffer|Error allocating SndStream buffer.
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