Click on this toggle button to set or remove the balloon help.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the deep sky base color.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the sunset sky color.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the sun color.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the moon color.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the color of sun aura.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the color of moon aura.
Click on this item to switch between front and back view. Use back view to move the sun under skyline.
Click on this item to switch between front and back view. Use back view to move the moon under skyline.
Click on this item to add/remove Haze in the final rendering.
Click on this item to add/remove Fog in the final rendering.
Click on this item to add/remove cloud layer 1 in the final rendering.
Click on this item to add/remove cloud layer 2 in the final rendering.
Click on this item to add/remove cloud layer 3 in the final rendering.
Click on this item to add/remove cloud layer 4 in the final rendering.
Click on this item to display haze settings (window on the right).
Click on this item to display the fog setting (window on the right).
Click on this item to display the settings for first cloud layer (window on the right).
Click on this item to display the settings for cloud layer 2 (window on the right).
Click on this item to display the settings for cloud layer 3 (window on the right).
Click on this item to display the settings for cloud layer 4 (window on the right).
These items are radio buttons. They control the settings of the Haze, Fog and cloud layer.
Change this radio buttons to change the type of the camera used for the preview. There is two types of camera : Standard or Fish-Eye
Click on this item to set the standard mode for camera. The camera look to the West. This is equivalent to a standard Front camera.
Click on this item to set the fish-eye mode for the camera.
Change the value of this slider to change the color of the Fog.
Change the value of this slider to change the intensity of the Fog.
Change the value of this slider to change the starting point of the Fog.
Change the value of this slider to change the ending point of the Fog.
Change the value of this slider to change the distance of the Fog.
Change the value of this slider to change the color of the Haze.
Change the value of this slider to change the haze.
Change the value of this slider to change the haze maximum altitude.
Change the value of this slider to change haze distance.
Change the base color of the current cloud layer.
Change the global speed of the current cloud layer.
Change the transformation speed of the current cloud layer.
Change the lumpiness of the current cloud layer.
Change the global thickness of the current cloud layer
Change the coverage percentage of the current cloud layer. Use it to add more or less clouds.
Change the rotation of the cloud layer. Use it to spin the clouds
Change cloud Ratio. Use it to stretch or shrink the clouds.
Change cloud layer altitude.
Drack mouse pointer to move the sun. Use upper left item to switch between back and front view. Use the back view to move the sun under the skyline (night).
Drack mouse pointer to move the moon. Use upper left item to switch between back and front view. Use the back view to move the moon under the skyline.
Change sun aura intensity from 0% to 100%.
Change moon aura intensity from 0% to 100%.
Drag the mouse pointer in X and Y directions to set moon phase and moon rotation.
Set rainbow intensity from 0% to 100%. To hide the rainbow, set the intensity to 0%
Click on one of this radio button to change mouse actions in the top terrain view.
Click on this radio button will change the action mode in the top view of your terrain. This tools allows you to paint by elevation.
Click on this radio button will allow you to raise of lower locally your terrain.
Click on this radio button will set the action mode into 'crater mode'. It will give you the ability to design crater in your terrain.
This tools was made to erode locally your terrain.
These radio buttons let you change the terrain preview mode.
This preview mode let you flight over the terrain.
This preview mode let you see the whole terrain.
Click on this tab will pop-up the terrain generation tools.
Click on this tab will pop-up the terrain modification tools.
Clicking on this button will clear the terrain.
Click on this button to generate very smooth mountain ranges.
Click on this button to generate a very poor details terrain. Use it for strange planets...
Click on this button to generate a terrain 3.
Click on this button to generate a terrain with large valleys and peaks.
Click on this button to generate a sharp terrain.
Click on this button to generate a very realistic medium altittude mountain. Use it when camera is close to the terrain.
Click on this button to generate a terrain with large scale peaks. Use it with big terrain.
Click on this button to generate a poor detailed terrain.
Click on this button to generate lots of spikes in your terrain.
Click on this button to generate large mountain ranges.
Click on this button to generate a kind of sand dunes.
Click on this button to generate terrain with deep valleys and smooth mountain ranges.
Click on this button to generate a medium detailed terrain.
Click on this button to generate lots of valleys and round hills.
Click on this button will reset the random number generator used to compute terrains. Each time you click on this button and you regenerate the terrain is different.
This button smooths the terrain, spikes will become hills...
This button add little spot of noise.
This button let you apply a physically-based water erosion. This operation can take a long time.
This button act as an other erosion method. This operation can take a long time.
Click on this button to raise your terrain by an amount of 10%.
Click on this button to lower your terrain by an amount of 10%.
Transform your terrain into plateaux and hills.
Transform your terrain into high mountains, and sharp crests.
Invert the altitude of your terrain.
Transform your terrain into plateaux.
Isolate the central part of your terrain by zeroing the edges. Use this to make an island.
First preview mode : use the mouse to flight over your terrain.
Second terrain preview mode: you can see your whole terrain.
Import image as an height field.
This button will export your actual terrain as a gray level image.
Click on this push-button will undo/redo your last operation.
Click on this item to pop up a color picker. Let you change the ground color.
This button will smooth your terrain. Results will be more blurred than with the Smooth button.
Click on this button will normalize the height of your terrain.
The zero edges action, let you suppress the altitudes of the edges of your terrain. Use it to make islands.
This control adjust the size of the paint brush. Click on it and drag the mouse, to increase or decrease the size.
This control adjust the softness of the paint brush. Click on it and drag the mouse, to increase or decrease the softness.
This control adjust the height of the paint brush. Click on it and drag the mouse, to increase or decrease the altitude.
This control adjust the size of the raise/lower area. Click on it and drag the mouse, to increase or decrease the size.
This is the drawing area, showing the terrain. White pixel are more height than black ones. You can paint , add crater, raise (or lower), or erode locally.