65 All AX-CDPlayer files (*.dat;*.dbd;*.ini)|*.dat;*.dbd;*.ini|AX-CDPlayer 2.x files (*.dbd)|*.dbd|AX-CDPlayer 1.0 files (*.dat)|*.dat|Windows CD Player files (*.ini)|*.ini|All files (*.*)|*.*|
66 No disc found for invalid file format.
67 Axialis AX-CDPlayer 1.0
68 Axialis AX-CDPlayer 2.x
69 Do you really want to stop the import process?
70 Do you really want to stop the index/pack process?
71 You must enter a valid Name to continue.
72 Incorrect or missing CDDB submission parameters. Edit parameters now?
73 Windows CD Player (compatible cdplayer.ini)
74 Do you really want to stop the submission?
75 Connecting SMTP server (%s)...
76 Sending message to the CDDB server...
77 Disconnecting SMTP server...
78 Unable to access your SMTP server (%s). Please check that you are connected to Internet.
79 Query CDDB server...
80 Connecting CDDB server (%s)...
81 Disconnecting CDDB server...
82 Do you really want to stop the query?
83 Connected. Handchecking with host...
84 Receiving CDDB data...
85 Import an External Database
86 Submit a Disc to CDDB
87 Save Disc Information
88 Save Disc Database Modifications
89 AX-CDPlayer cannot submit the disc:\nThe DISC TITLE field is blank.
90 AX-CDPlayer cannot submit the disc:\nThe ARTIST field is blank.
91 AX-CDPlayer cannot submit the disc:\nThe CATEGORY field is blank.
92 AX-CDPlayer cannot submit the disc:\nThe CATEGORY field is not a valid choice.
93 AX-CDPlayer cannot submit the disc:\nThe CDDB Disc ID is undefined. You must insert the original disc in your CD-ROM drive.
94 AX-CDPlayer cannot submit the disc:\nAll the TRACK TITLES are blank.
95 You must enter a valid Name end E-mail to e-register.
96 Do you really want to stop the registration?
97 Sending Registration...
98 The specified E-Mail is not valid (missing '@').
99 The registration form has not been sent.
100 Registration sent. Thank You!
101 Registration already sent.
102 You did not register. Do you really want to continue?
103 AX-CDPlayer has found a previous installation (version 1.0). Do you want to import the previous disc database?
104 Connecting to CDDB server %s using HTTP, port 80...
105 Unable to connect using HTTP.
108 %d disc(s)
109 You are about to DELETE the following artists (and related discs):
110 Deleting artist(s)
111 S&how Player
112 &Hide Player
113 Axialis AX-CDPlayer
114 Connecting to CDDB server '%s' using HTTP protocol
115 through proxy server '%s', port %d...
244 %s bytes (%s bytes)
245 %s Kb (%s bytes)
246 %s MB (%s bytes)
247 %02d/%02d/%04d, %02d:%02d:%02d
248 %02d/%02d/%04d, %02d:%02d:%02d %s
249 %s bytes
250 %s Kb
251 %s Mb
252 Various Artists
253 General Speaker Output
254 Compact Disc Input Line
255 Digital Imput Line
256 Auxiliary Input Line
257 External Input Line
55015 %ld Kb RAM
55016 %d%% free
55085 Mono
55086 16 colors
55087 256 colors
55088 65536 colors
55089 16,8M colors
55091 %d x %d pixels - %s
55093 Please wait...
55108 Did you know...
55109 With AX-CDPLayer 2.1 you have a virtual CD player in your computer. You can use it like a real player, but with your mouse!
55110 You can access a track simply by typing its number on your keyboard. For example, to access track 9 type '9', to access track 13 type '.' (point) then '3'.
55111 To create a custom play list, open the 'Disc Properties' dialog and then use Drag and Drop to add, delete and move tracks in your play list.
55112 You can change the display color of AX-CDPlayer : green or orange (see Preferences).
55113 If you insert an audio CD, AX-CDPlayer automatically detects it and starts to play.
55114 When inserting a new disc, you can perform a query to the CDDB server (disc and track titles will be automatically downloaded).
55115 To toggle between normal and minimized display modes of AX-CDPlayer just type 'TAB'.
55116 To have faster access to your local database you can launch the 'Index and Pack Database' command (see 'Advanced Features' menu).
55117 You can import external disc databases with the following formats : INI (Windows CD Player), DAT(AX-CDPlayer 1.0) et DBD (AX-CDPlayer 2.x).
55118 You can export all or a part of your disc database. The generated file have the DBD format and can be imported in an other player.
55119 In the 'Disc Manager' dialog you can order the artist list by last names. Check the 'Order by Last Names' box.
55120 To change the play mode, just type F5.
55121 To change the title display, just type F7.
55122 In the 'Preferences' dialog you can choose the audio channel for the volume and mute command.
55123 You can choose to display play information in the Windows task bar.
55124 To open the 'Preferences' dialog, type F2.
55125 To change time display, type F6.
55126 To toggle between Play and Pause mode, just type 'Space' or 'Enter'.
55127 The MUTE button permits you to turn off the sound. The volume level is saved and if you click the Mute button again the sound comes back.
55128 To move rapidly into a track during playback, press the left or right button and release it when you have reached the desired position.
55129 To change the Volume Level just press the Up or Down button.