ocr: Unealed Document - Neticape HOx Ele Edt Yew Go Commuricator Beo k ioagrd Reload Home Stach Gude Plnt Seourty N - - Bockmarks - Location He MICYWNDOWSIDESKIOPIIutora/TMPAYESAISA Hm Bright Blue Cola AB Bash ofbright bue 00 the horicon What could : be? The most retrething jangling ugey newi tute: n te first: second pr third world, Home DaRe nd tsnew. unespected Brighe Blue coler. Cola Baghe More Blue. thanjost another cola, *'s got a' wild Ordert form Not celyis: it Lke ne otber cela youve ever tasted, it's got exctngnew ngredients that adi bribance not to te color, but to: your mindl Gotku Kola ...