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- <!-- Dreamweaver source formatting profile -->
- <!-- options
- INDENTION : indention options
- ENABLE - allows indention
- INDENT - columns per indention
- TABS - columns per tab character
- USE - TABS or SPACES for indention
- ACTIVE - active indention groups (IGROUP)
- LINES : end-of-line options
- AUTOWRAP - enable automatic line wrapping
- COLUMN - auto wrap lines after column
- OMIT : element omission options
- OPTIONS - options
- ELEMENT : element options
- CASE - "UPPER" or "lower" case
- ALWAYS - always use preferred element case (instead of original case)
- ATTRIBUTE : attribute options
- CASE - "UPPER" or "lower" case
- ALWAYS - always use preferred attribute case (instead of original case)
- -->
- <?options>
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- <attribute case="lower">
- <!-- element information
- line breaks : BREAK = "before, inside start, inside end, after"
- indent contents : INDENT
- indent group : IGROUP = "indention group number" (1 through 8)
- specific name case : NAMECASE = "CustomName"
- prevent formatting : NOFORMAT
- -->
- <?elements>
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- <!-- attribute information
- specific name case : NAMECASE = "CustomName"
- values follow attr case : SAMECASE
- -->
- <?attributes>
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- <onBlur namecase="onBlur">
- <onChange namecase="onChange">
- <onClick namecase="onClick">
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- <onSubmit namecase="onSubmit">
- <onUnload namecase="onUnload">
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- <onAfterUpdate namecase="onAfterUpdate">
- <onBeforeUpdate namecase="onBeforeUpdate">
- <onHelp namecase="onHelp">
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- <onScroll namecase="onScroll">
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- <onRowExit namecase="onRowExit">
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- <?end>