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- Diskers 1.50 Registration Forms/Invoices
- Copyright (C) 1995 by Fineware Systems and Al Meadows
- All Rights Reserved
- Basic Pricing: Diskers Shipping/Handling
- $19.95 $2.00 North America / $4 elsewhere
- Ordering Methods: There are a number of ways to order the
- registered Version of Diskers.
- Please be sure that you are using the CORRECT order form.
- =================================================================
- You can order via e-mail using Visa/MasterCard/American Express
- Be sure to include your card nuber, expiration date, name as it
- appears on the card and the billing address. Please include the
- approriate price and product name.
- Telephone Orders: 800-544-1740 or 405-947-1740
- Fax Orders: 405-942-7819
- Email to: Al Meadows/Fineware Systems:
- CompuServe at 70650,2022
- Prodigy at BBTK05A
- America Online at VB AL
- Internet at 70650.2022@CompuServe.Com
- Internet Web Site: http://www.fineware.com
- =================================================================
- You can order via CompuServe's Software Registration Service:
- enter GO SWREG at the ! prompt and follow the menus.
- Diskers's registration id is 3925 and the price of $19.95
- Plus $2/$4 shipping and handling.
- =================================================================
- You may also place your order by phone or fax by calling
- Public Software Library. See PsL order form located within
- this document.
- =================================================================
- Fineware Systems: Order Form (ver 1.50)
- Diskers: Disk Duplicator & Librarian
- Name:_____________________________________
- Company:__________________________________
- Street:___________________________________
- Street:___________________________________
- City:_____________________________________
- State:________________________ZIP:________
- Country:__________________________________
- Telephone Number:_________________________
- Credit Card Type:_VISA__MasterCard__Amex__(Circle ONLY One)
- Credit Card Number:_______________________
- Expiration Date:__________________________
- Signature:________________________________
- (unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk)
- Diskers 19.95 _______
- Oklahoma residents add 8.375% sales tax _______
- Shipping/Handling - US or Canada $ 2.00 _______
- Shipping/Handling - Outside of US/Canada $ 4.00 _______
- Total in US Funds drawn on a US Bank _______
- Make checks payable to: Fineware Systems
- Mail to:
- Fineware Systems
- P.O. Box 75776
- Oklahoma City, Ok. 73147
- By the way, where did you initially learn of
- Diskers?_________________________________
- Other Credit Card Ordering Information: PsL in Houston, Texas
- To order by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover, call
- the Public (software) Library at 1-800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 or
- send your order by FAX to 1-713-524-6398 or by CompuServe Email to
- 71355,470 or Internet mail to 71355.470@compuserve.com. You can
- also mail credit card orders to PsL at P.O. Box 35705, Houston,
- TX 77235-5705.
- Please be sure to include your credit card number and expiration
- date on all credit card orders.
- *** Fineware Systems cannot be reached at the numbers above
- *** These numbers are for PsL, a credit card order taking
- *** service only.
- Any questions about the status of the shipment of an order,
- refunds, registration options, product details, technical support,
- volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc., must be
- directed to Fineware Systems, P.O. Box 75776, Oklahoma City, OK
- 73147 or by email to 70650,2022 on CompuServe and BBTK05A on Prodigy.
- PsL Order Form (ver 1.50)
- You can order Diskers by Phone, Mail or
- Fax with payment by credit card.
- Diskers: Disk Duplicator & Librarian
- PsL Product#:#11875
- Name:____________________________________
- Company:_________________________________
- Street:__________________________________
- Street:__________________________________
- City:____________________________________
- State:_______________________ZIP:________
- Country:_________________________________
- Telephone Number:________________________
- Credit Card Type:________________________
- Credit Card Number:______________________
- Expiration Date:_________________________
- Signature:_______________________________
- (unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk)
- Diskers $ 19.95 _______
- Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax _______
- Shipping/Handling - US or Canada $ 2.00 _______
- Shipping/Handling - Outside of US/Canada $ 4.00 _______
- Total in US Funds: _______
- Fax or Mail
- Public (software) Library
- P.O. Box 35705
- Houston, TX 77235-5705
- Orders: 1-800-2424-PsL or 1-713-524-6394
- Fax Orders: 1-713-524-6398
- Site License (ver 1.50)
- You can order a site license for Diskers by fax using credit card or
- by mail with payment by credit card, check or money order. Site
- licenses must be obtained directly through Fineware Systems.
- A Site License entitles you to make copies of an original diskette
- up to the limits of your site license and distribute them within
- your organization. You may not distribute copies outside of
- your company.
- Diskers
- Name:_____________________________________
- Company:__________________________________
- Street:___________________________________
- Street:___________________________________
- City:_____________________________________
- State:________________________ZIP:________
- Country:__________________________________
- Telephone Number:_________________________
- Credit Card Type:__VISA__MasterCard__AMEX_(Circle ONLY One)
- Credit Card Number:_______________________
- Expiration Date:__________________________
- Signature:________________________________
- Unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk)
- Rate Schedule:
- Site License pricing is applicable to orders of 10 or more copies only.
- Quantities under 10 are priced at the standard rate (see order form).
- For quantities of 10 or more, the price is $150.00 + $7 per
- additional license over 10.
- Example: a 50 user site license would be $150.00 + ($7 x 40) = $430.00.
- Note: Only a single master diskette containing the program will
- be distributed on a site license unless requested otherwise. If you
- desire additional diskettes, please add $1 per diskette desired.
- Note: If you wish Fineware to provide individual installation
- diskettes, please add $1.50 per unit over 1 ordered.
- DISKERS Qty______ Extended_______
- Oklahoma residents add 8.375% sales tax _______
- Shipping/Handling - US or Canada $ Free _______
- Shipping/Handling - Outside of US/Canada $ Free _______
- Total in US Funds drawn on a US Bank _______
- Make checks payable to: Fineware Systems
- Mail to:
- Fineware Systems
- P.O. Box 75776
- Oklahoma City, Ok. 73147
- By the way, where did you initially learn of
- Diskers: _____________________________
- Fineware programs can be registered locally in Japan.
- For more detail and information on prices, etc. contact:
- P. & A. Shareware
- 1-3-6-2 Kamisunacho
- Tachikawa, Tokyo 190 Japan
- Tel: 0425-35-9901
- Fax: 0425-35-9902
- Nifty: PAF02461