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- ClipMate 4.2 Release Notes
- Version 4.2.1 Build 121
- February 1, 1997
- Production Release
- ------------------
- If you are a registered user, then your key will automatically
- work with the new software. Nothing to buy, just download and run
- the install.
- ------------------------
- There is still a problem with NTFS compression. If you're using NTFS
- compression, you will have to turn off compression on the directory
- where ClipMate's data files are located. This will be addressed
- shortly in a future maintenance release.
- WordPerfect Users
- -----------------
- See the WordPerfect Note below in the "Compatibility" section.
- SOUND Notes:
- ------------
- On some systems, installint the "Sound Effects" will
- de-select your current sound scheme. This is easily corrected by
- going into your control panel, selecting SOUNDS, and re-selecting
- your favorite scheme. While you're there, experiment with the
- various sounds available in ClipMate's "SOUNDS" directory.
- Changes in 4.21 vs 4.20
- -----------------------
- 1) Wrap-Text option in the Magnify Window will now remember its state
- from one session to the next.
- 2) Several changes to accomodate WordPerfect 7.1 See WORDPERFECT in
- the "Compatibility" section below.
- 3) Streamlined event processing.
- 4) The "uninstall" program was missing from 4.0
- 5) Re-installation to a path other than c:\program files\clipmt40 would
- fail to find the previous version. Now it should find it anywhere.
- Enhancements to v4.2
- --------------------
- 1) When Auto-Capture is disabled, and you're using the SysTray icon,
- a red NO symbol (\) appears on the icon.
- 2) Glue from Picker Window usually glued items in the reverse order
- from the order in which they were captured. i.e. it glued top to
- bottom, no matter what you actually desired.
- Now it looks to see the order in which you're selecting items,
- and will glue in the same "direction" (top to bottom, or bottom
- to top).
- 3) ClipMate will now aggressivly re-establish broken Clipboard connections.
- (Other applications could cut-off the clipboad notification process
- by improperly handling messages, or by crashing. Now, ClipMate takes
- preventative measures to ensure that it is first in line for all Clipboard
- messages, regardless of load order.)
- 4) User Preferences dialog has another tab - "Advanced", which is
- where some of less frequently used options now reside.
- 5) Adjustable PowerPaste Delay setting
- 6) When deleting from a "Safe" collection, you can be prompted for
- confirmation. See User Preferences dialog to set.
- 7) When deleting "all items", you are always prompted for confirmation.
- 8) "Application Profiles" menu option under Config.
- 9) "Shut Down" option now availble from SysTray menu.
- 10) Changed some logic to more quickly recognize WordPerfect, Ami, Excel, and VB Data,
- to solve some timing problems.
- 11) When viewing Application Profiles, the proper profile comes up automatically,
- according to the originator of the currently selected clip.
- 12) New command-line option: N
- This causes ClipMate to startup with Auto-Capture disabled.
- Usage: CLIPMT42.EXE N
- 13) All previous versions could "lose" screens if the video driver
- resized such that they were positioned off the edge. Now there are
- "reasonability" checks prior to displaying form in its previous position.
- 14) To further simplify finding the data files, the "DATA DIRECTORY" setting
- is only used if the DATA directory is somewhere other than directly
- beneath where the program is installed to.
- To get rid of unwanted/unneeded settings, the existing value will be
- eliminated during install time. So if you have data somewhere
- else, such as in \MYDATA\CLIPMATE, you'll need to re-set the DATA DIRECTORY
- option in the User Preferences dialog. You'll be prompted the first time in.
- 15) Sound Event Support - See "What's New in v4.2" for details.
- Fixes in v4.2
- -------------
- 1) Data loss bug that occurred when moving items from one collection
- to another, particularly items that had peviously been saved. (fixed)
- (This was a long-time problem)
- 2) Error when loading empty collection : "No .BAK exists..." (Fixed)
- 3) "Index Out of Bounds" error in Picker or Main windows. (Fixed)
- 4) PowerPaste would sometimes get confused, if you re-selected an item
- while PowerPaste was active. (Fixed)
- 5) Metafile Problems - Clip Items containing Metafiles (Pictues) wouldn't
- paste into applications. (Fixed)
- 6) Phantom Icon problem is fixed yet again - for good this time.
- Adjustable "Startup Delay" in User Preferences (Advanced) dialog
- can delay as long as necessary to avoid the problem. If you have
- double-icons, increase the setting by a second or two.
- 7) Data loss when editing item in a collection that doesn't receive any
- additional new items - it would "forget" to save the edited data. (Fixed)
- 8) "Can't Open Clipboard" problem in applications like Excel95. (Fixed)
- 9) Scroll bars in Magnify Window - often missing horizontal scroll bar
- when viewing wide data. (Fixed)
- 10) Missing Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo menu in Magnify Window - (Restored).
- 11) Dialog boxes get chopped off at bottom on systems with 640x480 display.
- Fixed.
- 12) "Application Name Unavailable" perpetually displayed in Clipboard
- Diagnostics Window, when ClipMate was actually first in line. Now
- it says "ClipMate". (Fixed)
- 13) Dialog Boxes not readable on systems without Arial font.
- Fixed - Arial font removed, replaced with MS Sans Serif in all dialogs.
- ---------------
- If you are installing this version over the top
- of a previous build of ClipMate 4 (including beta)
- then here are some common questions:
- Q: Will my existing ClipMate 4 registration number
- continue to work?
- A: YES - the registration is kept in CLIPMT40.INI,
- which is preserved.
- (provided that you HAVE previously registered
- version 4)
- Q: Will my data be overwritten or deleted?
- A: No - the install only replaces files with updated
- ones - no deleting is performed.
- Q: Should I uninstall the old one first?
- A: No. And the installation program will clean out old entries in your
- "install/remove programs" option in Control Panel.
- Q: What about version 3.x registration numbers, will
- they work?
- A: No - you need to upgrade to 4.x.
- Known Problems:
- ---------------
- There are several known problem that exist on some
- systems. We are working on fixing them, but they are
- not severe enough to delay the launch. Check our WWW
- page for updates.
- > Help - Out Of Memory messages.
- These are harmless errors that occur if you click
- on a hypertext link, appearing in a pop-up help
- window ("What's This" style help windows).
- We think that it's really a bug in the Help system,
- and since the popup help does double-duty as part
- of the regular help system, we don't really want
- to remove the links, which are valuable when working
- with the regular help system.
- > Hotkey conflicts - The hotkeys (32-bit only) can
- conflict with other applications, if the same keys
- are used. This usually affects F1..F12 or
- Shift+F1..Shift+F12. Just turn them off, if they
- cause trouble.
- This has been known to affect WordPerfect, as well
- as other word processors that make use of F-keys.
- > Stay On Top option doesn't work when iconified in
- non-windows95-gui systems.
- > Tab Behavior Problem - 16-bit only.
- Tab in User Prefs dialog gets
- fouled once you click into the Application Profile
- settings. This is easily worked-around by simply
- closing the dialog, and re-opening it.
- Missing Features:
- -----------------
- There are several features from 3.1 that aren't currently
- implemented, but will arrive in later builds:
- > "sticky icon" - icon remembers position on screen (not yet
- implemented)
- > Control Menu (menu attached to icon) (not implemented)
- Most of these are addressed in different ways when using
- Windows95 / NT 4.0.
- > DIB Bitmaps - ClipMate can't currently display them.
- We'll add this feature in a later release.
- Compatibility Notes:
- --------------------
- Brian Quinon's Spell Program
- ----------------------------
- We are working with Brian on a permanent solution, but
- in the meantime, this is how you make ClipMate ignore
- the Spell program, if you get errors in Spell:
- add this line to your \windows_directory\clipmt40.ini file,
- at the end of the [CLIPMATE] section:
- Ignore_MSGSRV32=1
- WordPerfect
- -----------
- WordPerfect 7.1 does not behave properly when ClipMate's new
- "Persistent Clipboard Chain Monitoring" (a reliability feature)
- is enabled. You should disable this feature, found in the
- "Advanced" tab of the "User Preferences" dialog. Also, it seems
- to prefer not to have Rich Text Format captured, so if you have
- a pre-existing Application Profile from a previous release,
- you should change it so that only TEXT and "WordPerfect Data" are
- selected. See the "Application Profile" tab of the "User Preferences"
- dialog. We assume, but have not verified that this holds true for
- WP 6 as well.
- Distribution
- ------------
- Do not distribute this version - it is available only from
- our WWW site and WWW.DOWNLOAD.COM
- A distributable version will be made available shortly.
- Obtaining New Releases
- ----------------------
- The primary source for new releases is our web site at:
- http://www.thornsoft.com