home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1996-03-01 | 12.9 KB | 493 lines |
- [InstallVersion]
- 4.1
- [Process]
- Uninstall()
- Bitmaps(pix)
- DisableHelp()
- Backup(CustDLLCopy)
- switch30 = TRUE
- switch31 = IsWinVerGTE(0351)
- #if(switch31)
- switch31 = CallProcEx(IsPlatformNT)
- #endif
- #if(switch31)
- switch30 = FALSE
- #endif
- switch99 = CallProcEx(IsBadPlatform)
- #if(switch99)
- MessageBox(BadPlatform)
- #endif
- #if(switch30)
- EnableWin95Shell()
- #endif
- SetActiveCopy(NAVCopy, uninstal.inf)
- CallProc(InitMemory)
- CallProc(RestoreNavap)
- ResetTarget(SourceToTarget4)
- CallProcEx(GetShort)
- ResetTarget(Target4ToTarget)
- ResetTarget(SystemToTarget2)
- switch99 = CallProcEx(FindSharedComponents)
- #ifnot(switch99)
- GetSymantecDir()
- ResetTarget(SharedToTarget3)
- #endif
- switch99 = CallProcEx(CheckForNortonApps)
- #if(switch99)
- MessageBox(NortonAppRunning)
- Exit()
- #endif
- WizardPanel(NeedAdministratorDialog, siwnavnt.dll)
- switch99 = CallProcEx(IsRunningAsAdministrator)
- #ifnot(switch99)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- #endif
- WizardPanel(UninstallDlg, siwnavnt.dll)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- SelectOption(BaseFiles)
- FullUninstall()
- #if(switch30)
- CallProcEx(DeleteNav95UninstallString)
- #endif
- CallProcEx(DeleteNavwPathReg)
- CallProcEx(DeleteNavwHelpReg)
- CallProcEx(DeleteVirfileReg1)
- CallProcEx(DeleteVirfileReg2)
- #if(switch30)
- CallProcEx(SphinxUsageCounts_95)
- #endif
- #if(switch31)
- CallProcEx(SphinxUsageCounts_NT)
- #endif
- CallProcEx(UpdateNetscapePluginKeys)
- DeselectOption(shared)
- CallProcEx(DeleteSharedKeysAndFiles)
- #if (switch90)
- CallProcEx(DeleteSymevntKey)
- #endif
- #if (switch91)
- CallProcEx(DeleteInfoDeskKey)
- Delete(ContentsDelete)
- #endif
- CallProcEx(DeletePipeNavKey1)
- CallProcEx(DeletePipeNavKey2)
- CallProcEx(DeletePipelineKey)
- CallProcEx(DeleteNavReg)
- CallProcEx(DeleteLastScanKey)
- CallProcEx(DeleteVirusDefsKey)
- CallProcEx(DeleteNavFamilyKey)
- CallProcEx(DeleteNavInstalledReg)
- CallProcEx(DeleteSymInstalledApps)
- ResetTarget(Target3ToTarget4)
- CallProcEx(GetShort)
- ResetTarget(Target4ToTarget3)
- DisableUtils()
- Uncopy()
- CallProcEx(DeleteNAVDataFiles)
- EnableUtils()
- ResetTarget(Target3ToTarget5)
- CallProcEx(NavRemoveSharedDir)
- CallProcEx(DeleteSymantecKey)
- CallProcEx(DeleteSymantecUserKey)
- ResetTarget(Target2ToTarget5)
- CallProcEx(NavRemoveProgDir)
- ResetTarget(TargetToTarget5)
- CallProcEx(NavRemoveProgDir)
- groups()
- SilentModifyTF(RemoveContents)
- CallProcEx(PurgeScheduledScans)
- WizardPanel(Finished, siwnavnt.dll)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- CallProc(ExitHookProc)
- Delete(CustDLLDelete)
- Delete(Leftovers)
- switch99 = IsInstallShell()
- #if(switch99)
- ExitRestart()
- #else
- Exit()
- #endif
- end()
- [SetShell]
- WinIniName = win.ini
- SystemIniName = system.ini
- Message = MessageBox.SetShellMessage
- SysSectionName = boot
- WinSectionName = windows
- shell = %s\setup.exe
- load =
- run =
- Backup = Backup.SetShellSave
- Restore = Backup.SetShellRestore
- IfActiveList = LoadedList
- SubProcess = SubProc
- [SubProc]
- Backup(CustDLLCopy)
- CallProc(BackupNavap)
- Return()
- [SetShellSave]
- win.ini, win.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
- system.ini, system.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
- [SetShellRestore]
- system.siw, system.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
- win.siw, win.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
- [LoadedList]
- symnav8.dll
- s32nav8.dll
- symevnt1.dll
- s32evnt1.dll
- s32stat.dll
- inst32.exe
- [SetShellMessage]
- caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
- "Welcome to the Norton AntiVirus Scanner Uninstall Program. "
- " "
- "Please select OK to allow Uninstall to restart Windows"
- "and continue. "
- " "
- "Press Cancel to exit Uninstall. "
- [InitMemory]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = InitMemory
- [IsPlatformNT]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = IsPlatformNT
- [IsBadPlatform]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = IsBadPlatform
- [FindSharedComponents]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = FindSharedComponents
- [CheckForNortonApps]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = CheckForNortonApps
- [GetShort]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = ConvertToShortName
- [NavRemoveProgDir]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavRemoveProgDir
- [ExitHookProc]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = ReleaseMemory
- [BackupNavap]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = BackupVxDKey
- vxd = NAVAP
- [RestoreNavap]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = RestoreVxDKey
- vxd = NAVAP
- [SphinxUsageCounts_95]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = Sphinx_UpdateUsageCounts
- update = decrement
- platform = Win95
- [95SharedDlls]
- symevnt.386
- symevnt1.dll
- s32evnt1.dll
- s32stat.dll
- infodesk.dll
- infodesk.cnt
- infodesk.hlp
- symgloss.hlp
- symantec.cnt
- [SphinxUsageCounts_NT]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = Sphinx_UpdateUsageCounts
- update = decrement
- platform = WinNT
- [NTSharedDlls]
- s32stat.dll
- infodesk.dll
- infodesk.cnt
- infodesk.hlp
- symgloss.hlp
- symantec.cnt
- [UpdateNetscapePluginKeys]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = Sphinx_UninstallNetscapePlugin
- [DeleteSymevntKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\SYMEVNT"
- [DeleteVirfileReg1]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = ".vir"
- [DeleteVirfileReg2]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "virfile"
- [DeleteNav95UninstallString]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Norton Antivirus Scanner"
- [DeleteNavReg]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus Scanner"
- [DeleteLastScanKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus\LastScan"
- [DeleteVirusDefsKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus\Virus Defs"
- [DeleteNavFamilyKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus"
- [DeleteNavInstalledReg]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegValue
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps"
- value = "NAVSCAN"
- [DeleteSymInstalledApps]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps"
- [DeleteNavwPathReg]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\N32SCANW.EXE"
- [DeleteNavwHelpReg]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegValue
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help"
- value = "Navwscn.hlp"
- [DeleteSharedKeysAndFiles]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteSharedKeysAndFiles
- [DeleteInfoDeskKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "Software\Symantec\Info Desk"
- [DeletePipeNavKey1]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "Software\Symantec\Online Registration\Norton AntiVirus Scanner for Windows NT"
- [DeletePipeNavKey2]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteRegKey
- subkey = "Software\Symantec\Online Registration\Norton AntiVirus Scanner"
- [DeletePipelineKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
- subkey = "Software\Symantec\Online Registration"
- [DeleteSymantecKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec"
- [DeleteSymantecUserKey]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteEmptyRegKey
- subkey = "Software\Symantec"
- [NavRemoveSharedDir]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavRemoveSharedDir
- [PurgeScheduledScans]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = RemoveScheduledScans
- [RemoveContents]
- FileSpec = %s\symantec.cnt, TARGET3
- filetype = text
- Create = 0
- FindRems = 0
- DelItems = RemoveContentsItems
- [RemoveContentsItems]
- [NAVCopy:CopyDialog]
- caption = "Removing Norton AntiVirus Files..."
- posx = -10
- posy = -10
- [NortonAppRunning]
- caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner Uninstall"
- "Norton AntiVirus Scanner is currently running."
- " "
- "Uninstall cannot remove Norton AntiVirus files if they"
- "are in use."
- " "
- "Please close the application and then restart Uninstall."
- [SymantecDir]
- caption = "Searching for Shared Directory"
- text1 = "Searching for Symantec shared"
- text2 = "program folder."
- appname = "symcfg.bin"
- apppath = C:\SYMANTEC
- [Errors]
- NoPrev = "Symantec Setup for Windows is already running!"
- [FileCopy]
- copycaption = "Removing Norton AntiVirus files"
- errorcaption = "Error Removing Files"
- insertcaption = "Insert Diskette"
- Message = MessageText
- [Cancel]
- caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Exit Uninstall"
- text = "Are you sure you want to exit?"
- [CancelShell]
- caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Exit Uninstall"
- "You have selected to cancel Uninstall."
- "In order to reset the Windows"
- "environment, Uninstall will also restart"
- "your computer. Are you sure you want to exit?"
- [Bye]
- caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Uninstall Complete"
- "This concludes the removal of Norton AntiVirus Scanner."
- "Your computer is no longer protected from viruses."
- " "
- [ByeRestart]
- caption = "Norton AntiVirus Scanner - Uninstall Complete"
- "Norton AntiVirus Scanner has been removed. Your computer
- "is no longer protected from viruses."
- " "
- "Setup must restart your computer to complete the"
- "uninstall process."
- [SourceToTarget4]
- reset = TARGET4
- location = %s, SOURCE
- [Target4ToTarget]
- reset = TARGET
- location = %s, TARGET4
- [TargetToTarget3]
- reset = TARGET3
- location = %s, TARGET
- [Target2ToTarget4]
- reset = TARGET4
- location = %s, TARGET2
- [Target2ToTarget5]
- reset = TARGET5
- location = %s, TARGET2
- [TargetToTarget5]
- reset = TARGET5
- location = %s, TARGET
- [SystemToTarget2]
- reset = TARGET2
- location = "SYSTEM"
- relative = 1
- relativeto = TARGET
- [SharedToTarget3]
- reset = TARGET3
- location = %s, TARGET5
- [Target3ToTarget4]
- reset = TARGET4
- location = %s, TARGET3
- [Target4ToTarget3]
- reset = TARGET3
- location = %s, TARGET4
- [Target3ToTarget5]
- reset = TARGET5
- location = %s, TARGET3
- [Target2ToTarget5]
- reset = TARGET5
- location = %s, TARGET2
- [TargetToTarget5]
- reset = TARGET5
- location = %s, TARGET
- [CustDLLCopy]
- siwnavnt.dll, siwnavnt.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- s32nav8.dll, s32nav8.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- s32stat.dll, s32stat.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- navntsch.dll, navntsch.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- [CustDLLDelete]
- siwnavnt.dll, TEMPDIR
- s32nav8.dll, TEMPDIR
- s32stat.dll, TEMPDIR
- [Leftovers]
- win.siw, WINDOWS
- system.siw, WINDOWS
- [DeleteNAVDataFiles]
- dll = siwnavnt.dll
- function = NavDeleteFiles
- activity.log, TARGET
- excludel.dat, TARGET
- navwnt.fts, TARGET2
- navwnt.gid, TARGET2
- navwnt.gid, TARGET3
- navwscn.fts, TARGET2
- navwscn.gid, TARGET2
- navwscn.gid, TARGET3
- infodesk.gid, TARGET3
- infodesk.fts, TARGET3
- infodesk.ftg, TARGET3
- pipedlg.dat, TARGET
- modem.id, TARGET
- navntsch.dll, TARGET
- $flecomp.tmp, TARGET
- virscanm.dat, TARGET
- virsp*.dat, TARGET
- ??nav??.zip, TARGET
- navex*.*, TARGET
- update.txt, TARGET
- ???9?.txt, TARGET
- [ContentsDelete]
- symantec.cnt, TARGET3
- [Pix]
- color = %s\luigi.bmp, 1, -1
- color = %s\symlogo.rle, -1, 1
- [groups]
- "Norton Antivirus Scanner", navnt.grp, DELETE
- [Norton Antivirus Scanner]
- "Norton AntiVirus Scanner", n32scanw.exe, navwnt, 0, TARGET, n32scanw.exe, TARGET, " "
- "Norton AntiVirus Uninstall", setup.exe, install, 0, TARGET, setup.exe, TARGET, "/u"
- [NAVCopy]
- CopyMain.BaseFiles, "Norton AntiVirus Base Files", 0, Y, N, Y
- CopySub.shared, " "
- CopySub.virdefs, " "
- CopySub.navwnt, "Windows scanner application"
- CopySub.install, "Install/uninstall NAV"
- CopyMain.Selective, "Selective uninstall", 0, N, N, N
- [UninstallDlg]
- Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
- Title="Uninstall Norton AntiVirus Scanner"
- DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
- ResourceId=132
- Bitmap16=202
- PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
- PanelFlags=First
- [RemoveSharedDlg]
- Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
- Title="Uninstall Norton AntiVirus"
- DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
- ResourceId=134
- Bitmap16=202
- PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
- PanelFlags=First
- [Finished]
- Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
- Title="Uninstall Complete"
- DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
- ResourceId=135
- Bitmap16=202
- PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
- PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
- [NeedAdministratorDialog]
- Caption="Norton AntiVirus Scanner Setup"
- Title="Need Administrator Priviliges"
- DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
- ResourceId=141
- Bitmap16=202
- PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
- PanelFlags=First