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- /*
- FIPS - the First nondestructive Interactive Partition Splitting program
- Module disk_io.h
- RCS - Header:
- $Header: c:/daten/fips/source/main/RCS/disk_io.h 1.4 1995/01/19 00:01:25 schaefer Exp schaefer $
- Copyright (C) 1993 Arno Schaefer
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Report problems and direct all questions to:
- schaefer@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de
- */
- #ifndef DISK_IO_H
- #define DISK_IO_H
- #include "types.h"
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Structure to hold information about the drive geometry */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- struct drive_geometry
- {
- dword heads;
- dword cylinders;
- dword sectors;
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Low level structure physical_drive, contains drive number and geometry, */
- /* as well as low level sector read and write routines */
- /* Geometry is determined on initialization, errorcode contains error */
- /* number after call to get_geometry() and reset(). */
- /* Initialization requires number (e.g. physical_drive drive1 (0x80);). */
- /* */
- /* Read and write are called max. 3 times in case of failure, return code */
- /* contains 0 if successful. Sector CRC is verified after write. */
- /* sector_number is absolute logical sector number (0 = master boot record)*/
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- class physical_drive
- {
- protected:
- virtual void get_geometry (void);
- public:
- // constructors & operators
- physical_drive (int number);
- physical_drive (physical_drive &pd);
- void operator= (physical_drive &pd);
- // public data
- int number;
- int errorcode;
- drive_geometry geometry;
- // functions
- virtual void reset (void);
- int read_sector (struct sector* sector, dword sector_number);
- int write_sector (struct sector* sector, dword sector_number);
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Physical_sector_no holds and calculates physical sector number (Head, */
- /* Cylinder, Sector). Number is calculated on initialization. Log_sector */
- /* is absolute logical sector number (0 = master boot record). Usage: */
- /* physical_sector_no mbr (0,geometry); */
- /* physical_sector_no mbr (0,0,1); */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- struct physical_sector_no
- {
- // public data
- dword head;
- dword cylinder;
- dword sector;
- // constructors
- physical_sector_no (dword logical_sector, const drive_geometry &geometry);
- physical_sector_no (dword head, dword cylinder, dword sector)
- {
- physical_sector_no::head = head;
- physical_sector_no::cylinder = cylinder;
- physical_sector_no::sector = sector;
- }
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Structure sector - contains only sector data */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- struct sector
- {
- byte data[512];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Prototype for bios call get_disk_type - returns 0 if drive not present. */
- /* Valid drive numbers: 0 - 255, result: 1 - floppy without disk change */
- /* detection, 2 - floppy with disk change detection, 3 - harddisk */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int get_disk_type (int drive_number);
- /* Bios call get_no_of_drives */
- int get_no_of_drives (void);
- #endif