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- 06/05/96 v0.62 Description of INN files (FILES.descript)
- Configuration of Linux Slackware INN_PKG for use with DEMON INTERNET SERVICES
- Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Ivan A. Beveridge. ivan@dreamtim.demon.co.uk
- This package is freely distributable.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following is a description of what the INN configuration files mean (for
- more information read the relevant man pages):
- active
- ------
- This tells INN which newsgroups are on your computer (ie which ones you can
- subscribe to from your news reader. This is *not necessarily* the same as
- the ones that you are going to download (these are named in slurp.sys).
- *Important* - do create/have the groups "control" and "junk". Control is
- for the passing of news control messages, and junk is for the articles that
- have no home to go to (eg. you have put a group in slurp.sys that you have
- not put in active - the downloaded news will go to junk).
- expire.ctl
- ----------
- This tells INN how long you want news articles to remain on your system.
- /remember/:14 means keep the header info for 14 days, to ensure that
- you do not receive the same article more than once.
- *:A:1:10:21 means for all named groups, moderated and unmoderated,
- keep the article for a minimum of 1 day, a default of
- 10 days, and a maximum of 21 days.
- news.announce.newusers:A:never:never:never means keep all articles in the
- news.announce.newusers group for ever.
- hosts.nntp
- ----------
- This tells INN which computers feed news. There are only two entries in this.
- "pubnews.demon.co.uk" could be added but bear in mind that this is *not* a
- guaranteed news server.
- news.demon.co.uk:
- YOURHOST.demon.co.uk: This means that you are able to "feed" news
- to your site (from your news reader).
- inn.conf
- --------
- This tells INN domain and other details about your News. This assumes that
- you have an address in the form HOST.demon.co.uk (if not, change domain name),
- and you are reading news off-line.
- domain: demon.co.uk means that news articles posted from you will
- be in domain demon.co.uk
- #organisation: Home means that your organisation is called "Home"
- (This is named in the article header info, but
- is commented out here).
- server: YOURHOST.demon.co.uk This sets the default NNTP server that you will
- use to *read* news. This is for when you dis-
- connect from Demon, and want to read news
- locally.
- moderators
- ----------
- This is only included as a reminder. I have included the line for
- comp.os.linux.announce. If you do not setup the moderators file properly, you
- any articles you send to moderated groups will be silently deleted by some
- other computer once you have sent the message to Demon. Either look at the
- "moderators" file, or look at the man pages (man moderators) to find out how
- to set this up. It is not vital, hence no more discussion.
- newsfeeds
- ---------
- This tells INN where to send articles that you post:
- ME:*:: This means send all articles to your own computer.
- OVERVIEW!:*:Tc,WO:/usr/lib/news/bin/overchan
- This is needed for the NOV threading to work. It
- saves article header details.
- demon/news.demon.co.uk\
- :*,!control,!junk\
- :Tf,Wnm:
- This tells INN to send articles that have not been sent
- through news.demon.co.uk to the site with the "demon"
- entry in the nntpsend.ctl file. It states which groups
- to send - in this case everything except for those in
- the control and junk newsgroups - notice the "!" which
- means "not").
- "demon" is an alias for the news.demon.co.uk site.
- The "\" at the end of the lines mean "think of this as
- a continuation line".
- nnrp.access
- -----------
- This tells INN which computers are allowed to read and post articles (*not*
- those which are newsfeeds):
- *:: -no- : -no- :!* means, by default, no-one is allowed to read
- or post articles to your machine (not even
- your own machine!).
- YOURHOST.demon.co.uk:Read Post:::*
- means that you machine can read and post
- articles to all newsgroups. Ensure that you
- put you host name in place of YOURHOST.
- (Note, if you have a domain name like
- HOST.YOURCO.co.uk, change the name to this.
- nntpsend.ctl
- ------------
- This tells INN where to send the news articles you have posted:
- demon:news.demon.co.uk:: "demon" is the alias mentioned in the newsfeeds
- file, and "news.demon.co.uk" is the full name
- of the news host to post news to.
- overview.fmt
- ------------
- This explains the format of threading for NOV. The only think I have changed
- is uncommenting the Xref: line, as recommended by the INN FAQ.
- Xref:full
- slurp.sys
- ---------
- This is a configuration file for use with "slurp", which is included with
- the slack2.1.help.tar.gz package, and names the news server to connect to
- for downloading news articles, and which newsgroups to download:
- news.demon.co.uk:\
- comp.os.linux,\
- comp.os.linux.announce
- The news site is named before the colon, and
- the newsgroups after, each group being
- separated by a comma (the "\" is there to make
- the file easy to read).
- slurp.news.demon.co.uk
- ----------------------
- This file contains a timestamp. This is the last time you downloaded news.
- Set this to something reasonable - say yesterday. The format for the time is:
- If the file is not there, it apparently defaults to 1st January 1986! You
- have been warned!
- In Slurp v1.10, this also may include news headers of articles that have not
- yet been downloaded (but will be on the next attempt).