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- Upgrading Your linux Distribution mini-HOWTO
- Greg Louis, glouis@dynamicro.on.ca
- v1.11, 6 June 1996
- Hints and tips on upgrading from one linux distribution to another.
- 1. IMPORTANT!!! Disclaimer and Copyright
- The procedure to which this document attempts to be a guide is
- inherently dangerous to the programs and data stored in your computer.
- You carry out any such procedure entirely at your own risk. The steps
- described in this document worked for the author; there is no
- guarantee that they will work for you, nor that you can attempt to
- follow them without serious damage to your computer's programs and/or
- data. You are entirely on your own in any use you may make of the
- information presented herein, and the author shall not be liable in
- any way whatsoever for any damage or inconvenience of any kind that
- you may suffer in so doing.
- This document is copyright 1996, Dynamicro Consulting Limited, and is
- released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This
- basically means that you may copy and modify it at will, but may not
- prevent others from doing likewise.
- Comments and questions may be directed to the author. Especially
- welcome, for use in future revisions, are accounts of successful
- upgrades of complex systems.
- 2. Changes since version 1.1
- ╖ Added this history section
- ╖ Added Zoltßn HidvΘgi's suggestion re mtime and ctime. Thanks,
- Zoltßn!
- ╖ Added an Acknowledgements section
- 3. Introduction
- 3.1. How to slay and reincarnate your linux box!
- The purpose of this document is to offer tips to help you through the
- destruction and reinstallation of a linux system. It's not a
- foolproof cookbook by any means; but I hope it will serve as some
- indication of what you need to think about, and of the order in which
- to do things. It would have been a help to me, if someone else had
- written something like this before I did my first upgrade; so I hope
- it will be a help to you, if you have a linux machine to rebuild.
- Don't take it as gospel, though: your mileage will almost certainly
- vary. Even the directory names in this document may be different from
- the ones you need to use; some people have /usr/home instead of /home,
- for example; others call it /u, and some (delicate shudder :) even put
- all their users directly under /usr itself! I can't be specific about
- your system, so I've just used the names the way they are in mine.
- You'll also notice that I use Slackware distributions, and that I
- assume you've enough RAM and hard disk space to install linux kernel
- source and build your own kernel. If your system is different, some
- of my recommendations won't apply; but I hope you'll still find the
- general outline to be of assistance in your rebuild project.
- 3.2. Why would anyone want to do that?
- Good question! If it can possibly be avoided, don't do it! (That's
- the single most important recommendation in this whole guide!!!) But
- there are times when you may have to.
- For example, I installed a 4Gb hard disk and then found out that
- Slackware 2.0 vintage linux didn't know a hard disk could have more
- than 2Gb, and it got horribly confused. So I had to upgrade to the
- then-current Slackware 2.3. That upgrade was a gruelling experience,
- and it's part of the reason I'm writing these notes. I did just about
- everything wrong, and only good luck and the fact that I had another
- running linux box beside me saved me from disaster.
- As another example, I found that I just couldn't succeed in building a
- working a.out linux kernel in the 1.3 series, using an out-of-the-box
- Slackware 2.3 installation (another machine, not the one I botched
- before). I took the plunge, bought Slackware 3.0 on CDROM and
- converted to ELF. This time the reinstallation went better, thanks in
- part to the previous bitter experience, and it served as the source of
- most of the ideas I'm offering you here.
- 3.3. Do you have to ``destroy and reinstall?''
- It's safer, oddly enough. If you install over top of an existing
- linux system, chances are you'll have a mixture of old and new
- binaries, old and new configuration files, and generally a mess to try
- to administer. Wiping the system clean, and then putting back only
- what you know you need, is a drastic but effective way to get a clean
- result. (Of course we're talking about installing a whole new linux
- distribution here, not about upgrading one or two packages! The best
- way to avoid having to do a full reinstallation is, precisely, to keep
- the individual bits -- especially gcc and its libraries, and binutils
- -- current. If the stuff you use is reasonably up-to-date, and you
- can keep it so by bringing in, and if need be compiling, new code from
- time to time, then there's no need for a mass upgrade.)
- As Patrick Volkerding points out (he too recommends the wipe-it-clean
- procedure for upgrades), installing ELF on top of a running a.out
- system is a recipe for disaster; at least, if you know enough to try
- it, you needn't read this guide!
- Even without that complication, though, you're better to build from
- scratch.
- 3.4. How long will it take?
- Depends, of course, on how complex your system is. But I figure that,
- for the successful upgrade (the other one? -- don't ask! :) I spent
- about ten hours making backups, six hours rebuilding the system to the
- point where I could enable logins, and another half day or thereabouts
- restoring the less-crucial stuff. As time passes I keep discovering
- little things that still aren't exactly as I want them -- I fix these
- as they're encountered -- but in the main, twenty hours' work should
- suffice for a reasonably complex rebuilding job. Maybe less if you're
- reinstalling from hard disk (I used CDROM) or more if you need to
- install from floppies. Maybe less if you've got a fast Pentium, more
- if it's a 386. You get the idea.
- So much for the introduction. Here's how to set about it, once you've
- decided it must be done. Arm yourself with fortitude and Jolt or
- whatever, and:
- 4. Write down everything you do.
- It's extremely valuable to have a record of what you've done in the
- process of preparing for, and carrying out, the changeover.
- Especially important is a list of the backups you'll be making in
- preparation for the destruction of your existing system.
- 5. Make a full backup of the existing system.
- Generally speaking, backups tend to be written on media that are
- sequentially accessed. That being so, you won't want to use this
- complete backup for restoring significant numbers of files; it's got
- too many files on it that you don't want. It's better to create small
- backups of individual segments that you know you're going to restore
- in their entirety. I'll list a bunch of examples later.
- Why then should you start with a full backup? Two basic reasons:
- first, in the event of a catastrophic failure installing the new
- system, you'll have a way to get back to the starting point with
- minimum pain. Second, no matter how carefully you prepare for the new
- installation, there is a very large chance that one or two important
- files will be overlooked. In that case the clumsiness of restoring
- those one or two files from the full backup set will be preferable to
- the inconvenience of doing without them.
- To save time and space, if you've still got the distribution medium
- for your old linux version, you might want to back up only those files
- the mtime or ctime of which is more recent than the date of the
- original installation.
- 6. Back up /etc and its subdirectories on one or more floppies.
- This is the other extreme: you won't be restoring these files (for the
- most part, anyway); you'll be comparing them with the new ones that
- get created during installation. Why? Because the new ones may have
- data that the old ones didn't, or may express the old data in new
- ways. Changes in protocols, addition of new tools, or implementation
- of new features in existing tools may all dictate changes in the
- formats of the configuration files and startup scripts that the /etc
- tree contains, and you'll very likely have to edit your old data into
- these files so as to preserve the new formats and take advantage of
- the improvements.
- 7. Make separate backups of each group of files you want to preserve.
- This is the most variable part of the job, and all I can really do to
- help is to describe what I did in my system, in the hope that it will
- serve as a rough guide. Basically, you want to look at every
- directory that contains any
- ╖ files that aren't part of your standard linux installation, or
- ╖ files that are actually newer than the ones you'll install when you
- do your new linux installation
- and separate out only those files that you want to carry over.
- (Another possible strategy is to back up all files with mtime or ctime
- more recent than the day of the previous linux installation, as
- mentioned above, and then restore from that. If you do that, you have
- to take into account that the new linux distribution may contain
- versions of some files that are newer still than the ones you saved.)
- In my case, I ended up making a .tgz file on the backup medium for
- each of
- ╖ /usr/lib/rn
- ╖ /usr/lib/smail
- ╖ /usr/lib/trn (the rest of /usr/lib would be reinstalled)
- ╖ /usr/local/src
- ╖ /usr/local/bin
- ╖ /usr/local/lib
- ╖ /usr/local/lpfont
- ╖ /usr/local/man
- ╖ /usr/local/sbin
- ╖ /usr/local/thot (there were other /usr/local files I didn't need)
- ╖ /usr/openwin
- ╖ /usr/src/lilo-17 (because my new Slackware still had version 16)
- ╖ /usr/src/linux-1.2.13 (because I'd done some customizing)
- ╖ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
- ╖ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/initrc (the rest of Xfree86 was to be
- reinstalled)
- ╖ /var/named
- ╖ /var/openwin
- ╖ /var/texfonts
- My machine was relatively easy in that there were no spool files to
- worry about. I don't run a news spool on this box, and since there
- are only two users, it was easiest just to get all the mail read
- before shutting down. Otherwise, /var/spool directories would have
- had to be backed up at the last minute. (And, of course, the news
- library and site directories!)
- 8. Prepare root and boot floppies for the new installation.
- Details of how to do this will be found in the installation guide for
- your new distribution.
- 9. Format floppies for the temporary kernel and the final build.
- You'll need two, one floppy for each.
- After all that's done, you're ready for the Big Moment. The next step
- removes the system from production.
- 10. Inhibit logins and back up the /root and /home trees.
- This is the last thing to be done on the old system before you destroy
- it, so as to carry forward the most current user and root information.
- 11. Boot from the new installation's boot and root floppies.
- 12. Delete the linux partitions with fdisk and recreate them.
- The installation guide will explain how to set about doing this, which
- will destroy the old system. From now on you're dependent on the
- quality of the backups you made in the earlier steps! You have been
- warned!
- 13. Run the new linux installation.
- There are already several good documents describing how to do this, so
- I'm not going into any detail. Continue from here when the new system
- can boot from its hard disk.
- Along the way, be sure to make a floppy that you can boot as well,
- since the kernel that the linux setup installs has to be replaced and
- accidents can happen during that process. Be sure to install the
- development packages and the kernel source.
- 14. With the new linux system booted from the hard disk, edit
- /etc/fstab
- and add your swap partition. Then run the command "swapon -a". I
- don't know why, but Slackware setup doesn't offer to do this for you
- if your swap partition exists already. Then, when you boot your new
- system and the rc.S script tries to turn swapping on, it can't find
- the partition in the fstab file and swapping doesn't get enabled.
- This step fixes it.
- 15. Restore configuration data to the /etc directory and subdirecto¡
- ries.
- As described above, you can't just copy all of the old files back into
- /etc and expect things to work properly afterward. Some files you can
- do that with; for example, /etc/XF86Config (as long as you're using
- the same version of Xfree86 -- and the same video hardware -- in the
- new installation as you did in the old). For the most part, though,
- it's best to use diff to compare the old and new files before doing
- any copying. Watch out especially for significant changes in the
- files in /etc/rc.d, which may require you to reestablish your old
- configuration by hand editing, instead of by copying the old rc
- scripts from your backup. Once it's all done, reboot.
- 16. Configure and rebuild the linux kernel.
- Even if you don't absolutely have to do this in order to get a kernel
- that supports your hardware, it's worth doing it in order to get a
- kernel that doesn't contain masses of drivers for stuff your machine
- doesn't have. For details, see the Kernel HOWTO. Install the rebuilt
- kernel on a floppy at first; once that boots ok, install on the hard
- disk, run lilo if you're using it, and reboot.
- 17. Restore the stuff from the backups you made earlier.
- Some of the binaries may need to be reinstalled from the source
- directories; I had to do that with lilo, for example, since my version
- was newer than the one on the Slackware installation and I hadn't
- bothered to save the binary from /sbin. You'll want to check through
- your restored programs and confirm the existence and correctness of
- configuration files, libraries and so on. In some cases, you may have
- to restore things in a specific order; you did make notes during
- backup, didn't you? ;-)
- 18. Review security.
- Check file permissions and directory permissions to be sure that
- access is neither too restricted nor too easy. I find that Slackware
- tends to lean toward a more open environment than I like, so I go
- around changing 755's to 711's for binaries in the .../bin directories
- and stuff like that. Or even 700's in the .../sbin ones. Especial
- care is needed if you've carried over an ftp server; but then, if you
- were running an ftp server, you probably thought of that already. :)
- 19. Enable logins.
- You're up and running. Over the next little while, there'll probably
- be details to clean up; but the bulk of the work is done. Enjoy!
- 20. Sorry, but once again:
- (See the disclaimer at the start of this document.)
- 21. Acknowledgements
- Thanks for contributing to the content of this mini-HOWTO are
- gratefully tendered to Zoltßn HidvΘgi.