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- Mail2News Mini-Howto
- Robert Hart, InterWeft IT Consultants Melbourne, Australia
- iweft@ipax.com.au
- v1.0, 4 November 1996
- This document describes how to set up your news server and the
- mail2news.pl software to link mailing lists to local news groups.
- 1. Copyright and such
- The copyright of this document is retained by the author. Permission
- is granted to distribute the document by electronic means and on CDs
- provided that it is kept entirely in its original format. Permission
- is also granted to print a copy of this document for personal use.
- The republishing of this document in part or in whole without the
- permission of the copyright holder by any means other than as noted
- above is prohibited.
- This document is directly supported by InterWeft IT Consultants
- (Melbourne, Australia).
- The latest version of this document is available at the InterWeft WWW
- site at InterWeft IT Consultants <>.
- 2. Introduction
- Most Internet sites are always seeking ways to improve the usage of
- the limited bandwidth awailable across their link to the Internet.
- Should more than one user subscribe to the same mailing list, there is
- going to be traffic duplication. If there are a number of such
- duplications - or the traffic on the lists is high, the consumption of
- bandwidth increases.
- By subscribing the site to a list (if this is allowed by the list
- owner) and 'gating' the email traffic to the local news server, it is
- possible to make mailing lists accessible to all site users, or, using
- the security features of 'innd', to limit the access to certain users.
- Such a site subscription (particularly if there are a number of high
- traffic lists) can make worthwhile savings in bandwidth usage.
- Reading list traffic in news reader also offers users the advantages
- of threading (which is not available in many mail user agents) and
- keeps their mail 'inbox' free for possibly more urgent, personal
- email.
- This mini-HOWTO describes setting up the 'mail2news.pl' script to
- accomplish this.
- 2.1. Finding mail2news.pl
- The author has been unable to find mail2news.pl on CPAN (the
- Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) - but it may just have been
- overlooked. It is however on sunsite.unc.edu - somewhere - and also on
- ftp.redhat.com.
- As this Perl script is not lengthy, it is appended to this howto.
- 3. Overview of the system
- It is probably easiest to understand how this system works by tracking
- a message from the mailing list to the newsgroup and then a message
- posted to the local newsgroup (gated to the mailing list) and see how
- they are handled.
- 3.1. Mail from the mailing list
- Mail from the mailing list is sent to all subscribed mail addresses. A
- special mail alias is subscribed to the mailing list in question and
- so all traffic to and from the list is sent by the list server to this
- address.
- When mail from the mailing list arrives at the local machine, the mail
- alias pipes the incoming message to mail2news.pl. The mail alias also
- specifies the destination (local) newsgroup.
- The mail2news.pl script processes the message, applying news headers
- and then uses rnews or inews to post the message to the newsgroup.
- 3.2. Messages posted to the local newsgroup
- The local newsgroup is set up as a moderated group, as this allows us
- to take advantage of the email capabilities of innd. Any messages
- posted to a moderated group are not immediately submitted to the
- group. Instead, messages are emailed to the moderator of the group.
- By declaring the moderator of the local newsgroup to be mailing list
- address, all locally posted messages to the newsgroup are
- automatically mailed out to the mailing list by innd and only appear
- once they have been received back through mail2news.pl which adds the
- necessary 'approved' line to the messages and are thus acceptable to
- innd for posting to the newsgroup.
- 4. Setting up mail2news
- Put the mail2news.pl script in a suitable location. I favour
- /usr/local/scripts, but the location is up to you.
- You will need to edit script as follows:-
- ╖ At the top of the script, make sure you are pointing at the local
- Perl binary
- ___________________________________________________________________
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # point at the correct location of perl
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ╖ I had problems with the three following lines. Commenting them out
- does not cause a problem.
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ( $version ) = $] =~ /(\d+\.\d+).*\nPatch level/;
- die "$program: requires at least version 3 of perl\n"
- if $version < 3;
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Edit the following lines to point at the posting program (I use
- rnews) and you news host:-
- ___________________________________________________________________
- # $inews = "/usr/bin/inews";
- # $iopts = "-h -o \"mail2news gateway\"";
- $inews = "/usr/bin/rnews";
- $iopts = "";
- $postinghost = "your.news.server"; # points at your news server
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Make sure that the script is exectuable (mode 755).
- 5. Establishing the mail aliases
- Edit /etc/aliases to create entries for the mailing list(s) you wish
- to pipe into news. Each entry should be of the form:-
- ______________________________________________________________________
- <subscribed email address to list>: \
- "| /usr/local/scripts/mail2news.pl <local news group name>"
- <code>
- <p>
- So for example if the email address to which email from the list is to
- be sent (the subscribed mail address) is <tt/site_list/ and the local
- newsgroup to which mail is to be posted is <tt/local.site.group/, the
- alias would be
- <code>
- # The site subscription address for blah-blah@some.mailing.list
- site_list: "| /usr/local/scripts/mail2news.pl local.site.group"
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Make an entry for each mailing list that is to be gated to oyur local
- news server and and then run newaliases.
- 6. Setting up the news groups and news server (innd)
- Using ctlinnd, create the newsgroups on your news server. Remember,
- these are to be local news groups, so start them with a distinctive
- name so you can filter them out from your news distributions (in your
- newsfeeds file).
- You also need to tell innd that the group is moderated (by using
- ctlinnd). Remember, innd is very sensitive to file ownership and
- permissions, so you need to interct at this level with innd as the
- news user. Indicating a moderated group is done by specifying m to the
- newgroup command.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ctlinnd newgroup <newgroup name> m <newsadmin>
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The m tells innd that the group is moderated.
- Edit your newsfeeds file to make sure that these local groups are not
- distributed (unless you specificaly wish this to occur).
- For example, if your mailing list is called local.site.group, then you
- would probably want to add !local* to the second field of your up (and
- possibly your down) stream news sites in your newsfeeds file.
- Now, in order to ensure that user messages are sent to the list
- automatically by innd, edit /etc/news/moderators to include a line
- declaring the mailing list email address as the moderator.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- some.site.list:list@mail.list.site
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 7. Subscribing the mail2 news alias to the mailing list
- You now need to subscribe the mail alias to the mailing list. Check
- with the mailing list information as to how to subscribe. Some mailing
- lists allow you to subscribe an email address that is different from
- the address from which the subscription comes (they check back to the
- address to be subscribed for confirmation before actually subscribing
- that address).
- Other mailing lists do not permit this. So you may need to 'forge' a
- subscription request. There are many ways of doing this. One of the
- easiest is to use Netscape mail set up (temporarily) with the address
- to which the mailing list is to send the mail.
- After subscribing, you should see a 'welcome' message of some kind
- from the list server in the news group - in which case all is well and
- you can now test the other direction by posting a news message to your
- new list.
- The message should *NOT* appear in the newsgroup at once. It should
- get sent out by mail and then received back and posted to the news
- group.
- If this works, you have succeed in getting the list gated to news.
- 8. If it doesn't work...
- If things don't work, you need to track through the path the messages
- are taking to see exactly where things are breaking down. Useful tools
- here are the mail and news logs.
- Robert Hart
- Melbourne, Victoria, Australia October 1996
- 9. The mail2news.pl script
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- ($program = $0) =~ s%.*/%%;
- #( $version ) = $] =~ /(\d+\.\d+).*\nPatch level/;
- #die "$program: requires at least version 3 of perl\n"
- # if $version < 3;
- # $inews = "/usr/bin/inews";
- # $iopts = "-h -o \"mail2news gateway\"";
- $inews = "/usr/bin/rnews";
- $iopts = "";
- $postinghost = "your.news.server";
- if ($#ARGV < 0) {
- # $newsgroup = "test";
- # we'll expect the newsgroup line in the body
- } elsif ($#ARGV == 0) {
- $newsgroup = $ARGV[0];
- } else {
- die "usage: $program [newsgroup]\n";
- }
- # in case inews dumps core or something crazy
- $SIG{'PIPE'} = "plumber";
- sub plumber { die "$program: \"$inews\" died prematurely!\n"; }
- open (INEWS, "| $inews $iopts") ||
- die "$program: can't run $inews\n";
- # header munging loop
- while (<STDIN>) {
- last if /^$/;
- # transform real from: line back to icky style
- s/^From:\s+(.*) <(.*)>/From: $2 ($1)/;
- s/Message-Id/Message-ID/;
- # transform from_ line to path header; also works locally
- s/^From\s+(\S+)@(\S+).*/Path: $2!$1/
- || s/^From\s+(\S+)[^@]*$/Path: $1\n/;
- print INEWS
- # if /^(Date|From|Subject|Path|Newsgroups|Organization|Message-ID):/i;
- if /^(Date|From|Subject|Path|Newsgroups|Message-ID):/i;
- $saw_subject |= ( $+ eq 'Subject' );
- $saw_msgid |= ( $+ eq 'Message-ID' );
- # $saw_newsgroup |= ( $+ eq 'Newsgroups' );
- }
- warn "$program: didn't expect newsgroup in both headers and ARGV\n"
- if $newsgroup && $saw_newsgroup;
- die "$program: didn't get newsgroup from either headers or ARGV\n"
- unless $newsgroup || $saw_newsgroup;
- $approved = $newsgroup;
- $approved =~ s/\./'-'/eg;
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year)=localtime(time);
- $madeupid = "\<$year$mon$mday.$hour$min$sec.$$\@kepler.hedland.edu.au\>";
- printf INEWS "Newsgroups: %s\n", $newsgroup if $newsgroup;
- printf INEWS "Approved: %s\@kepler.hedland.edu.au\n", $approved;
- print INEWS "Subject: Untitled\n" unless $saw_subject;
- printf INEWS "Message-ID: %s\n", $madeupid unless $saw_msgid;
- printf INEWS "NNTP-Posting-Host: %s\n", $postinghost;
- print INEWS "Organisation: (mail2news gateway)\n";
- print INEWS "\n";
- print INEWS while <STDIN>; # gobble rest of message
- close INEWS;
- exit $?;
- ______________________________________________________________________