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- The MacTerminal MINI-HOWTO
- Robert Kiesling
- v1.4, 9 November 1997
- This mini HOWTO describes the 1,002nd use for a dead Macintosh (grin):
- how to configure the Mac for use as a Linux terminal. Configurations
- using getty and the terminal program kermit are described, as well as
- using kermit peer-to-peer networking between between Linux and a Mac¡
- intosh. This document may be reproduced freely, in whole or in part,
- provided that any usage conforms to the general copyright notice of
- the HOWTO series of the Linux Documentation Project. See the file
- COPYRIGHT for details. Send all complaints, suggestions, errata, and
- any miscellany to kiesling@terracom.net, so I can keep this document
- as complete and up to date as possible.
- 1. Introduction.
- This mini-HOWTO should give you some Insanely Great ideas for how to
- make your Macintosh work with Linux. Unfortunately, I have been very
- busy, and so I haven't been able to include even half of what I wanted
- to include, like using MacTCP and Open Transport to connect to your
- Linux box via a PPP line. That will need to wait for future versions.
- This mini-HOWTO doesn't cover networking with LocalTalk and AppleTalk,
- either. I might explore these avenues if there's enough interest in,
- say, printing to a LaserWriter printer from Linux. Otherwise, it
- seems to me that such applications, being more trouble than they're
- worth (not to mention pricey), are beyond the scope of this document.
- I don't plan to cover MkLinux in this document, either. It's more
- than adequately documented elsewhere.
- So if you have ideas for this document, drop me a line at the e-mail
- above. Both systems embody a lot of the beginner's mindset as well as
- technical prowess, and in my opinion they don't talk to each other
- nearly enough.
- 2. Setting up a serial link.
- To set up a serial link between a Mac and a Linux machine, you will
- need, on the Linux side, either a DB9 Female-to-DB25 Male serial cable
- or a DB25 Female-to-DB25 Male serial cable, depending on your serial
- port. On the Macintosh side, you will need a DIN9-to-DB25 Male high-
- speed modem cable.
- Make sure that the cable is labeled a "high speed" cable, because some
- older Macintosh cables are configured with their handshaking lines
- tied high, which makes them useless for high-speed serial connections.
- You will also need a null modem adapter, available at Comp USA, Radio
- Shack, and similar outlets, and a DB25 Female-to-DB25 Female serial
- gender changer to connect the two serial cables.
- I have heard that Mac printer cables are really null modem cables in
- disguise, but I can't confirm this. Some of them are DIN9-to-DIN9
- anyway, and wiring one into a serial link would be more trouble than
- it's worth.
- If this sounds like Greek to you, read the Serial-HOWTO for details of
- RS-232 cable configurations and data transmission protocols.
- Before connecting the Mac and the Linux machines, you should determine
- that you have a working serial port on both machines, either by
- connecting a modem and dialing out to another computer with minicom
- (Linux), ZTerm (Mac), kermit (either), or the communications program
- of your choice.
- The latest version of minicom is available from
- sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/serialcomm/dialout and mirror sites.
- ZTerm is a complete, easy to use comm program. Unfortunately, it's
- shareware. A current version is available from mac.archive.umich.edu
- and outlets like it.
- The kermit program has been ported to every computer and operating
- system in existence. The archives are located at
- ftp.columbia.edu/kermit.
- You should strongly consider using kermit on both machines at this
- stage at least, because 1) it's free (although it's not covered by the
- Free Software Foundation's General Public License); and 2) it's a lot
- less confusing to have kermit on both machines than two completely
- different communications programs.
- If you have another way to determine that the serial ports of the two
- machines are operational, feel free to use that. The point is to
- ensure that both machines have working serial ports.
- Making the actual serial connection should be easy, given the
- directions above. In case it isn't, the connection looks like this:
- Linux PC DB9- or DB25- Null Gender DIN9-to- MacBox
- --------- to-DB25 male Modem Changer DB25 Mac --------
- | | serial cable. | | | | Serial Cable | |
- | |-----------------| |--| |-----------------| |
- | | | | | | | |
- --------- Adapter --------
- 3. Client-server connection with kermit.
- This is the most transient of all the configurations described here.
- It requires the least amount of system configuration, although in
- operation, it is the more difficult to use of the systems described
- here.
- In brief, you start kermit on both the Linux machine and the Mac, and
- place one of them in server mode. It doesn't matter which machine is
- the client ant which is the server, because this is a peer-to-peer
- connection. However, the Linux kermit can take advantage of Linux's
- superior scripting abilities, so it seems logical (to me at least) to
- designate the Linux-side kermit as the server, because this is the
- more readily automated task.
- You should ensure that kermit is installed correctly on both the Mac
- and the Linux PC. Follow the instructions in the respective kermit
- distributions. On the Linux machine type kermit at the shell prompt
- to start it. You may need root permissions in order to set the port
- and baud rate.
- kermit, the recent POSIX versions for Unices, supports baud rates up
- to 115 Kbps. The more recent Macintosh versions support serial port
- speeds up to 57.6 Kbps. This should be more than sufficient for any
- dumb tty-type application, but if you need a higher-speed connection,
- you're s.o.l, as far as kermit and serial lines are concerned.
- However, kermit provides facilities for communication over a TCP/IP
- link, but I haven't been able to test it. See the alternative in the
- following sections. Just remember, especially on the Mac side, to use
- a different port for kermit serial connections than your TCP/IP
- connections, because Mac kermit will rudely hose a serial port that is
- already in use.
- With that in mind, your .kermrc file would contain something like
- this:
- echo Executing site initialization file /usr/local/bin/ckermit.local.ini....
- set prompt Chanel3 >
- set line /dev/ttyS0
- set baud 38400
- set send packet-length 2000
- set receive packet-length 2000
- set block 3
- set file type binary
- Then, in your ~/.kermrc file, you would have a line like
- take /usr/local/bin/ckermit.local.ini
- On the Macintosh side, set the same communication parameters for bps,
- stop bits, parity, and word length. Some older versions of Mac Kermit
- do not support 2k packets, so you might need to set a smaller packet
- size. Howerver, kermit sets the communication packet length based on
- the receive packet-length setting, so you need to set a shorter packet
- size on the Linux end, too.
- To actually communicate over the link, you need to enter server mode
- on either the Mac or Linux side. It doesn't matter which. See the
- kermit docs for details of server mode.
- 3.1. Macintosh resources.
- This is one of the very few kermit applications where setting a text
- file type for transfers is useful. This is because Macintosh files
- have two parts: the data fork and the resource fork. The data fork
- corresponds to what we in the Linux world think of as a file: it's the
- actual data. The resource fork contains bitmaps for the icons,
- keymaps, font specifications, and the like. If you transfer a file
- from Linux to the Mac, the file won't be recognized as a text file by
- the Mac, if you use binary mode.
- When transferring binary files between the two systems, you should use
- the Macintosh .hqx BinHex format, which is a 7-bit encoding of an
- 8-bit data file. Mac utilities like BinHexer or StuffIt will covert
- the file to its binary form.
- If you have a text file which inadvertently ends up as a data-only
- file on the Mac, it's likely that it won't even appear in an Open
- dialog list box. What you need to do is open the file with ResEdit,
- which is available from mac.archive.umich.edu. ResEdit will tell you
- that the file you're opening has no resource fork and then asks if you
- would like to add one. You should answer "Yes" to this question. You
- can then edit the file's Type and Creator by selecting the Open
- Special option of the File menu. All Macintosh text files are type
- TEXT, so replace the question marks in the Text box with that. The
- Creator code depends on your text editor or word processor. Each one
- is unique, incidentally, and is how the Mac identifies different apps.
- The Creator code for GNU Emacs on the Mac is EMAC, for example. If in
- doubt what the creator code of your text editor or word processor is,
- use ttxt, which is the creator code for TeachText (which is the Mac
- equivalent of EDLIN.EXE.) Then your real word processor or text
- editor can translate the file from TeachText to its native type.
- There are many other neato things which TeachText can do, so it's
- worthwhile to keep it permanently on your Mac. The book Voodoo Mac,
- by Kay Yarborough Nelson, is a good source of tried-and-true Macintosh
- tricks that use ResEdit, TeachText, the Finder, and other overlooked
- programs.
- 4. Logging in via kermit.
- Configuring Linux to use the Mac as a login: terminal is even easier.
- kermit is ideal for this purpose, because it is one of the few free
- communication programs which provides credible VT100/120/220
- emulation.
- Essentially, what you want to do is start kermit on the Macintosh side
- as in the previous section, but rather than issue server commands, you
- enter connect mode. This is the normal terminal emulation mode that
- most people use, anyway.
- On the Linux side, the serial line must be configured with a getty on
- it to start a login: shell. To do this, you need to tell init that
- the serial line has a terminal on it. In your /etc/inittab file you
- will need a line something like this:
- T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
- Be sure to substitute the appropriate serial device for /dev/ttyS0 and
- the correct baud rate for 9600 in the command line above.
- This command tells getty to start login (the -L switch) on the
- terminal display, and, when the login times out, to re-start (respawn)
- the login program until someone logs in. If no device is connected to
- the serial line, or if the connection is defective, you may see a
- message on the system console like: /dev/ttyS0 respawning too fast:
- disabling for 5 minutes. If this happens, you can return things to
- normal by (as root) killing the getty process, or using the init q
- command. Both of them have the effect of re-spawning the getty
- processe(s). If everything is in order, you should see the Linux
- banner and login prompt on the Mac's kermit window. That's all there
- is to it.
- Also, if you use something besides vanilla getty, like getty_ps, the
- command above will look somewhat different. The important thing to
- remember is that everything to the right of /sbin/getty is an argument
- for getty itself; not init. You should look at the manual pages for
- getty, init,and inittab if you have questions concerning the setup of
- init and getty.
- The Serial HOWTO provides helpful details on how to configure
- /etc/inittab for getty_ps, if that's what your system uses.
- To transfer files back and forth between the Macintosh and the Linux
- machine, you can (via the Mac's Kermit) issue the kermit -x command to
- start the Linux kermit in server mode. You can then use the normal
- file transfer commands to send files across the serial line. It's
- useful to set a prompt in your ~/.kermrc with a line like
- set prompt Linux-kermit >
- Otherwise, remembering which machine you're on can quickly become con¡
- fusing.
- 4.1. Other Mac terminal programs.
- This method should work equally well for any other Mac terminal
- program. If you have ZTerm, you can use rz and sz on the Linux
- machine to transfer files via the ZModem protocol. If Microphone Lite
- came bundled with your fax modem, that works equally well, albeit
- without kermit's superior scripting and configuration facilities.
- 5. Conclusion.
- If you have questions about any of this material, or suggestions for
- future directions of Mac-Linux serial-line connectivity, don't
- hesitate to drop me a line at kiesling@terracom.net.