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- Linux Keyboard Setup Mini-Howto
- Stephen Lee, sl14@cornell.edu
- Version 1.3, 16 Sep 1995
- This Mini-HOWTO document describes setting up the kernel and applica-
- tions to handle the Cursor control keys.
- 1. Introduction
- It has been annoying to me that cursor keys had not work consistently
- across different programs (and on different machines), so I took some
- time and tried to fix all that. Here I document my experience so
- others would not need to go through the same tedious cycle I did.
- I'm using Slackware 2.0.1, so pathnames to files might be different
- from yours if you are using a different distribution.
- Some of the material here appeared in an earlier ``BackSpace Mini-
- HOWTO''. Although the method described there still works, I consider
- this a better solution.
- 1.1. Typography
- o This is a program name.
- o This is a ``command'' you'd type on a keyboard.
- o This is a <Key> on the keyboard. eg. <BackSpace>, <Delete>,
- <Shift-l>, <Ctrl-q> etc.
- o This is an [X11 Keysym] which you can use for mapping keys under X.
- eg. [BackSpace], [Delete], [Left], [Home] etc.
- 1.2. Terminalogy
- ASCII character 0x1B.
- BS ASCII character 0x08, or control-h.
- ASCII character 0x7F.
- ^D ASCII character 0x04, or control-d.
- VC A Linux Virtual Console.
- 1.3. Acknowledgements
- Thanks to the following people who commented on my ``BackSpace Mini-
- HOWTO'':
- John Copella, Andrew Rakowski, Dr. Jacques Gelinas, Michael Bischoff,
- Topher Hughes, Chuck Meyer, Alexis Kotte, and especially Ted Stern and
- Steve Dunham.
- Thanks to Jamie Zawinski from Netscape Communications for pointing out
- the correct fix for the Backspace problem in Motif applications, and
- for the xkeycaps(1) program.
- 2. Non-X configuration
- I assume you came from the DOS world like I did, and is used to the
- mapping of function that <BackSpace> deletes character to the left of
- the cursor and <Delete> deletes character on top of the cursor.
- Under a shell, the most intuitive mapping is <BackSpace> -> BS and
- <Delete> -> DEL. This is fine unless you want to use EMACS. EMACS map
- <Ctrl-h> to its help function, which, under ASCII, is unfortunately
- BS. So each time you want to erase a character backwards, you invoke
- the help system. Also, DEL under Emacs deletes BACKWARDS, like what
- you'd expect for BS.
- One choice is to remap the keys under Emacs. Unfortunately you'll
- lose the ``<Ctrl-h> = help'' mapping. So, I decided to map
- <BackSpace> -> DEL. This leaves BS for use by <Ctrl-h> in Emacs.
- So, now what shall we do for the <Delete> key? In a previous verion
- of this document I used ^D, which works under both Emacs and csh/tcsh
- as a ``Delete character on cursor'' function. But since then I've
- found a better solution. The kernel by default maps <Delete> as the
- VT100 ``Remove'' key sequence (``ESC[3~''). It is not hard to teach
- Emacs and tcsh to recognize it. The advantage is that you can bind it
- differently than <Ctrl-d> in programs. Also, it is more consistent if
- you also map other cursor control keys. The disadvantage is that you
- might not be able to use it in some application which you can't bind
- key sequences (but than apply to the <Delete> -> ^D binding as well).
- 2.1. Linux console
- Linux console key bindings are controlled by the kernel. The kernel
- by default generates the correct bindings for <Backspace> and
- <Delete>, so you should not need to change that.
- However, if you do, the following programs (in the 'kbd' package,
- which should come with Slackware already) affect the key bindings:
- showkeys
- ``showkeys'' shows the Linux keycode generated by a key. The
- keycode can then be used by loadkeys(1) to change the keymap.
- dumpkeys
- Shows the current keybindings. See the manual page for more
- detail.
- loadkeys
- ``loadkeys file'' loads keybindings from file ``file''. Note
- that this changes the key bindings for ALL virtual consoles.
- This is usually done at boot time in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
- You can start with one of the keytable files in
- /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/*.map and edit that. The one that is
- compiled into your kernel would be
- /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/defkeymap.map if you have the kernel
- source. The format of the file is described in the keytables(5)
- manual page.
- The keys of particular interest are <BackSpace> (keycode 14),
- <Delete> (111).
- setmetamode
- ``setmetamode'' controls whether the keystroke <Alt-x>, where x
- is some key, would send the keycode M-x or the key sequence ESC
- followed by x. This is virtual-console-specific, you can have
- different setting in different virtual consoles.
- 2.2. tty (including the Linux console)
- ``stty erase <ch>'' tells the terminal what character your <BackSpace>
- key generates. It does NOT change your key bindings. If you map
- <BackSpace> to DEL then do a ``stty erase '^H''' it won't magically
- changes your <BackSpace> key to generate ^H; it would only confuse
- your computer.
- To correctly set your terminal ``erase'' character to DEL, type ``stty
- erase '^?''' (where ^? can be '^' followed by '?' or <Ctrl-v>
- <BackSpace>) at your shell prompt. You might want to put this in your
- $(HOME)/.cshrc or $(HOME)/.profile.
- Note: although csh/tcsh treats BS and DEL the same way, other programs
- don't. So your mapping might seem to work under csh/tcsh but you get
- wierd stuff like ^? under some programs. Solution: remember the
- ``stty'' command above.
- 2.3. Shells
- 2.3.1. tcsh
- tcsh provides the command ``bindkey'' for binding keys:
- bindkey
- lists all current bindings.
- bindkey ``str'' function
- binds input string ``str'' to ``function''. A list of tcsh
- functions can be obtained by ``bindkey -l''.
- bindkey -k <up | down | left | right> function
- binds an arrow key to ``function''.
- Example: To bind cursor control keys, put this in $HOME/.cshrc:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- if ($term == "xterm" || $term == "vt100" \
- || $term == "vt102" || $term !~ "con*") then
- # bind keypad keys for console, vt100, vt102, xterm
- bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line # Home
- bindkey "\e[2~" overwrite-mode # Ins
- bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char # Delete
- bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line # End
- endif
- ______________________________________________________________________
- See the man page for tcsh(1) for a complete description.
- Example: You can have 4DOS-style command history under tcsh with the
- tcsh function-pair history-search-backward (Meta-p) and history-
- search-forward (Meta-n). Typing ``abc<Meta-p>'' will only show lines
- in history that start with ``abc''. Also, function magic-space
- expands ! histories as you type, and I prefer them over the default
- so I bound them to the up/down arrow keys and space:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- bindkey -k up history-search-backward
- bindkey -k down history-search-forward
- bindkey " " magic-space
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 2.3.2. bash
- The ``.inputrc'' file contains the list of key bindings to functions.
- For example, if you put the following line in $HOME/.inputrc:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- "\e[1~": beginning-of-line
- "\e[3~": delete-char
- "\e[4~": end-of-line
- ______________________________________________________________________
- It will map the <Home>, <Delete>, and <End> keys respectively to the
- corresponding functions.
- You might also need the following line if your <BackSpace> key sends
- the ASCII DEL:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- DEL: backward-delete-char
- ______________________________________________________________________
- You probably don't need it (I don't), but it's worth a try if you run
- into trouble.
- 2.4. Editors
- 2.4.1. Emacs 19
- Emacs 19 provides the elisp function define-key for binding keys. You
- can bind a key sequence to a function key like this in $(HOME)/.emacs:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ;; map function keys on PC keyboard
- (setq term (getenv "TERM"))
- (if (or
- (string= "xterm" term)
- (string= "con" (substring term 0 3)) ; linux consoles
- (string= "vt100" term)
- (string= "vt102" term))
- (progn
- (defun my-setkey-hook ()
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [home])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[2~" [insert])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[3~" [delete])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [end])
- ;; these are just my own sequences
- ;; so I can use the keys under Emacs
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[40~" [C-prior])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[41~" [C-next])
- ;; function keys: use same mapping as xterm
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[11~" [f1])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[12~" [f2])
- ;; ...
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[24~" [f12])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[25~" [S-f1])
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[26~" [S-f2])
- ;; ...
- (define-key function-key-map "\e[39~" [S-f12])
- )
- (add-hook 'term-setup-hook 'my-setkey-hook)
- )
- ()
- )
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Note the function key names are all in lowercase.
- You can also bind function keys (or key sequences, but we won't be
- using that here) to a emacs command with global-set-key like this:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)
- (global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-line) ; you might not want this
- (global-set-key [end] 'end-of-line) ; nor this
- (global-set-key [C-prior] 'beginning-of-buffer)
- (global-set-key [C-next] 'end-of-buffer)
- (global-set-key [f1] 'help-for-help)
- ;; ...
- (global-set-key [S-f12] 'info)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 2.4.2. vi
- Anybody want to write this?
- 2.5. Other Programs
- 2.5.1. less
- lesskey(1) allows you to map keys for the less(1) pager. Put the
- following lines in your $HOME/.lessrc (this is for VT100-like
- terminals):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ^[[A back-line
- ^[[B forw-line
- ^[[C next-file
- ^[[D prev-file
- ^[OA back-line
- ^[OB forw-line
- ^[OC next-file
- ^[OD prev-file
- ^[[6~ forw-scroll
- ^[[5~ back-scroll
- ^[[1~ goto-line
- ^[[4~ goto-end
- ______________________________________________________________________
- replacing '^[' with the ESC character (ASCII 0x1B), then run ``lesskey
- .lessrc'' in your home directory. You can then use the cursor pad
- keys for scrolling text under less(1).
- 3. X configuration
- Under the X windows system, every key can have a different keysym
- assigned to it, instead of just an ASCII value of key sequence. Thus,
- X applications can distinguish easily between, for example, <Tab>
- (which generates the [Tab] keysym) and <Ctrl-i> (which generates the
- [i] keysym with the "Ctrl" modifier).
- One consequence is that we want <BackSpace> to generate the
- [BackSpace] keysym. However, on most systems <BackSpace> as well as
- <Delete> generate the [Delete] keysym by default due to the way the
- XFree86 server is written (it reads the settings from Linux's key
- map). This makes the two keys indistinguishable. This is the number
- 1 cause in the ``Backspace doesn't work in my X application'' problem.
- See the entry for xmodmap(1) or xkeycaps(1) for a fix.
- A list of keysyms can be found in <X11/keysymdef.h> (usually
- /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h), without the XK_ prefix, and also
- /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB. Note X keysyms are case sensitive.
- There are several modifiers (like ``Shift'' and ``Ctrl'') that can be
- generated under X: Shift, Ctrl, Meta, Alt, Super and Hyper. Note that
- although ``Alt'' is present, most of the time the <Alt> key on the PC
- keyboard is bound to the ``Meta'' modifier; it works with more
- applications this way.
- 3.1. X server
- xev
- xev(1) allows you to see events generated on a window, including
- <KeyPress> and <KeyRelease> events where you can find the
- keycode for a particular key. Once the keycode is found for a
- key it can be mapped into a X11 keysym with xmodmap.
- xkeycaps
- From the README file:
- xkeycaps is a graphical front-end to xmodmap. It opens a window
- that looks like a keyboard; moving the mouse over a key shows
- what KeySyms and Modifier bits that key generates. Clicking on
- a key simulates KeyPress/KeyRelease events on the window of your
- choice. It is possible to change the KeySyms and Modifiers
- generated by a key through a mouse-based interface. This
- program can also write an input file for xmodmap to recreate
- your changes in future sessions. See the man page for more
- details.
- The latest version of xkeycaps is always ftpable from ftp.x.org.
- You can also get it from my web page at this place
- (http://www.netscape.com/people/jwz/).
- xmodmap
- One of the function of xmodmap(1) is to map X keycodes to
- keysyms.
- ``xmodmap <file>'' reads the keycode -> keysym table from the
- file ``file'' (usually named .xmodmaprc or .Xmodmap in the
- user's home directory). This is usually done by xinit(1) or
- startx(1) when X starts up.
- By default, Slackware loads the file $HOME/.Xmodmap if it is
- present; so putting the following two lines in it should fix
- most problems. Otherwise, read on.
- ________________________________________________________________
- keycode 22 = BackSpace
- keycode 107 = Delete
- ________________________________________________________________
- ``xmodmap -e "command"'' can be used to execute a single xmodmap
- command, for simple changes.
- For example, you can put the the following lines in $HOME/.xinitrc
- instead of using the $HOME/.Xmodmap file:
- ___________________________________________________________________
- # map the <BackSpace> key to the [BackSpace] keysym.
- xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"
- # map the <Delete> key to the [Delete] keysym.
- xmodmap -e "keycode 107 = Delete"
- ___________________________________________________________________
- (Warning: X exits when the last line of .xinitrc finishes, so if
- you don't have a .xinitrc before, you must put something that will
- continue to run (like the window manager or an xterm) at the end of
- .xinitrc, and don't put it in the background!)
- Lastly, you might generate a map file from your loadkey(1) *.map
- file using ``/usr/lib/kbd/keytables/mk_modmap foo.map > foo.xmap'';
- you need to remove all the ``compose'' command in the output. Note
- that <BackSpace> would be mapped to the [Delete] keysym if you
- start with the keymap provided, so be sure to edit foo.xmap for
- keycode 22 (BackSpace) and 107 (Delete).
- 3.2. X applications
- X applications are usually configurated via resources. User
- customizations are usually put in $HOME/.Xdefaults and loaded via
- ``xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults'' in .xinitrc (again, see the warning in
- the xmodmap entry).
- 3.2.1. Terminal Emulators
- xterm family
- Key mappings can be changed like this in $(HOME)/.Xresources:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- *VT100.Translations: #override <Key>BackSpace: string(0x7F)\n\
- <Key>Delete: string(0x1b) string("[3~")\n\
- <Key>Home: string(0x1b) string("[1~")\n\
- <Key>End: string(0x1b) string("[4~")\n\
- Ctrl<Key>Prior: string(0x1b) string("[40~")\n\
- Ctrl<Key>Next: string(0x1b) string("[41~")
- ______________________________________________________________________
- This applies to most xterm-based emulators (xterm, color_xterm, kterm
- etc. but not rxvt).
- rxvt
- There is apparaently no way to remap keys in rxvt except by patching
- the source. Any proof to the contrary would be welcome.
- 3.2.2. Editors
- FSF Emacs 19
- global-set-key can be used to map keys to Emacs commands. See the
- Emacs 19 entry in the non-X section. To find out what emacs symbol a
- key sends, press the key in question (in a scratch buffer so it won't
- clobber up your files) and then use the Emacs command view-lossage
- (usually <Ctrl-h> <l>) to see what the key generated.
- Usually the symbol is the X11 keysym in lowercase; for example,
- <Insert> (which generates the [Insert] keysym) would be [insert] in
- Emacs.
- <Shift-fkey>, <Ctrl-fkey>, <Meta-fkey> generates [S-fkey], [C-fkey],
- and [M-fkey] respectively. Combinations generate something like [C-M-
- fkey]. Other modifiers are s- for "Super", H- for "Hyper" and A- for
- "Alt".
- XEmacs
- Again, use define-key or global-set-key. I believe both the [keysym]
- method as in FSF Emacs or 'keysym (like below) work. The method of
- specifying <Ctrl-fkey> etc. is different; both [(control fkey)] or
- '(control fkey) should work. But note that <Ctrl-A> is '(control a)
- while <Ctrl-Shift-A> is '(control A). Save '(shift fkey) for non-
- alphabet keys.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- (define-key global-map 'delete 'delete-char)
- (define-key global-map 'backspace 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
- (define-key global-map '(control prior) 'fkey-beginning-of-buffer)
- (define-key global-map '(control next) 'fkey-end-of-buffer)
- (define-key global-map '(control home) 'fkey-scroll-right)
- (define-key global-map '(control end) 'fkey-scroll-left)
- (global-set-key 'f1 'help-for-help)
- (global-set-key 'f3 'isearch-forward)
- (global-set-key 'f4 'query-replace-regexp)
- (global-set-key '(shift f1) 'info)
- (global-set-key '(shift f3) 'isearch-backward)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Sometimes the <Delete> key doesn't delete forward after changing a
- major mode even if you remapped it like the above. Then you might
- need to remap it in the keymap for that major mode like the example
- below:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; Lisp modes setup
- ;;
- (defun my-lisp-mode-common-hook ()
- (define-key shared-lisp-mode-map 'backspace
- 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
- (define-key shared-lisp-mode-map 'delete 'delete-char)
- )
- (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'my-lisp-mode-common-hook)
- (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-lisp-mode-common-hook)
- (add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook 'my-lisp-mode-common-hook)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 3.2.3. Other Programs
- Motif applications (e.g. Mosaic, Netscape)
- <BackSpace> should work in Motif applications if it generates the
- [BackSpace] keysym. See the entry for xmodmap(1).
- Previous version of this document suggested a fix using
- *XmText.translations or *XmTextField.translations resources. This is
- not recommended anymore as it would break other things. See the
- netscape FAQ for X
- (http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/1.1/faq_navx.html)
- 4. For more information
- ``kbd.FAQ'' in the kbd package
- (ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Keyboards/kbd-0.89.tar.gz)
- contains more examples on remapping the keyboard.
- Man pages for the programs mentioned above are good sources of
- information, especially xterm(1x), xmodmap and stty(1).
- Info pages for Emacs tells you how to remap keys under it; use ``emacs
- -f info'' to read them.
- ``Keystroke-mini-HOWTO
- (ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/doc/HOWTO/mini/Keystroke)'' describes
- a way to assign special action to some of the keys on the keyboard.
- ``the netscape FAQ
- (http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/1.1/faq_navx.html#x12)'' has a
- solution for the ``Backspace doesn't work in Netscape'' problem.