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- From VMS to Linux HOWTO
- By Guido Gonzato, guido@ibogfs.cineca.it
- v1.0.1, 31 October 1997
- This HOWTO is aimed at all those who have been using VMS and now need
- or want to switch to Linux, the free UNIX clone. The transition is
- made (hopefully) painless with a step--to--step comparison between
- commands and available tools.
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Why Linux?
- You've heard that UNIX is difficult and balk at the prospect of
- leaving VMS, right? Don't worry. Linux, one of the finest UNIX clones,
- is not more difficult to use than VMS (actually, I find it much
- easier), and it's much more powerful and versatile.
- Linux and VMS accomplish essentially the same tasks, but Linux' tools
- are superior, its syntax is much more concise, and has some features
- missing in VMS that help save a lot of time. (You'll often hear that
- VMS and UNIX have a different `philosophy'.) Moreover, Linux is
- available for PCs while VMS is not, and a Pentium-based Linux box can
- outperform a VAX. I guess this is the reason why you want to swap VMS
- to Linux.
- I imagine you're a university researcher or a student, and that you
- use VMS for the following everyday tasks:
- ╖ writing papers with TeX/LaTeX;
- ╖ programming in Fortran;
- ╖ doing some graphics;
- ╖ using Internet services;
- ╖ et cetera.
- In the following sections I'm going to explain to you how to do these
- tasks under Linux, exploiting your experience with VMS. Prerequisites:
- ╖ Linux and X Window System are properly installed;
- ╖ there's a system administrator to take care of the technical
- details (please get help from them, not from me ;-) ;
- ╖ your shell---the equivalent of DCL---is bash (ask your sysadm).
- Please note that this HOWTO is not enough to acquaint you fully with
- Linux: it only contains the bare essential to get you started. You
- should learn more about Linux to make the most of it (advanced bash
- features, programming, regular expressions...). From now on, RMP means
- `please read the man pages for further details'. The man pages are the
- equivalent of the command HELP.
- The Linux Documentation Project documents, available on
- sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/docs/LDP, are an important source of
- information. I suggest that you read Larry Greenfield's ``Linux User
- Guide''---it's invaluable for the novice user.
- And now, go ahead.
- 1.2. Comparing Commands and Files
- This table attempts to compare VMS' and Linux' most used commands.
- Please keep in mind that the syntax is often very different; for more
- details, refer to the following sections.
- VMS Linux Notes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @COMMAND command must be executable
- COPY file1 file2 cp file1 file2
- CREATE/DIR [.dirname] mkdir dirname only one at a time
- CREATE/DIR [.dir1.dir2] mkdirhier dir/name
- DELETE filename rm filename
- DIFF file1 file2 diff -c file1 file2
- DIRECTORY [...]file find . -name file
- EDIT filename vi filename, you won't like it
- emacs filename, EDT compatible
- jed filename ditto---my favourite
- FORTRAN prog.for g77 prog.f, no need to do LINK
- f77 prog.f,
- fort77 prog.f
- HELP command man command must specify `command'
- info command ditto
- LATEX file.tex latex file.tex
- LOGIN.COM .bash_profile, `hidden' file
- .bashrc ditto
- LOGOUT.COM .bash_logout ditto
- MAIL mail, crude
- elm, much better
- pine better still
- PRINT file.ps lpr file.ps
- PRINT/QUEUE=laser file.ps lpr -Plaser file.ps
- PHONE user talk user
- RENAME file1 file2 mv file1 file2 not for multiple files
- RUN progname progname
- SEARCH file "pattern" grep pattern file
- SET DEFAULT [-] cd ..
- SET DEFAULT [.dir.name] cd dir/name
- SET HOST hostname telnet hostname, not exactly the same
- rlogin hostname
- SET FILE/OWNER_UIC=joe chown joe file completely different
- SET PROT=(perm) file chmod perm file completely different
- SET TERMINAL export TERM= different syntax
- SHOW DEVICE du, df
- SHOW TIME date
- STOP kill
- STOP/QUEUE kill, for processes
- lprm for print queues
- SUBMIT command command &
- SUBMIT/AFTER=time command at time command
- TEX file.tex tex file.tex
- TYPE/PAGE file more file
- less file much better
- But of course it's not only a matter of different command names. Read
- on.
- 2. Short Intro
- This is what you absolutely need to know before logging in the first
- time. Relax, it's not much.
- 2.1. Files
- ╖ Under VMS filenames are in the form filename.extension.version;.
- Under Linux, the version number doesn't exist (big limitation, but
- see Section ``RCS in a Nutshell''); the filename has normally a
- limit of 255 characters and can have as many dots as you like.
- Example of filename: This.is_a_FILEname.txt.
- ╖ Linux distinguishes between upper case and lower case characters:
- FILENAME.txt and filename.txt are two different files; ls is a
- command, LS is not.
- ╖ A filename starting with a dot is a `hidden' file (that is, it
- won't normally show up in dir listings), while filenames ending
- with a tilde '~' represent backup files.
- Now, a table to sum up how to translate commands from VMS to Linux:
- VMS Linux
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ COPY file1.txt; file2.txt; $ cp file1.txt file2.txt
- $ COPY [.dir]file.txt;1 [] $ cp dir/file.txt .
- $ COPY [.dir]file.txt;1 [-] $ cp dir/file.txt ..
- $ DELETE *.dat.* $ rm *dat
- $ DIFF file1 file2 $ diff -c file1 file2
- $ PRINT file $ lpr file
- $ PRINT/queue=queuename file $ lpr -Pprintername file
- $ SEARCH *.tex.* "geology" $ grep geology *tex
- For other examples involving directories, see below; for details about
- protections, ownership, and advanced topics, see Section ``Advanced
- Topics''.
- 2.2. Directories
- ╖ Within the same node and device, directories names under VMS are in
- the form [top.dir.subdir]; under Linux, /top/dir/subdir/. On the
- top of the directory tree lies the so--called `root directory'
- called /; underneath there are other directories like /bin, /usr,
- /tmp, /etc, and others.
- ╖ The directory /home contains the so--called users' `home
- directories': e.g. /home/guido, /home/warner, and so on. When a
- user logs in, they start working in their home dir; it's the
- equivalent of SYS$LOGIN. There's a shortcut for the home directory:
- the tilde '~'. So, cd ~/tmp is the same as, say, cd
- /home/guido/tmp.
- ╖ Directory names follow the same rules as file names. Furthermore,
- each directory has two special entries: one is . and refers to the
- directory itself (like []), and .. that refers to the parent
- directory (like [-]).
- And now for some other examples:
- DOS Linux
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ CREATE/DIR [.dirname] $ mkdir dirname
- $ CREATE/DIR [.dir1.dir2.dir3] $ mkdirhier dir1/dir2/dir3
- n/a $ rmdir dirname
- (if dirname is empty)
- $ rm -R dirname
- $ DIRECTORY $ ls
- $ DIRECTORY [...]file.*.* $ find . -name "file*"
- $ SET DEF [-] $ cd ..
- $ SET DEF [top.dir.subdir] $ cd /top/dir/subdir
- $ SET DEF [.dir.subdir] $ cd dir/subdir
- $ SHOW DEF $ pwd
- For protections, ownership, and advanced topics, see Section
- ``Advanced Topics''.
- 2.3. Programs
- ╖ Commands, compiled programs, and shell scripts (VMS' `command
- files') don't have compulsory extensions like .EXE or .COM and can
- be called whatever you like. Executable files are marked by an
- asterisk '*' when you issue ls -F.
- ╖ To run an executable file, just type its name (no RUN PROGRAM.EXE
- or @COMMAND). Caveat: it's essential that the file be located in a
- directory included in the path of executables, which is a list of
- directories. Typically, the path includes dirs like /bin, /usr/bin,
- /usr/X11R6/bin, and others. If you write your own programs, put
- them in a directory you have included in the path (see how in
- Section ``Configuring''). As an alternative, you may run a program
- specifying its complete path: e.g., /home/guido/data/myprog; or
- ./myprog, if the current directory isn't in the path.
- ╖ Command switches are obtained with /OPTION= under VMS, and with
- -switch or --switch under Linux, where switch is a letter, more
- letters combined, or a word. In particular, the switch -R
- (recursive) of many Linux commands performs the same action as
- [...] under VMS;
- ╖ You can issue several commands on the command line:
- $ command1 ; command2 ; ... ; commandn
- ╖ Most of the flexibility of Linux comes from two features awkwardly
- implemented or missing in VMS: I/O redirection and piping.
- Redirection is a side feature under VMS (remember the switch
- /OUTPUT= of many commands), or a fastidious process, like:
- which has the simple Linux (UNIX) equivalent:
- $ prog < in > out
- Piping is simply impossible under VMS (?), but has a key role under
- UNIX. A typical example:
- $ myprog < datafile | filter_1 | filter_2 >> result.dat 2> errors.log &
- which means: the program myprog gets its input from the file datafile
- (via <), its output is piped (via |) to the program filter_1 that
- takes it as input and processes it, the resulting output is piped
- again to filter_2 for further processing, the final output is appended
- (via >>) to the file result.dat, and error messages are redirected
- (via 2>) onto the file errors.log. All this in background (& at the
- end of the command line). More about this in Section ``Examples''.
- For multitasking, `queues', and the like, see Section ``Advanced
- Topics''.
- 2.4. Quick Tour
- Now you are ready to try Linux out. Enter your login name and password
- exactly as they are. For example, if your login name and password are
- john and My_PassWd, don't type John or my_passwd. Remember, UNIX
- distinguishes between capital and small letters.
- Once you've logged in, you'll see a prompt; chances are it'll be
- something like machinename:$. If you want to change the prompt or make
- some programs start automatically, you'll have to edit a `hidden' file
- called .profile or .bash_profile (see example in Section
- ``Configuring''). This is the equivalent of LOGIN.COM.
- Pressing ALT--F1, ALT--F2, ... ALT--F6 switches between `virtual
- consoles'. When one VC is busy with a full--screen application, you
- can flip over to another and continue to work. Try and log in to
- another VC.
- Now you may want to start X Window System (from now on, X). X is a
- graphic environment very similar to DECWindows---actually, the latter
- derives from the former. Type the command startx and wait a few
- seconds; most likely you'll see an open xterm or equivalent terminal
- emulator, and possibly a button bar. (It depends on how your sysadm
- configured your Linux box.) Click on the desktop (try both mouse
- buttons) to see a menu.
- While in X, to access the text mode (`console') sessions press
- CTRL--ALT--F1 ... CTRL--ALT--F6. Try it. When in console, go back to X
- pressing ALT--F7. To quit X, follow the menu instructions or press
- Type the following command to list your home dir contents, including
- the hidden files:
- $ ls -al
- Press SHIFT--PAG UP to back-scroll. Now get help about the ls command
- typing:
- $ man ls
- pressing 'q' to exit. To end the tour, type exit to quit your session.
- If now you want to turn off your PC, press CTRL--ALT--DEL and wait a
- few seconds (never switch off the PC while in Linux! You could damage
- the filesystem.)
- If you think you're ready to work, go ahead, but if I were you I'd
- jump to Section ``Advanced Topics''.
- 3. Editing Files
- Linux doesn't have EDT, but there are scores of editors available. The
- only one that's guaranteed to be included in every UNIX version is
- vi---forget it, your sysadm must have installed something better.
- Probably the most popular editor is emacs, which can emulate EDT to a
- certain degree; jed is another editor that provides EDT emulation.
- These two editors are particularly useful for editing program sources,
- since they have two features unknown to EDT: syntax hilighting and
- automatic indentation. Moreover, you can compile your programs from
- within the editor (command ESC-X compile); in case of a syntax error,
- the cursor will be positioned on the offending line. I bet that you'll
- never want to use the true blue EDT again.
- If you have emacs: start it, then type ESC-X edt-emulation-on.
- Pressing ALT--X or ESC-X is emacs' way of issuing commands, like EDT's
- CTRL--Z. From now on, emacs acts like EDT apart from a few commands.
- Differences:
- ╖ don't press CTRL--Z to issue commands (if you did, you stopped
- emacs. Type fg to resume it);
- ╖ there's an extensive on-line help. Press CTRL-H ?, or CTRL-H T to
- start a tutorial;
- ╖ to save a file, press CTRL-X CTRL-S;
- ╖ to exit, press CTRL-X CTRL-C;
- ╖ to insert a new file in a buffer, press CTRL-X CTRL-F, then CTRL-X
- B to switch among buffers.
- If you have jed: ask your sysadm to configure jed properly. Emulation
- is already on when you start it; use the normal keypad keys, and press
- CTRL--H CTRL--H or CTRL-? to get help. Commands are issued in the same
- way as emacs'. In addition, there are some handy key bindings missing
- in the original EDT; key bindings can also be tailored to your own
- taste. Ask your sysadm.
- In alternative, you may use another editor with a completely different
- interface. emacs in native mode is an obvious choice; another popular
- editor is joe, which can emulate other editors like emacs itself
- (being even easier to use) or the DOS editor. Invoke the editor as
- jmacs or jstar and press, respectively, CTRL-X H or CTRL-J to get
- online help. emacs and jed are much more powerful than good ol' EDT.
- 4. TeXing
- TeX and LaTeX are identical to their VMS counterparts---only quicker
- :-), but the tools to handle the .dvi and .ps files are superior:
- ╖ to run a TeX file through TeX, do as usual: tex file.tex;
- ╖ to turn a .dvi file into a .ps file, type dvips -o filename.ps
- filename.dvi;
- ╖ to visualize a .dvi file, type within an X session: xdvi
- filename.dvi &. Click on the page to magnify. This program is
- smart: if you edit and run TeX producing newer versions of the .dvi
- file, xdvi will update it automatically;
- ╖ to visualize a .ps file, type within an X session: ghostview
- filename.ps &. Click on the page to magnify. The whole document or
- selected pages can be printed. A newer and better program is gv.
- ╖ to print the .ps: usually the command lpr mypaper.ps will do, but
- if the PostScript printer is called, say, `ps' (ask your sysadm)
- you'll do: lpr -Pps mypaper.ps. For more information about print
- queues, go to Section ``Print Queues''.
- 5. Programming
- Programming under Linux is much better: there are lots of tools that
- make programming easier and quicker. For instance, the drudgery of
- editing--saving--exiting--compiling--re-editing can be cut short by
- using editors like emacs or jed, as seen above.
- 5.1. Fortran
- Not substantial differences here, but note that at the time of writing
- the available (free) compilers are not 100% compatible with VMS';
- expect some minor quirks. (It's actually the VMS compiler which has
- non-standard extensions.) See /usr/doc/g77/DOC or /usr/doc/f2c/f2c.ps
- for details.
- Your sysadm has installed a native compiler called g77 (good but, as
- of version 0.5.21, still not perfectly compatible with DEC Fortran) or
- possibly the Fortran to C translator, f2c, and one of the front-ends
- that make it mimic a native compiler. In my experience, the package
- yaf77 is the one that provides best results.
- To compile a Fortran program with g77, edit the source, save it with
- extension .f, then do:
- $ g77 myprog.f
- which creates by default an executable called a.out (you don't have to
- link anything). To give the executable a different name and do some
- optimisation:
- $ g77 -O2 -o myprog myprog.f
- Beware of optimisations! Ask your sysadm to read the documentation
- that comes with the compiler and tell you if there are any problems.
- To compile a subroutine:
- $ g77 -c mysub.f
- This creates a file mysub.o. To link this subroutine to a program,
- you'll do
- $ g77 -o myprog myprog.f mysub.o
- If you have many external subroutines and you want to make a library,
- do the following:
- $ cd subroutines/
- $ cat *f >mylib.f ; g77 -c mylib.f
- This will create mylib.o that you can link to your programs.
- Finally, to link an external library called, say, libdummy.so:
- $ g77 -o myprog myprog.f -ldummy
- If you have f2c, you only have to use f77 or fort77 instead of g77.
- Another useful programming tool is make, described below.
- 5.2. Using make
- The utility make is a tool to handle the compilation of programs that
- are split into several source files.
- Let's suppose you have source files containing your routines,
- file_1.f, file_2.f, file_3.f, and a source file of the main program
- that uses the routines, myprog.f. If you compile your program
- manually, whenever you modify one of the source files you have to
- figure out which file depends on which, which file to recompile first,
- and so on.
- Instead of getting mad, you can write a `makefile'. This is a text
- file containing the dependencies between your sources: when one is
- modified, only the ones that depend on the modified file will be
- recompiled.
- In our example, you'd write a makefile like this:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- # This is makefile
- # Press the <TAB> key where you see <TAB>!
- # It's important: don't use spaces instead.
- myprog: myprog.o file_1.o file_2.o file_3.o
- <TAB>g77 -o myprog myprog.o file_1.o file_2.o file_3.o
- # myprog depends on four object files
- myprog.o: myprog.f
- <TAB>g77 -c myprog.f
- # myprog.o depends on its source file
- file_1.o: file_1.f
- <TAB>g77 -c file_1.f
- # file_1.o depends on its source file
- file_2.o: file_2.f file_1.o
- <TAB>g77 -c file_2.f file_1.o
- # file_2.o depends on its source file and an object file
- file_3.o: file_3.f file_2.o
- <TAB>g77 -c file_3.f file_2.o
- # file_3.o depends on its source file and an object file
- # end of makefile.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Save this file as Makefile and type make to compile your program;
- alternatively, save it as myprog.mak and type make -f myprog.mak. And
- of course, RMP.
- 5.3. Shell Scripts
- Shell scripts are the equivalent of VMS' command files and, for a
- change, are much more powerful.
- To write a script, all you have to do is write a standard ASCII file
- containing the commands, save it, then make it executable with the
- command chmod +x <scriptfile>. To execute it, type its name.
- Writing scripts under bash is such a vast subject it would require a
- book by itself, and I will not delve into the topic any further. I'll
- just give you a more-or-less comprehensive and (hopefully) useful
- example you can extract some basic rules from.
- EXAMPLE: sample.sh
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #!/bin/sh
- # sample.sh
- # I am a comment
- # don't change the first line, it must be there
- echo "This system is: `uname -a`" # use the output of the command
- echo "My name is $0" # built-in variables
- echo "You gave me the following $# parameters: "$*
- echo "First parameter is: "$1
- echo -n "What's your name? " ; read your_name
- echo notice the difference: "hi $your_name" # quoting with "
- echo notice the difference: 'hi $your_name' # quoting with '
- DIRS=0 ; FILES=0
- for file in `ls .` ; do
- if [ -d ${file} ] ; then # if file is a directory
- DIRS=`expr $DIRS + 1` # this means DIRS = DIRS + 1
- elif [ -f ${file} ] ; then
- FILES=`expr $FILES + 1`
- fi
- case ${file} in
- *.gif|*jpg) echo "${file}: graphic file" ;;
- *.txt|*.tex) echo "${file}: text file" ;;
- *.c|*.f|*.for) echo "${file}: source file" ;;
- *) echo "${file}: generic file" ;;
- esac
- done
- echo "there are ${DIRS} directories and ${FILES} files"
- ls | grep "ZxY--!!!WKW"
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then # exit code of last command
- echo "ZxY--!!!WKW not found"
- fi
- echo "enough... type 'man bash' if you want more info."
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 5.4. C
- Linux is an excellent environment to program in C. Taken for granted
- that you know C, here are a couple of guidelines. To compile your
- standard hello.c you'll use the gcc compiler, which comes as part of
- Linux and has the same syntax as g77:
- $ gcc -O2 -o hello hello.c
- To link a library to a program, add the switch -l<libname>. For
- example, to link the math library and optimize do
- $ gcc -O2 -o mathprog mathprog.c -lm
- (The -l<libname> switch forces gcc to link the library
- /usr/lib/lib<libname>.a; so -lm links /usr/lib/libm.a).
- When your program is made of several source files, you'll need to use
- the utility make described above. Just use gcc and C source files in
- the makefile.
- You can invoke some help about the C functions, that are covered by
- man pages, section 3; for example,
- $ man 3 printf
- There are lots of libraries available out there; among the first
- you'll want to use are ncurses, to handle text mode effects, and
- svgalib, to do graphics.
- 6. Graphics
- Among the scores of graphic packages available, gnuplot stands out for
- its power and ease of use. Go to X and type gnuplot, and have two
- sample data files ready: 2D-data.dat (two data per line), and 3D-
- data.dat (three data per line).
- Examples of 2-D graphs:
- gnuplot> set title "my first graph"
- gnuplot> plot '2D-data.dat'
- gnuplot> plot '2D-data.dat' with linespoints
- gnuplot> plot '2D-data.dat', sin(x)
- gnuplot> plot [-5:10] '2D-data.dat'
- Example of 3-D graphs (each `row' of X values is followed by a blank
- line):
- gnuplot> set parametric ; set hidden3d ; set contour
- gnuplot> splot '3D-data.dat' using 1:2:3 with linespoints
- A single-column datafile (e.g., a time series) can also be plotted as
- a 2-D graph:
- gnuplot> plot [-5:15] '2D-data-1col.dat' with linespoints
- or as a 3-D graph (blank lines in the datafile, as above):
- gnuplot> set noparametric ; set hidden3d
- gnuplot> splot '3D-data-1col.dat' using 1 with linespoints
- To print a graph: if the command to print on your Postscript printer
- is lpr -Pps file.ps, issue:
- gnuplot> set term post
- gnuplot> set out '| lpr -Pps'
- gnuplot> replot
- then type set term x11 to restore. Don't get confused---the last print
- will come out only when you quit gnuplot.
- For more info, type help or see the examples in directory
- /usr/lib/gnuplot/demos/, if you have it.
- 7. Mail and Internet Tools
- Since Internet was born on UNIX machines, you find plenty of nice and
- easy-to-use applications under Linux. Here are just some:
- ╖ Mail: use elm or pine to handle your email; both programs have on-
- line help. For short messages, you could use mail, as in mail -s
- "hello mate" user@somewhere < msg.txt. You may like programs like
- xmail or some such.
- ╖ Newsgroups: use tin or slrn, both very intuitive and self-
- explanatory.
- ╖ ftp: apart from the usual character-based ftp, ask your sysadm to
- install the full-screen ncftp or a graphical ftp client like xftp.
- ╖ WWW: the ubiquitous netscape, or xmosaic, chimera, and arena are
- graphical web browsers; a character-based one is lynx, quick and
- effective.
- 8. Advanced Topics
- Here the game gets tough. Learn these features, then you'll be ready
- to say that you `know something about Linux' ;-)
- 8.1. Permissions and Ownership
- Files and directories have permissions (`protections') and ownership,
- just like under VMS. If you can't run a program, or can't modify a
- file, or can't access a directory, it's because you don't have the
- permission to do so, and/or because the file doesn't belong to you.
- Let's have a look at the following example:
- $ ls -l /bin/ls
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root bin 27281 Aug 15 1995 /bin/ls*
- The first field shows the permissions of the file ls (owner root,
- group bin). There are three types of ownership: owner, group, and
- others (similar to VMS owner, group, world), and three types of
- permissions: read, write (and delete), and execute.
- >From left to right, - is the file type (- = ordinary file, d =
- directory, l = link, etc); rwx are the permissions for the file owner
- (read, write, execute); r-x are the permissions for the group of the
- file owner (read, execute); r-x are the permissions for all other
- users (read, execute).
- To change a file's permissions:
- $ chmod <whoXperm> <file>
- where who is u (user, that is owner), g (group), o (other), X is
- either + or -, perm is r (read), w (write), or x (execute). Examples:
- $ chmod u+x file
- this sets the execute permission for the file owner. Shortcut: chmod
- +x file.
- $ chmod go-wx file
- this removes write and execute permission for everyone except the
- owner.
- $ chmod ugo+rwx file
- this gives everyone read, write, and execute permission.
- A shorter way to refer to permissions is with numbers: rwxr-xr-x can
- be expressed as 755 (every letter corresponds to a bit: --- is 0, --x
- is 1, -w- is 2...).
- For a directory, rx means that you can cd to that directory, and w
- means that you can delete a file in the directory (according to the
- file's permissions, of course), or the directory itself. All this is
- only part of the matter---RMP.
- To change a file's owner:
- $ chown username file
- To sum up, a table:
- VMS Linux Notes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SET PROT=(O:RW) file.txt $ chmod u+rw file.txt
- $ chmod 600 file.txt
- SET PROT=(O:RWED,W) file $ chmod u+rwx file
- $ chmod 700 file
- SET PROT=(O:RWED,W:RE) file $ chmod 755 file
- SET PROT=(O:RW,G:RW,W) file $ chmod 660 file
- SET FILE/OWNER_UIC=JOE file $ chown joe file
- SET DIR/OWNER_UIC=JOE [.dir] $ chown joe dir/
- 8.2. Multitasking: Processes and Jobs
- More about running programs. There are no `batch queues' under Linux
- as you're used to; multitasking is handled very differently. Again,
- this is what the typical command line looks like:
- $ command -s1 -s2 ... -sn par1 par2 ... parn < input > output &
- where -s1, ..., -sn are the program switches, par1, ..., parn are the
- program parameters.
- Now let's see how multitasking works. Programs, running in foreground
- or background, are called `processes'.
- ╖ To launch a process in background:
- $ progname [-switches] [parameters] [< input] [> output] &
- [1] 234
- the shell tells you what the `job number' (the first digit; see below)
- and PID (Process IDentifier) of the process are. Each process is iden¡
- tified by its PID.
- ╖ To see how many processes there are:
- $ ps -ax
- This will output a list of currently running processes.
- ╖ To kill a process:
- $ kill <PID>
- You may need to kill a process when you don't know how to quit it the
- right way... ;-). Sometimes, a process will only be killed by one of
- the following:
- $ kill -15 <PID>
- $ kill -9 <PID>
- In addition to this, the shell allows you to stop or temporarily
- suspend a process, send a process to background, and bring a process
- from background to foreground. In this context, processes are called
- `jobs'.
- ╖ To see how many jobs there are:
- $ jobs
- jobs are identified by the numbers the shell gives them, not by their
- PID.
- ╖ To stop a process running in foreground:
- $ CTRL-C
- (it doesn't always work)
- ╖ To suspend a process running in foreground:
- $ CTRL-Z
- (ditto)
- ╖ To send a suspended process into background (it becomes a job):
- $ bg <job>
- ╖ To bring a job to foreground:
- $ fg <job>
- ╖ To kill a job:
- $ kill <%job>
- 8.3. Files, Revisited
- More information about files.
- ╖ stdin, stdout, stderr: under UNIX, every system component is
- treated as if it were a file. Commands and programs get their input
- from a `file' called stdin (standard input; usually, the keyboard),
- put their output on a `file' called stdout (usually, the screen),
- and error messages go to a `file' called stderr (usually, the
- screen).
- Using < and > you redirect input and output to a different file.
- Moreover, >> appends the output to a file instead of overwriting
- it; 2> redirects error messages (stderr); 2>&1 redirects stderr to
- stdout, while 1>&2 redirects stdout to stderr. There's a `black
- hole' called /dev/null: everything redirected to it disappears;
- ╖ wildcards: '*' is almost the same. Usage: * matches all files
- except the hidden ones; .* matches all hidden files; *.* matches
- only those that have a '.' in the middle, followed by other
- characters; p*r matches both `peter' and `piper'; *c* matches both
- `picked' and `peck'. []. Usage: [abc]* matches files starting with
- a, b, c; *[I-N,1,2,3] matches files ending with I, J, K, L, M, N,
- 1, 2, 3;
- ╖ mv (RENAME) doesn't work for multiple files; that is, mv *.xxx
- *.yyy won't work;
- ╖ use cp -i and mv -i to be warned when a file is going to be
- overwritten.
- 8.4. Print Queues
- Your prints are queued, like under VMS. When you issue a print
- command, you may specify a printer name. Example:
- $ lpr file.txt # this goes to the standard printer
- $ lpr -Plaser file.ps # this goes to the printer named 'laser'
- To handle the print queues, you use the following commands:
- VMS Linux
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ PRINT file.ps $ lpr file.ps
- $ PRINT/QUEUE=laser file.ps $ lpr -Plaser file.ps
- $ SHOW QUEUE $ lpq
- $ SHOW QUEUE/QUEUE=laser $ lpq -Plaser
- $ STOP/QUEUE $ lprm <item>
- 9. Configuring
- Your sysadm has already provided you with a number of configuration
- files like .xinitrc, .bash_profile, .inputrc, and many others. The
- ones you may want to edit are:
- ╖ .bash_profile or .profile: read by the shell at login time. It's
- like LOGIN.COM;
- ╖ .bash_logout: read by the shell at logout. It's like LOGOUT.COM;
- ╖ .bashrc: read by non--login shells.
- ╖ .inputrc: this file customises the key bindings and the behaviour
- of the shell.
- To give you an example, I'll include my .bash_profile (abridged):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- # $HOME/.bash_profile
- # don't redefine the path if not necessary
- echo $PATH | grep $LOGNAME > /dev/null
- if [ $? != 0 ]
- then
- export PATH="$PATH:/home/$LOGNAME/bin" # add my dir to the PATH
- fi
- export PS1='LOGNAME:\w\$ '
- export PS2='Continued...>'
- # aliases
- alias bin="cd ~/bin" ; alias cp="cp -i" ; alias d="dir"
- alias del="delete" ; alias dir="/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS --format=vertical"
- alias ed="jed" ; alias mv='mv -i'
- alias u="cd .." ; alias undel="undelete"
- # A few useful functions
- inst() # Install a .tar.gz archive in current directory.
- {
- gzip -dc $1 | tar xvf -
- }
- cz() # List the contents of a .zip archive.
- {
- unzip -l $*
- }
- ctgz() # List the contents of a .tar.gz archive.
- {
- for file in $* ; do
- gzip -dc ${file} | tar tf -
- done
- }
- tgz() # Create a .tgz archive a la zip.
- {
- name=$1 ; tar -cvf $1 ; shift
- tar -rf ${name} $* ; gzip -S .tgz ${name}
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- And this is my .inputrc:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- # $HOME/.inputrc
- # Last modified: 16 January 1997.
- #
- # This file is read by bash and defines key bindings to be used by the shell;
- # what follows fixes the keys END, HOME, and DELETE, plus accented letters.
- # For more information, man readline.
- "\e[1~": beginning-of-line
- "\e[3~": delete-char
- "\e[4~": end-of-line
- set bell-style visible
- set meta-flag On
- set convert-meta Off
- set output-meta On
- set horizontal-scroll-mode On
- set show-all-if-ambiguous On
- # (F1 .. F5) are "\e[[A" ... "\e[[E"
- "\e[[A": "info "
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 10. Useful Programs
- 10.1. Browsing Files: less
- You'll use this file browser every day, so I'll give you a couple of
- tips to use it at best. First of all, ask your sysadm to configure
- less so as it can display not only plain text files, but also
- compressed files, archives, and so on.
- The main advantage of less over TYPE is that you can browse files in
- both directions. It also accepts several commands that are issued
- pressing a key. The most useful are:
- ╖ first of all, press q to leave the browser;
- ╖ h gives you extensive help;
- ╖ g to go to beginning of file, G to the end, number+g to go to line
- `number' (e.g. 125g), number+% to move to that percentage of the
- file;
- ╖ /pattern searches forwards for `pattern'; n searches forwards for
- the next match; ?pattern and N search backwards;
- ╖ m+letter marks current position (e.g. ma); '+letter go to the
- marked position.
- ╖ :e examines a new file;
- ╖ !command executes the shell command.
- 10.2. RCS in a Nutshell
- The lack of version numbers in files can be easily overcome by using
- RCS (Revision Control System). This allows you to maintain several
- versions of the same file, and offers many more advantages. I'll only
- explain the very basics of this powerful version control system.
- The most important commands are ci and co. The first (``check in'') is
- used to commit the changes you have done to your file, and create a
- new version. The second (``check out'') is used to obtain a working
- copy of your file from the RCS system, either to modify it or simply
- use it for browsing, printing, or whatever.
- Let's see an example. First of all you create an initial revision of
- your file, using your favourite editor. Let's suppose that the file
- you'll have under RCS control is called project.tex. Follow these
- steps:
- ╖ make a subdirectory called RCS/ in the directory containing
- project.tex. RCS/ will contain the revision control file;
- ╖ to put project.tex under RCS control, issue the command
- $ ci project.tex
- RCS/project.tex,v <-- project.tex
- enter description, terminated with a single '.' or end of file:
- NOTE: This is NOT the log message!
- >>
- ╖ you will write a line or more containing a description of the
- contents of your file. End it with a line containing a '.' by
- itself, and you'll see
- initial revision: 1.1
- done
- Now the file project.tex has been taken over by RCS.
- 10.2.1. Using the latest version
- Whenever you want to use, but not modify, the latest version of
- project.tex, you issue the command
- $ co project.tex
- RCS/project.tex,v --> project.tex
- revision 1.1
- done
- This extracts the latest version (read only) of your file. Now you can
- browse it, or compile it with tex, but you can't modify it.
- 10.2.2. Creating a new version
- When you want to modify your file, you must obtain a ``lock'' on it.
- This means that RCS knows that you're about to make a newer version.
- In this case, you use the command
- $ co project.tex
- RCS/project.tex,v --> project.tex
- revision 1.1 (locked)
- done
- You now have a working copy you can modify with your editor. When
- you're done editing it, you check it in again to commit the changes:
- $ ci project.tex
- RCS/project.tex,v <-- project.tex
- new revision 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
- enter log message, terminated with a single '.' or end of file:
- >> (enter your description here)
- >> .
- done
- If you want to change the version number, type ci -f2.0 project.tex.
- 10.2.3. Comparing versions
- If you want to see the history of the changes in project.tex, issue
- $ rlog project.tex
- 10.2.4. Using an old version
- To extract an older version of your file (say, version 1.2 when you're
- working on 1.6), issue
- $ co -r1.2 project.tex
- Be aware that this overwrites your existing working file, if you have
- one. You may do:
- $ co -r1.2 -p project.tex > project.tex.1.2
- 10.3. Archiving: tar & gzip
- Under UNIX there are some widely used applications to archive and
- compress files. tar is used to make archives, that is collections of
- files. To make a new archive:
- $ tar -cvf <archive_name.tar> <file> [file...]
- To extract files from an archive:
- $ tar -xpvf <archive_name.tar> [file...]
- To list the contents of an archive:
- $ tar -tf <archive_name.tar> | less
- Files can be compressed to save disk space using compress, which is
- obsolete and shouldn't be used any more, or gzip:
- $ compress <file>
- $ gzip <file>
- that creates a compressed file with extension .Z (compress) or .gz
- (gzip). These programs don't make archives, but compress files
- individually. To decompress, use:
- $ compress -d <file.Z>
- $ gzip -d <file.gz>
- RMP.
- The unarj, zip and unzip utilities are also available. Files with
- extension .tar.gz or .tgz (archived with tar, then compressed with
- gzip) are very common in the UNIX world. Here's how to list the
- contents of a .tar.gz archive:
- $ gzip -dc <file.tar.gz> | tar tf - | less
- To extract the files from a .tar.gz archive:
- $ gzip -dc <file.tar.gz> | tar xvf -
- 11. Real Life Examples
- UNIX' core idea is that there are many simple commands that can linked
- together via piping and redirection to accomplish even really complex
- tasks. Look at the following examples; I'll only explain the most
- complex ones, for the others, please study the above sections and the
- man pages.
- Problem: ls is too quick and the file names fly away.
- Solution:
- $ ls | less
- Problem: I have a file containing a list of words. I want to sort it
- in reverse order and print it.
- Solution:
- $ cat myfile.txt | sort -r | lpr
- Problem: my datafile has some repeated lines! How do I get rid of
- them?
- Solution:
- $ sort datafile.dat | uniq > newfile.dat
- Problem: I have a file called 'mypaper.txt' or 'mypaper.tex' or some
- such somewhere, but I don't remember where I put it. How do I find it?
- Solution:
- $ find ~ -name "mypaper*"
- Explanation: find is a very useful command that lists all the files in
- a directory tree (starting from ~ in this case). Its output can be
- filtered to meet several criteria, such as -name.
- Problem: I have a text file containing the word 'entropy' in this
- directory, is there anything like SEARCH?
- Solution: yes, try
- $ grep -l 'entropy' *
- Problem: somewhere I have text files containing the word 'entropy',
- I'd like to know which and where they are. Under VMS I'd use search
- entropy [...]*.*.*, but grep can't recurse subdirectories. Now what?
- Solution:
- $ find . -exec grep -l "entropy" {} \; 2> /dev/null
- Explanation: find . outputs all the file names starting from the
- current directory, -exec grep -l "entropy" is an action to be
- performed on each file (represented by {}), \ terminates the command.
- If you think this syntax is awful, you're right.
- In alternative, write the following script:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #!/bin/sh
- # rgrep: recursive grep
- if [ $# != 3 ]
- then
- echo "Usage: rgrep --switches 'pattern' 'directory'"
- exit 1
- fi
- find $3 -name "*" -exec grep $1 $2 {} \; 2> /dev/null
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Explanation: grep works like search, and combining it with find we get
- the best of both worlds.
- Problem: I have a data file that has two header lines, then every line
- has 'n' data, not necessarily equally spaced. I want the 2nd and 5th
- data of each line. Shall I write a Fortran program...?
- Solution: nope. This is quicker:
- $ awk 'NL > 2 {print $2, "\t", $5}' datafile.dat > newfile.dat
- Explanation: the command awk is actually a programming language: for
- each line starting from the third in datafile.dat, print out the
- second and fifth field, separated by a tab. Learn some awk---it saves
- a lot of time.
- Problem: I've downloaded an FTP site's ls-lR.gz to check its contents.
- For each subdirectory, it contains a line that reads "total xxxx",
- where xxxx is size in kbytes of the dir contents. I'd like to get the
- grand total of all these xxxx values.
- Solution:
- zcat ls-lR.gz | awk ' $1 == "total" { i += $2 } END {print i}'
- Explanation: zcat outputs the contents of the .gz file and pipes to
- awk, whose man page you're kindly requested to read ;-)
- Problem: I've written a Fortran program, myprog, to calculate a
- parameter from a data file. I'd like to run it on hundreds of data
- files and have a list of the results, but it's a nuisance to ask each
- time for the file name. Under VMS I'd write a lengthy command file,
- and under Linux?
- Solution: a very short script. Make your program look for the data
- file 'mydata.dat' and print the result on the screen (stdout), then
- write the following script:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #!/bin/sh
- # myprog.sh: run the same command on many different files
- # usage: myprog.sh *.dat
- for file in $* # for all parameters (e.g. *.dat)
- do
- # append the file name to result.dat
- echo -n "${file}: " >> results.dat
- # copy current argument to mydata.dat, run myprog
- # and append the output to results.dat
- cp ${file} mydata.dat ; myprog >> results.dat
- done
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Problem: I want to replace `geology' with `geophysics' in all my text
- files. Shall I edit them all manually?
- Solution: nope. Write this shell script:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #!/bin/sh
- # replace $1 with $2 in $*
- # usage: replace "old-pattern" "new-pattern" file [file...]
- OLD=$1 # first parameter of the script
- NEW=$2 # second parameter
- shift ; shift # discard first two parameters: the next are the file names
- for file in $* # for all files given as parameters
- do
- # replace every occurrence of OLD with NEW, save on a temporary file
- sed "s/$OLD/$NEW/g" ${file} > ${file}.new
- # rename the temporary file as the original file
- /bin/mv ${file}.new ${file}
- done
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Problem: I have some data files, I don't know their length and have to
- remove their last but one and last but two lines. Er... manually?
- Solution: no, of course. Write this script:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #!/bin/sh
- # prune.sh: removes n-1th and n-2th lines from files
- # usage: prune.sh file [file...]
- for file in $* # for every parameter
- do
- LINES=`wc -l $file | awk '{print $1}'` # number of lines in file
- LINES=`expr $LINES - 3` # LINES = LINES - 3
- head -n $LINES $file > $file.new # output first LINES lines
- tail -n 1 $file >> $file.new # append last line
- done
- ______________________________________________________________________
- I hope these examples whetted your appetite...
- 12. Tips You Can't Do Without
- ╖ Command completion: pressing <TAB> when issuing a command will
- complete the command line for you. Example: you have to type less
- this_is_a_long_name; typing in less thi<TAB> will suffice. (If you
- have other files that start with the same characters, supply enough
- characters to resolve any ambiguity.)
- ╖ Back-scrolling: pressing SHIFT--PAG UP (the grey key) allows you to
- backscroll a few pages, depending on your PC's video memory.
- ╖ Resetting the screen: if you happen to more or cat a binary file,
- your screen may end up full of garbage. To fix things, blind type
- reset or this sequence of characters: echo CTRL-V ESC c RETURN.
- ╖ Pasting text: in console, see below; in X, click and drag to select
- the text in an xterm window, then click the middle button (or the
- two buttons together if you have a two-button mouse) to paste.
- ╖ Using the mouse: ask your sysadm to install gpm, a mouse driver for
- the console. Click and drag to select text, then right click to
- paste the selected text. It works across different VCs.
- 13. The End
- 13.1. Copyright
- Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by
- their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and
- distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic,
- as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial
- redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would
- like to be notified of any such distributions.
- All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating
- any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice.
- That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose
- additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
- may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux
- HOWTO coordinator at the address given below.
- In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through
- as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright
- on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to
- redistribute the HOWTOs.
- If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO
- coordinator, at gregh@sunsite.unc.edu via email.
- 14. Disclaimer
- This work was written following the experience we had at the Settore
- di Geofisica of Bologna University (Italy), where a VAX 4000 is being
- superseded and replaced by Linux-based Pentium PCs. Most of my
- colleagues are VMS users, and some of them have switched to Linux.
- ``From VMS to Linux HOWTO'' was written by Guido Gonzato,
- guido@ibogfs.cineca.it, 1997. Many thanks to my colleagues and friends
- who helped me define the needs and habits of the average VMS user,
- especially to Dr. Warner Marzocchi.
- Please help me improve this HOWTO. I'm not a VMS expert and never will
- be, so your suggestions and bug reports are more than welcome.
- Enjoy,
- Guido =8-)