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Text File | 1997-09-02 | 82.7 KB | 1,875 lines |
- The teTeX HOWTO: The Linux-teTeX Local Guide
- Robert Kiesling
- v2.9.1, 21 August 1997
- This document covers the basic installation and usage of the teTeX TeX
- and LaTeX implementation under the major U.S. Linux distributions, and
- auxiliary packages like Ghostscript. Contents of the teTeX HOWTO: The
- Linux-teTeX Local Guide are Copyright (c) 1997 by Robert A. Kiesling.
- Permission is granted to copy this document, in whole or in part, pro¡
- vided that credit is given to the author and the Linux Documentation
- Project. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective
- holders. Please send all complaints, suggestions, errata, and any
- miscellany to kiesling@terracom.net, so I can keep this document as
- complete and up to date as possible.
- 1. Introduction.
- FAQ No. 1. My computer just ate NINE high density diskettes' worth of
- Answer: Installing teTeX on Chanel3, my Compaq laptop, was like
- dropping a 20-foot concrete bridge section exactly into place from a
- height of 50 feet. teTeX is a big package. Even so, it is a
- moderately complete implementation of TeX 3.1415 and LaTeX 2e for
- Linux systems. TeX is a big subject anyway, so you can expect to
- spend the rest of your computing career keeping up-to-date on the
- latest in the world of TeX. That is to say, installing and using
- teTeX is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for day trippers.
- This package requires serious quality time.
- Thomas Esser, the author of teTeX, has gone to great lengths to make
- the package fast, complete, and easy to use. Because TeX is
- implemented for practically every serious computer system in the
- world---and quite a few ``non-serious'' ones---implementors must
- provide the installation facilities for all of them. This accounts in
- part for teTeX's size. It also accounts for the fact that the pieces
- necessary to make a workable teTeX installation are spread all over
- your friendly neighborhood CTAN archive.
- CTAN is the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network, a series of anonymous
- FTP sites which archive TeX programs, macros, fonts, and
- documentation. You'll probably become familiar with at least one CTAN
- site. In this document, a pathname like ~CTAN/contrib/pstricks means
- ``look in the directory contrib/pstricks of your nearest CTAN site.''
- See section ``Appendix A'' for a current list of CTAN sites and their
- mirror sites.
- Fortunately, some considerate Linux Distribution implementors have
- assembled the necessary pieces for us. teTeX comes with all the major
- Linux distributions.
- However, if you don't have the Slackware, RedHat, or Debian GNU/Linux
- distribution, you can install teTeX from its official CTAN
- distribution. In some cases this may be more desirable. See Section
- 3 for details.
- If you already have teTeX installed on your system and want to jump
- directly into figuring out how to use it, skip this section and the
- next, and go directly to section ``Using teTeX''.
- 2. What is TeX? What is LaTeX? What is teTeX?
- teTeX is an implementation of TeX for UNIX systems. It is the work of
- Thomas Esser, te@informatik.uni-hannover.de. In the Linux versions of
- teTeX, the executable programs themselves run under Linux and the
- fonts are provided in form usable by the Linux-teTeX system. (The
- sections covering teTeX installation concentrate on the i386 versions
- of Linux. Installing teTeX for MkLinux or Linux for the Alpha should
- require only substituting the appropriate binary-program archive in
- the installation process.) The rest of the code, TeX and LaTeX
- itself, is portable across various machines.
- In addition to the executable programs, the distribution includes all
- of the TeX and LaTeX package, metafont and its sources, bibtex(1),
- makeindex(1), and all of the documentation... more than 4 megabytes'
- worth. The documentation covers everything you will forseeably need
- to know to get started. So, you should install all of the documents.
- Not only will you eventually read them, the documents themselves
- provide many examples of ``live'' TeX and LaTeX code.
- In comparison with other implementations of TeX, the installation of
- teTeX is almost trivial, even without the Linux distribution packages,
- if you don't count the effort necessary acquire the distributions via
- anonymous FTP or insert and remove several dozen distribution
- diskettes by hand. If your teTeX distribution arrived on a CD-ROM,
- even less effort is required to install it.
- TeX is a typesetting system developed by Professor Donald Knuth of
- Stanford University. It is a lower-level typesetting language that
- powers all of the higher-level packages like LaTeX. Essentially,
- LaTeX is a set of TeX macros which provide convenient, predefined
- document formats for end users. If you like the formats provided by
- LaTeX, you may never need to learn bare-bones TeX programming. The
- difference between the two languages is like the difference between
- assembly language and C. You can have the speed and flexibility of
- TeX, or the convenience of LaTeX. Which brings us to the next answer,
- Answer: You have it backwards! I want to know what exactly I need to
- get before I can have TeX on my system!
- It's important to remember that TeX only handles the typesetting part
- of the document preparation. Generating output with TeX is like
- compiling source code into object code, which still needs to be
- linked. You prepare an input file with a text editor -- what most
- people think of as ``word processing'' -- and typeset the input file
- document with TeX to produce a device-independent output file, called
- a .dvi file.
- You also need output drivers for your printer and video display.
- These output drivers translate TeX's .dvi output to display your
- typeset document on the screen or on paper. This software is
- collectively known as ``dviware.'' For example, TeX itself only makes
- requests for fonts. It is up to the .dvi output translator to provide
- the actual font to the display device if necessary, regardless of
- whether it is the screen or a printer. This extra step may seem
- overly complicated, but the abstraction allows documents to display
- the same on different devices with no change to the original document.
- In fact, much of TeX's, and therefore LaTeX's, complexity, arises from
- its implementation of various font systems, and the way these fonts
- are specified. A major improvement of LaTeX 2e over its predecessor
- was the way users specify fonts, the former New Font Selection Scheme.
- (See the sections ``Characters and type styles'' and ``Using
- PostScript Fonts''.)
- teTeX comes distributed with about a dozen standard fonts preloaded,
- which is enough to get you started. Also provided are the font
- metrics descriptions, in .tfm (TeX font metric) files. To generate
- the other fonts you will need, it is simply a matter of installing the
- metafont sources. teTeX's .dvi utilities will invoke metafont
- automatically and generate the Computer Modern fonts you need, on-the-
- fly.
- By the way, the letters of the word ``TeX'' are Greek, tau-epsilon-
- chi. This is not a fraternity. Instead, it is the root of the Greek
- word, techne, which means art and/or science. ``TeX'' is not
- pronounced like the first syllable in "Texas." The chi has no English
- equivalent, but TeX is generally pronounced so that it rhymes with
- ``yecch,'' to use Professor Knuth's example from The TeXBook (see
- below). When writing, "TeX," on character devices, always use the
- standard capitalization, or the \TeX{} macro in typesetting. This is
- how TeX is distinguished from other typesetting systems.
- Speaking of typing, any of the editors which work under Linux---
- nvi(1), jed(1), joe(1), jove(1), vi(1), vim(1), stevie(1), emacs(1),
- microemacs---will work to prepare a TeX input file, as long as the
- editor reads and writes plain-vanilla ASCII text. My preference is
- emacs(1), the GNU version. There are several reasons for this:
- ╖ Emacs' TeX and LaTeX modes obviate the need for a stand-alone TeX
- shell.
- ╖ Emacs can automatically insert TeX-style, ``curly quotes,'' as you
- type, rather than the "ASCII-vanilla" kind.
- ╖ Emacs has integrated support for texinfo and makeinfo, a hypertext
- documentation system.
- ╖ Emacs is widely supported. Version 19.34, for example, is included
- in the major U.S. Linux distributions.
- ╖ Emacs does everything except butter the toast in the morning.
- ╖ Emacs is free.
- There's a lot of software to assemble. In the meantime, you can start
- in ``learning'' TeX and LaTeX. Remember that teTeX and the font
- packages have been designed as two separate entities: The teTeX
- executable programs and shell scripts, as distributed with Linux, have
- been built specifically for the system, but the CM, DC, American
- Mathematical Society, or other font distributions work on many
- different platforms. While you are working on assembling the files,
- you can take a few breaks to locate some of the documentation you will
- need.
- 2.1. Resources for further information.
- There are user manuals available both commercially and via the
- Internet. Judging by the number of mentions they receive in the
- Usenet comp.text.tex newsgroup, the most useful---and
- definitive---commercially available texts for beginners are:
- LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, by Leslie Lamport, 272 pp. If
- you're using LaTeX instead of plain TeX (highly recommended), this is
- the definitive reference.
- If you must use plain TeX, The TeXBook by Donald Knuth, 483 pp., is
- the definitive reference. It is also necessary if you plan to do any
- serious class, package, or macro writing for LaTeX.
- The LaTeX Companion, by Michel Goosens, Frank Mittelbach, and
- Alexander Samarin, 530 pp., is more advanced than the Lamport, above.
- If you are approaching TeX or LaTeX for the first time, you may feel
- lost reading this. (I was.) However, when you need to add extension
- packages, like PSNFSS (See the section titled, ``Using PostScript
- fonts''.), or bibtex(1), a bibliography indexing program, this book is
- one of the most highly regarded on the market.
- At your nearest CTAN site you can retrieve these documents for free:
- The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, by Tobias Oetiker, Hubert
- Partl, Irene Hyna, and Elisabeth Schlegl, 69 pp. This wonderful
- document is located at ~CTAN/packages/TeX/info/lshort/*.
- You can get a PostScript or .dvi version of the document ready for
- printing, or the native LaTeX document. There is also a version
- available in German: lkurz.*. Make sure to read the README file before
- assembling!
- A Gentle Introduction to TeX: A Manual for Self-Study, by Michael
- Doob, 91 pp. You can find this document at:
- ~CTAN:packages/TeX/info/gentle.tex. Almost of necessity, this document
- covers less ground than its LaTeX counterpart, above. However, it
- will get you to the same place as the LaTeX manuals. If you must use
- plain TeX for your documents, this document clarifies many of the
- complexities of plain TeX and makes its use almost easy.
- ``IMPRINT: The Newsletter of Digital Typography,'' edited by Robert
- Kiesling. I realize that this is BLATANT and SHAMELESS self-
- promotion. But, you should know anyway, that IMPRINT is a free,
- ASCII-text newsletter which is available via e-mail. IMPRINT appears
- approximately monthly and covers a broad range of text processing and
- digital imaging topics, both beginning and advanced. Many of the
- items covered apply directly or indirectly to TeX'ing. The emphasis
- is on production of industry-standard typeset and printed material.
- To subscribe to IMPRINT, send a brief, human-readable message to me at
- imprint@macline.com.
- The LaTeX Catalogue is a bibtex(1) database of available LaTeX
- packages, compiled and maintained by Graham Williams. It's included
- with teTeX, and the most recent version is available on the World Wide
- Web. Do you need a package that prints borders, or makes margin
- notes? You'll find that the package you need is listed here. The
- LaTeX Catalogue is located in your local teTeX library in the
- directory teTeX/texmf/doc/Catalog, and on the Web at
- http://cbr.dit.csiro.au/~gjw. See section ``LaTeX extension packages
- and other resources'' for further details about LaTeX packages.
- Thomas Merz's Ghostscript Manual, which is the Ghostscript appendix of
- his book, PostScript Acrobat/PDF: Applications, Troubleshooting, and
- Cross-Platform Publishing. It is available from the Ghostscript Home
- Page (see the section ``Ghosctscript V. 5.03''), or from Merz's home
- page, http://www.muc.de/~tm/.
- There are, of course, other guides available to using TeX and LaTeX.
- They cover different aspects of these systems to varying degrees. The
- reference documents cited above, however, are the most comprehensive
- in scope that I have seen and are aimed at beginners (or near-
- beginners).
- If the going gets especially tough, you can probably do a little extra
- shopping at Office Max, Office Depot, Staples, or your local
- stationer, and pick up several reams of three-hole punched, photocopy
- paper, two or three, three-inch binders, and some index tabs. When it
- comes time to print the documents, you'll need a place to keep them,
- and they seem to be more useful if they are kept on paper. This must
- be one of the stranger phenomena of technical documentation.
- You will note, however, that the references mentioned above are
- hardware-independent. They won't tell you a thing about running teTeX
- specifically. Many of them, in fact, refer to some mythical ``Local
- Guide.'' This, and several of the documents that come bundled with
- teTeX, comprise the less-than-mythical Local Guide to installing and
- operating teTeX with Linux.
- 3. Installation notes.
- All of the major Linux distributions include packaged versions of
- teTeX, and each distribution has its own idiosyncrasies. The
- packaging methods of each distribution are, for the most part,
- incompatible. If you try to install teTeX from another distribution,
- you may succeed in installing the package, but you're certain to mess
- up the package-management database on your system. When installing
- teTeX, please consult the section below that corresponds to your Linux
- distribution.
- Installing teTeX is surprisingly easy for a package of this magnitude.
- This document covers only the major free U.S. Linux distributions,
- because I haven't had time to obtain or install European Linux
- distributions like S.u.S.E.
- However, the generic, teTeX distribution isn't any harder to install
- than the Linux packages. See section ``Generic CTAN distribution'',
- below.
- You should consider installing the generic teTeX distribution from the
- CTAN archives if:
- ╖ Your system isn't based on one of the standard Linux distributions.
- ╖ You don't have root privileges on your system.
- ╖ You want or need to have the very latest version of teTeX, or
- LaTeX.
- ╖ You don't have enough disk space available for a full installation.
- ╖ You want to install teTeX somewhere instead of the /usr file
- system.
- ╖ You would like to share your teTeX installation with other UNIX
- variants or platforms on a network. In this case, you should
- strongly consider installing from the source distribution. See
- section ``Installing the source distribution'', below.
- ╖ You want the latest versions of teTeX's public domain Type 1 fonts,
- which are significantly better than the fonts included in earlier
- releases.
- A complete installation of the binary distribution requires 40-50 Mb
- of disk space, and building the distribution from the source code
- takes about 75 Mb, so you should make sure that the disk space is
- available before you start. You don't need to have the gcc(1)
- compiler or the X Windows System installed (although X certainly helps
- because it is much easier to preview documents on-screen). All you
- need is an editor that is capable of producing plain ASCII, text (see
- section 2). What could be simpler?
- Ghostscript V. 5.03 allows printing of PostScript documents on non-
- PostScript printers, and allows previewing of PostScript documents on
- VGA monitors and X Window System displays. If you already have a
- PostScript printer, you won't need Ghostscript simply to print
- PostScript documents. Ghostscript has many other capabilities,
- however, which are beyond the scope of this HOWTO.
- APSFILTER can automate document post processing and printing, and make
- life with your printer a lot easier. See the section titled
- For information on how to install a printer daemon and generally
- configure printers for Linux, see the section titled ``The lpd(8)
- daemon'', and consult the Printing-HOWTO.
- 3.1. Generic CTAN distribution, V. 0.4.
- You can retrieve the files from one of the CTAN archives listed in
- section ``Appendix A''. In the examples below, the files were
- retrieved from the CTAN archive at ftp.tex.ac.uk.
- 3.1.1. Installing the binary distribution.
- Minimal installation.
- First, FTP to ftp.tex.ac.uk and cd to the directory
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/
- Retrieve the files
- install.sh
- and place them in the top-level directory where you want to install
- teTeX, for example, /var/teTeX if you plan to install teTeX in the
- /var file system.
- Print out the INSTALL.bin file. Keep this file handy, because it
- describes how to install a minimal teTeX installation. The minimal
- installation requires only 10-15 MB of disk space, but it is
- recommended that you install the complete teTeX package if at all
- possible. For a minimum installation, you'll need the files
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/base/latex-base.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/base/tetex-base.tar.gz
- You'll also need one of two archives which contain the executable
- teTeX programs. Retrieve the archive file
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/binaries/i386-linux.tar.gz
- if your system uses the Linux ELF shared libraries, ld.so(1) of at
- least version 1.73, and clibs of at least version 5.09. If it
- doesn't, retrieve the archive
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/binaries/i386-linuxaout.tar.gz
- which is compiled for systems that use the older, a.out-format static
- libraries.
- Then, following the instructions in the file INSTALL.bin, execute the
- command
- sh ./install.sh
- while in the top-level teTeX installation directory. (Make sure that
- the teTeX archives are located there, too.) After a few moments, the
- installation program will warn you that you are missing some of the
- teTeX packages. However, if you're planning only a minimal teTeX
- installation, you should ignore the warnings and proceed. To config¡
- ure the basic teTeX system, see section ``Base system configuration'',
- below.
- To install the remaining packages, see the next section.
- Complete installation.
- To perform a complete teTeX installation, retrieve the archive files
- listed in the previous section, as well as the following files:
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/ams-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/bibtex-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/eplain-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/fonts-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/general-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/generic-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/latex-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/makeindex-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/metapost-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/doc/programs-doc.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/fonts/ams-fonts.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/fonts/dc-fonts.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/fonts/ec-fonts.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/fonts/misc-fonts.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/fonts/postscript-fonts.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/fonts/sauter-fonts.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/amstex.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/bibtex.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/eplain.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/latex-extra.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/metapost.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/pictex.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/pstricks.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/texdraw.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/goodies/xypic.tar.gz
- All of these files should be placed in the top-level directory where
- you want teTeX to reside. As with the minimal installation, execute
- the command
- sh ./install.sh
- Base system configuration.
- The install.sh script, after determining which teTeX archive series
- are present, will present you with a menu of options. The only
- setting you need to make at this point is to set the top-level
- directory where you want teTeX installed, by selecting the ``D''
- option. You must, of course, choose a directory in whose parent
- directory you have write permissions. For example, if you are
- installing teTeX in your home directory, you would specify the teTeX
- installation directory as
- /home/john.q.public/teTeX
- and, after returning to the main menu, select ``I'' to proceed with
- the installation. Note that the directory must not exist already: the
- install.sh script must be able to create it.
- An option which you should consider enabling, is setting an
- alternative directory for generated fonts. Even if you plan to use
- only PostScript-format, Type 1 scalable fonts, occasionally you'll
- process a file that requires the Computer Modern fonts. Enabling this
- option requires that you enter the directory to use. You must have
- write permissions for the parent directory. Following the example
- above, you could specify
- /home/john.q.public/texfonts
- or, if you want the generated fonts to be accessible by all users on
- the system, specify a directory like
- /var/texfonts
- I would recommend that you not, however, use the default
- /var/tmp/texfonts directory for this option, because the generated
- fonts could be deleted after the next reboot, and the fonts will need
- to be generated again the next time they're needed.
- After you've selected the option ``I'', and install.sh has installed
- the archives, set various permissions, and generated its links and
- format files, the program will exit with a message telling you to add
- the teTeX binary directory to your $PATH environment variable, and the
- directories where the man pages and info files reside to your $MANPATH
- and $INFOPATH environment variables. For example, add the statements
- export PATH=$PATH:"/home/john.q.public/teTeX/bin"
- export MANPATH=$MANPATH":/home/john.q.public/teTeX/man"
- export INFOPATH$=INFOPATH":/home/john.q.public/teTeX/info"
- to your ~/.bash_profile if you use bash(1) as your shell, or to your
- ~/.profile if you use another shell for logins.
- Log out, and then log in again, so the environment variables are
- registered. Then, run the command
- texconfig confall
- to insure that the installation is correct.
- Next, you can configure teTeX for you specific hardware. See section
- ``Post-installation configuration details'', below.
- 3.1.2. Installing the source distribution.
- To install teTeX V. 0.4 from the source code, ftp to a CTAN site like
- ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk and retrieve the files
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/INSTALL.src
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/sources/README.texmf-src
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/sources/teTeX-lib-0.4pl8.tar.gz
- ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/distrib/sources/teTeX-src-0.4pl7.tar.gz
- Read over the instructions in INSTALL.src, then su to root and unpack
- the files in a directory for which you have read-write-execute
- permissions.
- Remember to use the p argument to tar(1), and also remember to unset
- the noclobber option of bash(1). You can do this with the
- counterintuitive command
- set +o noclobber
- Note that the argument +o to set unsets a variable, just exactly back¡
- wards from what you might expect.
- The file teTeX-lib-0.4pl8.tar.gz will create the directory create the
- directory teTeX-src-0.4 Print out the file INSTALL.src and keep it
- nearby for the following steps. cd to the ./teTeX-src-0.4 directory,
- and, per the instructions in the INSTALL.src file, edit to the
- absolute path of the parent teTeX directory. This will be the
- subdirectory teTeX of the directory where you unpacked the source and
- library archives. For example, if you unpacked the archives in your
- home directory, you would set TETEXDIR to
- /home/john.q.public/teTeX
- The rest of the Makefile options are pretty generic. With gcc(1) ver¡
- sion 2.7.2 and later, you should not need to make any further adjust¡
- ments unless you have a non-standard compiler and library setup, or
- want the compiler to perform some further optimizations, or for some
- other reason. Check that the USE_DIALOG, USE_NCURSES, and
- HAVE_NCURSES variables are set correctly for your system, because the
- dialog program needs the ncurses library to be installed. A
- ncurses(3x) library is included in the source distribution, so the
- default values in the Makefile should work fine. If you can't get
- ncurses(3x) to compile or link, texconfig(1) can also be run from the
- command line.
- If you've done everything correctly up to this point, you should be
- able to type make world in the top-level source directory, and relax
- until the teTeX executables are built. This can take a few hours.
- After the build has completed, set the environment variables $PATH,
- $MANPATH, and $INFOPATH to include the teTeX directories. The
- statements which would be added to the file ~/.bash_profile, in the
- example, above, would be
- export PATH=$PATH":/home/john.q.public/teTeX/bin/i386-linux"
- export MANPATH=$MANPATH":/home/john.q.public/teTeX/man"
- export INFOPATH=$INFOPATH":/home/john.q.public/teTeX/info"
- The $PATH variable is different in the source distribution than in the
- binary distribution. Note that here the path to the binaries is
- teTeX/bin/i386-linux instead of simply teTeX/bin as in the binary dis¡
- tribution.
- At this point you can run texconfig confall to ensure that the paths
- have been set correctly, and then proceed to configure teTeX as in the
- binary distribution. See the section ``Post-installation
- configuration details'', below.
- 3.2. Linux packages.
- 3.2.1. Slackware 3.2.
- First, ftp to your nearest Linux archive site. Mine is
- wuarchive.wustl.edu. Then find the directory with the Slackware
- distribution diskettes. On wuarchive.wustl.edu, this is
- systems/linux/sunsite/distributions/Slackware/slakware/.
- Linux sites which mirror sunsite.unc.edu will store these diskettes in
- the directory distributions/Slackware/slakware/. teTeX, the full
- package, is contained on the Slackware disk series t. So, grab all
- nine disks' worth of the t series, disks t1 - t9. Be sure to keep them
- in order, too. Either store the files in separate subdirectories
- labeled t1 - t9 on a hard drive partition, or on diskettes, and label
- the diskettes t1 through t9. We're going to install them by hand.
- This isn't difficult. The Slackware installer creates the directories
- and unpacks the files. It also provides descriptions of each module
- in the distribution, which allows you to decide whether you want to
- install it or not. In the case of teTeX, however, you are simply
- going to install everything, because that's what you should do anyway.
- Let's assume that you have all nine diskettes' worth of the Slackware
- teTeX distribution ready at hand, organized as described above.
- You'll have a lot of files which have the extension .tgz. This is
- shorthand for a tar(1) archive compressed with gzip(1). The names all
- fit the 8+3 filename limitations of MS-DOG. Aren't you glad you
- decided to scrap your DOG partitions and install Linux instead? You
- can use a MS-DOG hard disk partition or DOG-format diskettes to store
- the files. The archives also begin with the letters tb, td, or tm,
- and so on, which is the implementors' shorthand for TeX binary, TeX
- documentation, TeX macro, and so on. The difference to you is
- academic, because you'll be installing everything anyway.
- Simply fire up the Slackware install utility. You needn't concern
- yourself with reconfiguring the system, so select the option to add
- new software. Select the appropriate source media (diskettes, HD
- partition, or CD-ROM), specify that you want to install the Slackware
- t series, and that you do not want to be prompted -- simply install
- all the archives on the Slackware t series diskettes. You'll be
- prompted to insert each diskette in the floppy drive if you're
- installing from diskettes. If you're installing from a hard drive or
- CD-ROM, no more intervention is required by you.
- Manual Slackware install.
- This section is for people who, for one reason or another, would like
- to install teTeX manually from a Linux package.
- Let's assume that you've assembled the Slackware teTeX distribution on
- floppy diskettes labelled t1 thru t9. Mount the t1 diskette like this
- mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
- if your Linux configuration is a standard configuration. Actually,
- any mount point will do. You'll simply need to substitute the appro¡
- priate path spec in the next few steps.
- The next thing you want to do is create the teTeX top-level directory.
- teTeX's internal paths are specified relative to its binary program
- files, but the Slackware distribution is archived relative to the root
- directory. So the top-level teTeX directory is:
- /usr/lib/teTeX
- For each of the .tgz archive files in the distribution, copy the
- archive file to the /usr/lib/teTeX directory and repeat the following
- commands:
- You should be logged in as root and in the top-level directory, /, for
- these steps. I've used the tb-xfig.tgz archive for demonstration
- purposes. Of course, you'll want to substitute the name of whichever
- archive you're unpacking.
- cp /mnt/tb-xfig.tgz /usr/lib/teTeX
- tar -zxvf /usr/lib/teTeX/tb-xfig.tar # v to see what's going on!
- rm /usr/lib/teTeX/tb-xfig.tgz
- Most Slackware packages that I've seen also include an install script,
- which the Slackware installer executes after unpacking the files.
- Look in the directory /install after you've unpacked the files. If
- there's a script there called doinst.sh, execute that, as root, by
- typing
- sh < /install/doinst.sh
- It may be alarming to watch all those filenames scrolling of the top
- of the screen as the archives are unpacked. Relax! Take a break, and
- freshen up your coffee (or grab another JOLT from the refrigerator, or
- otherwise replenish whatever you're drinking). There's only a few
- more steps you need to perform to install teTeX. They're covered in
- Section 4.
- 3.2.2. Debian GNU/Linux, V. 1.3.
- Installing teTeX from Debian packages is truly trivial. ftp the most
- recent stable versions of the teTeX archive files from ftp.debian.org.
- The teTeX distribution is located in the directory
- pub/debian/bo/binary-i386/tex
- Retrieve the following Debian archive files via anonymous FTP (remem¡
- bering to set binary mode for the transfers).
- tetex-base_0.4pl6-5.deb
- tetex-bin_0.4pl6-8.deb
- tetex-dev_0.4pl6-8.deb
- tetex-doc_0.4pl6-1.deb
- tetex-extra_0.4pl6-4.deb
- Once the files are safely transferred to your local hard disk, su to
- root, and install them using the dpkg(1) utility:
- dpkg -i tetex-base_0.4pl6-5.deb
- dpkg -i tetex-bin_0.4pl6-8.deb
- dpkg -i tetex-dev_0.4pl6-8.deb
- dpkg -i tetex-doc_0.4pl6-1.deb
- dpkg -i tetex-extra_0.4pl6-4.deb
- Installation will take some time, because the Debian archives contain
- the shell scripts necessary to check for old TeX installations, build
- the TeX and LaTeX .fmt files, build the path-searching database, and
- see to other configuration details. However, once they are finished,
- you should have an operational teTeX installation that needs only to
- be configured for the details of your local system; see section
- ``Post-installation configuration details''.
- 3.2.3. RedHat V. 4.2.
- Presumably, you could install only selected portions of the teTeX
- RedHat distribution, but consistent with the philosophy of the other
- sections, it is assumed that you will eventually need all of the
- facilities provided by teTeX, and so you should install the complete
- distribution.
- To install teTeX from RedHat Linux RPM packages, under RedHat Linux v.
- 4.2, ftpto sunsite.unc.edu and cd to the directory
- pub/Linux/distributions/redhat/current/i386/RedHat/RPMS/
- Set binary mode for the transfers and retrieve the following files:
- tetex-0.4pl8-5.i386.rpm
- tetex-latex-0.4pl8-5.i386.rpm
- tetex-afm-0.4pl8-5.i38 6.rpm
- tetex-dvilj-0.4pl8-5.i386.rpm
- tetex-dvips-0.4pl8-5.i386.rpm
- tetex-xdvi-0.4pl8-5.i386.rpm
- tetex-texmf-src-0.4pl8-5.i386.rpm
- This last file may not be strictly necessary. It contains the LaTeX
- sources, if you want to install LaTeX yourself. If you're thinking of
- upgrading LaTeX independently of the binaries in the future, this
- archive could be useful to have around:
- Simply install the files above in the order given, using the rpm -i
- command, and proceed to the section, ``Post-installation configuration
- details''.
- 3.3. Ghostscript V. 5.03.
- Ghostscript development is rapid, and the changes which are
- incorporated into every new version are significant. Therefore, it's
- worth the effort to install the version of Ghostscript that is
- available on its home page, http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost.
- At the time of this writing, the current version is 5.03. The
- Ghostscript archive for Linux is composed of the following files:
- ghostscript-5.03gnu.tar.gz
- ghostscript-5.03jpeg.tar.gz
- ghostscript-5.03libpng.tar.gz
- ghostscript-5.03zlib.tar.gz
- ghostscript-fonts-std-5.03.tar.gz
- ghostscript-fonts-other-5.03.tar.gz
- What is Ghostscript, and why do you need it? Technically, Ghostscript
- is a Raster Image Processor. It translates PostScript code into many
- common, bit-mapped formats, like those understood by your printer or
- screen, whether or not they are equipped with PostScript. In
- practical terms, Ghostscript allows you to use Type 1 fonts, and mix
- text and graphics on any printer or video display that Ghostscript
- knows about.
- The quality of the fonts which come with the program have improved
- steadily in the last several versions as well. Or maybe it's that
- more recent versions of Ghostscript have improved font rendering. In
- either case, this is of real benefit for Linux users, who may not be
- able to spend hundreds of dollars on commercial fonts. Because
- Ghostscript is able to read the font requests made by dvips(1),
- Ghostscript's font library provides the fonts, not teTeX. But the
- font metrics files for Ghostscript's font library, which have the
- extension .afm, are already included in the teTeX distribution.
- For information about using Ghostscript, see the file use.txt in the
- Ghostscript distribution, and the Linux Documentation Project's
- Printing-HOWTO. There's also a Ghostscript manual available from the
- Internet. See section ``Resources for further information''
- Or, install APSFILTER and let that run Ghostscript automatically.
- (See section ``APSFILTER'').
- A final, significant note: I would recommend that you compile
- Ghostscript for your own system, if possible. Combining different
- versions of Ghostscript and svgalib can quickly become confusing. The
- version of Ghostscript which is included in the Slackware AP set is
- version 2.6.2 and does not have X support compiled in. You might also
- have trouble finding the correct svgalib versions for it. There is
- supposedly a version of Ghostscript with X11 support in the Slackware
- XAP distribution series, and presumably in the other Linux
- distributions, though I haven't tried them. Compiling Ghostscript for
- your own system is far easier, it seems to me.
- It's also important to remember that there are two Ghostscript
- releases in distribution: the commercial, Aladdin Ghostscript, and GNU
- Ghostscript, which lags behind Aladdin Ghostscript by several years.
- This is due to Ghostscript's unique licensing arrangement. See the
- Printing-HOWTO for more information about Ghostscript licensing.
- svgalib support for GNU Ghostscript 3.33 is included in a small
- archive which contains a .diff file. Ghostscript 3.33 for X is also
- configured for JPEG support, so you should include the JPEG library
- sources as well. The relevant archives can be found at any GNU
- distribution site, like ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu.
- There are software packages which will simplify your life, and
- APSFILTER is one of them. Written by Andreas Klemm, APSFILTER works
- with any BSD-compatible printer daemon (which means that you have the
- lpd(8) program and an /etc/printcap file; see below), and provides
- transparent printer support for ASCII, DVI, and PostScript files, as
- well as files compressed by gzip(1), compress(1), and other data
- compression software.
- Once you have successfully installed APSFILTER, you can print a
- PostScript file to whatever printer you have, by typing
- lpr file.ps
- Or, to print an ASCII file without PostScript translation, you can
- type
- lpr -Praw file.asc
- Amazing.
- APSFILTER is surprisingly easy to install, considering that it works
- with many disparate elements of your system. Installing the generic
- APSFILTER distribution, however, does require that you have a current
- gcc(1) compiler on hand, because APSFILTER builds some of its filters
- during installation. Some distributions of Linux, however, provide a
- pre-built version, so check your specific distribution first.
- In any event, you will need a correctly installed Ghostscript and
- lpd(8) installation for APSFILTER to work. The most recent APSFILTER
- is located in the Linux Archives at
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/printing/.
- 3.5. The lpd(8) daemon.
- There are wide variations in printers and configurations. Setting up
- a working printer daemon is no mean feat. If you're using teTeX on an
- individual system, you could simply dump the output to the printer
- device driver file, but this is less than desirable. You lose the
- filtering capabilities of the printer daemon. If you're printing on a
- network, having a working printer daemon is a must.
- The basic UNIX program for printer management on BSD-style systems is
- lpd(8). When you print a file with lpr(1) you are really sending the
- file to a print queue. lpd(8) prints files in the order they're
- queued. Other printer utilities include lpq(1), which displays the
- contents of the print queue, and lprm(1), which removes (dequeues)
- files from the print queue.
- The printer daemon can perform other tasks, like transparently
- filtering output from various programs (using filter programs like
- APSFILTER, above), accept print jobs from other machines on a network,
- send print jobs to various printers if you have more than one
- connected, and hold print output until you've refilled the paper feed
- tray.
- The Printing-HOWTO explains the process of setting up a working
- printer daemon in detail. Many Linux distributions already have
- configured lpd(8) suites. Check there first, because it will save you
- considerable work. They're usually archived, strangely enough, using
- the name lpr, so search for that program. There is also a printer
- daemon suite available from the Linux archives, at
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/printing.
- 4. Post-installation configuration details.
- The first thing you'll want to do is look at Thomas Esser's README
- file. It contains a lot of hints on how to configure teTeX for your
- output device (i.e., printer). The README file is located in the
- directory
- /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/doc/tetex
- Read the file over with the command (the path in the following exam¡
- ples is that of the Slackware distribution):
- less /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/doc/tetex/README
- or, print it out with the command
- cat /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/doc/tetex/README >/dev/lp0
- assuming that your printer is connected to /dev/lp0. Substitute the
- device driver file that your printer is connected to, as appropriate.
- Or, better still, print it using the lpr(1) command:
- lpr /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/doc/tetex/README
- You should have installed the printer daemon that is included with
- your distribution of Linux. If not, do that now, per the instructions
- that come with the package. If you don't have one of the packages, or
- want to install a printer daemon yourself, see section ``The lpd(8)
- daemon''
- Print out the teTeX-FAQ. Keep the FAQ handy because it contains useful
- hints for configuring teTeX's output drivers for your printer. We'll
- get to that in a moment. In more recent releases of teTeX, the teTeX-
- FAQ is viewable via the texconfig utility.
- Next, you want to define a directory to store your own TeX format
- files. teTeX searches the directories listed by the $TEXINPUTS
- environment variable for local TeX input files. On Chanel3, I added
- the line
- export TEXINPUTS=".:~/texinputs:"
- to the system-wide /etc/profile file. Individual users can set their
- own local $TEXINPUTS directory, by adding the line in their ~/.profile
- or ~/.bash_profile if bash(1) is the default shell. The $TEXINPUTS
- environment variable tells teTeX to look for users' individual TeX
- style files in the ~/texinputs directories under each user's home
- directory. It is critical that a colon appear before and after this
- directory. teTeX is going to append its own directory searches to
- your own. You want to have teTeX search the local format files first,
- so it uses the local versions of any of the standard files you have
- edited.
- Add the /usr/lib/teTeX/bin directory to the system-wide path if you're
- installing teTeX as root. Again, if you're installing a personal copy
- of teTeX, add the directory where the teTeX binaries are located to
- the front your $PATH with the following line in your ~/.profile or
- ~/.bash_profile:
- export PATH="~/tetex/bin:"$PATH
- Now, log in as root and run texconfig per the instructions in the
- teTeX-FAQ and choose the printer that is attached to your system.
- Make sure that you configure teTeX for both the correct printer and
- printer resolution.
- Finally, run the texhash program. This ensures that teTeX's internal
- database is up to date. The database is actually a ls-lR file. You
- must run texhash every time you change the system configuration, or
- teTeX will not be able to locate your changes.
- 4.1. What if my printer isn't included?
- The teTeX distribution comes with only a limited selection of DVI
- output drivers: dvips(1), drivers for Hewlett Packard LaserJets, and
- nothing else. You have two options if you have a printer which isn't
- LaserJet-compatible: You can use dvips(1) and Ghostscript, which I
- would recommend anyway, for reasons already mentioned, or you can
- investigate other dviware sources.
- A limited number of DVI drivers have been ported to Linux and are
- available as pre-built binaries. They are located in the Linux
- archives at ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/tex/dvi/.
- The master dviware libraries are maintained at the University of Utah
- archives. If you can't find a DVI driver there that supports your
- printer, chances are that it doesn't exist. You can also write your
- own DVI driver using the templates available there. The library's URL
- is ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/dvi/.
- 5. Using teTeX.
- Theoretically, at least, everything is installed correctly and is
- ready to run. teTeX is a very large software package. As with any
- complex software package, you'll want to start by learning teTeX
- slowly, instead of being overwhelmed by its complexity.
- At the same time, we want the software to do something useful. So
- instead of watching TeX typeset
- ``Hello, World!''
- as Professor Knuth suggests in the The TeXBook, we'll produce a couple
- of teTeX's own documents in order to test it.
- The next section, ``Printing the documentation'', is really a tutorial
- for operating teTeX. It covers printing the documentation included
- with teTeX (which is in LaTeX and ``cookbook'' than a tutorial. It
- discusses how to format LaTeX documents, and covers a few of the
- commands and environments of the more commonly used document classes.
- The section ``LaTeX extension packages and other resources'' tells how
- to use the many pre-existing LaTeX packages to customize documents to
- your specifications.
- 5.1. Printing the documentation.
- You should be logged in as root the first few times you run teTeX. If
- you aren't, metafont may not be able to create the necessary
- directories for its fonts. The texconfig program includes an option
- to make the font directories world-writable, but if you're working on
- a multi-user system, security considerations may make this option
- impractical or undesirable.
- In either instance, if you don't have the appropriate permissions to
- write to the directories where the fonts are stored, metafont will
- complain loudly because it can't make the directories. You won't see
- any output because you have a bunch of zero-length font characters.
- This is no problem. Simply log out, re-login as root, and repeat the
- offending operation.
- The nice thing about teTeX is that, if you blow it, no real harm is
- done. It's not like a compiler, where, say, you will trash the root
- partition if a pointer goes astray. What, you haven't read the teTeX
- manual yet? Of course you haven't. It's still in the distribution,
- in source code form, waiting to be output.
- So, without further delay, you will want to read the teTeX manual.
- It's located in the directory
- /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/doc/tetex.
- The LaTeX source for the manual is called TETEXDOC.tex. (The editors,
- like emacs(1), can tell the difference.) There is also a file
- TETEXDOC.dvi included with the distribution, which you might want to
- keep in a safe place---say, another directory ---in case you want to
- test your .dvi drivers later. With that out of the way, type
- latex TETEXDOC.tex
- LaTeX will print several warnings. The first,
- LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get the
- cross-references right.
- is standard. It's common to build a document's Table of Contents by
- LaTeXing the document twice. So, repeat the command. The other warn¡
- ings can be safely ignored. They simply are informing you that some
- of the FTP paths mentioned in the documentation are too wide for their
- alloted spaces. (If you're really inquisitive, look at one of the TeX
- references for a discussion of \hbox and \vbox.)
- teTeX will have generated several files from TETEXDOC.tex. The one
- that we're interested in is TETEXDOC.dvi. This is the device-
- independent output which you can send either to the screen or the
- printer. If you're running teTeX under the X Windows System, you can
- preview the document with xdvi(1).
- For the present, let's assume that you have a HP LaserJet II. You
- would give the command
- dvilj2 TETEXDOC.dvi
- which will write a PCL output file from TETEXDOC.dvi, including soft
- fonts which will be downloaded to the LaserJet. This is not a feature
- of TeX or LaTeX, but a feature provided by dvilj2(1). Other .dvi
- drivers provide features which are relevant to the devices they sup¡
- port. dvilj2(1) will fill the font requests which were made in the
- original LaTeX document with the the closest equivalents available on
- the system. In the case of a plain-text document like TETEXDOC.tex,
- there isn't much difficulty. All of the fonts requested by TETEX¡
- DOC.tex will be generated by metafont, which is automatically invoked
- by dvilj2(1) and generates the fonts if they aren't already present.
- (If you're running dvilj2(1) for the first time, the program needs to
- generate all of the fonts, which could take up to several days if
- you're using a really slow machine.) There are several options which
- control font generation via dvilj2(1); they're outlined in the manual
- page. At this point, you shouldn't need to operate metafont directly.
- If you do, then something has gone awry with your installation. All
- of the .dvi drivers will invoke metafont directly via the kpathsea
- path-searching library---also beyond the scope of this document---and
- you don't need to do any more work with metafont for the present---all
- of the metafont sources for the Computer Modern font library are pro¡
- vided.
- You can print TETEXDOC.lj with the command
- lpr TETEXDOC.lj
- You may need to install a printer filter that understands PCL. Look
- at the Printing-HOWTO for details.
- The nine-page teTeX Guide provides some useful information for further
- configuring your system, some of which I have mentioned, much which
- this document doesn't cover.
- Some of the information in the next section I haven't been able to
- test, because I have a non-PostScript HP Deskjet 400 color ink jet
- printer connected to Chanel3's parallel port. However, not owning a
- PostScript printer is no barrier to printing text and graphics from
- your text documents. See the section ``Ghostscript'' to install
- Ghostscript, if it isn't already installed on your system.
- 5.2. TeX and LaTeX commands.
- 5.2.1. Document structure.
- Preparing documents for TeX typesetting is easy. Make sure there's a
- blank line between the paragraphs of a plain text file, and run file
- through the TeX program with the command
- TeX your_text_file
- The result will be a file of the same base name and the extension sin¡
- gle-spaced, with justified left and right margins. If you receive
- error messages from special characters like dollar signs, escape them
- with a backslash character, \, and run TeX on the file again. You
- should be able to process the resulting file with the printed output.
- The only other peculiarity of TeX input files is to make sure that you
- use opening and closing quotes, which are denoted in the input file
- with the grave accent and single quote characters. Emacs' TeX mode
- will do this for you automatically.
- "These are ascii-type quotes."
- ``These are `TeX-style' quotes.''
- You can consult a guide like A Gentle Introduction to TeX, described
- above, for hints on how to make modifications to the default TeX page
- format.
- Documents formatted for LaTeX have a few more rules, but with complex
- documents, LaTeX can greatly simplify the formatting process.
- Essentially, LaTeX is a document markup language which tries to
- separate the output style from the document's logical content. For
- example, formatting a section heading with TeX would require
- specifying 36 points of white space above the heading, then the
- heading itself set in bold, 24-point type, then copying the heading
- text and page number to the Table of Contents, then leaving 24 points
- of white space after the heading. By contrast, LaTeX has the
- \section{} command, which does all of the work for you. If you need
- to change the format of the section headings throughout your document,
- you can change the definition of \section{} instead of the text in the
- document. You can see where this would save hours of reformatting for
- documents of more than a dozen pages in length.
- All LaTeX documents have three sections: a preamble, the body text,
- and a postamble. These terms are standard jargon and are widely used
- by TeXperts.
- The preamble, at a minimum, specifies the type of document to be
- produced---the document class---and a statement which signals the
- beginning of the document's body text. For example:
- \documentclass{article}
- \begin{document}
- The document's postamble is usually very simple. Except in special¡
- ized cases, it contains only the statement:
- \end{document}
- Note the \begin{document} and \end{document} pairing. In LaTeX, this
- is called an environment. All text must appear within an environment,
- and many commands are effective only in the environments in which
- they're called. The document environment is the only instance where
- LaTeX enforces this convention, however. That is, it's the only envi¡
- ronment that is required in a document. (An exception is letter
- class, which also requires you to declare \begin{letter} and
- \end{letter}. See the section ``Letters''.) However, many formatting
- features are specified as environments. They're described in the fol¡
- lowing sections.
- The document classes can be called with arguments. For example,
- instead of the default, 10-point type used as the base point size, as
- in the previous example, we could have specified
- \documentclass[12pt]{article}
- to produce the document using 12 points as the base point size. The
- document class, article, makes the necessary adjustments.
- There are a few document classes which are commonly used. They're
- described below. The report class is similar to article class, but
- produces a title page and starts each section on a new page. The
- letter class includes special definitions for addresses, salutations,
- and closings, a few of which are described below.
- You can include canned LaTeX code, commonly known as a package, with
- the \usepackage{} command.
- \usepackage{fancyhdr}
- The command above would include the LaTeX style file fancyhdr.sty from
- one of the TEXINPUTS directories, which you and teTeX specified during
- installation and setup processes.
- \documentclass{article}
- \usepackage{fancyhdr}
- \begin{document}
- Note that the \usepackage{} declarations are given before the
- \begin{document} statement; that is, in the document preamble.
- fancyhdr.sty extends the \pagestyle{} command so that you can create
- custom headers and footers. Most LaTeX document classes provide
- headers and footers of the following standard page styles:
- \pagestyle{plain} % default pages style -- page number centered at
- % the bottom of the page.
- \pagestyle{empty} % no headers or footers
- \pagestyle{headings} % print section number and page number at the
- % top of the page.
- \pagestyle{myheadings} % print custom information in the page heading.
- Everything on a line to the right of the percent sign is a comment.
- The \pagestyle{} command doesn't take effect until the following page.
- To change the headers and footers on the current page, use the command
- \thispagestyle{the_pagestyle}
- 5.2.2. Characters and type styles.
- Character styles are partially a function of the fonts specified in
- the document. However, bold and italic character emphasis should be
- available for every font present on the system. Underlining, too, can
- be used, though its formatting presents special problems. See section
- ``LaTeX extension packages and other resources'', below.
- You can specify text to be emphasized in several ways. The most
- portable is the \em command. All text within its scope is italicized
- by default. For example:
- This word will be {\em emphasized.}
- If you have italicized text that runs into text which is not itali¡
- cized, you can specify an italic correction factor to be used. The
- command for this is \/; that is, a backslash and a forward slash.
- This example {\em will\/} print correctly.
- This example will {\em not} print correctly.
- Slightly less portable, but still acceptable in situations where
- they're used singly, are the commands \it, \bf, and \tt, which specify
- that the characters within their scope be printed using italic, bold,
- and monospaced (teletype) typefaces, respectively.
- {\tt This text will be printed monospaced,}
- {\it this text will be italic,} and
- {\bf this text will be bold\dots} all in one paragraph.
- The command \dots prints a series of three periods for ellipses, which
- will not break across a line.
- The most recent version of LaTeX, which is what you have, includes
- commands which account for instances where one emphasis command would
- supersede another.
- This is {\it not {\bf bold italic!}}
- What happens is that teTeX formats the text with the italic typeface
- until it encounters the \bf command, at which point it switches to
- boldface type.
- To get around this, the NFSS scheme of selecting font shapes requires
- three parameters for each typeface: shape, series, and family. Not
- all font sets will include all of these styles. LaTeX will print a
- warning, however, if it needs to substitute another font.
- You can specify the following font shapes:
- \textup{text} % upright shape (the default)
- \textit{text} % italic
- \textsl{text} % slanted
- \textsc{text} % small caps
- These are the two series that most fonts have:
- \textmd{text} % medium series (the default)
- \textbf{text} % boldface series.
- There are generally three families of type available.
- \textrm{text} % roman (the default)
- \textsf{text} % sans serif
- \texttt{text} % typewriter (monospaced, Courier-like)
- Setting font styles using these parameters, you can combine effects.
- \texttt{\textit{This example likely will result in a font
- substitution, because many fonts don't include a typewriter italic
- typeface.}}
- The font family defaults to Computer Modern, which is a bit-mapped
- font. Other font families are usually PostScript-format Type 1 fonts.
- See section ``Using PostScript fonts'' for details on how to specify
- them.
- There are also many forms of accents and special characters which are
- available for typesetting. This is only a few of them. (Try
- typesetting these on your own printer.)
- \'{o} \`{e} \^{o} \"{u} \={o} \c{c} `? `!
- \copyright \pounds \dag
- Finally, there are characters which are used as meta- or escape char¡
- acters in TeX and LaTeX. One of them, the dollar sign, is mentioned
- above. The complete set of metacharacters, which need to be escaped
- with a backslash to be used literally, is:
- # $ % & _ { }
- There are also different alphabets available, like Greek and Cyrillic.
- LaTeX provides many facilities for setting non-English text, which are
- covered by some of the other references mentioned here
- 5.2.3. Margins and line spacing.
- Changing margins in a TeX or LaTeX document is not a straightforward
- task. A lot depends on the relative indent of the text you're trying
- to adjust the margin for. The placement of the margin-changing
- command is also significant.
- For document-wide changes to LaTeX documents, the \evensidemargin and
- \oddsidemargin commands are available. They affect the left-hand
- margins of the even-numbered and odd-numbered pages, respectively.
- For example,
- \evensidemargin=1in
- \oddsidemargin=1in
- adds on inch to the left-hand margin of the even and odd pages in
- addition to the standard one-inch, left-hand margin. These commands
- affect the entire document and will shift the entire body of the text
- right and left across a page, regardless of any local indent, so
- they're safe to use with LaTeX environments like verse and list.
- Below is a set of margin-changing macros which I wrote. They have a
- different effect than the commands mentioned above. Because they use
- plain TeX commands, they're not guaranteed to honor the margins of any
- LaTeX environments which may be in effect, but you can place them
- anywhere in a document and change the margins from that point on.
- %% margins.sty -- v. 0.1 by Robert Kiesling
- %% Copies of this code may be freely distributed in verbatim form.
- %%
- %% Some elementary plain TeX margin-changing commands. Lengths are
- %% in inches:
- %% \leftmargin{1} %% sets the document's left margin in 1 inch.
- %% \leftindent{1} %% sets the following paragraphs' indent in
- %% 1 inch.
- %% \rightindent{1} %% sets the following paragraphs' right margins
- %% %% in 1 inch.
- %% \llength{3} %% sets the following lines' lengths to 3 inches.
- %%
- \message{Margins macros...}
- \def\lmargin#1{\hoffset = #1 in}
- \def\lindent#1{\leftskip = #1 in}
- \def\rindent#1{\rightskip = #1 in}
- \def\llength#1{\hsize = #1 in}
- %%
- %% (End of margins macros.}
- Place this code in a file called margins.sty in your local $TEXINPUTS
- directory. The commands are explained in the commented section of the
- file. To include them in a document, use the command
- \usepackage{margins}
- in the document preamble.
- While we're on the subject, if you don't want the right margin to be
- justified, which is the default, you can tell LaTeX to use ragged
- right margins by giving the command:
- \raggedright
- Setting line spacing also has its complexities.
- The baselineskip measurement is the distance between lines of text.
- It is given as an absolute measurement. For example,
- \baselineskip=24pt
- or even better:
- \setlength{\baselineskip}{24pt}
- The difference between the two forms is that setlength will respect
- any scoping rules that may be in effect when you use the command.
- The problem with using baselineskip is that it also affects the
- distance between section headings, footnotes, and the like. You need
- to take care that baselineskip is correct for whatever text elements
- you're formatting. There are, however, LaTeX macro packages, like
- setspace.sty, which will help you in these circumstances. See section
- ``LaTeX extension packages and other resources''.
- 5.2.4. Document classes.
- LaTeX provides document classes which provide standardized formats for
- documents. They provide environments to format lists, quotations,
- footnotes, and other text elements. Commonly used document classes
- are covered in the following sections.
- Articles and reports.
- As mentioned above, the article class and the report class are
- similar. The main differences are that the report class creates a
- title page by default and begins each section on a new page. Mostly,
- though, the two document classes are similar.
- To create titles, abstracts, and bylines in these document classes,
- you can type, for example,
- \title{The Breeding Habits of Cacti}
- \author{John Q. Public}
- \abstract{Description of how common desert cacti search
- for appropriate watering holes to perform their breeding
- rituals.}
- in the document preamble. Then, the command
- \maketitle
- given at the start of the text, will generate either a title page in
- the report class, or the title and abstract at the top of the first
- page, in the article class.
- Sections can be defined with commands that include the following:
- \section
- \subsection
- \subsubsection
- These commands will produce the standard, numbered sections used in
- technical documents. For unnumbered sections, use
- \section*
- \subsection*
- \subsubsection*
- and so on.
- LaTeX provides many environments for formatting displayed material.
- You can include quoted text with the quotation environment.
- \begin{quotation}
- Start of paragraph to be quoted...
- \end{quotation}
- For shorter quotes, you can use the quote environment.
- To format verse, use the verse environment.
- \begin{verse}
- Because I could not stop for death\\
- He kindly stopped for me
- \end{verse}
- Notice that you must use the double backslashes to break lines in the
- correct places. Otherwise, LaTeX fills the lines in a verse environ¡
- ment, just like any other environment.
- Lists come in several flavors. To format a bulleted list, the list
- environment is used:
- \begin{list}
- \item
- This is the first item of the list.
- \item
- This is the second item of the list...
- \item
- \end{list}
- A numbered list uses the enumerate environment:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item
- Item No. 1.
- \item
- Item No. 2.
- \item
- \dots
- \end{enumerate}
- A descriptive list uses the description environment.
- \begin{description}
- \item{Oven} Dirty, needs new burner.
- \item{Refrigerator} Dirty. Sorry.
- \item{Sink and drainboard} Stained, drippy, cold water faucet.
- \end{description}
- Letters.
- The letter class uses special definitions to format business letters.
- The letter environment takes one argument, the address of the letter's
- addressee. The address command, which must appear in the document
- preamble, defines the return address. The signature command defines
- the sender's name as it appears after the closing.
- The LaTeX source of a simple business letter might look like this.
- \documentclass[12pt]{letter}
- \signature{John Q. Public}
- \address{123 Main St.\\Los Angeles, CA. 96005\\Tel: 123/456-7890}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{letter}{ACME Brick Co.\\100 Ash St.\\San Diego, CA 96403}
- \opening{Dear Sir/Madam:}
- With regard to one of your bricks that I found on my living room
- carpet surrounded by shards of my broken front window...
- (Remainder of the body of the letter.)
- \closing{Sincerely,}
- \end{letter}
- \end{document}
- Note that the addresses include double backslashes, which specify
- where the line breaks should occur.
- 5.3. LaTeX extension packages and other resources.
- We mentioned above that using underlining as a form of text emphasis
- presents special problems. Actually, TeX has no problem underlining
- text, because it is a convention of mathematical typesetting. In
- LaTeX, you can underline words with the command:
- \underline{text to be underlined}
- The problem is that underlining will not break across lines, and, in
- some circumstances, underlining can be uneven. However, there is a
- LaTeX macro packagem, ready-made, that makes underlining the default
- mode of text emphasis. It's called ulem.sty, and is one of the many
- contributed LaTeX packages that are freely available via the Internet.
- To use ulem.sty, include the command
- \usepackage{ulem}
- in the document preamble.
- The LaTeX Catalogue provides one-line descriptions of every LaTeX
- package available, their names and CTAN paths. For the URL of the
- most current edition of the Catalogue, see the section ``Resources for
- further information''.
- The packages which are available for LaTeX include:
- ifthen
- Include conditional statements in your documents.
- initials
- Defines a font for initial dropped capitals.
- sanskrit
- Font and preprocessor for producing documents in Sanskrit.
- recipe
- A LaTeX2e class to typeset recipes.
- refman
- Variant report and article styles.
- To make the path given in the Catalogue into a fully-qualified URL,
- concatenate the path to the hostname URL and top-level path of the
- CTAN archive you wish to contact. For example, the top-level CTAN
- directory of the site ftp.tex.ac.uk is ctan/tex-archive. The complete
- URL of the directory of the refman package would be:
- ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/ctan/tex-archive/ +
- macros/latex/contrib/supported/refman =
- ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/ctan/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/refman/
- Some packages have more than one file, so only the path to the pack¡
- age's directory is given.
- When you have the URL in hand, you can retrieve the package from one
- of the CTAN archive sites listed in section ``Appendix A''. You can
- download a complete list of the archive's contents as the file
- FILES.byname, in the archive's top-level directory. You can also
- search the archive on line for a keyword with the ftp(1) command
- quote site index <keyword>
- 6. Mixing text and graphics with dvips(1).
- In general, this section applies to any TeX or LaTeX document which
- mixes text and graphics. teTeX, like most other TeX distributions, is
- configured to request Computer Modern fonts by default. When printing
- documents with Type 1 scalable fonts or graphics, font and graphics
- imaging is the job of dvips(1). dvips(1) can use either Computer
- Modern bit mapped fonts or Type 1 scalable fonts, or any combination
- of the two. First, let's concentrate on printing and previewing some
- graphics.
- In general, you will want to follow this procedure any time a LaTeX
- source document has the statement
- \includepackage{graphics}
- in the document preamble. This statement tells LaTeX to include the
- text of the graphics.sty package in the source document. There are
- other commands to perform graphics operations, and the statements in
- plain-TeX documents may not clue you in whether you need to use
- dvips(1). The difference will be apparent in the output, though, when
- the document is printed with missing figures and other graphics.
- So, for now, we'll concentrate on printing documents which use the
- LaTeX graphics.sty package. You might want to take a look at the
- original TeX input. It isn't included in the teTeX distribution, but
- it is available at
- ~CTAN/macros/latex/packages/graphics/grfguide.tex.
- What the teTeX distribution does include is the .dvi output file, and
- it is already TeXed for you. There is a reason for this, and it has
- to do with the necessity of including Type 1 fonts in the output in
- order for the document to print properly. If you want to LaTeX
- grfguide.tex, see the next section. For now, however, we'll work on
- getting usable output using dvips(1).
- The file grfguide.dvi is located in the directory
- texmf/doc/latex/graphics
- The first step in outputting grfguide.dvi is to translate it to
- PostScript. The program dvips(1) is used for this. It does just
- exactly what its name implies. There are many options available for
- invoking dvips(1), but the simplest (nearly) form is
- dvips -f -r <grfguide.dvi >grfguide.ps
- The -f command switch tells dvips(1) to operate as a filter, reading
- from standard input and writing to standard output. dvips(1) output
- can be configured so its output defaults to lpr(1). (Mine does, which
- allows me to print directly from dvips(1).) Post processors like
- Ghostscript and printing filters like APSFILTER (see section ``''
- name="APSFILTER"), can be configured for your own needs. If you need
- to feed the output manually to a post-processor, the -f option is gen¡
- erally the first you should include in the dvips(1) command line.
- This form also seems to be easier to use in shell scripts.
- If you can print PostScript directly to your printer via lpr(1), you
- can simply type
- dvips -r grfguide.dvi
- The -r option tells dvips to output the pages in reverse order so they
- stack correctly when they exit a printer. Use it or not, as appropri¡
- ate for your output device.
- Depending on whether you still have the fonts that dvilj2(1) generated
- from the last document, dvips(1) and metafont may or may not need to
- create new fonts needed by grfguide.dvi. Eventually, though, dvips(1)
- will output a list of the pages translated to PostScript, and you will
- have your PostScript output ready to be rendered on whatever output
- device you have available.
- If you're lucky (and rich), then you have a PostScript-capable printer
- already and will be able to print grfguide.ps directly. You can
- either spool the output to the printer using lpr(1). If for some
- reason your printer software doesn't work right with PostScript files,
- you can, in a pinch, simply dump the file to printer, with
- cat grfguide.ps >/dev/lp0
- or whichever port your printer is attached to, though this is not rec¡
- ommended for everyday use.
- If you want or need to invoke Ghostscript manually, this is the
- standard procedure for its operation. The first thing you want to do
- is invoke Ghostscript to view its command line arguments, like this:
- gs -help | less
- You'll see a list of supported output devices and sundry other com¡
- mands. Pick the output device which most nearly matches your printer.
- On Chanel3, because I generally produce black-and-white text, I use
- the cdjmono driver, which drives a color Deskjet in monochrome (black
- and white) mode.
- The command line I would use is:
- gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=cdjmono -sOutputFile=/tmp/gs.out grfguide.ps -c quit
- This will produce my HP-compatible output in the /tmp directory. It's
- a good idea to use a directory like /tmp, because gs(1) can be partic¡
- ular about access permissions, and you can't (and shouldn't) always
- count on being logged in as root to perform these steps. Now you can
- print the file:
- lpr /tmp/gs.out
- Obviously, this can all go into a shell script. On my system, I have
- two simple scripts written, pv and pr, which simply outputs the
- PostScript file either to the display or the printer. Screen preview¡
- ing is possible without X, but it's far from ideal. So, it's defi¡
- nitely worth the effort to install XFree86, or TinyX (which is what I
- did) to view the output on the screen.
- The order of commands in a gs(1) command line is significant, because
- some of the options tell Ghostscript to look for pieces of PostScript
- code from its library.
- The important thing to remember is that grfguide.dvi makes requests
- for both Computer Modern bit mapped and Type 1 scaled fonts. If you
- can mix scalable and bit mapped fonts in a document, you're well on
- the way to becoming a TeXpert.
- 7. Using PostScript fonts.
- It used to be that public domain, Type 1 fonts were much poorer
- quality than Computer Modern bit mapped fonts. This situation has
- improved in the last several years, though, but matching the fonts is
- up to you. Having several different font systems on one machine can
- seem redundant and an unnecessary waste of disk space. And the
- Computer Modern fonts can seem, well, a little too formal to be
- suitable for everyday use. It reminds me sometimes of bringing out
- the good China to feed the dog. At least you don't need to spend a
- bundle on professional quality fonts any longer.
- One of the major improvements of LaTeX2e over its predecessor was the
- inclusion of the New Font Selection Scheme. (It's now called PSNFSS.)
- Formerly, TeX authors would specify fonts with commands like
- \font=bodyroman = cmr10 scaled \magstep 1
- which provides precision but requires the skills of a type designer
- and mathematician to make good use of. Also, it's not very portable.
- If another system didn't have the font cmr10 (this is TeX nomenclature
- for Computer Modern Roman, 10 point, with the default medium stroke
- weight), somebody would have to re-code the fonts specifications for
- the entire document. PSNFSS, however, allows you specify fonts by
- family (Computer Modern, URW Nimbus, Helvetica, Utopia, and so forth),
- weight (light, medium, bold), orientation (upright or oblique), face
- (Roman, Italic), and base point size. (See the section ``Characters
- and type styles'' for a description of the commands to specify
- typefaces.) Many fonts are packaged as families. For example, a
- Roman-type font may come packaged with a sans serif font, like
- Helvetica, and a monospaced font, like Courier. You, as the author of
- a LaTeX document, can specify an entire font family with one command.
- There are, as I said, several high-quality font sets available in the
- public domain. One of them is Adobe Utopia. Another is Bitstream
- Charter. Both are commercial quality fonts which have been donated to
- the public domain.
- These happen to be two of my favorites. If you look around one of the
- CTAN sites, you will find these and other fonts archived there. There
- are enough fonts around that you'll be able to design documents the
- way you want them to look, and not just English text, either. TeX was
- originally designed for mathematical typesetting, so there is a full
- range of mathematical fonts available, as well as Cyrillic, Greek,
- Kana, and other alphabets too numerous to mention.
- The important thing to look for is files which have either the are the
- scalable fonts themselves, not simply the metrics files. Type 1 fonts
- use .pfm metric files, as opposed to the sets I mentioned above are
- included in teTeX distributions, as well as separately.
- What I said above, concerning the ease of font selection under PSNFSS,
- is true in this instance. If we want to use the Charter fonts in our
- document instead of Computer Modern bit mapped, all that is necessary
- is include the LaTeX statement
- \renewcommand{\familydefault}{bch}
- in the document preamble, where ``bch'' is the common designation for
- Bitstream Charter. The Charter fonts reside in the directory
- /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/charter
- There you'll see the .pfb files of the Charter fonts: bchb8a.pfb for
- Charter Bold, bchr8a.pfb for Charter Roman, bchbi8a.pfb for Charter
- Bold Italic. The ``8a'' in the font names indicates the character
- encoding. At this point you shouldn't need to worry much about them,
- because the encodings mostly differ for 8-bit characters, which have
- numeric values above 128 decimal. They mostly define accents and non-
- English characters. The Type 1 font encodings generally work well for
- Western alphabets because they conform to the ISO 8859 standards for
- international character sets, so this is an added benefit of using
- them.
- To typeset a document which has Charter fonts selected, you would give
- the command
- pslatex document.tex
- pslatex is a variant of teTeX's standard latex(1) command which
- defines the directories where the Type 1 fonts are, as well as some
- additional LaTeX code to load. You'll see the notice screen for psla¡
- tex followed by the status output of the TeX job itself. In a moment,
- you'll have a .dvi file which includes the Charter font requests. You
- can then print the file with dvips(1), and gs(1) if necessary.
- Installing a Type 1 font set is not difficult, as long as you follow a
- few basic steps. You should unpack the fonts in a subdirectory of the
- /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/fonts/type1 directory, where your other Type 1
- fonts are located, and then run texhash to let the directory search
- routines know that the fonts have been added. Then you need to add
- the font descriptions to the file psfonts.map so dvips(1) knows
- they're on the system. The format of the psfonts.map file is covered
- in a couple different places in the references mentioned above.
- Again, remember to run the texhash program to update the teTeX
- directory database.
- It is definitely an advantage to use the X Windows System with teTeX--
- XFree86 under Linux -- because it allows for superior document
- previewing. It's not required, but in general, anything that allows
- for easier screen previewing is going to benefit your work, in terms
- of the quality of the output. However, there is a tradeoff with speed
- of editing, which is much quicker on character-mode displays. Having
- an editor which is slower than molasses in Minnesota can definitely
- hinder your work.
- Anyway, whether or not you are able to view documents easily on-
- screen, please recycle your paper, and use both sides of each sheet.
- If possible, purchase recycled photocopy paper to print on. You don't
- want your workplace to look like a branch office of a paper company.
- Remember: Save a tree... kill an editor.
- Robert Kiesling
- kiesling@terracom.net
- 8. Appendix: CTAN Site Listing
- This is the text of the file CTAN.sites, which is available in the
- top-level directory of each CTAN archive or mirror site.
- In order to reduce network load, it is recommended that you use the
- Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) host which is located in the
- closest network proximity to your site. Alternatively, you may wish to
- obtain a copy of the CTAN via CD-ROM (see help/CTAN.cdrom for details).
- Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
- cis.utovrm.it (Italia) /TeX
- ctan.unsw.edu.au (NSW, Australia) /tex-archive
- dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw (Taiwan) /tex-archive
- ftp.belnet.be (Belgium) /packages/TeX
- ftp.ccu.edu.tw (Taiwan) /pub/tex
- ftp.cdrom.com (West coast, USA) /pub/tex/ctan
- ftp.comp.hkbu.edu.hk (Hong Kong) /pub/TeX/CTAN
- ftp.cs.rmit.edu.au (Australia) /tex-archive
- ftp.cs.ruu.nl (The Netherlands) /pub/tex-archive
- ftp.cstug.cz (The Czech Republic) /pub/tex/CTAN
- ftp.duke.edu (North Carolina, USA) /tex-archive
- ftp.funet.fi (Finland) /pub/TeX/CTAN
- ftp.gwdg.de (Deutschland) /pub/dante
- ftp.jussieu.fr (France) /pub4/TeX/CTAN
- ftp.kreonet.re.kr (Korea) /pub/CTAN
- ftp.loria.fr (France) /pub/unix/tex/ctan
- ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de (Deutschland) /pub/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de
- ftp.nada.kth.se (Sweden) /pub/tex/ctan-mirror
- ftp.oleane.net (France) /pub/mirrors/CTAN/
- ftp.rediris.es (Espa\~na) /mirror/tex-archive
- ftp.rge.com (New York, USA) /pub/tex
- ftp.riken.go.jp (Japan) /pub/tex-archive
- ftp.tu-chemnitz.de (Deutschland) /pub/tex
- ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp (Japan) /pub/tex/CTAN
- ftp.uni-augsburg.de (Deutschland) /tex-archive
- ftp.uni-bielefeld.de (Deutschland) /pub/tex
- ftp.unina.it (Italia) /pub/TeX
- ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Deutschland) /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
- ftp.univie.ac.at (\"Osterreich) /packages/tex
- ftp.ut.ee (Estonia) /tex-archive
- ftpserver.nus.sg (Singapore) /pub/zi/TeX
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk (England) /packages/tex/uk-tex
- sunsite.auc.dk (Denmark) /pub/tex/ctan
- sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch (Switzerland) /mirror/tex
- sunsite.icm.edu.pl (Poland) /pub/CTAN
- sunsite.unc.edu (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
- wuarchive.wustl.edu (Missouri, USA) /packages/TeX
- Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
- ftp.adfa.oz.au (Australia) /pub/tex/ctan
- ftp.fcu.edu.tw (Taiwan) /pub2/tex
- ftp.germany.eu.net (Deutschland) /pub/packages/TeX
- ftp.gust.org.pl (Poland) /pub/TeX
- ftp.jaist.ac.jp (Japan) /pub/TeX/tex-archive
- ftp.uu.net (Virginia, USA) /pub/text-processing/TeX
- nic.switch.ch (Switzerland) /mirror/tex
- sunsite.dsi.unimi.it (Italia) /pub/TeX
- sunsite.snu.ac.kr (Korea) /shortcut/CTAN
- Please send updates to this list to <ctan@urz.uni-heidelberg.de>.
- The participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:
- ftp.dante.de (Deutschland)
- -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
- -- gopher on node gopher.dante.de
- -- e-mail via ftpmail@dante.de
- -- World Wide Web access on www.dante.de
- -- Administrator: <ftpmaint@dante.de>
- ftp.tex.ac.uk (England)
- -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
- -- gopher on node gopher.tex.ac.uk
- -- NFS mountable from nfs.tex.ac.uk:/public/ctan/tex-archive
- -- World Wide Web access on www.tex.ac.uk
- -- Administrator: <ctan-uk@tex.ac.uk>