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- /*==============================================================================
- Project: POV-Ray
- Version: 2.2
- File: PopupMenu.h
- Description:
- Routines to handle pop-up menus in dialogs. Long-hand way to do it,
- so it works in System 6 and System 7.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Author:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
- with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
- than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
- which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
- named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
- POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
- Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
- Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
- This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- More Info:
- This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
- (Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
- port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
- For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- CompuServe: 71513,2161
- Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: jl.tech
- Jim Nitchals
- Compuserve: 73117,3020
- America Online: JIMN8
- Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: JIMN8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change History:
- 930228 [esp] Created
- 930611 [esp] Radical rewrite to allow multiple popups in a dialog
- 931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
- 931119 [djh] 2.0.1 source conditionally compiles for PPC machines, keyword __powerc
- 940416 [PFS] 2.2.1 greatly reworked to clean up PPC support and provide CodeWarrior projects
- ==============================================================================*/
- #define POPUPMENU_C
- #include <types.h>
- #include <stdlib.h> // malloc
- #include <memory.h> // NewPtr
- #include "PovMac.h" // for routine descriptor with global scope
- #include "PopupMenu.h"
- // Forward declaration
- CALLBACK_PROTOTYPE(pascal void, DrawPopupMenu)(DialogPtr pDialogPtr, short pItem);
- #if defined(applec)
- #include <Strings.h> // p<->cstr
- #endif // applec
- #include <Fonts.h> // checkMark
- #include <Resources.h> // ReleaseResource
- // constants for positioning the default popup item within its box
- #define DOWNTRI_WIDTH 12 // room on right of popup for down triangle
- #define SLOP_LEFT 13 // leave this much space on left of title
- // =====================================================================
- // Currently active list of popup items in current dialog
- static popupRecHdl_t gCurrentListRoot;
- // =====================================================================
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- static popupRecHdl_t FindPopupRec(short popupItemID)
- {
- popupRecHdl_t foundItem = NULL;
- popupRecHdl_t searchItem = gCurrentListRoot;
- // traverse the list, looking for a match of dlg item #s
- while (searchItem && !foundItem)
- {
- if ((**searchItem).fPopupItemID == popupItemID)
- foundItem = searchItem;
- else
- searchItem = (popupRecHdl_t)(**searchItem).fNext;
- }
- return(foundItem);
- } // FindPopupRec
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- static void DrawDownTriangle(register short h, register short v)
- {
- register short i;
- for (i = 0; i < (DOWNTRI_WIDTH/2); ++i) {
- MoveTo(h + (DOWNTRI_WIDTH/2)-1 - i, v - i);
- Line(2*i, 0);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw the popup menu (called by Dialog Mgr for updates, and by our filterproc)
- CALLBACK(pascal void, uppUserItemProcInfo, DrawPopupMenu)(DialogPtr pDialogPtr, short pItem)
- {
- #pragma unused (pDialogPtr,pItem)
- popupRecHdl_t popupItemH;
- popupRec_t thePopupRec;
- short itemWidth;
- short itemWidthNew;
- short itemLength;
- short theItemType;
- Handle theItemH;
- Rect theItemRect;
- StringPtr textPtr;
- PenState savePen;
- FontInfo fontInfo;
- Str255 theItemText;
- // find the appropriate popup item from list, given dialog item ID
- popupItemH = FindPopupRec(pItem);
- if (popupItemH)
- {
- // use a temporary to rid us of the floating handle problem
- thePopupRec = **popupItemH;
- GetPenState(&savePen);
- // get popup item box
- GetDItem(thePopupRec.fParentDialog, thePopupRec.fPopupItemID,
- &theItemType, &theItemH, &theItemRect);
- // get the menu title
- textPtr = (StringPtr)(**(thePopupRec.fMenuHandle)).menuData; // Menu title
- // need to know font size for later
- GetFontInfo(&fontInfo);
- // Draw the menu title off the left of popup box
- MoveTo(theItemRect.left-StringWidth(textPtr)-2, theItemRect.top+fontInfo.ascent);
- DrawString(textPtr);
- // Get the currently chosen popup item text
- GetItem(thePopupRec.fMenuHandle, thePopupRec.fLastChoice, theItemText);
- // Insure that the item fits. Truncate it and add an ellipses (╥╔╙) if it doesn╒t
- itemWidth = (theItemRect.right-theItemRect.left) - (CharWidth(checkMark)+DOWNTRI_WIDTH+4); // available string area
- itemWidthNew = StringWidth(theItemText); // get current width
- if (itemWidthNew > itemWidth)
- { // doesn't fit - truncate it
- itemLength = theItemText[0]; // current length in characters
- itemWidth = itemWidth - CharWidth('╔'); // subtract width of ellipses
- do { // until it fits (or we run out of characters)
- // drop the last character and its width
- itemWidthNew -= CharWidth(theItemText[itemLength]);
- itemLength--;
- } while ((itemWidthNew > itemWidth) && (itemLength > 0));
- // add the ellipses character
- itemLength++; // add room for elipsis character
- theItemText[itemLength] = '╔';
- theItemText[0] = itemLength; // set the new true length
- }
- // draw the box
- PenSize(1, 1);
- FrameRect(&theItemRect);
- // and its drop shadow
- MoveTo(theItemRect.right, theItemRect.top+2);
- LineTo(theItemRect.right, theItemRect.bottom);
- LineTo(theItemRect.left+2, theItemRect.bottom);
- // draw the string
- MoveTo(theItemRect.left+CharWidth(checkMark)+2, theItemRect.top+fontInfo.ascent);
- DrawString(theItemText);
- DrawDownTriangle(theItemRect.right-1-DOWNTRI_WIDTH, theItemRect.top+fontInfo.ascent);
- SetPenState(&savePen);
- } // if (popupItemH)
- } // DrawPopupMenu
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- void InitPopups(void)
- {
- gCurrentListRoot = NULL;
- } // InitPopups
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- Boolean PopupsExist(void)
- {
- return(gCurrentListRoot != NULL);
- } // PopupsExist
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- static OSErr FillInPopupInfo(popupRecHdl_t newItemH)
- {
- OSErr anError = noErr;
- short itemWidth;
- short theItemType;
- Handle theItemH;
- Rect theItemRect;
- StringPtr textPtr;
- FontInfo fontInfo;
- // we're about to dereference the heck out of this...
- HLock((Handle)newItemH);
- SetPort((**newItemH).fParentDialog);
- // get the menu & attach to our rec
- (**newItemH).fMenuHandle = GetMenu((**newItemH).fMenuID); // our popUp menu
- if ((**newItemH).fMenuHandle == NULL)
- anError = ResError();
- else
- {
- // checkmark the current item
- SetItemMark((**newItemH).fMenuHandle, (**newItemH).fLastChoice, checkMark);
- // get dialog item & adjust its rectangle
- GetDItem((**newItemH).fParentDialog, (**newItemH).fPopupItemID,
- &theItemType, &theItemH, &theItemRect);
- CalcMenuSize((**newItemH).fMenuHandle);
- itemWidth = (**((**newItemH).fMenuHandle)).menuWidth;
- itemWidth += DOWNTRI_WIDTH + 4;
- if (itemWidth < (theItemRect.right - theItemRect.left))
- theItemRect.right = theItemRect.left + itemWidth;
- GetFontInfo(&fontInfo);
- theItemRect.bottom = theItemRect.top
- + fontInfo.ascent
- + fontInfo.descent
- + fontInfo.leading
- + 1;
- // remember popup bounds
- (**newItemH).fPopupBounds = theItemRect;
- // set items rectangle & install handler routine (DrawPopupMenu)
- SetDItem((**newItemH).fParentDialog, (**newItemH).fPopupItemID,
- theItemType, (Handle)&DrawPopupMenu, &theItemRect);
- // now figure out title bounds
- // get the menu title
- textPtr = (StringPtr)(**((**newItemH).fMenuHandle)).menuData; // Menu title
- theItemRect.right = theItemRect.left - 1;
- theItemRect.left = theItemRect.right - StringWidth(textPtr) - 2;
- (**newItemH).fTitleBounds = theItemRect;
- }
- HUnlock((Handle)newItemH);
- return(anError);
- } // FillInPopupInfo
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- void AddPopupToList(popupRecPtr_t newPopupRecP)
- {
- OSErr anError = noErr;
- popupRecHdl_t newItemH;
- popupRecHdl_t nextItemH;
- // allocate new popup item
- newItemH = (popupRecHdl_t)NewHandle(sizeof(popupRec_t));
- if (newItemH)
- {
- // copy user info into it
- **newItemH = *newPopupRecP;
- // fill in additional info from menu etc.
- anError = FillInPopupInfo(newItemH);
- // remember list contents, append it later
- nextItemH = gCurrentListRoot;
- // point the head of list to our new item
- gCurrentListRoot = newItemH;
- // connect rest of list after our newly inserted item
- (**newItemH).fNext = (Handle)nextItemH;
- }
- } // AddPopupToList
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- void KillPopups(void)
- {
- popupRecHdl_t trailerH = gCurrentListRoot;
- // walk the list of popup recs & dispose of each one
- while (gCurrentListRoot != NULL)
- {
- trailerH = gCurrentListRoot;
- gCurrentListRoot = (popupRecHdl_t)(**gCurrentListRoot).fNext;
- // release the attached menu resource
- if ((**trailerH).fMenuHandle)
- ReleaseResource((Handle)(**trailerH).fMenuHandle);
- DisposeHandle((Handle)trailerH);
- }
- gCurrentListRoot = NULL;
- } // KillPopups
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- // Filterproc for popup userItem hits on mouse down (call from your dialog filter proc)
- pascal Boolean PopupMouseDnDlgFilterProc(DialogPtr pDialogPtr, EventRecord *pEventPtr, short *pItemHitPtr)
- {
- Point mouseLoc,
- popLoc;
- short newChoice,
- theItem;
- long chosen;
- Boolean myFilter;
- popupRecHdl_t popupItemH = NULL;
- // pre-initialize return values
- *pItemHitPtr = 0;
- myFilter = false; // haven't handled yet
- if (pEventPtr->what == mouseDown)
- {
- mouseLoc = pEventPtr->where; // copy the mouse position
- GlobalToLocal(&mouseLoc); // convert it to local dialog coordinates
- // Was the click in a popup item? NOTE: FindDItem is zero-based!
- theItem = FindDItem(pDialogPtr, mouseLoc)+1; // FindDialogItem someday...
- if (theItem >= 0)
- popupItemH = FindPopupRec(theItem);
- if (popupItemH)
- {
- HLock((Handle)popupItemH);
- // It's time to pop up the menu
- // - Insert the menu into the menu list,
- // - call CalcMenuSize (to work around a bug in the Menu Manager)
- // - call popupRecSelect and let the user drag around
- // Note that the (top,left) parameters to popupRecSelect are
- // our item╒s, converted to global coordinates.
- // hilight the title
- InvertRect(&(**popupItemH).fTitleBounds);
- // insert our menu in the menu list
- InsertMenu((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle, -1);
- // copy our item╒s topleft
- popLoc = *(Point*)(&(**popupItemH).fPopupBounds.top);
- LocalToGlobal(&popLoc); // convert back to global coords
- CalcMenuSize((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle); // Work around Menu Mgr bug
- chosen = PopUpMenuSelect((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle,
- popLoc.v, popLoc.h, (**popupItemH).fLastChoice);
- // Remove our menu from the menu list
- DeleteMenu((**popupItemH).fMenuID);
- // unhilight the title
- InvertRect(&(**popupItemH).fTitleBounds);
- // Was something chosen?
- if (chosen)
- {
- // get the chosen item number
- newChoice = chosen & 0x0000ffff;
- if (newChoice != (**popupItemH).fLastChoice)
- {
- // the user chose an item other than the current one
- // unmark old choice
- SetItemMark((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle, (**popupItemH).fLastChoice, noMark);
- (**popupItemH).fLastChoice = newChoice; // update the current choice
- // mark the new choice
- SetItemMark((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle, (**popupItemH).fLastChoice, checkMark);
- // Draw the newly selected item
- EraseRect(&(**popupItemH).fPopupBounds);
- CALL_CALLBACK(DrawPopupMenu)(pDialogPtr, (**popupItemH).fPopupItemID);
- myFilter = true; // dialog is over
- // have ModalDialog return that the user changed items
- *pItemHitPtr = (**popupItemH).fPopupItemID;
- } // if new choice
- } // if chosen
- HUnlock((Handle)popupItemH);
- } // if our popup Item
- } // if mousedown
- return myFilter;
- } // PopupMouseDnDlgFilterProc
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- short GetPopupValue(short pPopupItemID)
- {
- short theValue = 0;
- popupRecHdl_t popupItemH;
- // find the popup rec
- popupItemH = FindPopupRec(pPopupItemID);
- if (popupItemH)
- theValue = (**popupItemH).fLastChoice;
- return(theValue);
- } // GetPopupValue