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- /*==============================================================================
- Project: POV-Ray
- Version: 2.2
- File: Config.h -- Macintosh
- Description:
- This file contains Macintosh-specific defines, types, etc for both the
- Think C 5.0 and MPW 3.2 development environments.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Authors:
- Thomas Okken, David Lichtman, Glenn Sugden
- Jim Nitchals, Eduard [esp] Schwan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
- with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
- than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
- which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
- named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
- POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
- Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
- Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
- This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- More Info:
- This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
- (Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
- port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
- For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- CompuServe: 71513,2161
- Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: jl.tech
- Jim Nitchals
- Compuserve: 73117,3020
- America Online: JIMN8
- Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: JIMN8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change History:
- 920815 [jln] version 1.0 Mac released.
- 921105 [esp] version 1.1 beta Mac
- 930902 [esp] version 1.9 beta Mac
- 931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
- 931119 [djh] 2.0.1 source conditionally compiles for PPC machines, keyword __powerc
- ==============================================================================*/
- #if !defined(CONFIG_H)
- #define CONFIG_H
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #if defined(__powerc)
- #include <fp.h> /* superset of math.h */
- #else
- #include <math.h> /* fmod, floor, HUGE_VAL! */
- #endif
- #include "POVLib.h"
- /* Below are several defines needed by the generic parts of POV. You
- * may redefine them as needed in this config.h file.
- *
- * The following constants are needed by various POV modules. Each has
- * a default (shown below) which is will be defined in frame.h if you don't
- * define them here.
- *
- * #define EPSILON 1.0e-10 - a small value used for POLY
- * #define FILE_NAME_LENGTH 150 - default file name length
- * #define HUGE_VAL 1.0e+17 - a really big number
- * #define DBL_FORMAT_STRING "%lf" - the string to use for scanfs of doubles
- * #define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT 'd' - the default +f format
- * #define RED_RAW_FILE_EXTENSION ".red" - for +fr, this is the extension for the
- * red file
- * #define GREEN_RAW_FILE_EXTENSION ".grn" - ditto for the green file
- * #define BLUE_RAW_FILE_EXTENSION ".blu" - ditto again for the blue file
- * #define FILENAME_SEPARATOR "/" - the character that separates names
- * in a path.
- * #define CASE_SENSITIVE_DEFAULT 2 - controls case sensitivity in DAT files
- * #define READ_FILE_STRING "rb" - special binary (raw, uncooked)
- * #define WRITE_FILE_STRING "wb" modes of fopen()
- * #define APPEND_FILE_STRING "ab"
- * #define NORMAL '0' - machine-specific PaletteOption settings
- * #define GREY 'G'
- *
- * These routines are required by POV to compute trace times. The defaults
- * shown below are defined in most versions of C. You may redefine them if
- * your compiler doesn't support these. If time is completely unsupported
- * define them as 0.
- *
- * #define START_TIME time(&tstart);
- * #define STOP_TIME time(&tstop);
- * #define TIME_ELAPSED difftime (tstop, tstart);
- *
- * Note difftime can be replaced with: #define TIME_ELAPSED (tstop - tstart);
- * in some cases.
- *
- * These are optional routines that POV calls. You may define them
- * or if undefined they will be defined as empty in frame.h.
- *
- * #define STARTUP_POVRAY - first executable statement of main
- * (useful for initialization)
- * #define PRINT_OTHER_CREDITS - used for people who extend the machine specific modules
- * (put your own printf's here)
- * #define TEST_ABORT - code to test for ^C or abort
- * (called on each pixel)
- * #define FINISH_POVRAY - last statement before exiting normally
- * #define COOPERATE - called for multi-tasking
- *
- * These items are standard on some C compilers. If they are not defined
- * on your compiler or are called something different you may define your
- * own or use the defaults supplied in frame.h as shown below.
- *
- * #define DBL double - floating point precision
- * #define ACOS acos - arc cosine of DBL
- * #define SQRT sqrt - square root of DBL
- * #define POW pow - x to the y power - x, y DBL
- * #define COS cos - cosine of DBL
- * #define SIN sin - sine of DBL
- * #define labs(x) (long) ((x<0)?-x:x) - Returns the absolute value of long integer x
- * #define max (x,y) ((x<y)?y:x) - greater of x and y
- *
- * On some systems "sprintf" returns the string rather than the length
- * of the string. If the string is returned, define the following:
- * #define STRLN(x) strlen(x)
- *
- * #define setvbuf(w,x,y,z) - some systems don't understand setvbuf.
- * If not, just define it away - it's
- * not critical to the raytracer. It
- * just buffers disk accesses.
- * This macro controls prototyping and is required by POV. Choose one
- * of the two options below or if left undefined it will default to ANSI
- * in frame.h
- *
- * #define PARAMS (x) x - do ANSI prototyping
- * #define PARAMS (x) () - do K&R non-ANSI prototyping
- *
- * These allow command line vs non-command line versions and alternate
- * main routines. Normally they should be undefined. Define them 1 if needed.
- * #define ALTMAIN 1
- * #define NOCMDLINE 1
- ****************************************************/
- /*==== FRAME.H Overrides ====*/
- // Identifier Mac Value .. Default Value
- // ---------- --------- -- -------------
- #define FILE_NAME_LENGTH 255 // 150
- #define FILENAME_SEPARATOR ":" // "/"
- #define EPSILON 1.0e-10 // 1.0e-10
- #if !defined(HUGE_VAL)
- #define HUGE_VAL 1.0e+20 // 1.0e+17
- #endif // !HUGE_VAL
- #define BOUND_HUGE 1.0e30 // 1.0e30
- #define MAX_CONSTANTS 1000 // 1000
- #define ALTMAIN 1 // 0 (on makes main() a subroutine)
- #define MAIN_RETURN_TYPE int // main() return type
- // turn on/off USE_LONG_DBL to use long float or regular float
- // NOTE: MPW C compiler treats long double as extended, the native type,
- // so supposedly there would be less converting happening.
- #if !defined (__powerc)
- #define USE_LONG_DBL 1
- #endif
- #if defined(USE_LONG_DBL)
- #define DBL long double
- #define DBL_FORMAT_STRING "%Lf"
- #else
- #define DBL double
- #define DBL_FORMAT_STRING "%lf"
- #endif // USE_LONG_DBL
- #if defined (applec) && !defined (THINK_C)
- #endif // applec && !THINK_C
- #if defined (THINK_C)
- #endif // THINK_C
- #if defined (gcc)
- #endif // gcc
- #if defined (__MWERKS__)
- #endif // CodeWarrior
- #if !defined(COMPILER_VER)
- #define COMPILER_VER ".MAC???"
- #endif // COMPILER_VER
- #define START_TIME {tused = 0; tstart = TICKS;}
- #define STOP_TIME tstop = TICKS;
- #define TIME_ELAPSED ((tstop - tstart) / 60L);
- #define TEST_ABORT Cooperate(false); // if (Stop_Flag) return;
- #define STARTUP_POVRAY int Display_Started = false; int Shadow_Test_Flag = false;
- #define COOPERATE Cooperate(false);
- #define PRINT_CREDITS // called in Pov.c
- #define PRINT_OTHER_CREDITS // called in Pov.c
- // Just use stock print_stats routine
- // #define PRINT_STATS // routine to display stats
- // we don't do anything special on completion
- #define FINISH_POVRAY // called before exiting engine
- /*==== Other Mac support ====*/
- /*
- The rest of this file is Mac-specific, and has nothing
- to do with the generic POV-Ray code.
- */
- /* capture any c library calls & do the Mac thing instead */
- #define exit(n) catch_exit(n)
- /*
- #if defined (THINK_C)
- #define TICKS Ticks
- // typedef int (*__cmp_func)(const void *, const void *);
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_RET int
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_PARAM void *
- #endif
- #if defined (applec)
- #include <sysequ.h> // for Ticks
- #define TICKS (*(long*)Ticks)
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_RET int
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_PARAM void *
- #endif // applec
- #if defined (applec) && defined (__powerc)
- #include <sysequ.h> // for Ticks
- #define TICKS (volatile *(long*)Ticks)
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_RET int
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_PARAM void *
- #endif // applec && __powerc
- #if defined (__MWERKS__)
- #define TICKS Ticks
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_RET int
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_PARAM void *
- #endif // __MWERKS__
- */
- // The above cruft gets replaced with:
- #include <LowMem.h> // In case we forgot in any precompiled headers
- #define TICKS LMGetTicks()
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_RET int
- #define QSORT_FUNCT_PARAM void *
- /* Mac-specific routines that must now be defined */
- void catch_exit(int n);
- void Cooperate(int doImmediate);
- #endif /* CONFIG_H */