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- ; FPXpress.inf
- ; Installation file for Microsoft FrontPage Express.
- [Version]
- Signature=$CHICAGO$
- AdvancedINF=2.5
- [DefaultInstall]
- RunPostSetupCommands=RunPostSetupCommandsSection
- Copyfiles=FPEBinCopy, FPESysCopy, FPENormalCopy, FPEConfirmCopy, FPEHomeCopy, FPESurveyCopy, FPEFormCopy, FPEFolderCopy, FPEINFCopy, FPETempCopy
- DelFiles=FPadBinCopy, FPadINFCopy
- AddReg = GeneralRegKeys ,GeneralRegKeys.User
- DelReg = FPadRegRemove
- UpdateInis = FPEIni, FPEAddLink, FPadRemoveLink
- CustomDestination=FPEDestination
- PerUserInstall=FPXpress.Stub.Add
- [PerUserStub]
- RunPostSetupCommands=RunPostSetupCommandsSection
- UpdateInis = FPEIni,FPEAddLink
- AddReg = GeneralRegKeys.User
- CustomDestination=FPEDestination
- [PerUserRemove]
- RunPreSetupCommands=RunPreUserRemCommandsSection
- UpdateInis = FPERemoveLink
- DelReg = GeneralRegKeys.User
- CustomDestination=FPEDestination
- [FPXpress.Stub.Add]
- ComponentName=FrontPad ; Intentionally not localized.
- DisplayName=%FPXpressDesc%
- GUID={E4066320-E4AE-11CF-B1B0-00AA00BBAD66}
- Version=%VersionNumber%
- Locale=%LocaleID%
- IsInstalled=1
- StubPath=rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\fpxpress.inf,PerUserstub
- [FPXpress.Stub.Remove]
- ComponentName=FrontPad ; Intentionally not localized.
- DisplayName=%FPXpressDesc%
- GUID={E4066320-E4AE-11CF-B1B0-00AA00BBAD66}
- Version=%VersionNumber%
- Locale=%LocaleID%
- IsInstalled=0
- StubPath=rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\fpxpress.inf,PerUserRemove
- [Uninstall]
- RunPreSetupCommands=RunPreUserRemCommandsSection
- BeginPrompt=BeginPromptSection
- EndPrompt=EndPromptSection
- DelFiles = FPEBinCopy, FPENormalCopy, FPEConfirmCopy, FPEHomeCopy, FPESurveyCopy, FPEFormCopy, FPEFolderCopy, FPETempCopy
- DelReg = GeneralRegKeys, DelUninstallKey, GeneralRegKeys.User
- ;AddReg = DebugRegKeys ; DEBUG!
- UpdateInis = FPERemoveLink
- CustomDestination=FPEDestination
- PerUserInstall=FPXpress.Stub.Remove
- [BeginPromptSection]
- Prompt=%BeginPrompt%
- ButtonType=YESNO
- Title=%FPXpressDesc%
- [EndPromptSection]
- Prompt=%EndPrompt%
- [RunPostSetupCommandsSection]
- "%11%\setdefed.exe" -i """%49100%\bin\fpxpress.exe %%1""" %ShellVerb%
- [RunPreUserRemCommandsSection]
- "%11%\setdefed.exe" -u
- ; Delete this stuff, it's old and upgrading will now remove it.
- [FPadBinCopy]
- frontpad.exe
- frontpad.hlp
- frontpad.cnt
- [FPadINFCopy]
- fpxpress.inf
- [FPadRegRemove]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FrontPad
- [FPEBinCopy]
- fp20ime.dll
- fpxpress.exe
- lead52n.dll
- fpxpress.chm
- fp20htp.dll
- fp20utl.dll
- fp20tl.dll
- [FPESysCopy]
- setdefed.exe
- [FPENormalCopy]
- normal.htm
- normal.inf
- [FPEConfirmCopy]
- confirm.htm
- confirm.inf
- [FPESurveyCopy]
- survey.htm
- survey.inf
- [FPEFormCopy]
- vtiform.exe
- vtiform.inf
- [FPEHomeCopy]
- vtihome.exe
- vtihome.inf
- [FPEFolderCopy]
- folder.inf
- [FPEINFCopy]
- fpxpress.inf
- ; Can't just make an empty directory, so copy an empty file into it.
- [FPETempCopy]
- empty.tmp
- [DestinationDirs]
- FPadBinCopy=49100,bin
- FPEBinCopy=49100,bin
- FPESysCopy=11
- FPENormalCopy=49100,pages\normal.tem
- FPEConfirmCopy=49100,pages\confirm.tem
- FPESurveyCopy=49100,pages\survey.tem
- FPEHomeCopy=49100,pages\vtihome.wiz
- FPEFormCopy=49100,pages\vtiform.wiz
- FPEFolderCopy=49100,pages\folder.tem
- FPETempCopy=49100,temp
- FPEINFCopy=17
- FPADINFCopy=17
- WindowsDir=25
- [GeneralRegKeys]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FrontPageExpress,"DisplayName",,"%FPXpressDesc%"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FrontPageExpress,"UninstallString",,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\fpxpress.inf, Uninstall"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FrontPageExpress,"QuietUninstallString",,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\fpxpress.inf, Uninstall,5"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FrontPageExpress,"RequiresIESysFile",,"4.71"
- ; Let the shell know the path to our EXE and that we accept URLs.
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FPXPRESS.EXE",,,"%49100%\bin\fpxpress.exe"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FPXPRESS.EXE","useURL",,"yes"
- ; Let HTML Help know where our help file is installed.
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\HTML Help","fpxpress.chm",,"%49100%\bin"
- ; Remember where we were installed for uninstall.
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FrontPageExpress,"InstallDir",,"%49100%"
- [GeneralRegKeys.User]
- ; Insert menu customizations for FrontPage Express.
- HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\FrontPageExpress\Init Commands",MenuItem1,,"2,1,1,%MenuLabel%,%ItemLabel1%,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup alt='<B><I>%ItemHTML1%</I></B> ' startspan -->%THISDIRNAME%<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,%InsertBefore%,2,%ItemComment1%,"
- HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\FrontPageExpress\Init Commands",MenuItem2,,"2,1,1,%MenuLabel%,%ItemLabel2%,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup u-src='file:///%49100%\Data\FoldData.gif' startspan --><object width="100%" height="85%" classid="clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2"></object><!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,%InsertBefore%,2,%ItemComment2%,"
- HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\FrontPageExpress\Init Commands",MenuItem3,,"2,1,1,%MenuLabel%,-,,%InsertBefore%,,,"
- ; Insert menu customizations for the FrontPage Editor.
- HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\Editor\Init Commands",MenuItem1,,"2,1,1,%MenuLabel%,%ItemLabel1%,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup alt='<B><I>%ItemHTML1%</I></B> ' startspan -->%THISDIRNAME%<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,%InsertBefore%,2,%ItemComment1%,"
- HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\Editor\Init Commands",MenuItem2,,"2,1,1,%MenuLabel%,%ItemLabel2%,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup u-src='file:///%49100%\Data\FoldData.gif' startspan --><object width="100%" height="85%" classid="clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2"></object><!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,%InsertBefore%,2,%ItemComment2%,"
- HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\Editor\Init Commands",MenuItem3,,"2,1,1,%MenuLabel%,-,,%InsertBefore%,,,"
- [DelUninstallKey]
- HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FrontPageExpress
- ;[DebugRegKeys]
- ;"HKLM","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FrontPageExpress\Debug","InstallDir",,"49100 = %49100%"
- [FPEAddLink]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group99="%ShortcutInternetSuite%"" ; creates folder (if not already there)
- setup.ini, group99,, """%FPXpressLink%"", """"""%49100%\bin\fpxpress.exe"""""""
- [FPEIni]
- fpxpress.ini, FrontPageExpress 2.0,, "FrontPageExpressRoot=%49100%"
- [FPERemoveLink]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group99="%ShortcutInternetSuite%""
- setup.ini, group99,, """%FPXpressLink%"""
- [FPadRemoveLink]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group99="%InternetSuite%""
- setup.ini, group99,, """%FrontPadLink%"""
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- fp20htp.dll = 1
- fp20ime.dll = 1
- fp20tl.dll = 1
- fp20utl.dll = 1
- fpxpress.exe = 1
- lead52n.dll = 1
- fpxpress.chm = 1
- normal.htm = 1
- normal.inf = 1
- confirm.htm = 1
- confirm.inf = 1
- survey.htm = 1
- survey.inf = 1
- vtihome.exe = 1
- vtihome.inf = 1
- vtiform.exe = 1
- vtiform.inf = 1
- folder.inf = 1
- folddata.gif = 1
- empty.tmp = 1
- fpxpress.inf = 1
- setdefed.exe = 1
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1 = %DiskName%,fpesetup.cab,0
- ; Change 5 to 1 below to prompt user for path. We need to be quiet for IE4, so disable user choice.
- [FPEDestination]
- 49000=ProgramFilesDir,5
- 49100=CustomInstallDir,5
- [ProgramFilesDir]
- "HKLM","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion","ProgramFilesDir",,"%24%\%PROGRAMS%"
- [CustomInstallDir]
- "HKLM","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FrontPad","InstallDir",%UserPrompt%,"%49000%\%FPXpressDesc%"
- "HKLM","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FrontPageExpress","InstallDir",%UserPrompt%,"%49000%\%FPXpressDesc%"
- [Strings]
- ; Unlocalized strings.
- VersionNumber = "2,0,1,1118"
- ; Strings to be localized.
- LocaleID = "EN"
- InternetSuite = "Internet Explorer"
- ShortcutInternetSuite = "Internet Explorer"
- DiskName = "Microsoft FrontPage Express Installation Disk"
- OldDiskName = "Microsoft FrontPad Installation Disk"
- PROGRAMS = "Progra~1" ; Should be "Program Files", but it fails to create link on NT.
- FPXpressLink = "FrontPage Express"
- FrontPadLink = "FrontPad"
- FPXpressDesc = "Microsoft FrontPage Express"
- UserPrompt = "Where would you like to install the Microsoft FrontPage Express files?"
- ShellVerb = "&Edit"
- BeginPrompt = "Remove Microsoft FrontPage Express from your system?"
- EndPrompt = "Microsoft FrontPage Express was successfully removed."
- ; Menu Item Labels to be localized:
- MenuLabel = "&Insert"
- InsertBefore = "&Image..."
- ItemLabel1 = "Web View Folde&r Title"
- ItemLabel2 = "Web View Folder &Contents"
- ; Menu Item Comments to be localized:
- ItemComment1 = "Insert the title of the current folder"
- ItemComment2 = "Insert the contents (program icons) of the current folder"
- ; Inserted HTML to be localized:
- ItemHTML1 = "Web View Folder Title"
- ItemHTML2 = "Web View Folder Contents"