home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* __________ APPLICATION DISK #4 (SPLIT: HLP1) __________ */
- @DefineDisk
- @Label = "Disk #6"
- @BeginLib DM6HLP.001
- @File DEMO6.HLP @Out @Outdrive:\\@Subdir\\DEMO6.HLP
- @EndLib
- @EndDisk
- /* __________ APPLICATION DISK #7 (SPLIT: HLP2) __________ */
- @If (5000 [= @OPTION)
- @LocSuffix = "\\DISK7"
- @ChDir ("@LocPrefix@LocMiddle@LocSuffix")
- @Chain ("Disk #7", "DISK7.DAT")
- @Else
- @Chain ("Disk #7", "@InDrive:\\disk7.dat")
- @EndIf
- /* __________ APPLICATION DISK #8 __________ */
- @If (5000 [= @OPTION)
- @LocSuffix = "\\DISK8"
- @ChDir ("@LocPrefix@LocMiddle@LocSuffix")
- @Chain ("Disk #8", "DISK8.DAT")
- @Else
- @Chain ("Disk #8", "@InDrive:\\disk8.dat")
- @EndIf
- /* __________ UPDATE MASTERCAM.INI __________ */
- @SetINI ("@LowName", "maindir", "@Outdrive:\\@Subdir", "mastrcam.ini")
- @If ('K' [= @Group)
- @SetINI ("@LowName", "units", "E", "mastrcam.ini")
- @Else
- @SetINI ("@LowName", "units", "M", "mastrcam.ini")
- @Endif
- /* __________ PROMPT FOR SHADING MODE (SAVE TO MASTERCAM.INI) __________ */
- @If ('R' [! @Group) /* 95 or NT */
- //@GetOption
- // @Cls
- // Please specify default shading mode .....
- // (see glreadme.txt for more info)
- //
- // @DlgCtrlSize(0,4,2,6,26)
- // @Option 100 = "OpenGL (recommended)"
- // @Option 200 = "v6.0"
- //@EndOption
- //@If (100 [= @Option)
- @SetINI ("common", "shading", "GL", "mastrcam.ini")
- //@Else
- // @SetINI ("common", "shading", "V6", "mastrcam.ini")
- //@EndIf
- //@OpGLIco = "[AddItem(NOTEPAD GLREADME.TXT,glreadme.txt,,,,,@Outdrive:\\@Subdir)]"
- @EndIf
- /* __________ CREATE MASTERCAM GROUP __________ */
- @CGroup = "[CreateGroup(Mastercam)]"
- @AppMItem = "[AddItem(@Outdrive:\\@Subdir\\DEMO6.EXE,@IconTXT,,,,,@Outdrive:\\@Subdir)]"
- @ProgramManager ("@CGroup@AppMItem@OpGLIco")
- /* __________ WIN32S DISK __________ */
- @If ('R' [= @Group)
- @If (5000 [= @OPTION)
- @ChDrive (@StartupDrive)
- @ChDir ("@StartupDir")
- @Endif
- @Display
- @Cls
- @Product installation complete ...
- Select OK to run Microsoft Win32s Setup.
- Select CANCEL to quit.
- Installation of Win32s is required to run Mastercam.
- Please select OK unless you are sure that the latest
- version of Win32s has already been installed (7/95).
- @Pause
- @EndDisplay
- @If (5000 [= @OPTION)
- @LocSuffix = "\\MILL\\WIN32S1"
- @ChDir ("@LocPrefix@LocSuffix")
- @Chain ("Win32s Disk #1", "WIN32S1.DAT")
- @Else
- @Chain ("Win32s Disk #1", "@InDrive:\\win32s1.dat")
- @EndIf
- @EndIf
- /* __________ RETURN TO STARTUP DIRECTORY __________ */
- @If (5000 [= @OPTION)
- @ChDrive (@StartupDrive)
- @ChDir ("@StartupDir")
- @Endif
- /* __________ INSTALLATION COMPLETE __________ */
- @Finish
- @Cls
- @Product installation complete ...
- @Pause
- @EndFinish