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- //water vertex shader:
- //adjusts alpha based on angle between surface normal and eye
- //1 directional light also applied
- //also does environmental reflection off water (env map should be fixed relative to axises)
- //has projective reflections
- //Luke Lenhart
- //(C)2004-2005 Digipen Institute of Technology
- //world,view,projection transform
- float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
- //projective mapping matrix (maps projected coords to texture coords)
- float4x4 matProjTxt;
- //camera position in world space
- float4 cameraPos;
- //directional light (assumed to be the sun)
- float4 lgtDirection;
- //shader input
- struct VS_INPUT
- {
- float4 Pos : POSITION;
- float4 Normal : NORMAL;
- float4 Clr: COLOR0;
- };
- //shader output
- struct VS_OUTPUT
- {
- float4 Pos : POSITION;
- float4 Color : COLOR;
- //float2 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0;
- float3 EnvTex : TEXCOORD1;
- float3 Pos2 : TEXCOORD2;
- float4 ProjTxt : TEXCOORD3;
- float CamDist : TEXCOORD4;
- float CamDist2 : TEXCOORD5;
- //float FogClr : TEXCOORD6;
- };
- //shader code
- {
- //tex coord generated from position
- //Out.Tex0=In.Pos;
- //out position
- Out.Pos=mul(matWorldViewProj,In.Pos);
- Out.Pos2=In.Pos;
- //calc directional light color
- Out.Color=dot(In.Normal,lgtDirection)*In.Clr;
- //calc alpha based dot between vertex normal and vector from vertex to camera
- //taken to a high power to spread translucent range over more of the angle range
- //done in world space
- float3 vecEyeToVertex=normalize(cameraPos-In.Pos);
- float alpha=pow(1.0f-dot(vecEyeToVertex,In.Normal), 15.0f);
- Out.Color+=alpha*float4(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0.0f);
- Out.Color.a=(0.6f+alpha)*In.Clr.a*0.8f;
- Out.Color+=float4(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f,0.1f);
- //calc env reflection vector (done in world space)
- float3 tranNorm=In.Normal.xyz;
- Out.EnvTex=reflect(-vecEyeToVertex,tranNorm);
- //calculation projective texture coordinate
- Out.ProjTxt=mul(matProjTxt,In.Pos);
- //calc dist from vert to camera
- Out.CamDist=distance(cameraPos.xyz,In.Pos.xyz);
- Out.CamDist2=sqrt(Out.CamDist);
- //calc fog color
- //Out.FogClr=saturate(log(Out.CamDist*0.0067f)*0.06f - 0.1f);
- //spit out the results
- return Out;
- }