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Text File | 2003-03-30 | 84.3 KB | 2,271 lines
#!/usr/bin/perl #***************************************************************************** # # Frozen-Bubble # # Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Guillaume Cottenceau <guillaume.cottenceau at free.fr> # # Sponsored by MandrakeSoft <http://www.mandrakesoft.com/> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # #****************************************************************************** # # Design & Programming by Guillaume Cottenceau between Oct 2001 and Jan 2002. # Level Editor parts by Kim Joham and David Joham between Oct 2002 and Jan 2003 # # Check official home: http://www.frozen-bubble.org/ # #****************************************************************************** # # Ported to Windows by Amir Szekely (http://sf.net/users/kichik) # #****************************************************************************** # Yes it uses Perl, you non-believer :-). # #use diagnostics; #use strict; use vars qw($TARGET_ANIM_SPEED $BUBBLE_SIZE $ROW_SIZE $LAUNCHER_SPEED $BUBBLE_SPEED $MALUS_BUBBLE_SPEED $TIME_APPEARS_NEW_ROOT %POS %POS_1P %POS_2P $KEYS %actions %angle %pdata $app $font %apprects $event %rects %sticked_bubbles %root_bubbles $background $background_orig @bubbles_images $gcwashere %bubbles_anim %launched_bubble %tobe_launched %next_bubble $shooter $sdl_flags $mixer $mixer_enabled $music_disabled $sfx_disabled @playlist %sound %music %pinguin %canon $graphics_level @update_rects $CANON_ROTATIONS_NB %malus_bubble %falling_bubble %exploding_bubble %malus_gfx %sticking_bubble $version $time %imgbin $TIME_HURRY_WARN $TIME_HURRY_MAX $TIMEOUT_PINGUIN_SLEEP $FREE_FALL_CONSTANT $direct @PLAYERS %levels $display_on_app_disabled $total_time $time_1pgame $fullscreen $rcfile $hiscorefile $HISCORES $lev_number $playermalus $loaded_levelset $direct_levelset $chainreaction %chains %history); use Data::Dumper; use SDL; use SDL::App; use SDL::Surface; use SDL::Event; use SDL::Cursor; use SDL::Font; use SDL::Mixer; use fb_stuff; use fbsyms; use FBLE; $| = 1; $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED = 20; # number of milliseconds that should last between two animation frames $LAUNCHER_SPEED = 0.03; # speed of rotation of launchers $BUBBLE_SPEED = 10; # speed of movement of launched bubbles $MALUS_BUBBLE_SPEED = 30; # speed of movement of "malus" launched bubbles $CANON_ROTATIONS_NB = 40; # number of rotations of images for canon (should be consistent with gfx/shoot/Makefile) $TIMEOUT_PINGUIN_SLEEP = 200; $FREE_FALL_CONSTANT = 0.5; $KEYS = { p1 => { left => SDLK_x, right => SDLK_v, fire => SDLK_c, center => SDLK_d }, p2 => { left => SDLK_LEFT, right => SDLK_RIGHT, fire => SDLK_UP, center => SDLK_DOWN }, misc => { fs => SDLK_f } }; $sdl_flags = SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWACCEL | SDL_ASYNCBLIT; $mixer = 0; $graphics_level = 3; @PLAYERS = qw(p1 p2); $playermalus = 0; $chainreaction = 0; $rcfile = "$FPATH/.fbrc"; eval(cat_($rcfile)); eval(cat_($hiscorefile = "$FPATH/.fbhighscores")); $version = '1.0.0'; print " [[ Frozen-Bubble-$version ]]\n\n"; print ' http://www.frozen-bubble.org/ Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Guillaume Cottenceau. Artwork: Alexis Younes <73lab at free.fr> Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie <amaury at linuxfr.org> Soundtrack: Matthias Le Bidan <matthias.le_bidan at caramail.com> Design & Programming: Guillaume Cottenceau <guillaume.cottenceau at free.fr> Level Editor: Kim and David Joham <[k|d]joham at yahoo.com> Windows Port: Amir Szekely (http://sf.net/users/kichik) Sponsored by MandrakeSoft <http://www.mandrakesoft.com/> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. '; local $_ = "@ARGV"; /-h/ and die "Usage: ", basename($0), " [OPTION]... -h, --help display this help screen -fs, --fullscreen start in fullscreen mode (disabled) -ns, --nosound don't try to start any sound stuff -nm, --nomusic disable music (only) -nfx, --nosfx disable sound effects (only) --playlist<directory> use all files of the given directory as music files and play them -sl, --slow_machine enable slow machine mode (disable a few animations) -vs, --very_slow_machine enable very slow machine mode (disable all that can be disabled) -di, --direct directly start (2p) game (don't display menu) -so, --solo directly start solo (1p) game, with random levels -cr, --chain_reaction enable chain-reaction -l<#n>, --level<#n> directly start the n-th level -cb, --colourblind use bubbles for colourblind people -pm<#n>, --playermalus<#n> add a malus of n to the left player (can be negative) -ls<name>, --levelset<name> directly start with the specified levelset name "; /-fs/ || /-fu/ and $fullscreen = 0; # = 1; /-ns/ || /-noso/ and $mixer = 'SOUND_DISABLED'; /-nm/ || /-nom/ and $music_disabled = 1; /-nfx/ || /-nosf/ and $sfx_disabled = 1; /-playlist\s*(\S+)/ and @playlist = glob("$1/*"); /-sl/ and $graphics_level = 2; /-vs/ || /-ve/ and $graphics_level = 1; /-srand/ and srand 0; /-di/ and $direct = 1; /-so/ and $direct = 1, @PLAYERS = ('p1'); /-cr/ || /-chain_reaction/ and $chainreaction = 1; /-cb/ || /-co/ and $colourblind = 1; /-pm\s*(-?[\d]+)/ || /-playermalus\s*(-?\d+)/ and $playermalus = $1; /-ls\s*(\S+)/ || /-levelset\s*(\S+)/ and $levels{current} = 1, $direct = 1, @PLAYERS = ('p1'), $direct_levelset = $1; /-l\s*(\d+)/ || /-level\s*(\d+)/ and $levels{current} = $1, $direct = 1, @PLAYERS = ('p1'); #- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END { if ($app) { $total_time = ($app->ticks - $total_time)/1000; my $h = int($total_time/3600); my $m = int(($total_time-$h*3600)/60); my $s = int($total_time-$h*3600-$m*60); print "\nAddicted for ", $h ? "$h"."h " : "", $m ? "$m"."m " : "", "$s"."s.\n"; } } #- it doesn't keep ordering (but I don't care) sub fastuniq { my %l; @l{@_} = @_; values %l } #- ----------- sound related stuff ---------------------------------------- sub play_sound($) { $mixer_enabled && $mixer && !$sfx_disabled && $sound{$_[0]} and $mixer->play_channel(-1, $sound{$_[0]}, 0); } sub play_music($;$) { my ($name, $pos) = @_; $mixer_enabled && $mixer && !$music_disabled or return; $app->delay(10) while $mixer->fading_music; #- mikmod will deadlock if we try to fade_out while still fading in $mixer->playing_music and $mixer->fade_out_music(500); $app->delay(400); $app->delay(10) while $mixer->playing_music; #- mikmod will segfault if we try to load a music while old one is still fading out my %musics = (intro => '/snd/introzik.xm', main1p => '/snd/frozen-mainzik-1p.xm', main2p => '/snd/frozen-mainzik-2p.xm'); my $mus if 0; #- I need to keep a reference on the music or it will be collected at the end of this function, thus I manually collect previous music if (@playlist) { my $tryanother = sub { my $elem = shift @playlist; $elem or return -1; -f $elem or return 0; $mus = SDL::Music->new($elem); if ($mus->{-data}) { print STDERR "[Playlist] playing `$elem'\n"; $mixer->play_music($mus, 0); return 1; } else { print STDERR "Warning, could not create new music from `$elem' (reason: ", $app->error, ").\n"; return 0; } }; while ($tryanother->() == 0) {}; } else { $mus = SDL::Music->new("$FPATH$musics{$name}"); $mus->{-data} or print STDERR "Warning, could not create new music from `$FPATH$musics{$name}' (reason: ", $app->error, ").\n"; if ($pos) { fb_c_stuff::fade_in_music_position($mus->{-data}, -1, 500, $pos); } else { $mixer->play_music($mus, -1); } } } sub init_sound() { $mixer = eval { SDL::Mixer->new(-frequency => 22050, -channels => 2, -size => 1024); }; if ($@) { $@ =~ s| at \S+ line.*\n||; print STDERR "\nWarning: can't initialize sound (reason: $@).\n"; return 0; } print "[Sound Init]\n"; my @sounds = qw(stick destroy_group newroot newroot_solo lose hurry pause menu_change menu_selected rebound launch malus noh snore cancel typewriter applause); foreach (@sounds) { my $sound_path = "$FPATH/snd/$_.wav"; $sound{$_} = SDL::Sound->new($sound_path); if ($sound{$_}{-data}) { $sound{$_}->volume(100); } else { print STDERR "Warning, could not create new sound from `$sound_path'.\n"; } } return 1; } #- ----------- graphics related stuff -------------------------------------- sub add_default_rect($) { my ($surface) = @_; $rects{$surface} = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $surface->width, -height => $surface->height); } sub put_image($$$) { my ($image, $x, $y) = @_; $rects{$image} or die "please don't call me with no rects\n".backtrace(); my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height, -x => $x, '-y' => $y); $image->blit($rects{$image}, $app, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; } sub erase_image_from($$$$) { my ($image, $x, $y, $img) = @_; my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height, -x => $x, '-y' => $y); $img->blit($drect, $app, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; } sub erase_image($$$) { my ($image, $x, $y) = @_; erase_image_from($image, $x, $y, $background); } sub put_image_to_background($$$) { my ($image, $x, $y) = @_; my $drect; ($x == 0 && $y == 0) and print "put_image_to_background: warning, X and Y are 0\n"; if ($y > 0) { $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height, -x => $x, '-y' => $y); $display_on_app_disabled or $image->blit($rects{$image}, $app, $drect); $image->blit($rects{$image}, $background, $drect); } else { #- clipping seems to not work when from one Surface to another Surface, so I need to do clipping by hand $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height + $y, -x => $x, '-y' => 0); my $irect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height + $y, '-y' => -$y); $display_on_app_disabled or $image->blit($irect, $app, $drect); $image->blit($irect, $background, $drect); } push @update_rects, $drect; } sub remove_image_from_background($$$) { my ($image, $x, $y) = @_; ($x == 0 && $y == 0) and print "remove_image_from_background: warning, X and Y are 0\n"; my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height, -x => $x, '-y' => $y); $background_orig->blit($drect, $background, $drect); $background_orig->blit($drect, $app, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; } sub remove_images_from_background { my ($player, @images) = @_; foreach (@images) { ($_->{'x'} == 0 && $_->{'y'} == 0) and print "remove_images_from_background: warning, X and Y are 0\n"; my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $_->{img}->width, -height => $_->{img}->height, -x => $_->{'x'}, '-y' => $_->{'y'}); $background_orig->blit($drect, $background, $drect); $background_orig->blit($drect, $app, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; } } sub put_allimages_to_background($) { my ($player) = @_; put_image_to_background($_->{img}, $_->{'x'}, $_->{'y'}) foreach @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; } sub switch_image_on_background($$$;$) { my ($image, $x, $y, $save) = @_; my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height, -x => $x, '-y' => $y); if ($save) { $save = SDL::Surface->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height, -depth => 32, -Amask => "0 but true"); #- grrr... this piece of shit of Amask made the surfaces slightly modify along the print/erase of "Hurry" and "Pause".... took me so much time to debug and find that the problem came from a bug when Amask is set to 0xFF000000 (while it's -supposed- to be set to 0xFF000000 with 32-bit graphics!!) $background->blit($drect, $save, $rects{$image}); } $image->blit($rects{$image} || SDL::Rect->new(-width => $image->width, -height => $image->height), $background, $drect); $background->blit($drect, $app, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; return $save; } sub add_image($) { my $file = "$FPATH/gfx/$_[0]"; my $img = SDL::Surface->new(-name => $file); if ($SDL::VERSION >= 1.20) { $$img or die "FATAL: Couldn't load `$file' into a SDL::Surface.\n"; } else { $img->{-surface} or die "FATAL: Couldn't load `$file' into a SDL::Surface.\n"; } add_default_rect($img); return $img; } sub add_bubble_image($) { my ($file) = @_; my $bubble = add_image($file); push @bubbles_images, $bubble; } #- ----------- generic game stuff ----------------------------------------- sub iter_players(&) { my ($f) = @_; local $::p; foreach $::p (@PLAYERS) { &$f; } } sub iter_players_(&) { #- so that I can do an iter_players_ from within an iter_players my ($f) = @_; local $::p_; foreach $::p_ (@PLAYERS) { &$f; } } sub is_1p_game() { @PLAYERS == 1 } sub is_2p_game() { @PLAYERS == 2 } #- ----------- bubble game stuff ------------------------------------------ sub calc_real_pos_given_arraypos($$$) { my ($cx, $cy, $player) = @_; ($POS{$player}{left_limit} + $cx * $BUBBLE_SIZE + odd($cy+$pdata{$player}{oddswap}) * $BUBBLE_SIZE/2, $POS{top_limit} + $cy * $ROW_SIZE); } sub calc_real_pos($$) { my ($b, $player) = @_; ($b->{'x'}, $b->{'y'}) = calc_real_pos_given_arraypos($b->{cx}, $b->{cy}, $player); } sub get_array_yclosest($) { my ($y) = @_; return int(($y-$POS{top_limit}+$ROW_SIZE/2) / $ROW_SIZE); } sub get_array_closest_pos($$$) { # roughly the opposite than previous function my ($x, $y, $player) = @_; my $ny = get_array_yclosest($y); my $nx = int(($x-$POS{$player}{left_limit}+$BUBBLE_SIZE/2 - odd($ny+$pdata{$player}{oddswap})*$BUBBLE_SIZE/2)/$BUBBLE_SIZE); return ($nx, $ny); } sub is_collision($$$) { my ($bub, $x, $y) = @_; my $DISTANCE_COLLISION_SQRED = sqr($BUBBLE_SIZE * 0.82); my $xs = sqr($bub->{x} - $x); ($xs > $DISTANCE_COLLISION_SQRED) and return 0; return ($xs + sqr($bub->{'y'} - $y)) < $DISTANCE_COLLISION_SQRED; } sub create_bubble_given_img($) { my ($img) = @_; my %bubble; ref($img) eq 'SDL::Surface' or die "<$img> seems to not be a valid image\n" . backtrace(); $bubble{img} = $img; return \%bubble; } sub create_bubble(;$) { my ($p) = @_; my $b = create_bubble_given_img($bubbles_images[rand(@bubbles_images)]); is_1p_game() && $p && !member($b->{img}, map { $_->{img} } @{$sticked_bubbles{$p}}) and return &create_bubble($p); #- prototype checking pb w/ recursion return $b; } sub iter_rowscols(&$) { my ($f, $oddswap) = @_; local $::row; local $::col; foreach $::row (0 .. 11) { foreach $::col (0 .. 7 - odd($::row+$oddswap)) { &$f; } } } sub each_index(&@) { my $f = shift; local $::i = 0; foreach (@_) { &$f($::i); $::i++; } } sub img2numb { my ($i, $f) = @_; each_index { $i eq $_ and $f = $::i } @bubbles_images; return defined($f) ? $f : '-' } #sub history { # foreach my $frame (@{$history{$_[0]}}[-10...1]) { # iter_rowscols { # if ($::col == 0) { # $::row == 0 or print "\n"; # odd($::row+$frame->{oddswap}) and print " "; # } # foreach (@{$frame->{sticked}}) { # $_->[0] == $::col && $_->[1] == $::row or next; # print $_->[2]; # goto non_void; # } # if ($frame->{sticking}[0] == $::col && $frame->{sticking}[1] == $::row) { # print "\033[D!$frame->{sticking}[2]"; # goto non_void; # } # print '-'; # non_void: # $::col+odd($::row+$frame->{oddswap}) < 7 and print " "; # } $frame->{oddswap}; # print "\n\n"; # } #} sub bubble_next_to($$$$$) { my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $player) = @_; $x1 == $x2 && $y1 == $y2 and die "bubble_next_to: assert failed -- same bubbles ($x1:$y1;$player)" . backtrace(); # $x1 == $x2 && $y1 == $y2 and history($player), die "bubble_next_to: assert failed -- same bubbles ($x1:$y1;$player)" . backtrace(); return to_bool((sqr($x1+odd($y1+$pdata{$player}{oddswap})*0.5 - ($x2+odd($y2+$pdata{$player}{oddswap})*0.5)) + sqr($y1 - $y2)) < 3); } sub next_positions($$) { my ($b, $player) = @_; my $validate_pos = sub { my ($x, $y) = @_; if_($x >= 0 && $x+odd($y+$pdata{$player}{oddswap}) <= 7 && $y >= 0 && $y >= $pdata{$player}{newrootlevel} && $y <= 11, [ $x, $y ]); }; ($validate_pos->($b->{cx} - 1, $b->{cy}), $validate_pos->($b->{cx} + 1, $b->{cy}), $validate_pos->($b->{cx} - even($b->{cy}+$pdata{$player}{oddswap}), $b->{cy} - 1), $validate_pos->($b->{cx} - even($b->{cy}+$pdata{$player}{oddswap}), $b->{cy} + 1), $validate_pos->($b->{cx} - even($b->{cy}+$pdata{$player}{oddswap}) + 1, $b->{cy} - 1), $validate_pos->($b->{cx} - even($b->{cy}+$pdata{$player}{oddswap}) + 1, $b->{cy} + 1)); } #- bubble ends its life sticked somewhere sub real_stick_bubble { my ($bubble, $xpos, $ypos, $player, $neighbours_ok) = @_; $bubble->{cx} = $xpos; $bubble->{cy} = $ypos; foreach (@{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}) { if (bubble_next_to($_->{cx}, $_->{cy}, $bubble->{cx}, $bubble->{cy}, $player)) { push @{$_->{neighbours}}, $bubble; $neighbours_ok or push @{$bubble->{neighbours}}, $_; } } push @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}, $bubble; $bubble->{cy} == $pdata{$player}{newrootlevel} and push @{$root_bubbles{$player}}, $bubble; calc_real_pos($bubble, $player); put_image_to_background($bubble->{img}, $bubble->{'x'}, $bubble->{'y'}); } sub destroy_bubbles { my ($player, @bubz) = @_; $graphics_level == 1 and return; foreach (@bubz) { $_->{speedx} = rand(3)-1.5; $_->{speedy} = -rand(4)-2; } push @{$exploding_bubble{$player}}, @bubz; } sub find_bubble_group($) { my ($b) = @_; my @neighbours = $b; my @group; while (1) { push @group, @neighbours; @neighbours = grep { $b->{img} eq $_->{img} && !member($_, @group) } fastuniq(map { @{$_->{neighbours}} } @neighbours); last if !@neighbours; } @group; } sub stick_bubble($$$$$) { my ($bubble, $xpos, $ypos, $player, $count_for_root) = @_; my @falling; my $need_redraw = 0; @{$bubble->{neighbours}} = grep { bubble_next_to($_->{cx}, $_->{cy}, $xpos, $ypos, $player) } @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; #- in multiple chain reactions, it's possible that the group doesn't exist anymore in some rare situations :/ exists $bubble->{chaindestx} && !@{$bubble->{neighbours}} and return; my @will_destroy = difference2([ find_bubble_group($bubble) ], [ $bubble ]); if (@will_destroy <= 1) { #- stick play_sound('stick'); real_stick_bubble($bubble, $xpos, $ypos, $player, 1); $sticking_bubble{$player} = $bubble; $pdata{$player}{sticking_step} = 0; } else { #- destroy the group play_sound('destroy_group'); foreach my $b (difference2([ fastuniq(map { @{$_->{neighbours}} } @will_destroy) ], \@will_destroy)) { @{$b->{neighbours}} = difference2($b->{neighbours}, \@will_destroy); } @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}} = difference2($sticked_bubbles{$player}, \@will_destroy); @{$root_bubbles{$player}} = difference2($root_bubbles{$player}, \@will_destroy); $bubble->{'cx'} = $xpos; $bubble->{'cy'} = $ypos; calc_real_pos($bubble, $player); destroy_bubbles($player, @will_destroy, $bubble); #- find falling bubbles $_->{mark} = 0 foreach @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; my @still_sticked; my @neighbours = @{$root_bubbles{$player}}; my $distance_to_root; while (1) { $_->{mark} = ++$distance_to_root foreach @neighbours; push @still_sticked, @neighbours; @neighbours = grep { $_->{mark} == 0 } map { @{$_->{neighbours}} } @neighbours; last if !@neighbours; } @falling = difference2($sticked_bubbles{$player}, \@still_sticked); @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}} = difference2($sticked_bubbles{$player}, \@falling); #- chain-reaction on falling bubbles if ($chainreaction) { my @falling_colors = map { $_->{img} } @falling; #- optimize a bit by first calculating bubbles that are next to another bubble of the same color my @grouped_bubbles = grep { my $b = $_; member($b->{img}, @falling_colors) && any { $b->{img} eq $_->{img} } @{$b->{neighbours}} } @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; if (@grouped_bubbles) { #- all positions on which we can't chain-react my @occupied_positions = map { $_->{cy}*8 + $_->{cx} } @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; push @occupied_positions, map { $_->{chaindestcy}*8 + $_->{chaindestcx} } @{$chains{$player}{falling_chained}}; #- examine groups beginning at the root bubbles, for the case in which #- there is a group that will fall from an upper chain-reaction foreach my $pos (sort { $a->{mark} <=> $b->{mark} } @grouped_bubbles) { #- now examine if there is a free position to chain-react in it foreach my $npos (next_positions($pos, $player)) { #- we can't chain-react somewhere if it explodes a group already chained next if any { $pos->{cx} == $_->{cx} && $pos->{cy} == $_->{cy} } map { @{$chains{$player}{chained_bubbles}{$_}}} keys %{$chains{$player}{chained_bubbles}}; if (!member($npos->[1]*8 + $npos->[0], @occupied_positions)) { #- find a suitable falling bubble for that free position foreach my $falling (@falling) { next if member($falling, @{$chains{$player}{falling_chained}}); if ($pos->{img} eq $falling->{img}) { ($falling->{chaindestcx}, $falling->{chaindestcy}) = ($npos->[0], $npos->[1]); ($falling->{chaindestx}, $falling->{chaindesty}) = calc_real_pos_given_arraypos($npos->[0], $npos->[1], $player); push @{$chains{$player}{falling_chained}}, $falling; push @occupied_positions, $npos->[1]*8 + $npos->[0]; #- next lines will allow not to chain-react on the same group from two different positions, #- and even to not chain-react on a group that will itself fall from a chain-reaction @{$falling->{neighbours}} = grep { bubble_next_to($_->{cx}, $_->{cy}, $npos->[0], $npos->[1], $player) } @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; my @chained_bubbles = find_bubble_group($falling); $_->{mark} = 0 foreach @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}; my @still_sticked; my @neighbours = difference2($root_bubbles{$player}, \@chained_bubbles); while (1) { $_->{mark} = 1 foreach @neighbours; push @still_sticked, @neighbours; @neighbours = difference2([ grep { $_->{mark} == 0 } map { @{$_->{neighbours}} } @neighbours ], \@chained_bubbles); last if !@neighbours; } @{$chains{$player}{chained_bubbles}{$falling}} = difference2($sticked_bubbles{$player}, \@still_sticked); last; } } } } } } } #- prepare falling bubbles if ($graphics_level > 1) { my $max_cy_falling = fold_left { $::b->{cy} > $::a ? $::b->{cy} : $::a } 0, @falling; #- I have a fold_left in my prog! :-) my ($shift_on_same_line, $line) = (0, $max_cy_falling); foreach (sort { $b->{cy}*8 + $b->{cx} <=> $a->{cy}*8 + $a->{cx} } @falling) { #- sort bottom-to-up / right-to-left $line != $_->{cy} and $shift_on_same_line = 0; $line = $_->{cy}; $_->{wait_fall} = ($max_cy_falling - $_->{cy})*5 + $shift_on_same_line; $shift_on_same_line++; $_->{speed} = 0; } push @{$falling_bubble{$player}}, @falling; } remove_images_from_background($player, @will_destroy, @falling); #- redraw neighbours because parts of neighbours have been erased by previous statement put_image_to_background($_->{img}, $_->{'x'}, $_->{'y'}) foreach grep { !member($_, @will_destroy) && !member($_, @falling) } fastuniq(map { @{$_->{neighbours}} } @will_destroy, @falling); $need_redraw = 1; } if ($count_for_root) { $pdata{$player}{newroot}++; if ($pdata{$player}{newroot} == $TIME_APPEARS_NEW_ROOT-1) { $pdata{$player}{newroot_prelight} = 2; $pdata{$player}{newroot_prelight_step} = 0; } if ($pdata{$player}{newroot} == $TIME_APPEARS_NEW_ROOT) { $pdata{$player}{newroot_prelight} = 1; $pdata{$player}{newroot_prelight_step} = 0; } if ($pdata{$player}{newroot} > $TIME_APPEARS_NEW_ROOT) { $need_redraw = 1; $pdata{$player}{newroot_prelight} = 0; play_sound(is_1p_game() ? 'newroot_solo' : 'newroot'); $pdata{$player}{newroot} = 0; $pdata{$player}{oddswap} = !$pdata{$player}{oddswap}; remove_images_from_background($player, @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}); foreach (@{$sticked_bubbles{$player}}) { $_->{'cy'}++; calc_real_pos($_, $player); } foreach (@{$falling_bubble{$player}}) { exists $_->{chaindestx} or next; $_->{chaindestcy}++; $_->{chaindesty} += $ROW_SIZE; } put_allimages_to_background($player); if (is_1p_game()) { $pdata{$player}{newrootlevel}++; print_compressor(); } else { @{$root_bubbles{$player}} = (); real_stick_bubble(create_bubble($player), $_, 0, $player, 0) foreach (0..(7-$pdata{$player}{oddswap})); } } } if ($need_redraw) { my $malus_val = @will_destroy + @falling - 2; $malus_val > 0 and $malus_val += ($player eq 'p1' ? $playermalus : -$playermalus); $malus_val < 0 and $malus_val = 0; $background->blit($apprects{$player}, $app, $apprects{$player}); malus_change($malus_val, $player); } # push @{$history{$player}}, { sticking => [ $xpos, $ypos, img2numb($bubble->{img}) ], # oddswap => $pdata{$player}{oddswap}, # sticked => [ map { [ $_->{cx}, $_->{cy}, img2numb($_->{img}) ] } @{$sticked_bubbles{$player}} ] }; } sub print_next_bubble($$;$) { my ($img, $player, $not_on_top_next) = @_; put_image_to_background($img, $next_bubble{$player}{'x'}, $next_bubble{$player}{'y'}); $not_on_top_next or put_image_to_background($bubbles_anim{on_top_next}, $POS{$player}{left_limit}+$POS{next_bubble}{x}-4, $POS{next_bubble}{'y'}-3); } sub generate_new_bubble { my ($player, $img) = @_; $tobe_launched{$player} = $next_bubble{$player}; $tobe_launched{$player}{'x'} = ($POS{$player}{left_limit}+$POS{$player}{right_limit})/2 - $BUBBLE_SIZE/2; $tobe_launched{$player}{'y'} = $POS{'initial_bubble_y'}; $next_bubble{$player} = $img ? create_bubble_given_img($img) : create_bubble($player); $next_bubble{$player}{'x'} = $POS{$player}{left_limit}+$POS{next_bubble}{x}; #- necessary to keep coordinates, for verify_if_end $next_bubble{$player}{'y'} = $POS{next_bubble}{'y'}; print_next_bubble($next_bubble{$player}{img}, $player); } #- ----------- game stuff ------------------------------------------------- sub handle_graphics($) { my ($fun) = @_; iter_players { #- bubbles foreach ($launched_bubble{$::p}, if_($fun ne \&erase_image, $tobe_launched{$::p})) { $_ and $fun->($_->{img}, $_->{'x'}, $_->{'y'}); } if ($fun eq \&put_image && $pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight}) { if ($pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight_step}++ > 30*$pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight}) { $pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight_step} = 0; } if ($pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight_step} <= 8) { my $hurry_overwritten = 0; foreach my $b (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { next if ($graphics_level == 1 && $b->{'cy'} > 0); #- in low graphics, only prelight first row $b->{'cx'}+1 == $pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight_step} and put_image($b->{img}, $b->{'x'}, $b->{'y'}); $b->{'cx'} == $pdata{$::p}{newroot_prelight_step} and put_image($bubbles_anim{white}, $b->{'x'}, $b->{'y'}); $b->{'cy'} > 6 and $hurry_overwritten = 1; } $hurry_overwritten && $pdata{$::p}{hurry_save_img} and print_hurry($::p, 1); #- hurry was potentially overwritten } } if ($sticking_bubble{$::p} && $graphics_level > 1) { my $b = $sticking_bubble{$::p}; if ($fun eq \&erase_image) { put_image($b->{img}, $b->{'x'}, $b->{'y'}); } else { if ($pdata{$::p}{sticking_step} == @{$bubbles_anim{stick}}) { $sticking_bubble{$::p} = undef; } else { put_image(${$bubbles_anim{stick}}[$pdata{$::p}{sticking_step}], $b->{'x'}, $b->{'y'}); if ($pdata{$::p}{sticking_step_slowdown}) { $pdata{$::p}{sticking_step}++; $pdata{$::p}{sticking_step_slowdown} = 0; } else { $pdata{$::p}{sticking_step_slowdown}++; } } } } #- shooter if ($graphics_level > 1) { my $num = int($angle{$::p}*$CANON_ROTATIONS_NB/($PI/2) + 0.5)-$CANON_ROTATIONS_NB; $fun->($canon{img}{$num}, ($POS{$::p}{left_limit}+$POS{$::p}{right_limit})/2 - 50 + $canon{data}{$num}->[0], $POS{'initial_bubble_y'} + 16 - 50 + $canon{data}{$num}->[1] ); #- 50/50 stand for half width/height of gfx/shoot/base.png } else { $fun->($shooter, ($POS{$::p}{left_limit}+$POS{$::p}{right_limit})/2 - 1 + 60*cos($angle{$::p}), #- 1 for $shooter->width/2 $POS{'initial_bubble_y'} + 16 - 1 - 60*sin($angle{$::p})); #- 1/1 stand for half width/height of gfx/shoot/shooter.png } #- penguins if ($graphics_level == 3) { $fun->($pinguin{$::p}{$pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state}}[$pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img}], $POS{$::p}{left_limit}+$POS{$::p}{pinguin}{x}, $POS{$::p}{pinguin}{'y'}); } #- moving bubbles --> I want them on top of the rest foreach (@{$malus_bubble{$::p}}, @{$falling_bubble{$::p}}, @{$exploding_bubble{$::p}}) { $fun->($_->{img}, $_->{'x'}, $_->{'y'}); } }; } #- extract it from "handle_graphics" to optimize a bit animations sub malus_change($$) { my ($numb, $player) = @_; return if $numb == 0 || is_1p_game(); if ($numb >= 0) { $player = ($player eq 'p1') ? 'p2' : 'p1'; } my $update_malus = sub($) { my ($fun) = @_; my $malus = $pdata{$player}{malus}; my $y_shift = 0; while ($malus > 0) { my $print = sub($) { my ($type) = @_; $fun->($type, $POS{$player}{malus_x} - $type->width/2, $POS{'malus_y'} - $y_shift - $type->height); $y_shift += $type->height - 1; }; if ($malus >= 7) { $print->($malus_gfx{tomate}); $malus -= 7; } else { $print->($malus_gfx{banane}); $malus--; } } }; $update_malus->(\&remove_image_from_background); $pdata{$player}{malus} += $numb; $update_malus->(\&put_image_to_background); } sub print_compressor() { my $x = $POS{compressor_xpos}; my $y = $POS{top_limit} + $pdata{$PLAYERS[0]}{newrootlevel} * $ROW_SIZE; my ($comp_main, $comp_ext) = ($imgbin{compressor_main}, $imgbin{compressor_ext}); my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $comp_main->width, -height => $y, -x => $x - $comp_main->width/2, '-y' => 0); $background_orig->blit($drect, $background, $drect); $display_on_app_disabled or $background_orig->blit($drect, $app, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; put_image_to_background($comp_main, $x - $comp_main->width/2, $y - $comp_main->height); $y -= $comp_main->height - 3; while ($y > 0) { put_image_to_background($comp_ext, $x - $comp_ext->width/2, $y - $comp_ext->height); $y -= $comp_ext->height; } } sub handle_game_events() { $event->pump; if ($event->poll != 0) { if ($event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { my $keypressed = $event->key_sym; iter_players { my $pkey = is_1p_game() ? 'p2' : $::p; foreach (qw(left right fire center)) { $keypressed == $KEYS->{$pkey}{$_} and $actions{$::p}{$_} = 1, last; } }; if ($keypressed == $KEYS->{misc}{fs}) { #$fullscreen = !$fullscreen; #$app->fullscreen; } if ($keypressed == SDLK_PAUSE) { play_sound('pause'); $mixer_enabled && $mixer and $mixer->pause_music; my $back_saved = switch_image_on_background($imgbin{back_paused}, 0, 0, 1); pause_label: while (1) { my ($index, $side) = (0, 1); while ($index || $side == 1) { put_image(${$imgbin{paused}}[$index], $POS_1P{pause_clip}{x}, $POS_1P{pause_clip}{'y'}); $app->flip; foreach (1..80) { $app->delay(20); $event->pump; if ($event->poll != 0 && $event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { last pause_label if $event->key_sym != $KEYS->{misc}{fs}; #$fullscreen = !$fullscreen; #$app->fullscreen; } } rand() < 0.2 and play_sound('snore'); $index += $side; if ($index == @{$imgbin{paused}}) { $side = -1; $index -= 2; } } } switch_image_on_background($back_saved, 0, 0); iter_players { $actions{$::p}{left} = 0; $actions{$::p}{right} = 0; }; $mixer_enabled && $mixer and $mixer->resume_music; $event->pump while $event->poll != 0; $app->flip; } } if ($event->type == SDL_KEYUP) { my $keypressed = $event->key_sym; iter_players { my $pkey = is_1p_game() ? 'p2' : $::p; foreach (qw(left right fire center)) { $keypressed == $KEYS->{$pkey}{$_} and $actions{$::p}{$_} = 0, last; } } } if ($event->type == SDL_QUIT || $event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN && $event->key_sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { die 'quit'; } } } sub print_scores($) { my ($surface) = @_; #- TODO all this function has hardcoded coordinates my $drect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => 120, -height => 30, -x => 260, '-y' => 428); $background_orig->blit($drect, $surface, $drect); push @update_rects, $drect; iter_players_ { #- sometimes called from within a iter_players so... $surface->print($POS{$::p_}{scoresx}-SDL_TEXTWIDTH($pdata{$::p_}{score})/2, $POS{scoresy}, $pdata{$::p_}{score}); }; } sub verify_if_end { iter_players { if (any { $_->{cy} > 11 } @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { $pdata{state} = "lost $::p"; play_sound('lose'); $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'lose'; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} = 0; if (!is_1p_game()) { my $won = $::p eq 'p1' ? 'p2' : 'p1'; $pdata{$won}{score}++; $pdata{$won}{ping_right}{state} = 'win'; $pdata{$won}{ping_right}{img} = 0; print_scores($background); print_scores($app); } foreach ($launched_bubble{$::p}, $tobe_launched{$::p}, @{$malus_bubble{$::p}}) { $_ or next; $_->{img} = $bubbles_anim{lose}; $_->{'x'}--; $_->{'y'}--; } iter_players_ { remove_hurry($::p_); @{$falling_bubble{$::p_}} = grep { !exists $_->{chaindestx} } @{$falling_bubble{$::p_}}; }; print_next_bubble($bubbles_anim{lose}, $::p, 1); iter_players_ { @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p_}} = sort { $b->{'cx'}+$b->{'cy'}*10 <=> $a->{'cx'}+$a->{'cy'}*10 } @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p_}}; $sticking_bubble{$::p_} = undef; $launched_bubble{$::p_} and destroy_bubbles($::p_, $launched_bubble{$::p_}); $launched_bubble{$::p_} = undef; $pdata{$::p_}{newroot_prelight} = 0; }; @{$malus_bubble{$::p}} = (); } }; if (is_1p_game() && @{$sticked_bubbles{$PLAYERS[0]}} == 0) { put_image_to_background($imgbin{win_panel_1player}, $POS{centerpanel}{x}, $POS{centerpanel}{'y'}); $pdata{state} = "won $PLAYERS[0]"; $pdata{$PLAYERS[0]}{ping_right}{state} = 'win'; $pdata{$PLAYERS[0]}{ping_right}{img} = 0; $levels{current} and $levels{current}++; if ($levels{current} && !$levels{$levels{current}}) { $levels{current} = 'WON'; @{$falling_bubble{$PLAYERS[0]}} = @{$exploding_bubble{$PLAYERS[0]}} = (); die 'quit'; } } } sub print_hurry($;$) { my ($player, $dont_save_background) = @_; my $t = switch_image_on_background($imgbin{hurry}{$player}, $POS{$player}{left_limit} + $POS{hurry}{x}, $POS{hurry}{'y'}, 1); $dont_save_background or $pdata{$player}{hurry_save_img} = $t; } sub remove_hurry($) { my ($player) = @_; $pdata{$player}{hurry_save_img} and switch_image_on_background($pdata{$player}{hurry_save_img}, $POS{$player}{left_limit} + $POS{hurry}{x}, $POS{hurry}{'y'}); $pdata{$player}{hurry_save_img} = undef; } #- ----------- mainloop helper -------------------------------------------- sub update_game() { if ($pdata{state} eq 'game') { handle_game_events(); iter_players { $actions{$::p}{left} and $angle{$::p} += $LAUNCHER_SPEED; $actions{$::p}{right} and $angle{$::p} -= $LAUNCHER_SPEED; if ($actions{$::p}{center}) { if ($angle{$::p} >= $PI/2 - $LAUNCHER_SPEED && $angle{$::p} <= $PI/2 + $LAUNCHER_SPEED) { $angle{$::p} = $PI/2; } else { $angle{$::p} += ($angle{$::p} < $PI/2) ? $LAUNCHER_SPEED : -$LAUNCHER_SPEED; } } ($angle{$::p} < 0.1) and $angle{$::p} = 0.1; ($angle{$::p} > $PI-0.1) and $angle{$::p} = $PI-0.1; $pdata{$::p}{hurry}++; if ($pdata{$::p}{hurry} > $TIME_HURRY_WARN) { my $oddness = odd(int(($pdata{$::p}{hurry}-$TIME_HURRY_WARN)/(500/$TARGET_ANIM_SPEED))+1); if ($pdata{$::p}{hurry_oddness} xor $oddness) { if ($oddness) { play_sound('hurry'); print_hurry($::p); } else { remove_hurry($::p) } } $pdata{$::p}{hurry_oddness} = $oddness; } if (($actions{$::p}{fire} || $pdata{$::p}{hurry} == $TIME_HURRY_MAX) && !$launched_bubble{$::p} && !(any { exists $_->{chaindestx} } @{$falling_bubble{$::p}}) && !@{$malus_bubble{$::p}}) { play_sound('launch'); $launched_bubble{$::p} = $tobe_launched{$::p}; $launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction} = $angle{$::p}; $tobe_launched{$::p} = undef; $actions{$::p}{fire} = 0; $actions{$::p}{hadfire} = 1; $pdata{$::p}{hurry} = 0; remove_hurry($::p); } if ($launched_bubble{$::p}) { $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'x_old'} = $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'x'}; # save coordinates for potential collision $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y_old'} = $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y'}; $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'x'} += $BUBBLE_SPEED * cos($launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction}); $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y'} -= $BUBBLE_SPEED * sin($launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction}); if ($launched_bubble{$::p}->{x} < $POS{$::p}{left_limit}) { play_sound('rebound'); $launched_bubble{$::p}->{x} = 2 * $POS{$::p}{left_limit} - $launched_bubble{$::p}->{x}; $launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction} -= 2*($launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction}-$PI/2); } if ($launched_bubble{$::p}->{x} > $POS{$::p}{right_limit} - $BUBBLE_SIZE) { play_sound('rebound'); $launched_bubble{$::p}->{x} = 2 * ($POS{$::p}{right_limit} - $BUBBLE_SIZE) - $launched_bubble{$::p}->{x}; $launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction} += 2*($PI/2-$launched_bubble{$::p}->{direction}); } if ($launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y'} <= $POS{top_limit} + $pdata{$::p}{newrootlevel} * $ROW_SIZE) { my ($cx, $cy) = get_array_closest_pos($launched_bubble{$::p}->{x}, $launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y'}, $::p); stick_bubble($launched_bubble{$::p}, $cx, $cy, $::p, 1); $launched_bubble{$::p} = undef; } else { foreach (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { if (is_collision($launched_bubble{$::p}, $_->{'x'}, $_->{'y'})) { my ($cx, $cy) = get_array_closest_pos(($launched_bubble{$::p}->{'x_old'}+$launched_bubble{$::p}->{'x'})/2, ($launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y_old'}+$launched_bubble{$::p}->{'y'})/2, $::p); stick_bubble($launched_bubble{$::p}, $cx, $cy, $::p, 1); $launched_bubble{$::p} = undef; #- malus generation if (!any { $_->{chaindestx} } @{$falling_bubble{$::p}}) { $pdata{$::p}{malus} > 0 and play_sound('malus'); while ($pdata{$::p}{malus} > 0 && @{$malus_bubble{$::p}} < 7) { my $b = create_bubble($::p); do { $b->{'cx'} = int(rand(7)); } while (member($b->{'cx'}, map { $_->{'cx'} } @{$malus_bubble{$::p}})); $b->{'cy'} = 12; $b->{'stick_y'} = 0; foreach (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { if ($_->{'cy'} > $b->{'stick_y'}) { if ($_->{'cx'} == $b->{'cx'} || odd($_->{'cy'}+$pdata{$::p}{oddswap}) && ($_->{'cx'}+1) == $b->{'cx'}) { $b->{'stick_y'} = $_->{'cy'}; } } } $b->{'stick_y'}++; calc_real_pos($b, $::p); push @{$malus_bubble{$::p}}, $b; malus_change(-1, $::p); } #- sort them and shift them @{$malus_bubble{$::p}} = sort { $a->{'cx'} <=> $b->{'cx'} } @{$malus_bubble{$::p}}; my $shifting = 0; $_->{'y'} += ($shifting+=7)+int(rand(20)) foreach @{$malus_bubble{$::p}}; } last; } } } } !$tobe_launched{$::p} and generate_new_bubble($::p); if (!$actions{$::p}{left} && !$actions{$::p}{right} && !$actions{$::p}{hadfire}) { $pdata{$::p}{sleeping}++; } else { $pdata{$::p}{sleeping} = 0; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{movelatency} = -20; } if ($pdata{$::p}{sleeping} > $TIMEOUT_PINGUIN_SLEEP) { $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'sleep'; } elsif ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} eq 'sleep') { $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'normal'; } if ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} eq 'right' && !($actions{$::p}{right}) || $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} eq 'left' && !($actions{$::p}{left}) || $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} eq 'action' && ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{actionlatency}++ > 5)) { $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'normal'; } $actions{$::p}{right} and $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'right'; $actions{$::p}{left} and $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'left'; if ($actions{$::p}{hadfire}) { $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'action'; $actions{$::p}{hadfire} = 0; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{actionlatency} = 0; } if ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} eq 'normal' && ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{movelatency}++ > 10)) { $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{movelatency} = 0; rand() < 0.4 and $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} = int(rand(@{$pinguin{$::p}{normal}})); } if ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} >= @{$pinguin{$::p}{$pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state}}}) { $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} = 0; } }; verify_if_end(); } elsif ($pdata{state} =~ /lost (.*)/) { my $lost_slowdown if 0; #- ``if 0'' is Perl's way of doing what C calls ``static local variables'' if ($lost_slowdown++ > 1) { $lost_slowdown = 0; iter_players { if ($::p eq $1) { if (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { my $b = shift @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}; put_image_to_background($bubbles_anim{lose}, --$b->{'x'}, --$b->{'y'}); # my $line = $b->{'cy'}; # while (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}} && ${$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}[0]->{'cy'} == $line) { # my $b = shift @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}; # put_image_to_background($bubbles_anim{lose}, --$b->{'x'}, --$b->{'y'}); # } if (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}} == 0) { $graphics_level == 1 and put_image($imgbin{win}{$::p eq 'p1' ? 'p2' : 'p1'}, $POS{centerpanel}{x}, $POS{centerpanel}{'y'}); if (is_1p_game()) { put_image($imgbin{lose}, $POS{centerpanel}{'x'}, $POS{centerpanel}{'y'}); play_sound('noh'); } } if (!@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { $event->pump while $event->poll != 0; } } else { $event->pump; die 'new_game' if $event->poll != 0 && $event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN; } } else { if (@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}} && $graphics_level > 1) { my $b = shift @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}; destroy_bubbles($::p, $b); remove_image_from_background($b->{img}, $b->{'x'}, $b->{'y'}); #- be sure to redraw at least upper line foreach (@{$b->{neighbours}}) { next if !member($_, @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}); put_image_to_background($_->{img}, $_->{'x'}, $_->{'y'}); } } } }; } } elsif ($pdata{state} =~ /won (.*)/) { if (@{$exploding_bubble{$1}} == 0) { $event->pump; die 'new_game' if $event->poll != 0 && $event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN; } } else { die "oops unhandled game state ($pdata{state})\n"; } #- things that need to be updated in all states of the game iter_players { my $malus_end = []; foreach my $b (@{$malus_bubble{$::p}}) { $b->{'y'} -= $MALUS_BUBBLE_SPEED; if (get_array_yclosest($b->{'y'}) <= $b->{'stick_y'}) { real_stick_bubble($b, $b->{'cx'}, $b->{'stick_y'}, $::p, 0); push @$malus_end, $b; } } @$malus_end and @{$malus_bubble{$::p}} = difference2($malus_bubble{$::p}, $malus_end); my $falling_end = []; foreach my $b (@{$falling_bubble{$::p}}) { if ($b->{wait_fall}) { $b->{wait_fall}--; } else { if (exists $b->{chaindestx} && ($b->{'y'} > 375 || $b->{chaingoingup})) { my $acceleration = $FREE_FALL_CONSTANT*3; if (!$b->{chaingoingup}) { my $time_to_zero = $b->{speed}/$acceleration; my $distance_to_zero = $b->{speed} * ($b->{speed}/$acceleration + 1) / 2; my $time_to_destination = (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8/$acceleration*($b->{'y'}-$b->{chaindesty}+$distance_to_zero))) / 2; $b->{speedx} = ($b->{chaindestx} - $b->{x}) / ($time_to_zero + $time_to_destination); $b->{chaingoingup} = 1; } $b->{speed} -= $acceleration; $b->{x} += $b->{speedx}; if (abs($b->{x} - $b->{chaindestx}) < abs($b->{speedx})) { $b->{'x'} = $b->{chaindestx}; $b->{speedx} = 0; } $b->{'y'} += $b->{speed}; $b->{'y'} < $b->{chaindesty} and push @$falling_end, $b; } else { $b->{'y'} += $b->{speed}; $b->{speed} += $FREE_FALL_CONSTANT; } } $b->{'y'} > 470 && !exists $b->{chaindestx} and push @$falling_end, $b; } @$falling_end and @{$falling_bubble{$::p}} = difference2($falling_bubble{$::p}, $falling_end); foreach (@$falling_end) { exists $_->{chaindestx} or next; @{$chains{$::p}{falling_chained}} = difference2($chains{$::p}{falling_chained}, [ $_ ]); delete $chains{$::p}{chained_bubbles}{$_}; stick_bubble($_, $_->{chaindestcx}, $_->{chaindestcy}, $::p, 0); } my $exploding_end = []; foreach my $b (@{$exploding_bubble{$::p}}) { $b->{'x'} += $b->{speedx}; $b->{'y'} += $b->{speedy}; $b->{speedy} += $FREE_FALL_CONSTANT; push @$exploding_end, $b if $b->{'y'} > 470; } if (@$exploding_end) { @{$exploding_bubble{$::p}} = difference2($exploding_bubble{$::p}, $exploding_end); if ($pdata{state} =~ /lost (.*)/ && $::p ne $1 && !is_1p_game() && !@{$exploding_bubble{$::p}} && !@{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}}) { put_image($imgbin{win}{$::p}, $POS{centerpanel}{'x'}, $POS{centerpanel}{'y'}); } } if (member($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state}, qw(win lose)) && ($pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{movelatency}++ > 5)) { my $state = $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state}; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{movelatency} = 0; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img}++; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} == @{$pinguin{$::p}{$state}} and $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} = $pinguin{$::p}{"$state".'_roll_back_index'}; } }; } #- ----------- init stuff ------------------------------------------------- sub restart_app() { #$app = SDL::App->new(-flags => $sdl_flags | ($fullscreen ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0), -title => 'Frozen-Bubble', -width => 640, -height => 480); $app = SDL::App->new(-flags => $sdl_flags, -title => 'Frozen-Bubble', -icon => "gfx/pinguins/small_corner_open_p2.png", -width => 640, -height => 480); } sub print_step($) { my ($txt) = @_; print $txt; my $step if 0; $step ||= 0; put_image($imgbin{loading_step}, 100 + $step*12, 10); $app->flip; $step++; } sub load_levelset { my ($levelset_name) = @_; -e $levelset_name or die "No such levelset ($levelset_name).\n"; $loaded_levelset = $levelset_name; my $row_numb = 0; my $curr_level = $levels{current}; %levels = (); $levels{current} = $curr_level; $lev_number = 1; foreach my $line (cat_($levelset_name)) { if ($line !~ /\S/) { if ($row_numb) { $lev_number++; $row_numb = 0; } } else { my $col_numb = 0; foreach (split ' ', $line) { /-/ or push @{$levels{$lev_number}}, { cx => $col_numb, cy => $row_numb, img_num => $_ }; $col_numb++; } $row_numb++; } } } sub init_game() { -r "$FPATH/$_" or die "[*ERROR*] the datafiles seem to be missing! (could not read `$FPATH/$_')\n". " The datafiles need to go to `$FPATH'.\n" foreach qw(gfx snd data); print '[SDL Init] '; restart_app(); $font = SDL::Font->new("$FPATH/gfx/font.png"); $apprects{main} = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $app->width, -height => $app->height); $event = SDL::Event->new; $event->set_unicode(1); SDL::Cursor::show(0); $total_time = $app->ticks; $imgbin{loading} = add_image('loading.png'); put_image($imgbin{loading}, 10, 10); $app->print(30, 60, uc("tip! use '-h' on command-line to get more options")); $app->flip; $imgbin{loading_step} = add_image('loading_step.png'); print_step('[Graphics'); $imgbin{back_2p} = SDL::Surface->new(-name => "$FPATH/gfx/backgrnd.png"); $imgbin{back_1p} = SDL::Surface->new(-name => "$FPATH/gfx/back_one_player.png"); $background = SDL::Surface->new(-width => $app->width, -height => $app->height, -depth => 32, -Amask => '0 but true'); $background_orig = SDL::Surface->new(-width => $app->width, -height => $app->height, -depth => 32, -Amask => '0 but true'); $imgbin{backstartfull} = SDL::Surface->new(-name => "$FPATH/gfx/menu/back_start.png"); print_step('.'); add_bubble_image('balls/bubble-'.($colourblind && 'colourblind-')."$_.gif") foreach (1..8); $bubbles_anim{white} = add_image("balls/bubble_prelight.png"); $bubbles_anim{lose} = add_image("balls/bubble_lose.png"); $bubbles_anim{on_top_next} = add_image("on_top_next.png"); push @{$bubbles_anim{stick}}, add_image("balls/stick_effect_$_.png") foreach (0..7); $shooter = add_image("shoot/shooter.png"); $canon{img}{$_} = add_image("shoot/base_$_.png") foreach (-$CANON_ROTATIONS_NB..$CANON_ROTATIONS_NB); /(\S+) (\S+) (\S+)/ and $canon{data}{$1} = [ $2, $3 ] foreach cat_("$FPATH/gfx/shoot/data"); #- quantity of shifting needed (because of crop reduction) $malus_gfx{banane} = add_image('banane.png'); $malus_gfx{tomate} = add_image('tomate.png'); print_step('.'); push @{$imgbin{paused}}, add_image("pause_$_.png") foreach 1..5; $imgbin{back_paused} = add_image('back_paused.png'); $imgbin{lose} = add_image('lose_panel.png'); $imgbin{win_panel_1player} = add_image('win_panel_1player.png'); $imgbin{compressor_main} = add_image('compressor_main.png'); $imgbin{compressor_ext} = add_image('compressor_ext.png'); $imgbin{txt_1pgame_off} = add_image('menu/txt_1pgame_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_1pgame_over} = add_image('menu/txt_1pgame_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_2pgame_off} = add_image('menu/txt_2pgame_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_2pgame_over} = add_image('menu/txt_2pgame_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_editor_off} = add_image('menu/txt_editor_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_editor_over} = add_image('menu/txt_editor_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_fullscreen_off} = add_image('menu/txt_fullscreen_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_fullscreen_over} = add_image('menu/txt_fullscreen_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_fullscreen_act_off} = add_image('menu/txt_fullscreen_act_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_fullscreen_act_over} = add_image('menu/txt_fullscreen_act_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_keys_off} = add_image('menu/txt_keys_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_keys_over} = add_image('menu/txt_keys_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_sound_off} = add_image('menu/txt_sound_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_sound_over} = add_image('menu/txt_sound_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_sound_act_off} = add_image('menu/txt_sound_act_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_sound_act_over} = add_image('menu/txt_sound_act_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_graphics_1_off} = add_image('menu/txt_graphics_1_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_graphics_1_over} = add_image('menu/txt_graphics_1_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_graphics_2_off} = add_image('menu/txt_graphics_2_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_graphics_2_over} = add_image('menu/txt_graphics_2_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_graphics_3_off} = add_image('menu/txt_graphics_3_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_graphics_3_over} = add_image('menu/txt_graphics_3_over.png'); $imgbin{txt_highscores_off} = add_image('menu/txt_highscores_off.png'); $imgbin{txt_highscores_over} = add_image('menu/txt_highscores_over.png'); $imgbin{void_panel} = add_image('menu/void_panel.png'); $imgbin{version} = add_image('menu/version.png'); $imgbin{back_hiscores} = add_image('back_hiscores.png'); $imgbin{hiscore_frame} = add_image('hiscore_frame.png'); $imgbin{banner_artwork} = add_image('menu/banner_artwork.png'); $imgbin{banner_soundtrack} = add_image('menu/banner_soundtrack.png'); $imgbin{banner_cpucontrol} = add_image('menu/banner_cpucontrol.png'); $imgbin{banner_leveleditor} = add_image('menu/banner_leveleditor.png'); print_step('.'); #- temporarily desactivate the intro storyboard because it's not finished yet #- $imgbin{frozen} = add_image('intro/txt_frozen.png'); #- $imgbin{bubble} = add_image('intro/txt_bubble.png'); #- $imgbin{intro_penguin_imgs}->{$_} = add_image("intro/intro_$_.png") foreach 1..19; local @PLAYERS = qw(p1 p2); #- load all images even if -so commandline option was passed iter_players { $imgbin{hurry}{$::p} = add_image("hurry_$::p.png"); $pinguin{$::p}{normal} = [ map { add_image($_) } ("pinguins/base_$::p.png", map { "pinguins/base_$::p"."_extra_0$_.png" } (1..3)) ]; $pinguin{$::p}{sleep} = [ add_image("pinguins/sleep_$::p.png") ]; $pinguin{$::p}{left} = [ add_image("pinguins/move_left_$::p.png") ]; $pinguin{$::p}{right} = [ add_image("pinguins/move_right_$::p.png") ]; $pinguin{$::p}{action} = [ add_image("pinguins/action_$::p.png") ]; $pinguin{$::p}{win} = [ map { add_image("pinguins/$::p"."_win_$_.png") } qw(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6) ]; $pinguin{$::p}{win_roll_back_index} = 4; $pinguin{$::p}{lose} = [ map { add_image("pinguins/$::p"."_loose_$_.png") } qw(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) ]; $pinguin{$::p}{lose_roll_back_index} = 5; $pinguin{$::p}{win} = [ map { add_image("pinguins/$::p"."_win_$_.png") } qw(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6) ]; $pinguin{$::p}{walkright} = [ map { add_image("pinguins/$::p"."_dg_walk_0$_.png") } qw(1 2 3 4 5 6) ]; $imgbin{win}{$::p} = add_image("win_panel_$::p.png"); $pdata{$::p}{score} = 0; }; print_step('] '); $lev_number = 0; print_step("[Levels] "); load_levelset("$FPATH/data/levels"); if ($mixer eq 'SOUND_DISABLED') { $mixer_enabled = $mixer = undef; } else { $mixer_enabled = init_sound(); } fb_c_stuff::init_effects($FPATH); print "Ready.\n"; } sub open_level($) { my ($level) = @_; $level eq 'WON' and $level = $lev_number; @{$levels{$level}} or die "No such level or void level ($level).\n"; foreach my $l (@{$levels{$level}}) { iter_players { my $img = $l->{img_num} =~ /^\d+$/ ? $bubbles_images[$l->{img_num}] : $bubbles_anim{lose}; real_stick_bubble(create_bubble_given_img($img), $l->{cx}, $l->{cy}, $::p, 0); }; } } sub grab_key($) { my ($unicode) = @_; my $keyp; do { $event->wait; if ($event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { $keyp = $unicode ? ($event->key_unicode || $event->key_sym) : $event->key_sym; } } while ($event->type != SDL_KEYDOWN); do { $event->wait } while ($event->type != SDL_KEYUP); return $keyp; } sub display_highscores() { $imgbin{back_hiscores}->blit($apprects{main}, $app, $apprects{main}); $display_on_app_disabled = 1; @PLAYERS = ('p1'); %POS = %POS_1P; $POS{top_limit} = $POS{init_top_limit}; my $initial_high_posx = 90; my ($high_posx, $high_posy) = ($initial_high_posx, 68); my $high_rect = SDL::Rect->new('-x' => $POS{p1}{left_limit} & 0xFFFFFFFC, '-y' => $POS{top_limit} & 0xFFFFFFFC, '-width' => ($POS{p1}{right_limit}-$POS{p1}{left_limit}) & 0xFFFFFFFC, -height => ($POS{'initial_bubble_y'}-$POS{top_limit}-10) & 0xFFFFFFFC); $font = SDL::Font->new("$FPATH/gfx/font-hi.png"); my $centered_print = sub($$$) { my ($x, $y, $txt) = @_; $app->print($x+($imgbin{hiscore_frame}->width-SDL_TEXTWIDTH(uc($txt)))/2 - 6, $y+$imgbin{hiscore_frame}->height - 8, uc($txt)); }; my $old_levelset = $loaded_levelset; foreach my $high (ordered_highscores()) { iter_players { @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}} = (); @{$root_bubbles{$::p}} = (); $pdata{$::p}{newrootlevel} = 0; $pdata{$::p}{oddswap} = 0; }; $imgbin{back_1p}->blit($high_rect, $background, $high_rect); # try to get it from the default-levelset. If we can't, default to the # last level in the default levelset if (!$high->{piclevel}) { $loaded_levelset ne "$FPATH/data/levels" and load_levelset("$FPATH/data/levels"); # handle the case where the user has edited/created a levelset with more levels # than the default levelset and then got a high score if ($high->{level} > $lev_number) { open_level($lev_number); } else { open_level($high->{level}); } } else { # this is the normal case. just load the level that the file tells us if ($loaded_levelset ne "$FPATH/.fbhighlevelshistory") { load_levelset("$FPATH/.fbhighlevelshistory"); } open_level($high->{piclevel}); } put_image($imgbin{hiscore_frame}, $high_posx - 7, $high_posy - 6); if ($SDL::VERSION >= 1.20) { fb_c_stuff::shrink($$app, ${($background)->display_format()}, $high_posx, $high_posy, $$high_rect, 4); } else { fb_c_stuff::shrink($app->{-surface}, $background->display_format->{-surface}, $high_posx, $high_posy, $high_rect->{-rect}, 4); } $centered_print->($high_posx, $high_posy, $high->{name}); $centered_print->($high_posx, $high_posy+20, $high->{level} eq 'WON' ? "WON!" : "LVL-".$high->{level}); my $min = int($high->{time}/60); my $sec = int($high->{time} - $min*60); length($sec) == 1 and $sec = "0$sec"; $centered_print->($high_posx, $high_posy+40, "$min'$sec''"); $high_posx += 98; $high_posx > 550 and $high_posx = $initial_high_posx, $high_posy += 175; $high_posy > 440 and last; } load_levelset($old_levelset); $app->flip; $display_on_app_disabled = 0; $font = SDL::Font->new("$FPATH/gfx/font.png"); $event->pump while ($event->poll != 0); grab_key(0); } sub keysym_to_char($) { my ($key) = @_; eval("$key eq SDLK_$_") and return uc($_) foreach @fbsyms::syms } sub ask_from($) { my ($w) = @_; # $w->{intro} = [ 'text_intro_line1', 'text_intro_line2', ... ] # $w->{entries} = [ { q => 'question1?', a => \$var_answer1, f => 'flags' }, {...} ] flags: ONE_CHAR # $w->{outro} = 'text_outro_uniline' # $w->{erase_background} = $background_right_one my $xpos_panel = (640-$imgbin{void_panel}->width)/2; my $ypos_panel = (480-$imgbin{void_panel}->height)/2; put_image($imgbin{void_panel}, $xpos_panel, $ypos_panel); my $xpos; my $ypos = $ypos_panel + 5; foreach my $i (@{$w->{intro}}) { if ($i) { my $xpos = (640-SDL_TEXTWIDTH($i))/2; $app->print($xpos, $ypos, $i); } $ypos += 22; } $ypos += 3; my $ok = 1; entries: foreach my $entry (@{$w->{entries}}) { $xpos = (640-$imgbin{void_panel}->width)/2 + 120 - SDL_TEXTWIDTH($entry->{'q'})/2; $app->print($xpos, $ypos, $entry->{'q'}); $app->flip; my $srect_mulchar_redraw = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $imgbin{void_panel}->width, -height => 30, -x => $xpos + 140 - $xpos_panel, '-y' => $ypos - $ypos_panel); my $drect_mulchar_redraw = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $imgbin{void_panel}->width, -height => 30, -x => $xpos + 140, '-y' => $ypos); my $txt; while (1) { my $k = grab_key($entry->{f} !~ 'ONE_CHAR'); $k == SDLK_ESCAPE and $ok = 0, last entries; play_sound('typewriter'); if ($entry->{f} =~ 'ONE_CHAR' || $k != SDLK_RETURN) { my $x_echo = (640-$imgbin{void_panel}->width)/2 + 230; if ($entry->{f} =~ 'ONE_CHAR') { $txt = $k; $app->print($x_echo, $ypos, keysym_to_char($k)); } else { $k = keysym_to_char($k); length($k) == 1 && length($txt) < 8 and $txt .= $k; member($k, qw(BACKSPACE DELETE LEFT)) and $txt =~ s/.$//; $imgbin{void_panel}->blit($srect_mulchar_redraw, $app, $drect_mulchar_redraw); $app->print($x_echo, $ypos, $txt); } $app->flip; } $entry->{f} =~ 'ONE_CHAR' || $k == SDLK_RETURN and last; } $entry->{answer} = $txt; $ypos += 22; } if ($ok) { ${$_->{a}} = $_->{answer} foreach @{$w->{entries}}; $xpos = (640-SDL_TEXTWIDTH($w->{outro}))/2; $ypos = (480+$imgbin{void_panel}->height)/2 - 35; $app->print($xpos, $ypos, $w->{outro}); $app->flip; play_sound('menu_selected'); sleep 1; } else { play_sound('cancel'); } exists $w->{erase_background} and erase_image_from($imgbin{void_panel}, $xpos_panel, $ypos_panel, $w->{erase_background}); $app->flip; $event->pump while ($event->poll != 0); } sub new_game() { $display_on_app_disabled = 1; my $backgr; if (is_2p_game()) { $backgr = $imgbin{back_2p}; %POS = %POS_2P; $TIME_APPEARS_NEW_ROOT = 11; $TIME_HURRY_WARN = 250; $TIME_HURRY_MAX = 375; } elsif (is_1p_game()) { $backgr = $imgbin{back_1p}; %POS = %POS_1P; $TIME_APPEARS_NEW_ROOT = 8; $TIME_HURRY_WARN = 400; $TIME_HURRY_MAX = 525; $POS{top_limit} = $POS{init_top_limit}; $pdata{$PLAYERS[0]}{score} = $levels{current} || "RANDOM"; } else { die "oops"; } $backgr->blit($apprects{main}, $background_orig, $apprects{main}); $background_orig->blit($apprects{main}, $background, $apprects{main}); iter_players { $actions{$::p}{$_} = 0 foreach qw(left right fire center); $angle{$::p} = $PI/2; @{$sticked_bubbles{$::p}} = (); @{$malus_bubble{$::p}} = (); @{$root_bubbles{$::p}} = (); @{$falling_bubble{$::p}} = (); @{$exploding_bubble{$::p}} = (); @{$chains{$::p}{falling_chained}} = (); %{$chains{$::p}{chained_bubbles}} = (); $launched_bubble{$::p} = undef; $sticking_bubble{$::p} = undef; $pdata{$::p}{$_} = 0 foreach qw(newroot newroot_prelight oddswap malus hurry newrootlevel); $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{img} = 0; $pdata{$::p}{ping_right}{state} = 'normal'; $apprects{$::p} = SDL::Rect->new('-x' => $POS{$::p}{left_limit}, '-y' => $POS{top_limit}, -width => $POS{$::p}{right_limit}-$POS{$::p}{left_limit}, -height => $POS{'initial_bubble_y'}-$POS{top_limit}); }; print_scores($background); is_1p_game() and print_compressor(); if ($levels{current}) { open_level($levels{current}); } else { foreach my $cy (0 .. 4) { foreach my $cx (0 .. (6 + even($cy))) { my $b = create_bubble(); real_stick_bubble($b, $cx, $cy, $PLAYERS[0], 0); #- this doesn't map well to the 'iter_players' subroutine.. is_2p_game() and real_stick_bubble(create_bubble_given_img($b->{img}), $cx, $cy, $PLAYERS[1], 0); } } } $next_bubble{$PLAYERS[0]} = create_bubble($PLAYERS[0]); # $next_bubble{$PLAYERS[0]} = create_bubble_given_img($bubbles_images[5]); generate_new_bubble($PLAYERS[0]); if (is_2p_game()) { $next_bubble{$PLAYERS[1]} = create_bubble_given_img($tobe_launched{$PLAYERS[0]}->{img}); generate_new_bubble($PLAYERS[1], $next_bubble{$PLAYERS[0]}->{img}); } if ($graphics_level == 1) { $background->blit($apprects{main}, $app, $apprects{main}); $app->flip; } else { if ($SDL::VERSION >= 1.20) { fb_c_stuff::effect($$app, ${($background)->display_format()}); } else { fb_c_stuff::effect($app->{-surface}, $background->display_format->{-surface}); } } $display_on_app_disabled = 0; $mixer_enabled && $mixer && @playlist && !$mixer->playing_music and play_music('dummy', 0); $event->pump while ($event->poll != 0); $pdata{state} = 'game'; } sub new_game_once() { is_1p_game() && $levels{current} and choose_levelset(); if (is_2p_game() && $graphics_level > 1) { my $answ; ask_from({ intro => [ '2-PLAYER GAME', '', '', 'ENABLE CHAIN-REACTION?', '' ], entries => [ { 'q' => 'Y OR N?', 'a' => \$answ, f => 'ONE_CHAR' } ], outro => 'ENJOY THE GAME!' }); $chainreaction = $answ == SDLK_y; #;; } play_music(is_1p_game() ? 'main1p' : 'main2p'); } sub lvl_cmp($$) { $_[0] eq 'WON' ? ($_[1] eq 'WON' ? 0 : 1) : ($_[1] eq 'WON' ? -1 : $_[0] <=> $_[1]) } sub ordered_highscores() { return sort { lvl_cmp($b->{level}, $a->{level}) || $a->{time} <=> $b->{time} } @$HISCORES } sub handle_new_hiscores() { is_1p_game() && $levels{current} or return; my @ordered = ordered_highscores(); my $worst = pop @ordered; my $total_seconds = ($app->ticks - $time_1pgame)/1000; if (@$HISCORES == 10 && (lvl_cmp($levels{current}, $worst->{level}) == -1 || lvl_cmp($levels{current}, $worst->{level}) == 0 && $total_seconds > $worst->{time})) { return; } play_sound('applause'); append_highscore_level(); my %new_entry; $new_entry{level} = $levels{current}; $new_entry{time} = $total_seconds; $new_entry{piclevel} = count_highscorehistory_levels(); ask_from({ intro => [ 'CONGRATULATIONS!', "YOU HAVE A HIGHSCORE!", '' ], entries => [ { 'q' => 'YOUR NAME?', 'a' => \$new_entry{name} } ], outro => 'GREAT GAME!', erase_background => $background, }); return if $new_entry{name} eq ''; push @$HISCORES, \%new_entry; if (@$HISCORES == 11) { my @high = ordered_highscores(); pop @high; $HISCORES = \@high; } output($hiscorefile, Data::Dumper->Dump([$HISCORES], [qw(HISCORES)])); display_highscores(); } # append the new highscore to the .fbhighlevelshistory sub append_highscore_level() { my $row_numb = 0; my $lvl = 1; my @contents; foreach my $line (cat_($loaded_levelset)) { if ($line !~ /\S/) { if ($row_numb) { $lvl++; $row_numb = 0; } } else { $row_numb++; $lvl == ($levels{current} eq 'WON' ? (keys %levels)-1 : $levels{current}) and push @contents, $line; } } append_to_file("$FPATH/.fbhighlevelshistory", @contents, "\n\n"); } sub count_highscorehistory_levels() { my $cnt = 0; my $row_numb = 0; foreach my $line (cat_("$FPATH/.fbhighlevelshistory")) { if ($line !~ /\S/) { if ($row_numb) { $cnt++; $row_numb = 0; } } else { $row_numb++; } } return $cnt; } #- ----------- mainloop --------------------------------------------------- sub maingame() { my $synchro_ticks = $app->ticks; handle_graphics(\&erase_image); update_game(); handle_graphics(\&put_image); $app->update(@update_rects); @update_rects = (); my $to_wait = $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED - ($app->ticks - $synchro_ticks); $to_wait > 0 and fb_c_stuff::fbdelay($to_wait); } #- ----------- intro stuff ------------------------------------------------ sub intro() { my %storyboard = ( sleeping => { start => { type => 'time', value => 0 }, type => 'penguin', animations => [ qw(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2) ], }, music => { start => { type => 'time', value => 1 } }, bubble_fall1 => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x01 }, type => 'bubble_falling', img => 2, xpos => 200, xaccel => -1.5 }, bubble_fall2 => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x02 }, type => 'bubble_falling', img => 3, xpos => 350, xaccel => 1 }, bubble_fall3 => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x03 }, type => 'bubble_falling', img => 4, xpos => 400, xaccel => 2 }, eyes_moving => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x21 }, type => 'penguin', animations => [ qw(8 9 10 11 12 11 10 9) ], }, arms_moving => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x22 }, type => 'penguin', animations => [ qw(12 13 14 15 14 13) ], }, fear => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x31 }, type => 'penguin', animations => [ qw(15 16 17 18 19 18 17 16) ], }, txt_frozen_arriving => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x31 }, type => 'bitmap_animation', img => $imgbin{frozen}, finalpos => { x => 300, 'y' => 100 }, factor => 1, }, txt_bubble_arriving => { start => { type => 'synchro', value => 0x32 }, type => 'bitmap_animation', img => $imgbin{bubble}, finalpos => { x => 340, 'y' => 155 }, factor => 4, }, ); my %sb_params = ( animation_speed => 20 ); my $start_menu; my ($slowdown_number, $slowdown_frame); return menu(0); #- temporarily desactivate the intro storyboard because it's not finished yet if ($mixer_enabled && $mixer) { play_music('intro'); $mixer->pause_music; my $back_start = SDL::Surface->new(-name => "$FPATH/intro/back_intro.png"); $back_start->blit($apprects{main}, $app, $apprects{main}); $app->flip; my $penguin; my @bubbles_falling; my @bitmap_animations; my $anim_step = -1; my $start_time = $app->ticks; my $current_time = $start_time; while (!$start_menu) { my $synchro_ticks = $app->ticks; my $current_time_ = int(($app->ticks - $start_time)/1000); my $anim_step_ = fb_c_stuff::get_synchro_value(); if ($anim_step_ != $anim_step || $current_time_ != $current_time) { $anim_step = $anim_step_; $current_time = $current_time_; printf "Anim step: %12s Time: <$current_time>\n", sprintf "<0x%02x>", $anim_step; foreach my $evt (keys %storyboard) { next if $storyboard{$evt}->{already}; if ($storyboard{$evt}->{start}->{type} eq 'time' && $storyboard{$evt}->{start}->{value} <= $current_time || $storyboard{$evt}->{start}->{type} eq 'synchro' && $storyboard{$evt}->{start}->{value} eq $anim_step) { $storyboard{$evt}->{already} = 1; print "*** Starting <$evt>\n"; $evt eq 'music' and $mixer->resume_music; if ($storyboard{$evt}->{type} eq 'penguin') { $penguin = { animations => $storyboard{$evt}->{animations}, current_anim => 0, anim_step => $sb_params{animation_speed} }; } if ($storyboard{$evt}->{type} eq 'bubble_falling') { push @bubbles_falling, { img => $bubbles_images[$storyboard{$evt}->{img}], 'y' => 0, speed => 3, x => $storyboard{$evt}->{xpos}, xaccel => $storyboard{$evt}->{xaccel} }; } if ($storyboard{$evt}->{type} eq 'bitmap_animation') { push @bitmap_animations, { img => $storyboard{$evt}->{img}, 'y' => 0, x => $storyboard{$evt}->{finalpos}->{x}, finaly => $storyboard{$evt}->{finalpos}->{'y'}, factor => $storyboard{$evt}->{factor}, }; } } } $anim_step == 0x09 and $start_menu = 1; } if ($penguin) { $penguin->{anim_step}++; if ($penguin->{anim_step} >= $sb_params{animation_speed}) { my $img_number = ${$penguin->{animations}}[$penguin->{current_anim}]; erase_image_from($imgbin{intro_penguin_imgs}->{$img_number}, 260, 293, $back_start); $penguin->{anim_step} = 0; $penguin->{current_anim}++; $penguin->{current_anim} == @{$penguin->{animations}} and $penguin->{current_anim} = 0; $img_number = ${$penguin->{animations}}[$penguin->{current_anim}]; put_image($imgbin{intro_penguin_imgs}->{$img_number}, 260, 293); } } foreach my $b (@bubbles_falling) { erase_image_from($b->{img}, $b->{x}, $b->{'y'}, $back_start); $b->{'x'} += $b->{xaccel}; $b->{'y'} += $b->{speed}; if ($b->{'y'} >= 360 && !$b->{already_rebound}) { $b->{already_rebound} = 1; $b->{'y'} = 2*360 - $b->{'y'}; $b->{speed} *= -0.5; } $b->{speed} += $FREE_FALL_CONSTANT; $b->{kill} = $b->{'y'} > 470; $b->{kill} or put_image($b->{img}, $b->{x}, $b->{'y'}); } @bubbles_falling = grep { !$_->{kill} } @bubbles_falling; erase_image_from($_->{img}, $_->{x}, $_->{'y'}, $back_start) foreach @bitmap_animations; foreach my $b (@bitmap_animations) { foreach (0..$slowdown_frame) { $b->{'y'} = $b->{'finaly'} - 200*cos(3*$b->{step})/exp($b->{step}*$b->{step}); $b->{step} += 0.015 * $b->{factor}; } } $slowdown_frame = 0; put_image($_->{img}, $_->{x}, $_->{'y'}) foreach @bitmap_animations; $app->update(@update_rects); @update_rects = (); my $to_wait = $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED - ($app->ticks - $synchro_ticks); if ($to_wait > 0) { $app->delay($to_wait); } else { # print "slow by: <$to_wait>\n"; $slowdown_number += -$to_wait; if ($slowdown_number > $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED) { $slowdown_frame = int($slowdown_number / $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED); $slowdown_number -= $slowdown_frame * $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED; # print "skip frames: <$slowdown_frame>\n"; } } $event->pump; $event->poll != 0 && $event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN && member($event->key_sym, (SDLK_RETURN, SDLK_SPACE, SDLK_KP_ENTER, SDLK_ESCAPE)) and $start_menu = 2; } } # if ($start_menu == 1) { # my $bkg = SDL::Surface->new(-width => $app->width, -height => $app->height, -depth => 32, -Amask => '0 but true'); # $app->blit($apprects{main}, $bkg, $apprects{main}); # menu(1, $bkg); # } else { menu(1); # } } #- ----------- menu stuff ------------------------------------------------- sub menu { my ($from_intro, $back_from_intro) = @_; handle_new_hiscores(); if (!$from_intro) { @playlist or play_music('intro', 8); } my $back_start; if (!$from_intro || !$back_from_intro) { $back_start = $imgbin{backstartfull}; $back_start->blit($apprects{main}, $app, $apprects{main}); put_image($imgbin{version}, 17, 432); } else { $back_start = $back_from_intro; } my $invalidate_all; my $menu_start_sound = sub { if (!$mixer_enabled && !$mixer && !init_sound()) { return 0; } else { $mixer_enabled = 1; play_music('intro', 8); return 1; } }; my $menu_stop_sound = sub { if ($mixer_enabled && $mixer && $mixer->playing_music) { $app->delay(10) while $mixer->fading_music; #- mikmod will deadlock if we try to fade_out while still fading in $mixer->playing_music and $mixer->fade_out_music(500); $app->delay(450); $app->delay(10) while $mixer->playing_music; #- mikmod will segfault if we try to load a music while old one is still fading out } $mixer_enabled = undef; return 1; }; my $menu_display_highscores = sub { display_highscores(); $back_start->blit($apprects{main}, $app, $apprects{main}); $app->flip; $invalidate_all->(); }; my $change_keys = sub { ask_from({ intro => [ 'PLEASE ENTER NEW KEYS' ], entries => [ { 'q' => 'RIGHT-PL/LEFT?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p2}{left}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'RIGHT-PL/RIGHT?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p2}{right}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'RIGHT-PL/FIRE?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p2}{fire}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'RIGHT-PL/CENTER?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p2}{center}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'LEFT-PL/LEFT?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p1}{left}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'LEFT-PL/RIGHT?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p1}{right}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'LEFT-PL/FIRE?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p1}{fire}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'LEFT-PL/CENTER?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{p1}{center}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, { 'q' => 'TOGGLE FULLSCREEN?', 'a' => \$KEYS->{misc}{fs}, f => 'ONE_CHAR' }, ], outro => 'THANKS!', erase_background => $back_start }); $invalidate_all->(); }; my $launch_editor = sub { SDL::ShowCursor(1); FBLE::init_setup('embedded', $app); FBLE::handle_events(); SDL::ShowCursor(0); $back_start->blit($apprects{main}, $app, $apprects{main}); $app->flip; $invalidate_all->(); }; my ($MENU_XPOS, $MENU_FIRSTY, $SPACING) = (56, 30, 51); my %menu_ypos = ( '1pgame' => $MENU_FIRSTY, '2pgame' => $MENU_FIRSTY + $SPACING, 'editor' => $MENU_FIRSTY + 2 * $SPACING, 'fullscreen' => $MENU_FIRSTY + 3 * $SPACING, 'graphics' => $MENU_FIRSTY + 4 * $SPACING, 'sound' => $MENU_FIRSTY + 5 * $SPACING, 'keys' => $MENU_FIRSTY + 6 * $SPACING, 'highscores' => $MENU_FIRSTY + 7 * $SPACING, ); my %menu_entries = ( '1pgame' => { pos => 1, type => 'rungame', run => sub { @PLAYERS = ('p1'); $levels{current} = 1; $time_1pgame = $app->ticks } }, '2pgame' => { pos => 2, type => 'rungame', run => sub { @PLAYERS = qw(p1 p2); $levels{current} = undef; } }, 'editor' => { pos => 3, type => 'run', run => sub { $launch_editor->(); } }, 'fullscreen' => { pos => 4, type => 'toggle', #act => sub { $fullscreen = 1; $app->fullscreen }, act => sub { }, unact => sub { $fullscreen = 0; $app->fullscreen }, value => $fullscreen }, 'graphics' => { pos => 5, type => 'range', valuemin => 1, valuemax => 3, change => sub { $graphics_level = $_[0] }, value => $graphics_level }, 'sound' => { pos => 6, type => 'toggle', act => sub { $menu_start_sound->() }, unact => sub { $menu_stop_sound->() }, value => $mixer_enabled }, 'keys' => { pos => 7, type => 'run', run => sub { $change_keys->() } }, 'highscores' => { pos => 8, type => 'run', run => sub { $menu_display_highscores->() } }, ); my $current_pos if 0; $current_pos ||= 1; my @menu_invalids; $invalidate_all = sub { push @menu_invalids, $menu_entries{$_}->{pos} foreach keys %menu_entries }; my $menu_update = sub { @update_rects = (); foreach my $m (keys %menu_entries) { member($menu_entries{$m}->{pos}, @menu_invalids) or next; my $txt = "txt_$m"; $menu_entries{$m}->{type} eq 'toggle' && $menu_entries{$m}->{value} and $txt .= "_act"; $menu_entries{$m}->{type} eq 'range' and $txt .= "_$menu_entries{$m}->{value}"; $txt .= $menu_entries{$m}->{pos} == $current_pos ? '_over' : '_off'; erase_image_from($imgbin{$txt}, $MENU_XPOS, $menu_ypos{$m}, $back_start); put_image($imgbin{$txt}, $MENU_XPOS, $menu_ypos{$m}); } @menu_invalids = (); $app->update(@update_rects); }; $app->flip; $invalidate_all->(); $menu_update->(); $event->pump while ($event->poll != 0); my $start_game = 0; my ($BANNER_START, $BANNER_SPACING) = (720, 80); my %banners = (artwork => $BANNER_START, soundtrack => $BANNER_START + $imgbin{banner_artwork}->width + $BANNER_SPACING, cpucontrol => $BANNER_START + $imgbin{banner_artwork}->width + $BANNER_SPACING + $imgbin{banner_soundtrack}->width + $BANNER_SPACING, leveleditor => $BANNER_START + $imgbin{banner_artwork}->width + $BANNER_SPACING + $imgbin{banner_soundtrack}->width + $BANNER_SPACING + $imgbin{banner_cpucontrol}->width + $BANNER_SPACING); my ($BANNER_MINX, $BANNER_MAXX, $BANNER_Y) = (81, 292, 443); my $banners_max = $banners{leveleditor} - (640 - ($BANNER_MAXX - $BANNER_MINX)) + $BANNER_SPACING; my $banner_rect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => $BANNER_MAXX-$BANNER_MINX, -height => 30, '-x' => $BANNER_MINX, '-y' => $BANNER_Y); while (!$start_game) { my $synchro_ticks = $app->ticks; $graphics_level > 1 and $back_start->blit($banner_rect, $app, $banner_rect); $event->pump; if ($event->poll != 0) { if ($event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { my $keypressed = $event->key_sym; if (member($keypressed, (SDLK_DOWN, SDLK_RIGHT)) && $current_pos < max(map { $menu_entries{$_}->{pos} } keys %menu_entries)) { $current_pos++; push @menu_invalids, $current_pos-1, $current_pos; play_sound('menu_change'); } if (member($keypressed, (SDLK_UP, SDLK_LEFT)) && $current_pos > 1) { $current_pos--; push @menu_invalids, $current_pos, $current_pos+1; play_sound('menu_change'); } if (member($keypressed, (SDLK_RETURN, SDLK_SPACE, SDLK_KP_ENTER))) { play_sound('menu_selected'); push @menu_invalids, $current_pos; foreach my $m (keys %menu_entries) { if ($menu_entries{$m}->{pos} == $current_pos) { if ($menu_entries{$m}->{type} =~ /^run/) { $menu_entries{$m}->{run}->(); $menu_entries{$m}->{type} eq 'rungame' and $start_game = 1; } if ($menu_entries{$m}->{type} eq 'toggle') { $menu_entries{$m}->{value} = !$menu_entries{$m}->{value}; if ($menu_entries{$m}->{value}) { $menu_entries{$m}->{act}->() or $menu_entries{$m}->{value} = 0; } else { $menu_entries{$m}->{unact}->() or $menu_entries{$m}->{value} = 1; } } if ($menu_entries{$m}->{type} eq 'range') { $menu_entries{$m}->{value}++; $menu_entries{$m}->{value} > $menu_entries{$m}->{valuemax} and $menu_entries{$m}->{value} = $menu_entries{$m}->{valuemin}; $menu_entries{$m}->{change}->($menu_entries{$m}->{value}); } } } } if ($keypressed == SDLK_ESCAPE) { # print "*** p1\n\n"; # history('p1'); # print "*** p2\n\n"; # history('p2'); exit 0; } } $menu_update->(); } if ($graphics_level > 1) { my $banner_pos if 0; $banner_pos ||= 670; foreach my $b (keys %banners) { my $xpos = $banners{$b} - $banner_pos; my $image = $imgbin{"banner_$b"}; $xpos > $banners_max/2 and $xpos = $banners{$b} - ($banner_pos + $banners_max); if ($xpos < $BANNER_MAXX && $xpos + $image->width >= 0) { my $irect = SDL::Rect->new(-width => min($image->width+$xpos, $BANNER_MAXX-$BANNER_MINX), -height => $image->height, -x => -$xpos); $image->blit($irect, $app, SDL::Rect->new(-x => $BANNER_MINX, '-y' => $BANNER_Y)); } } $banner_pos++; $banner_pos >= $banners_max and $banner_pos = 1; } $app->update($banner_rect); my $to_wait = $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED - ($app->ticks - $synchro_ticks); $to_wait > 0 and $app->delay($to_wait); } #- for $KEYS, try hard to keep SDLK_<key> instead of integer value in rcfile my $KEYS_; foreach my $p (keys %$KEYS) { foreach my $k (keys %{$KEYS->{$p}}) { eval("$KEYS->{$p}->{$k} eq SDLK_$_") and $KEYS_->{$p}->{$k} = "SDLK_$_" foreach @fbsyms::syms; } } my $dump = Data::Dumper->Dump([$fullscreen, $graphics_level, $KEYS_], [qw(fullscreen graphics_level KEYS)]); $dump =~ s/'SDLK_(\w+)'/SDLK_$1/g; output($rcfile, $dump); iter_players { !is_1p_game() and $pdata{$::p}{score} = 0; }; } #- ----------- editor stuff -------------------------------------------- sub choose_levelset() { my @levelsets = sort glob("$FBLEVELS/*"); if ($direct_levelset) { load_levelset("$FBLEVELS/$direct_levelset"); $direct_levelset = ''; } elsif (!@levelsets) { # no .fblevels directory or void directory, just return and let the # game continue (means that the level editor has never been opened) } else { if (@levelsets <= 1) { load_levelset($levelsets[0]); } else { FBLE::init_app('embedded', $app); FBLE::create_play_levelset_dialog(); SDL::ShowCursor(1); my $play_level = FBLE::handle_events(); load_levelset("$FBLEVELS/$play_level"); SDL::ShowCursor(0); } } } #- ----------- main ------------------------------------------------------- init_game(); $direct or intro(); new_game_once(); new_game(); while (1) { eval { maingame() }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /^new_game/) { new_game(); } elsif ($@ =~ /^quit/) { menu(); new_game_once(); new_game(); } else { die; } } }