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Text File | 1997-11-29 | 60.2 KB | 1,355 lines |
- Quake II ReadMe File
- I. Story
- II. Installation
- III. Setup
- a. Goal of the Game
- b. Game Structure
- c. Main Menu
- d. Game
- e. Multiplayer Menu Selection
- f. Video Menu Selection
- g. Options
- h. On-Screen Information During Gameplay
- IV. Getting Around Stroggos
- a. Movement
- b. Dying
- V. Multiplayer Quake II
- a. Join Network Server
- b. Start Network Server
- c. Player Setup
- VI. TCM Intel Brief: Classified
- VII. Technical Information
- a. System Requirements
- b. Release Notes
- c. About Direct X
- d. What is OpenGL? -
- About the Quake II 3D Accelerated Engine
- e. More on Quake II Video
- VIII. Customer Support
- IX. Credits
- ====================
- == I. The Story ==
- ====================
- Long shadows claw desperately away from your dusty combat boots, fueled by
- the relentless sun of a late Texas afternoon. Shading your eyes against the
- glare, you squint for the thousandth time at the line of soldiers ahead of
- you. It stretches on endlessly across the rubble, disappearing at last into
- the cool shadows of a troop carrier. Soon you'll walk up the ramp into the
- ship, climb into your one-man cocoon, tear through the interplanetary
- gateway, and smash down light-years away from the blowing sand and blasted
- ruins that surround the Dallas-Metro crater.
- "What the hell is taking so long?!" you snarl, slamming the battered barrel
- of your side arm, the blaster, against your scarred palm. "I've waited long
- enough. Time to kick some Strogg ass."
- Slightly rocking back and forth under the sweltering August sun, you spit
- out of the side of your mouth, rub your eyes, and think back to the day
- when the wretched creatures first attaced. Like flaming meteors, their
- crafts pounded into the Earth and unbelievably, these bio-mechanical
- aliens... these hideous cyborgs... swarmed out while their ships still
- sizzled with reentry heat. They killed or captured anything that lived. We
- figured that the Strogg were after our planet's resources: minerals,
- metals, and water: things like that. But their onboard storage facilities
- did little to disguise what they considered to be resources: fleshy limbs
- and organs for new cyborgs, and of course, food.
- The line moves. And moves again. Into the cool shadows at last. The
- assembled armies branch off into new lines divided by corps and unit.
- "I can't deal with this shit - what's the friggin' hold-up?"
- "Cool your jets, marine," Tokay mutters and smiles over his shoulder.
- "We'll all get a few Strogg heads to take home as souvenirs. I promise you
- that."
- "Yo, soldier, 3585." The medtech's voice startles you.
- "You in or out?"
- Competent hands guide you into the coffin-like opening of your Mark 9A drop
- pod: sleek, dark, and invisible to the Stroggos defense systems. One of the
- techs begins to drop the reinforced pod door. "Sleep tight, soldier.
- You'll see sunlight in less than six and a half hours. Not our sun, mind
- you." <SLAM>
- Pitch black except for the mild glow of your video readout system in front
- of you. You've done this a dozen times in the sim classes. No sweat. Just
- a few short hours to sleep, recharge, and then the moment of glory. But
- this time it's for real.
- It's also time to think. You recall your first official day of training,
- your unit commander discussing how these damn parasites made it to Earth
- and other nearby colonies in the first place. By employing our best
- satellites and long-range scanners, we learned how they traveled light
- years so quickly - the Strogg used these black hole-like gateways as their
- highway to heaven. We still don't know if they created these rips in the
- fabric of space and time, or if they simply discovered them by accident.
- Either way... it's just like opening the door to an all-you-can-eat
- restaurant for these bastards. In about two hours, we'll be entering the
- same interstellar portals, to hit 'em where it hurts... on their own turf.
- You close your eyes and relish this thought. Eventually, you nod off to the
- low hypnotic hum of the troop carrier.
- *Crackle* ... *fzzzz* ... "Greetings to the people of the Coalition. This
- is Flag Admiral Crockett, speaking to you from the bridge deck of Phobos.
- We are entering the outer orbits of Stroggos, the alien's home system. As
- we had postulated, Stroggos' atmosphere is harsh but breathable. We expect
- to make planetfall soon. Now is the time to switch on your debriefing panel
- if ya need it."
- "Boomer?" the voice crackles through every soldier's headset. "Drop X-ray
- squad
- in 30 on my mark. You copy?"
- "Roger that!" In another pod, your sergeant snaps back. "OK boys and girls,
- you see the clock on your heads-up. Two demerits for anyone who up-chucks
- during bounce and roll!"
- *Shthunk!!* Your drop pod is shot from the side of the carrier and hurtles
- downward. *Wheee-oooooo!* Incendiary atmosphere howls past the pod's
- rapidly heating shell. *Ka-WHUMP! * The pod wall suddenly buckles to your
- right, but stays intact. Another pod must have clipped yours on its way in.
- ECM didn't indicate enemy fire. Shit. Thrusters and stabilizing gyros are
- fading. Based on the pings, the other pods are pulling away. Below you, the
- large alien city roars into focus on the screen. But where are the other
- pods? They were there a minute ago.
- Suddenly, distorted radio chatter lights up, "Mayday! Mayday! Lost all
- power... shielding failed... missed dz... some kind of EMP is... kzzzt...
- us out. We're dropping like fli... zzzzkkkzzzt". Silence.damn! If the
- Strogg have electromagnetic pulse defenses and we failed to detect them...
- all of us are in the shitter. That HUGE blip has to be the Big Gun. You do
- a slow dogleg left as your navcomp finds a place to land when all of a
- sudden retros kick in and propel you south.
- "What the...?" Before you know it you skip across the lip of a crater and
- slam into a structure, a good distance away from your target. Dazed and
- bleeding from a head cut you toggle open the labeled arsenal bins and reach
- for where your gear ought to be stowed. Damn. Nothing but your sidearm.
- Damn again.
- You leap out the crushed pod door, alone, with blaster in hand, and tear
- off into the room with the bittersweet stench of vengeance coursing through
- your veins...
- ========================
- == II. Installation ==
- ========================
- To install Quake II on your system, insert the game CD into your CD-ROM
- drive and:
- 1. Double-click on Setup.exe at the root level of the CD, or
- 2. Go to Run... in your Start Menu and type d:\Setup.exe
- (substitute your CD-ROM's drive letter if different from "d:")
- Follow the on-screen instructions as they guide you through the
- installation process.
- ** Note: It is required that the Quake II CD be in the drive whenever you
- start a Single Player game.
- For updates to Quake II, please refer to www.idsoftware.com.
- ===================
- == III. Set Up ==
- ===================
- a. Goal of the Game
- --------------------
- The goals of Quake II are divided into a series of complex missions or
- objectives. During the game your field computer provides you with each new
- objective. It is important to regularly review this information. The Intel
- Brief section of this manual describes general information on your
- missions, environment, weapons, special items, and alien profiles.
- b. Game Structure
- ------------------
- Quake II contains eight large units, each with a number of levels to
- complete in order to proceed to the next unit. It is likely you will have
- to go between levels several times to accomplish a particular goal.
- Remember that once you leave a unit you cannot return unless you reload a
- saved game from that unit. Therefore it is important to review your field
- computer to be sure you accomplished all of your goals for that unit.
- ** Note on Units: If you wish to play a particular unit, without working
- your way through all the levels preceding that unit, you can. We do not
- recommend that you jump into the middle of the game or skip any levels,
- since Quake II was designed in a progressive manner, and each level is
- important to the unfolding of the entire game. However, if you want to
- just play through a particular unit, you can 'exec' a file which will
- launch the level and give you the appropriate weapons and ammo to start
- with for that unit. To do this, simply pull down the console by pressing
- the tilde ( ~ ) key, and type the following command for the respective unit
- you wish to start:
- To play : Type this command:
- Warehouse Unit exec warehouse.cfg
- Jail Unit exec jail.cfg
- Mine Unit exec mine.cfg
- Factory Unit exec factory.cfg
- Power Unit exec power.cfg
- Biggun Unit exec biggun.cfg
- Hangar Unit exec hangar.cfg
- City Unit exec city.cfg
- Boss Levels exec boss.cfg
- c. Main Menu
- -------------
- When you start Quake II, a demo sequence of the game will begin. At any
- time, press the Escape key to pull up the Main menu. Use the up and down
- arrow keys to navigate, and press the Enter key to select. Each Main menu
- function brings up a list of secondary menu items. If you have problems
- using the secondary menu selections, please refer to the message banner at
- the bottom of the screen or the online manual for technical details.
- GAME: Start a new game with a specific skill level, load, or save a game.
- MULTIPLAYER: Start a network server, join a network server, or change your
- character information.
- VIDEO: Select either Software only or one of several OpenGL modes, and
- adjust screen modes and settings.
- OPTIONS: Customize your keyboard, mouse, or joystick controls, adjust your
- audio, and change your game play control options.
- QUIT: Exit the game from here.
- d. Game
- --------
- Under Game, you can select a variety of skill settings that range from
- really easy to nearly unbeatable. Each skill setting adjusts reaction,
- health, power, and number of the monsters you'll face.
- Easy: This is meant for kids and grandmas
- Medium: Most people should start Quake II at Medium skill
- Hard: Here at id, we play Hard skill, and we think you should too, once
- you're ready.
- Load Game: Select Load Game to pull up the load game menu. The first name
- on the list is an auto-saved game. Selecting this puts you back at the
- start of the last level you entered. Use the arrow keys to move down to the
- game you wish to load and
- press the Enter key.
- Save Game: Select Save Game to access the save game menu. Using the arrow
- keys, move down to an empty slot, or one you don't mind writing over and
- press the Enter key to save. Quake II will generate a name for you with
- title of the level and the
- current time.
- d. Multiplayer Menu Selection
- ------------------------------
- There are two main ways to play Quake II with other people: LAN or TCP/IP
- over the Internet. This menu provides three options: Join Network Server,
- Start Network Server, or Network Server Player Setup. Please see the
- detailed multiplayer section below (V.).
- f. Video Menu Selection
- ------------------------
- Here are controls for changing your video driver, screen resolution or
- video mode, brightness, screen size, window or full screen mode, texture
- quality, and translucent settings. To change an option, simply arrow to
- that option, then press the right or left arrow keys to adjust. Then,
- after making all of your adjustments, arrow to 'apply' and press ENTER.
- You can also press enter when on an individual setting to make that option
- take effect immediately. When changing video settings, Quake II may blink
- from the screen, or the game console may appear. This isn't unusual.
- After a moment of this, the game should resume normally. Once you hit
- 'apply' to commit all of your changes, the game will reload the map to
- incorporate the new settings, and this will take some time as well.
- Video Driver: You have four choices under Video Driver. These are
- Software, 3Dfx OpenGL, PowerVR OpenGL, and Default OpenGL. As you can see,
- generally this breaks down into two choices: Software or some form of
- OpenGL.
- ***IMPORTANT: Your system may not support many of the video driver options
- provided by Quake II. If a selected video driver is unavailable Quake II
- will return to your previous selection or to a safe software mode.
- Software: If you are running under Windows 95, and do not have OpenGL
- supported hardware acceleration, Quake II will use this setting.
- OpenGL: With the assistance of OpenGL drivers, Quake II runs in 16 or 24
- bit color, with colored lighting effects, cleaner graphics, and improved
- translucency. Please refer to the file 'release.txt' or 'Release
- Notes.doc' in the '\quake\docs' directory on your hard drive for the latest
- required driver numbers.
- 3Dfx OpenGL: Use the 3Dfx OpenGL driver on systems that possess a 3Dfx
- Voodoo and Voodoo Rush accelerator.
- PowerVR OpenGL: Use the PowerVR OpenGL driver on systems running Windows
- 95 with a PowerVR PCX2 board installed.
- System OpenGL: The System OpenGL driver allows Quake II to render using
- the default OpenGL driver installed in the system. Select this if running
- under Windows NT when using a 2D/3D accelerator other than those
- specifically supported in this menu.
- ***IMPORTANT: We do not recommend using OpenGL on systems that do not have
- hardware acceleration of OpenGL installed.
- Video Mode: Many video modes are available to you through this menu. Your
- system may not support many of the video modes provided by Quake II.
- Screen Size: The screen size slider controls the size of the game area on
- the screen. Reducing the screen size will usually result in higher
- performance.
- Brightness: The brightness slider controls the brightness of the screen.
- Its effects are immediate under software. When using OpenGL, select Apply
- after modifying the brightness.
- Fullscreen: This selects fullscreen or windowed rendering. Fullscreen
- mode availability is dependent upon the type of graphics adapter installed.
- Fullscreen software rendering requires the presence of Microsoft DirectX.
- Under OpenGL, fullscreen rendering uses the current color depth of the
- desktop.
- Texture Quality (OpenGL only): The texture quality slider determines the
- overall crispness of textures with OpenGL renderers. Better quality often
- results in lower performance.
- 8-Bit Textures (OpenGL only): 8-bit texture support is available on some
- graphics chipsets such as the 3Dfx Voodoo. Enabling 8-bit textures reduces
- visual quality in exchange for better overall performance.
- ***IMPORTANT: We recommend you use this setting if you have the appropriate
- hardware and want to increase the performance of Quake II.
- Stipple Alpha (Software only): Enabling stipple alpha results in faster
- performance when rendering transparent surfaces such as windows, water, and
- lava, but also results in reduced image quality when rendering transparent
- surfaces.
- Apply: Selecting this option "applies" any modifications you make to your
- video configuration.
- g. Options
- -----------
- Here you can adjust your audio settings, change your mouse options,
- customize your keyboard settings, and restore all your control settings to
- their defaults.
- SFX Volume: Using the left and right arrow keys moves the slider bar to
- increase or decrease the volume of your sound effects.
- Sound Quality: Select low quality for 11 kHz sound and high quality for 22
- kHz sound. Using low sound quality may increase the performance of Quake
- II on your machine.
- CD Music: Use the left and right arrow keys to turn CD music on or off.
- Turning the CD off will not change the performance of the game.
- Mouse Speed: This allows you to adjust your mouse sensitivity. The higher
- you set this the faster your character will turn in relation to mouse
- movement.
- Always Run: Set this to Yes if you do not want to hold down the Run button
- in order to move quickly.
- Invert Mouse: This gives your mouse "airplane-style" controls. This means
- that pushing the mouse forward "noses down" and pulling it back "noses up."
- Some people prefer this control technique.
- Lookspring: Returns your view immediately to straight ahead when you
- release the look up key, look down key or mouse look. Otherwise, you must
- move forward for a step or two before your view snaps back. Lookspring
- does not work while you are underwater.
- Lookstrafe: If you are using the look up or look down key, then this
- option causes you to sidestep instead of turn when you try to move left or
- right.
- Freelook: With this option enabled you no longer have to press the mouse
- look key to look up and down while using the mouse.
- Disable Alt-Tab: This will disable moving from Quake II to your Windows
- desktop by pressing the Alt and the Tab key.
- Customize Controls: Selecting this option will bring up a second menu that
- lists all of the game controls. Use the arrow keys to move through the
- list. Press the Enter key to select a control to change. Press the
- appropriate key or mouse button that you wish to use for that control. If
- you want to go back to the original controls, go to the previous menu and
- select Reset Defaults.
- h. On-Screen Information During Gameplay
- -----------------------------------------
- Status Bar: Your status is shown as icons floating in your view at the
- bottom of the screen. There is an indicator for your health, armor, ammo
- for the current weapon, and currently selected or readied item or weapon.
- When you pick up something new, an icon will briefly appear at the bottom
- of the screen with a picture of that item. To view all of your inventory,
- press the Tab key. Maximizing the screen (+ key) may remove the Status Bar
- from your viewing area. To get it back, simply press the - key.
- Messages: Quake II will talk to you from time to time. Some messages
- appear at the top of the screen. These are non-critical, and tell you that
- you've picked up an object, or you've died in an interesting fashion
- (multiplayer games). Certain messages will appear in the middle of the
- screen. These are always important, and you do not want to ignore them!
- Examples are "You Need the Red Key" or "Crouch Here," etc.
- Field Computer: Press the F1 key to access the field computer. This
- details your unit location, your primary objective, secondary or current
- objective, kill ratio, goals completed, and number of secrets found. When
- your field computer receives an update an icon will appear at the bottom of
- the screen. Be sure to regularly check the computer for information on
- progressing to your next objective.
- Console: Pressing the tilde key (~) will pull down the Console window.
- This is a special area that lists all of the game messages, and allows you
- to give Quake II commands that cannot be entered through the menu. For
- more information on the Console, please refer to the online manual.
- Inventory: Press the Tab key to access your inventory. Use the bracket ([
- ]) keys to move through the list. Your status information will update to
- show an image of the currently selected item. Press the Enter key to use a
- highlighted item or press the single quote key ( ' ) to drop an item.
- (Dropping items is only useful for multiplayer games.) Weapons and items
- are "readied" in this manner. For example, you can select or ready an item
- before engaging the enemy. Then at the appropriate time you can quickly use
- that item by pressing the Enter key.
- ===================================
- == IV. Getting Around Stroggos ==
- ===================================
- a. Movement
- ------------
- Walking: Use the four arrow keys or the mouse to walk around. To walk
- steadily forward, hold down the forward key (the up arrow or center button
- on the mouse). Turn left or right with the left or right arrow keys, or by
- sliding your mouse in the desired direction.
- Running: To run, simply hold down the left Shift key to increase your
- speed. If you prefer to always run during the game, open the Main menu,
- then the Controls menu, and select Always Run.
- Shooting: Tap the Ctrl key or the left mouse button to fire. Hold the
- shooting key down to keep firing.
- Looking Up and Down: The letters A and Z allow you to look up and down,
- respectively. Start walking forward and your line of vision will
- automatically readjust to the center position. You may also choose to
- select Free Look under the Controls menu which will allow you to move the
- mouse around as if it was your head movement.
- Swimming: While underwater, aim yourself in the direction you wish to go
- and press the forward key to go in that direction. Unfortunately, as in
- real life, you may lose your bearings while underwater. Use the jump key,
- normally the Space Bar, to kick straight up towards the surface. Once on
- the surface, tread water by holding down the jump key. To get out of the
- drink, swim toward the shore and you can either jump up onto the land or
- walk straight out if it is shallow enough. There is always a way out of
- water, but you may have to submerge even deeper in order to find it.
- Ducking: Press and hold down the C key to duck and move forward to crawl.
- When you release the C key, you will return to an upright position. It is
- also possible to avoid rockets in this manner. You may notice some aliens
- have learned this trick.
- Jumping: Tap the space bar to jump. You jump farther if you're moving
- forward at the time or if you're running. You jump higher if you're moving
- up a slope.
- Strafing: Hold down either Alt key while the left or right arrow key is
- pressed and you will side-step in that particular direction. This is
- perfect for avoiding incoming missiles, rockets, or gun blasts from enemy
- Strogg.
- Picking Up Objects: To pick up items, weapons, and power-ups, simply walk
- over them. If you are unable to pick something up, it means you already
- have the maximum amount possible for that object.
- Selecting Items in Inventory: Use the square bracket keys ([ ]) to cycle
- through items in your inventory. Press the Enter key to select a
- highlighted item.
- Dropping Objects: To drop an item, tap the square bracket keys ([ ]) to
- scroll through your belongings. When the desired object is highlighted,
- press the single quote ( ' ) key to drop it.
- Giving Items to Other Marines: To give an item to another player simply
- select it from your inventory and press the ' key. The item will then be
- tossed out for anyone to pick up.
- Talking: To communicate with other players in multiplayer, press the T key
- and type in your message. Press Enter when finished and your words will
- appear at the top of the screen. Look for a reply, unless your fellow
- troops have been disemboweled.
- b. Dying
- ---------
- Each time you enter a level Quake II automatically saves the game. When
- you die, press the Enter key to pull up the Load Game menu. Select the
- first game name on that list to restart at the beginning of the last level
- you entered.
- ===============================
- == V. Multiplayer Quake II ==
- ===============================
- Quake II's "Multiplayer" allows multiple players to enter a game together,
- over the Internet or on your local area network.
- The most popular way to play Quake II Multiplayer is a Deathmatch, which
- has no monsters, just player versus player! The goal of the game is to
- kill your opponents more often than they kill you. Each kill counts for
- one "frag", and if you kill yourself then you loose a frag, thus it's not a
- great idea to go swimming in the lava or juggle your own grenades.
- After you die, press the Space Bar to reappear, or "respawn", in the game.
- You'll be brought back at one of several random respawn locations.
- Throughout the map you will find different artifacts, such as weapons,
- ammo, health and powerups, that are needed to be successful at destroying
- your enemy. When starting a Quake II Multiplayer Server, you have the
- option of making weapons disappear when you pick them up and respawn after
- time (length of time depends on item), or they can be made to stay put at
- all times so your Deathmatch experience is a true fragfest!
- JOIN NETWORK SERVER - Allows you to search for and join a game.
- START NETWORK SERVER - Allows you to launch your own server.
- PLAYER SETUP - Allows you to customize your appearance.
- a. Join Network Server
- -----------------------
- Under the "join server" menu are two options that will help you locate and
- join in network games. The first is "address book", which is used to store
- and recall the IP addresses or hostnames of Internet servers. A good
- starting place for finding servers to add to your address book can be found
- at http://www.idsoftware.com/quake2/deathmatch. The second option you have
- is "search for servers", which will display a list of servers running on
- your local area network as well as any you have entered into your address
- book.
- To add servers to your address book, simply move down to an available spot
- and type in the hostname or IP address of the server. To join a server
- that is listed in your address book highlight that server and hit ENTER.
- To search for and connect to a server on your local area network simply
- select SEARCH FOR SERVERS, then press ENTER on any of the servers that
- appear under "connect to...".
- b. Start Network Server
- ------------------------
- The start network server menu option is for configuring and launching a
- Quake II server. There are many options in Multiplayer Quake II, which
- make the game behave differently. When you have finished choosing all the
- options listed below, hit ENTER on BEGIN to launch your server. Once the
- server is running other players can join your game.
- INITIAL MAP: This allows you to select first map for your Deathmatch
- server. The server will advance to the next map. What causes it to
- advance depends on the following two options.
- TIME LIMIT: Set the number of minutes that the game will run before
- advancing to the next map.
- FRAG LIMIT: Once any player attains this number of frags the game will
- automatically advance to the next map.
- FALLING DAMAGE: This determines whether or not you take health damage when
- falling from high places.
- WEAPONS STAY: Setting this to YES will make the weapons stay available,
- even after being picked up a player. This does not apply to other
- artifacts, such as ammo, health and powerups.
- INSTANT POWERUPS: Powerups take effect the moment you pick them up when
- this is set to YES.
- ALLOW POWERUPS: This option toggles whether powerups show up in the map.
- ALLOW HEALTH: This option toggles whether health shows up in the map.
- SPAWN FARTHEST: Switches between random spawning and spawning players in
- the furthest position relative to other players.
- SAME MAP: When the fraglimit or timelimit is reached, the map will not
- advance to the next map, but will start the current map over.
- FORCE RESPAWN: Forces the player to respawn 5 seconds after being killed.
- c. Player Setup
- ----------------
- These options will allow you to personalize your player character, thus
- changing how other players see you in the game. Once you are satisfied
- with your player settings hitting ESC will move you back up a level to the
- Multiplayer Menu, saving your player setup.
- NAME: This sets the name of your player. This way when you frag someone,
- they'll know who did it!
- MODEL: This allows you to select whether your player is a male or female.
- SKIN: Skins give your player a unique look. Quake II provides 10 female
- and 15 male player skins to choose from.
- HANDEDNESS: Switches your weapon between right and left hand views. Also
- allows a center aligned mode where no weapon is drawn. Center is often
- easier to aim, and because no weapon is drawn the game will run faster.
- A note on SERVERINFO: If you pull down the console (hit the ~ key) and
- type SERVERINFO you will get back a list of the current settings for the
- server you are connected to. This list includes such things as map name,
- server name, time and frag limits.
- NOTE: There is no cooperative multiplayer in Quake II. This may be
- implemented at a later date.
- ========================================
- == VI. TCM Intel Brief: Classified ==
- ========================================
- We have cleared the interplanetary gateway between Earth and Stroggos. In
- exactly three hours operation Alien Overlord will commence.
- As I speak to you, your pods are being fueled and all systems brought
- online. Activate your field computers. The following intel brief will
- provide you with your military objectives, terrain information, arsenal and
- equipment details, and enemy analysis.
- Never before has there been a greater challenge to life, liberty, and
- civilization. This is a crusade in which we will accept nothing less than
- victory. No matter how long it may take us to overcome the Strogg's
- barbaric assault, the people of Earth in their righteous might will win
- through to absolute victory. Today we will make very certain that this form
- of barbaric treachery shall never endanger us again. With confidence in
- you, and with the unbending determination of our people, we will gain the
- inevitable triumph - so help us God.
- So go forth and kick ass, soldiers!
- [Geography] The core of the Stroggos civilization is the capital city of
- Cerberon. The highly defended complex is built into the base of an enormous
- crater named Crater Majoris. Between the northern plains and the southern
- sea of Stroggos, Cerberon contains the major defense, communication, and
- political controls for the Strogg civilization. At the southern tip of
- Majoris is a second crater called Crater Minor. Crater Minor contains the
- defense base complex for the city of Cerberon.
- [Political Structure] The Strogg civilization is governed through a system of
- Warlords. Each is given strategic locations to command and control. A single
- leader, called the Makron, is chosen from the Warlords. He commands Stroggos
- from within the palace city located at the northern end of Cerberon. Losing
- him would leave the Strogg confused and in turmoil as the Warlords battle
- internally to determine a successor. This would remove any chance Stroggos
- has for creating a well-organized strike or defensive position.
- [Defense Systems] Guarding Stroggos is a defense system we refer to as the
- Big Gun. This defense system detects and destroys any ship over a few
- meters in length. Also, to protect against ground assaults, a deadly laser
- security grid surrounds the entire capital city.
- [Energy Resources] Bluish crystals called Steedium are the source for most
- of the energy that powers Stroggos. The energy gained from processing these
- crystals provides them with the power run their entire civilization as well
- as their planetary defense weapons systems (a.k.a. the Big Gun).
- Military Objectives
- Your primary objectives are to establish a communications uplink, destroy
- the planetary defense systems, disable the interplanetary gateway, and
- assassinate
- the Makron commander. Once the communication link is made, subsequent
- communications will guide troops to their primary targets, destroy targets
- of opportunity, and provide necessary ground support for the follow-up air
- strike.
- [Communications Uplink] Your first objective is to establish an uplink
- between command and the Strogg communication computers. These are in the
- exterior military base south of the main capital of Cerberon. This will
- enable continued communications, location information, and combat analysis
- beyond the base complex. Failure to establish this uplink is not an option.
- Once on the planet, the combat situation may change quickly. It is
- imperative that you regularly check your computer systems for updated
- orders.
- [Destroy the Big Gun] From the base make your way past the security systems
- and move north to destroy the Big Gun located on the southern outskirts of
- the city. Further intel will provide information to achieve this objective.
- [Disable the Gateway] Disable the interplanetary gateway between Earth and
- Stroggos. Shutting down the gateway will prohibit the Strogg from launching
- further attacks against Earth. It may be a long sleep back.
- [Assassinate the Makron] Finally, locate the Strogg commander somewhere
- within the capital palace.
- The Stroggos Environment
- The Strogg environment is in some ways like earth, but in many ways much
- more hostile. The Strogg use a number of standard systems for activating
- machines, opening doors, and using elevators. Their interface is easy to
- adapt to: walk to it, over it, or shoot it. Other elements of the world are
- much more hazardous and can be deadly.
- Buttons, Floorplates, and Levers: There are three ways to activate a
- switch.Touch it, walk on it, or shoot it.
- End of Unit Complex Symbol: The Strogg marked off areas to indicate a one
- way passage. Once you leave a unit complex you cannot return.
- Secret Doors: Some secret doors conceal secret passageways or military
- supplies. Most secret doors open when shot. Others open by activating
- floorplates, buttons, or levers.
- Doors: The majority of doors on Stroggos open as you approach them. If
- one doesn't open automatically, seek a button, floorplate, or key.
- Area Doors: Specific symbols indicate the exit to a given area.
- Secret Areas: The Strogg have concealed military supplies in different
- locations within the city. Recon your surroundings closely. Sometimes the
- slightest variation in the environment could mark the entrance of a secret
- area.
- Slime: All over Stroggos are pools of toxic waste from their refineries.
- This slime eats away at your flesh unless protected by an enviro-suit.
- Lava: Stroggos has large amounts of volcanic activity. Don't go anywhere
- near lava unless it is absolutely necessary. An enviro-suit won't help you
- much.
- Water: The water on Stroggos is safe enough to enter without needing an
- enviro-suit, but remember to come up for air periodically. Be careful of
- water currents.
- Traps: We know very little about the internal defense systems on Stroggos.
- Given their warlike nature and the importance of Cerberon to the Strogg,
- expect the environment to be deadly.
- Explosions: Found all through the city are explosive radioactive
- containers. Stay clear of them in a fire fight or you'll up in 46 little
- body bags. They're light enough to move, and short enough to jump on.
- Their explosive power can blow through weak areas in walls.
- Arsenal
- Explosions: Found all through the city are explosive radioactive
- containers.
- Stay clear of them in a fire fight or you'll up in 46 little body bags.
- They're light enough to move, and short enough to jump on. Their explosive
- power can blow through weak areas in walls. Press a number key or use the
- inventory to select a weapon.
- Blaster: This is the standard issue rechargeable energy side-arm. It does
- not require ammunition. Useful for taking down Guards as well as exploding
- barrels and setting off shootable buttons and secret doors. Keep one on you
- at all times.
- Shotgun: This uses shells for ammunition. The spread of the shotgun blast
- makes close combat more damaging, but long range attacks easier. Perfect
- for the less than proficient marksman. The shotgun is effective against
- Strogg Guards and Flyers.
- Super Shotgun: This is the uncompromising big brother to the Shotgun.
- Choose your shots effectively. The slow firing rate may only give you a
- few chances to bring down the enemy before he's able to engage you up
- close. It eats more shells than the Shotgun, but the show is well worth
- it.
- Machine Gun: Although this weapon is easy to use, its light weight allows
- for considerable kickback that will push your gun up. Fire in short burst
- until you can effectively steady your aim.
- Chain Gun: The chain gun makes mince meat out of your enemy, but requires
- an insane amount of ammunition. The long spin up and spin down time makes
- the chain gun most effective for sustained attacks.
- Hand Grenade: Twist the grenade to activate the fuse timer. The longer
- you hold an active grenade, the farther you'll throw it. Just remember to
- throw at some point. Throwing the hand grenade does not make a sound.
- Therefore the aliens can't easily trace it back to you.
- Grenade Launcher: The grenade launcher is useful for delivering firepower
- into hard to reach areas or clearing out potential ambushes. We do not
- recommend using the grenade launcher in confined areas.
- Rocket Launcher: The rocket launcher delivers heavy fire power to your
- target. Be careful not use this weapon in close combat.
- Hyper Blaster: A hyper blaster is an energy chain gun with no spin up
- delay. Its high rate of fire is incredibly effective at destroying the
- enemy and depleting your energy cells.
- Rail Gun: The Rail Gun fires depleted uranium slugs at super high
- velocities. Take note of the distinctive blue corkscrew trail of smoke
- caused by the projectile - or better yet, see how many scumbag Stroggs it
- goes through before it hits concrete.
- BFG: Big, uh, freakin' gun. This weapon redefines the word "wallpaper."
- Simply fire the BFG into a small room of unsuspecting Strogg and observe
- the new red paint job.
- Military Supplies
- Pick up these helpful items whenever possible. Some items take effect when
- picked up. You must select and use other items before taking effect.
- Ammo: There are five major ammo types: shells, cells, bullets, grenades,
- and rockets. Except for the blaster, you must have ammunition to use a
- weapon. Each ammo type has a maximum you can carry.
- Armor: There are three armor types: Flak Jacket, Combat Suit, and Body
- Armor. Each one provides a certain amount of protection against both
- normal attacks and energy weapon attacks. If you take enough hits, your
- armor strength depletes down to nothing. So seek out unused breast plates.
- Pick up and salvage armor that is not as good as your current armor to
- improve your armor health.
- Armor Shards: Special remnant of armors, which add a bit more durability
- to your existing protection.
- Energy Armor: This provides improved protection against energy weapons.
- While it is being used, it drains energy from your cells when damaged.
- Health: There are two types of standard health kits: First Aid and
- Medkits.
- Stimpacks: These provide an additional boost to your health.
- Silencer: This silences the discharge of any weapon.
- Bandoleer: Increases your carrying capacity for all ammunition except
- grenades and rockets.
- Heavy Pack: This allows you to carry more ammo on your back.
- Underwater Breather: This provides oxygen when submerged in liquids.
- Enviro-Suit: This protects you against damage from hazardous liquids, such
- as Slime.
- Quad Damage: The quad temporarily multiplies all your weapon's strengths
- by four times. Let the gibbing begin!
- Invulnerability: The invulnerability item renders you temporarily
- indestructible.
- Super-Adrenaline: This slightly increases your health permanently.
- Mega-Health: This provides a temporary but significant boost to your
- health, but will wear off after a minute or so.
- The Enemy
- Unlike humans, the Strogg aren't just one race. They represent a
- combination of captured and processed races; a bloody marriage between bone
- and metal, flesh and machine.
- Light Guard
- Description: Weakest of the three processed humans, armed solely with a
- simple blaster.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Easy
- Comments: Although their weapons may only sting, they may attack in packs
- or summon help from the big dogs.
- Shotgun Guard
- Description: These loyal troops have an automatic scatter gun prosthetic.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Easy
- Comments: He goes down easy, but packs a punch.
- Machine gun Guard
- Description: Bigger, meaner, and deadlier than above... with a machine gun
- for a right arm.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Easy
- Comments: They tend to charge in droves and have a sharp eye.
- Enforcer
- Description: Strong, muscle-bound warrior who dishes out chain gun speed
- damage.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: These bullies have one objective in mind, marine - to fill your
- body with as much lead in the least amount of time. They can take a
- beating, and are effective at ducking your ammo. Also watch out for post-
- mortem spray from their chain gun caused by a spasm in their arm. Split
- once you see one fall to its knees.
- Gunner
- Description: The fighting elite for the Strogg, outfitted with a powerful
- machine gun and an automatic grenade launcher.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: This cybernetic terror eats Mutants for breakfast before coming
- to work - on you. He does have one weakness, though. It takes a second for
- his hand to open up into the machine gun so take advantage of the brief
- delay.
- Berserker
- Description: He has a metal spike as one arm, a hammer as another, and
- moves very quickly.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: This bald mutha is one deadly freak. He may hit the dirt easy,
- but he'll get up and is relentless in his pursuits.
- Iron Maiden
- Description: Equally as powerful as the Gunner, this femme fatale has both
- an arm-mounted rocket launcher and flesh tearing claws.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: The cyber-bitch from hell... not the kind of girl to take home
- to mom.
- GLadiator
- Description: With two massively mechanized legs and one shoulder-mounted
- railgun, the Gladiator is the daddy of all the adapted humanoids.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium/Hard
- Comments: Once targeted, you have less than a second to sidestep or you're
- toast. Also watch for his lethal left-handed clamp grip.
- Parasite
- Description: Four-legged beast with a probe on its back. Once fired, it
- attaches itself and literally sucks the life from you.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: The Parasite makes Cujo look like Lassie on Prozac.
- Medic
- Description: As the name suggests, this threatening organism has the
- ability to awaken dead Strogg from eternal sleep.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: When he is not healing, the Medic moves about on two hydraulic
- legs, and is armed with a laser blaster that shoots at hyper speeds.
- Brains
- Description: A vicious cyborg abomination with life-stealing tentacles
- protruding from its chest during attack.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium/Hard
- Comments: Stay out of range of his dangerous tentacle attack.
- Barracuda Shark
- Description: The only creatures indigenous to water on Stroggos. Their
- blade-like teeth and spiked tail are capable of disemboweling you.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: They attack in packs, but generally go down easy. Just don't
- become too occupied with them that you forget to take a breath.
- Technician
- Description: An almost completely robotic brute, controlled by a brain
- that floats around inside it's metal body in a red preserving fluid. This
- creature moves about by hovering on four jets that sit under its body and
- is equipped with three weapons: a shocking prod, a flesh-ripping claw, and
- a laser blaster. Use energy armor if you've got any.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium
- Comments: The Technician is easy to hit, but takes a lot of damage. A
- good slap from your super shotgun at close range will make him keep his
- distance.
- Mutant
- Description: The Strogg refineries have spewed toxins into the ecosystem
- for untold decades causing this once docile creature to mutate into a
- fierce, fast, flesh tearing beast.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium/Hard
- Comments: Run.
- Flyer
- Description: A small two-winged monster, comprised of a controlling brain
- and a cyborg body that allows it to levitate.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium/Hard
- Comments: The Flyer moves fairly quickly, travels in packs, and each wing
- is a laser blaster.
- Icarus
- Description: Relies on a huge jet packed attached to its back, with laser
- blasters mounted into his shoulders.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Medium/Hard
- Comments: With its durable shell, swift maneuverability, and insatiable
- appetite for destruction, the Icarus is an aerial nightmare.
- Tank
- Description: Tanks have three weapons they use at random: an arm-mounted
- machine gun, an arm-mounted laser blaster, and a shoulder-mounted rocket
- launcher.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Hard
- Comments: Get in, take your shot, and get out. Repeat as often as
- necessary. These metallic beasts can endure massive gunfire.
- Tank Commander
- Description: These Tanks are a special class, designed to secure the Inner
- City from infiltrators.
- Defense/Weapon Analysis: Hard
- Comments: Consider planning your means of attack beforehand, rather than
- running into their view with your weapons blasting.
- =================================
- == VII. Technical Information ==
- =================================
- a. System Requirements
- -----------------------
- General Requirements
- * English Language Version of Windows 95 or NT 4.0 with 100% compatible
- computer
- system
- * Pentium 90 MHz processor (133 MHz recommended)
- * Memory:
- Win 95: - 16 MB RAM Required (24 MB recommended)
- Win NT 4.0 - 24 MB RAM Required
- * 100% Sound Blaster-compatible sound card
- * Joystick and mouse-supported (3-button mouse recommended)
- * Supports LAN and Internet play using the TCP/IP protocol
- Minimum Install Additional Requirements (Play from CD-ROM)
- * Quad-Speed CD-ROM drive (600k/sec. sustained transfer rate)
- * Hard disk drive with at least 25 MB of uncompressed space available
- Normal Install Additional Requirements (Play from Hard Disk)
- * Quad-Speed CD-ROM drive (600k/sec. sustained transfer rate)
- * Hard disk drive with at least 250 MB of uncompressed space available
- Maximum Install Additional Requirements (Play from Hard Disk)
- * Dual-Speed CD-ROM drive (300k/sec. sustained transfer rate)
- * Hard disk drive with at least 400 MB of uncompressed space available
- GLQuake II Additional Requirements
- * 24 MB RAM for all operating systems
- * GLQuake II supports some OpenGL 3D accelerator cards. Consult your
- hardware manufacturer to determine compatibility. Latest version of Glide
- (2.4x) drivers can be found at www.3dfx.com.
- b. Release Notes
- -----------------
- Please refer to the file 'release.txt' or 'Release Notes.doc', in the
- 'quake2\docs' directory on your hard drive, for last information regarding
- Quake II.
- c. About DirectX
- -----------------
- Please note: Before installing Direct X, be warned that doing so has been
- known to do unusual things to computer it's being installed on. Direct X
- is a MICROSOFT product and is an extension to your Operating System,
- Windows 95 or NT, it is not an id Software product.
- During the Quake II installation process the installer will determine if
- Microsoft DirectX 5 needs to be installed on your computer. If so, the
- Microsoft DirectX 5 setup program will ask you whether you would like to
- install the appropriate files on your computer. If you choose not to
- install DirectX 5, and you find that later you need to install DirectX 5,
- follow these directions. With the Quake II disc in your CD-ROM drive,
- install Microsoft DirectX 5 by right mouse clicking on the Quake II CD icon
- to get the Context menu. From that menu, select Install DirectX.
- Quake II utilizes the DirectDraw and DirectSound components of DirectX.
- Who makes DirectX and how can I contact them?
- Microsoft created DirectX. If the answer to the question you are looking
- for is not found on this page, you may want to contact Microsoft via mail
- at:
- Microsoft Customer Sales and Service
- One Microsoft Way
- Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA
- Microsoft can also be reached in the USA at (800) 426-9400, or
- internationally at +1(206) 882-8080.
- What is DirectX and why do I need it?
- Microsoft's DirectX 5 is an API (Application Programming Interface) set
- that increases the speed at which games play under the Windows 95 operating
- system. These APIs allow direct access to the enhanced features of hardware
- under Windows 95. With DirectX 5, a program has instant access to the
- hardware, allowing for advances in graphics, sound, video, 3-D, and network
- capabilities of games.
- Since Windows 95 and DirectX 5 are relatively new in the computer world and
- have not achieved compatibility with some older video cards, many
- manufacturers are releasing updated drivers for Windows 95 to meet the
- DirectX standard. If you are not sure about your video card's
- compatibility, consult the company that makes your video card.
- If the Microsoft DirectX Installer does not detect DirectX 5 on your
- computer, it can install DirectX 5 for you. After installation is complete,
- you will need to restart your computer in order for DirectX 5 to take
- effect.
- If you have other Windows 95 games on your computer, chances are you
- already have an earlier version of DirectX installed on your computer. In
- this case, if you choose to install DirectX the Microsoft Installer will
- overwrite that version with DirectX 5. The DirectX installation process
- will then be complete. You will need to restart your computer for the
- changes to take effect.
- If you already have DirectX 5 installed on your computer, the Microsoft
- DirectX 5 installer will detect it and not overwrite any DirectX 5 files.
- You will not need to restart your computer after installation in order to
- run Quake II.
- DirectX 5 should not affect any titles designed for the original version of
- DirectX. Should you encounter difficulties with DirectX 5, please contact
- Microsoft for further information.
- How do I check to see if my computer supports DirectX?
- 1. Place the disc in the CD-ROM drive and exit from any AutoPlay screens.
- 2. Double-click on "My Computer".
- 3. Right-click on your CD-ROM drive and choose Install DirectX.
- If any of the components of DirectX are not certified, please call your
- hardware manufacturer for the updated drivers that support DirectX.
- Here is a list of common questions and answers people have regarding Direct
- X.
- Q: I am having problems running Quake II and think it might be related to
- my Direct X installation. What should I do?
- A: If you experience problems running Quake II, try turning off the
- "Enable 3D Acceleration" option in the DirectX setup program. To disable
- 3D Acceleration, double click on the dxsetup icon located in Program
- Files\DirectX\Setup. Uncheck the option for 3D acceleration in the middle
- of the DXSetup window.
- Q: I have heard DirectX is not compatible with some video cards. What can
- you tell me about that?
- A: Windows 95 and DirectX are relatively new in the computer world and
- have not achieved compatibility with some older video cards. Many
- manufacturers are releasing updated drivers to meet the DirectX standard.
- Q: If I don't have DirectX, will Quake II install it for me?
- A: Yes. If the Microsoft DirectX Installer does not detect DirectX on
- your computer, it will give you the option to install DirectX. After
- installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer in order
- for DirectX to take effect.
- Q: If the DirectX Installer copied over a previous version, will the
- UnInstaller remove DirectX 5? How will this affect my other Windows 95
- games?
- A: DirectX 5 will remain on your computer and you will be able to run
- other Windows 95 games that use Microsoft's DirectX libraries. DirectX 5
- should not affect any titles designed for the original version of DirectX.
- Should you encounter difficulties with DirectX 5, please contact Microsoft
- for further information (address and phone number listed above).
- Q: How do I restore my video and/or audio drivers once DirectX has been
- installed?
- A:
- 1. Place the disc in the CD-ROM drive and exit from any AutoPlay screens.
- 2. Double-click on "My Computer".
- 3. Right-click on your CD-ROM drive and choose Install DirectX.
- 4. Choose the button that satisfies your need (e.g. Restore Audio
- drivers). This process will install your previous drivers and prompt you
- to restart Microsoft Windows.
- If you need further assistance, please contact your video card manufacturer
- directly.
- Quake II is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video, sound,
- and input capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA VBE video modes) are
- present, but has fallback functionality so it can run on any Win95 or NT
- 4.0 or later system, even if neither DirectX nor VESA VBE is available.
- You may experience problems running Quake II on some systems, because video
- driver and operating-system support for game functionality are not yet
- mature under Win32, and many bugs and incompatibilities remain in those
- components.
- d. What is OpenGL? About the Quake II 3D Accelerated Engine
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- The hardware world is changing so fast that it is impossible for us to
- test, or even list, every 3D accelerator card with GLQuake II support.
- While some cards work extremely well, we cannot guarantee that your card
- will work as expected.
- What is OpenGL?
- OpenGL is a low-level API (Application Programming Interface) that works
- with a compatible 3D video chipset to render top quality 3D graphics. Some
- of the features you will see while using OpenGL, and a compatible 3D
- hardware video accelerator, are 16-bit graphics, colored lighting, improved
- translucency and increased game speed.
- How GL Works:
- When you choose one of the GL options in the video selection menu, the
- executable relies on an OpenGL library created for a OpenGL supported
- chipset. In the video menu you can choose the 3Dfx GL library, the PowerVR
- GL library, or the default GL library that was installed with your card's
- drivers.
- If you would like to learn more about OpenGL check out:
- http://www.sgi.com or http://www.3dfx.com.
- If you are uncertain whether your card supports OpenGL or not, please
- consult your video card manufacturer.
- e. More on Quake II Video
- --------------------------
- Drivers
- The video menu currently allows you to select one of four rendering
- subsystems: software, system OpenGL, 3Dfx OpenGL, and PowerVR OpenGL. The
- software driver is available on all systems. The default OpenGL driver
- allows Quake2 to render scenes using the default OpenGL driver installed in
- the system. Typically this will be selected under Windows NT when using a
- 2D/3D accelerator such as an Intergraph Realizm or accelerators based on
- the Nvidia RIVA128, ATI Rage Pro, and Rendition V2200. Users should avoid
- using the default OpenGL driver if their particular system does not support
- hardware accelerated OpenGL operations. The 3Dfx OpenGL driver should be
- used on systems that possess a 3Dfx Voodoo or Voodoo Rush accelerator,
- including the Canopus Pure3D, Diamond Monster3D, Orchid Righteous 3D, and
- the Hercules Stingray 128. The PowerVR OpenGL subsystem should be used on
- those systems that are running Win95 with a PowerVR PCX2 board installed,
- such as the Matrox M3D.
- Future versions of Quake2 may support other rendering subsystems. At this
- time Quake2 does not support the Microsoft Direct3D proprietary API.
- Video Modes
- Quake2 supports the following video modes:
- * 320x240
- * 400x300
- * 512x384
- * 640x480
- * 800x600
- * 960x720
- * 1024x768
- * 1152x864
- * 1280x960
- * 1600x1200
- Availability of video modes will be determined by the type of graphics
- adapter installed and available system and video RAM. For example, boards
- based on the 3Dfx Voodoo chipset typically only support video modes of
- 512x384 and 640x480.
- ==============================
- == VIII. Customer Support ==
- ==============================
- Before contacting customer support, please consult the technical help file.
- It contains the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and
- may quickly and easily provide a solution to your difficulty. If after
- reviewing the technical help file you are still experiencing problems,
- please feel free to contact us through any of the services listed.
- So that we can better help you, please be at your computer and have the
- following information ready:
- 1. Complete product title
- 2. Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the
- problem
- 3. Your computer's processor type and speed (e.g. 486 DX2/66, Pentium 90)
- 4. Video and sound card make and model (e.g., Diamond Stealth 64 video,
- Sound Blaster 16 sound)
- Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support:
- * Internet: support@activision.com or http://www.activision.com
- * America Online: Use keyword "Activision" to locate the Activision forum.
- * CompuServe: 76004,2122 or [GO ACTIVISION]
- * Activision BBS: (310) 255-2146 Up to 33,600 Baud; Settings: 8 Bits, No
- Parity, 1 Stop Bit (8, N, 1)
- Note: Support for the multi-player component is provided on-line only.
- In the U.S.
- Fax: (310) 255-2151, 24 hours a day
- FaxBack: (310) 255-2153, 24 hours a day
- Mail: Activision, Customer Support, P.O. Box 67713, Los Angeles, CA 90067
- Phone: Call our 24-hour voice-mail system for answers to our most
- frequently asked questions at (310) 255-2050. Or contact a customer service
- representative at the same number between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00
- p.m. (Pacific Time) Monday through Friday, except holidays.
- Game Hints: To get all the hints for Quake II, just call (900) CALL-2-ID*
- or (800) ID-GAMES. Calls are 90ยข per minute (must use credit card via 800-
- ID-GAMES). *You must be 18 years of age or have parental/guardian
- permission to call 900-CALL-2-ID.
- id Stuff: Call (800) ID-GAMES to order other outstanding id Software
- games.
- In Australia & the U.K.
- For Technical Support:
- In Australia, please call 1902 962 000.
- In the U.K., please call 0990 143 525.
- If you have any comments, questions or suggestions about this game, or any
- other Activision product, you can contact us in the U.K. on 0181 742 9400
- between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. (U.K. time) Monday through
- Friday, with the exception of holidays.
- For Technical Support and Customer Service in areas not listed, please
- contact your local distributor or Activision via online. (Please note that
- online support is available in English only.)
- ===================
- == IX. Credits ==
- ===================
- John Carmack
- John Cash
- Brian Hook
- Adrian Carmack
- Kevin Cloud
- Paul Steed
- Tim Willits
- American McGee
- Christian Antkow
- Paul Jaquays
- Brandon James
- Todd Hollenshead
- Barrett (Bear) Alexander
- Donna Jackson
- Ending Cinematic by Blur Studio - Venice, California
- Environment models for Introduction Cinematic by Karl Dolgener
- Assistance with environment design by Cliff Iwai
- Sound Design by Soundelux Media Labs. Music Composed and Produced by
- Soundelux Media Labs.
- Level Music by Sonic Mayhem www.sonicmayhem.com
- "Quake II Theme Song" (C) 1997 Rob Zombie. All Rights Reserved.
- "Climb" by Jer Sypult
- Voice of computers by Carly Staehlin-Taylor
- Producer: Marty Stratton
- Marketing Product Manager: Henk Hartong
- QA Project Leads: John Tam, Doug Jacobs, Tim Vanlaw
- Quality Assurance Testers: Steve Rosenthal, Mike Spann, Winnie Lee,
- Steve Elwell, Derek Johnstone, Igor Krinitskiy, Ian Stevens, David
- Baker, Chad Bordwell
- Manual Written by: Marc Saltzman
- Thanks: Mitch Lasky, Sandi Isaacs, Michael Rivera
- Manual Design: Jackhammer, Dallas, TX
- QUAKE IIT c1997 Id Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by
- Activision, Inc. under license. QUAKEr is a registered trademark of Id
- Software, Inc. QUAKE IIT, the Id Software name, the Q IIT logo and the idT
- logo are trademarks of Id Software, Inc. Activisionr is a registered
- trademark of Activision, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are
- properties of their respective owners.