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- x-----------------------------x
- | Mystique: Ages in Time |
- | R e a d m e |
- | v 1.0 |
- x-----------------------------x
- 1. System Requirements
- 2. Getting Started
- 3. General Troubleshooting
- 4. Gameplay Issues
- 5. Ages In Time story
- 1. System Requirements
- ----------------------------
- Minimum System for smooth Low-Res Gameplay:
- Pentium 75 MHz and up
- 16 MB RAM
- Recommended System for smooth Hi-Res Gameplay:
- Pentium 133 MHz and up
- 16 MB RAM or more
- * Note - You will get slightly better performance if you run Ages In Time in DOS
- 2. Getting Started
- ----------------------------
- Ages in Time was designed so that it could be installed directly into your existing
- Duke Nukem 3D directory, without affecting the original game. Please follow the
- instructions below, based on the version of Ages In Time that you downloaded.
- For the Single File Installer Download:
- 1) If you downloaded agestime.exe, the file is a completely self contained
- windows installer. Place agestime.exe into a temp directory ie: c:\temp.
- 2) From the Windows 95 desktop, click START, then RUN, then locate
- agestime.exe in the temp directory, and double click on it. The install will
- then be started.
- 3) After a few minutes, you will see a cool graphic, and hear the title
- midi begin to play. Review the instructions on the first few screens.
- Click next to advance through each screen.
- 4) When prompted, locate the Duke Nukem 3D Directory that you would like
- to install Ages in Time into. Those should be the same directory containing
- your duke3d.exe file.
- Ages in Time is now being installed on your computer. When the installation
- completes, if you are running Windows 95, you will have an Icon on your
- Windows 95 desktop. A program group called Ages in Time will also be added
- to your Start Menu Program Group.
- If you are using Windows 3.1, no program groups are created. You can launch
- Ages in Time by runninging agesdos.exe from the duke3d directory that you
- installed Ages in Time into.
- For the Split File Installer Download:
- 1) If you downloaded the split file version of Ages in Time, each zip file
- should be extracted to a common temp directory. ie: c:\temp.
- 2) From the Windows 95 desktop, click START, then RUN, then locate
- setup.exe in the temp directory and double click on it. The install
- will then be started.
- 3) After a few minutes, you will see a cool graphic, and hear the title
- midi begin to play. Review the instructions on the first few screens.
- Click next to advance through each screen.
- 4) When prompted, locate the Duke Nukem 3D Directory that you would like
- to install Ages in Time into. Those should be the same directory containing
- your duke3d.exe file.
- Ages in Time is now being installed on your computer. When the installation
- completes, if you are running Windows 95, you will have an Icon on your
- Windows 95 desktop. A program group called Ages in Time will also be added
- to your Start Menu Program Group.
- If you are using Windows 3.1, no program groups are created. You can launch
- Ages in Time by runninging agesdos.exe from the duke3d directory that you
- installed Ages in Time into.
- For the Non-Install Single File Zip Download
- Extract the contents of the zip directly into the the same directory as
- duke3d.exe (or comparable filename on mac).
- To play Ages In Time on the PC version of Duke, run the agesdos.exe file.
- If you are running Ages In Time on the Macintosh, drag "Ages.grp" and
- "Ages.con" onto the MacDuke icon.
- 3. General Troubleshooting
- ----------------------------
- Ages In Time doesn't work at all:
- Ages In Time is for Duke Nukem 3D v1.4/1.5 ONLY.
- It will not work with any other version.
- Do NOT run Ages In Time using a Duke3d.exe or Duke3d.grp that has
- been modified in any way.
- Also Remember the system requirements 16 MB RAM -
- Ages In Time will likely not work with any less due
- to hi res enemies, detailed maps, and what not.
- If you get a Runtime Error 005 in the DOS Launcher:
- This is a bug we believe is fixed. If you encounter it, please report it
- in the Ages In Time Technical Q&A Forum (www.mystique.org) - If you do
- not get any response, email chrisday@bigfoot.com your problem.
- For any other technical problems, visit the Ages In Time Technical Q&A Forum
- at www.mystique.org - We will try to answer your questions as soon as
- we can.
- 4. Gameplay Issues
- ----------------------------
- I. Weapons -
- Weapon 1 - Plain Sword (replaces Duke Foot): Works on all enemies, powerful
- at close range, but you are vulnerable to all close range attacks.
- Weapon 2 - Sword Shooter: Not that powerful, but good at long range.
- Weapon 3 - Enchanted Ring: Shoots a powerful blast, a good weapon
- Weapon 4 - Hands of Light: Shoots rapid energy blasts at enemies. Another
- good long range weapon.
- Weapon 5 - Bow and Arrow: Shoots arrows at enemies. Requires good aim but
- very powerful.
- Weapon 6 - Gas Bombs: Powerful Explosion can kill, and if that doesn't, the poison
- gas cloud might.
- Weapon 7a - Lightning Spell: Shoots a beam which strikes whatever it hits with
- lightning. NOTE: Red Dragons are immune to this spell - Also DO NOT USE THIS
- UNDER WATER. The electricity will fry you instantaneously.
- Weapon 7b - Health Stealer: Shoots a beam that steals health from enemies and
- gives it back to you. Very effective, very cool.
- Weapon 8 - Crossbow: A Rapid fire of arrows. Extremely powerful if used right.
- Weapon 9 - Flaming Tripmine: If one stumbles upon the barbed wire, a powerful
- blast of death will deal fatal damage.
- Weapon 10 - Flame Spell: Shoots Flames. Pretty powerful. NOTE: Flames will shoot
- at a downward angle when you are stationary, straight when you are walking forward,
- and at an upward angle when you are running forward.
- II. Items -
- Lightning Spell - The difference between this and the lightning spell.. well..
- See for yourself :) This spell which can only be used once per pickup will
- spawn a massive lightning storm killing everything in the area. Be sure to
- run like hell as soon as you cast the spell so it doesn't kill you too. Will
- not work on bosses, and will fry you if you use it under water.
- Elixir - Replenish lost energy with this powerup.
- Protect Shoes - Protect your feet from harmful things like lava.
- Jetpack - NOPE! Not in this game ;D
- III. Enemies -
- Doppelgangers - Common enemies throughout many levels, but you may not notice it
- as they take various shapes, most likely of other enemies - Danger varies upon what
- form it is in.
- Sorcerers - They shoot a lightning spell at long range, and shock you at close
- range. Moderately Dangerous.
- Knights - Posing almost no threat at long range, knights can be killers up close.
- A blow from their sword will deal heavy damage. Keep your distance. Moderately
- Dangerous.
- Red Dragons - Fast moving and fire breathing. From long range, their fireballs
- can get you if you don't pay attention. At close range they will just dig into
- you and not stop. Very Dangerous.
- Black Dragons - Slow moving but large. A little bit harder to kill, but basically
- just slower and bigger than red dragons. Moderately Dangerous.
- Spiders - Found in dark areas, they can take you by surprise. Unless you really
- aren't paying attention, they can't do much damage to you. If there doesn't seem
- to be an end of them, you probably need to destroy their web. Lightly Dangerous.
- Eels - They wriggle around in the water, not very fast either. Pose very little
- threat when you have plenty of weapons.
- Bats - They fly around and get in your face at times. Barely dangerous.
- IV. Bosses -
- Sorceress - Her looks may fool you. She is a killer. Avoid her fire, lightning,
- and other deadly attacks. Yes, you must kill this lovely woman. Very Dangerous.
- 2 Headed Dragon - Hiding in its dark lair in a fiery cave, he is eager to kill
- a visiting guest. Try to use all of your weapons to your advantage and slay
- this mighty beast. Extremely Dangerous.
- Zaronis - The evil prince bringing pain and suffering to the world of Mystique.
- He will stop at nothing to kill you. This battle will decide it all..
- Absurdly Dangerous.
- V. Gameplay Q&A -
- If you are truly stumped by a level or think something is too hard, stop by the
- Ages In Time Gameplay forum at www.mystique.org
- 5. Ages In Time Story
- ----------------------------
- Here is the Ages In Time Story
- +====================+
- | Ages In Time Story |
- +====================+
- +-----------+
- | Chapter 1 |
- +-----------+
- A Dream of things to come.
- Darkness.
- And for a moment.. everything became still. The winds stopped, the air became stale, and all was at
- peace. Dimitrious looked around himself;
- seeing fields as far as the eye can see. He looked at the brilliance of the deep blue sky; and he saw it
- staring right back at him.
- Dimitrious screamed and fell to the ground "WHHHHYYY?" he cried to the heavens above. Then it
- occurred to him that no one had spoken
- to him at all; as if he knew what was going to happen.
- "You must...." echoed a voice throughout the clouds. "You are the only chance."
- Dimitrious wept upon the ground.
- "Lives were not meant to be lived.. but meant to be structured to serve a truly higher purpose."
- "But why must I serve this purpose? Why?" Dimitrious's tears slid the caked dirt down across his face.
- But the clouds did not answer. Everything remained still. Somewhere off in the distance; a low thumping
- noise began. Soon it seemed to multiply; and growing ever closer. Neighs came from far off in the
- distance.
- The voice came back once more; "They are coming Dimitrious; there is still time. Save yourself! Mount
- an army! THERE'S STILL TIME! THE AGES HAVE COME! THE AGES IN TIME!!" and the voice was
- gone.
- Over the hill; black knights on black horses charged towards where Dimitrious was lying. Dimitrious
- stood up and tried to walk, his body would no longer move.
- Dimitrious began to scream as the knights grew closer. One strange faced man seem to emerge from
- the mass of knights dressed as a prince. The man unveiled his sword; and began to charge at
- Dimitrious.
- Dimitrious tried to scream over the great racket of the charging battalion but nothing seem to come out.
- The strange figure rode closer and closer to Dimitrious; until he could make out some sort of symbol on
- this man's cloak.
- As the man closed in; Dimitrious still struggled to move and scream as he saw a blade go straight to
- his throat. His heart pounded; darkness.
- Dimitrious flung himself up; sweat clinging to his body, heart pounding, and breathing heavily. He looked
- around in the darkness and the heard the sounds of waves gently rocking against his boat.
- "Just an odd dream.." Dimitrious said aloud... "just a stupid dream." Dimitrious took his candle and got
- out of bed. As he turned to get a cup of water; he noticed something different about the far corner of his
- quarters.
- A strange symbol that looked like a 't' was newly engraved above his bed post.. darkness.. flashing...
- fields... and the strange man was there.. charging at Dimitrious with his sword.. and the symbol on the
- man's cloak....That was the symbol!
- Dimitrious's body shivered and he began to get goosebumps... He blew out his candle; and walked back
- to his bed. He lay there shaking, for an hour or so... before the waves eventually rocked him back to
- sleep. As he lay there in sleep he began to mumble...... " The ages are coming.. they're coming...they
- are here.. the Ages in Time...." and darkness came to Dimitrious once more.
- +-----------+
- | Chapter 2 |
- +-----------+
- Zaronis's Introduction
- Zaronis looked around the table at his loyal subjects approvingly, smiling at each one as his face
- studied each of them. Each of them making themselves merry with wine, were more than ready to agree
- with the prince. And when sobriety set in some might regret their past decisions, but it was to late to
- say anything then; and that is why Zaronis always supplied the wine.
- Zaronis looked out the window at the back of the room. Such a beautiful stained-glass window, with a
- nice second story view of the kingdom. Zaronis's train of thought was broken by a Butler walking into
- the dining room.
- Dinner was served and the men dove into the center platter; each tearing pieces of meat from the
- doppelganger. Zaronis furiously looked at them; and they at once dropped their food in midair; and got
- down on their knees.
- They all bowed their head as Zaronis said a prayer to 'The Christ' as he called him. Then, each in place,
- stepped forward to kiss the cross on Zaronis's cloak. Zaronis nodded his head in approval and beckoned
- each of them to return to their seats and eat.
- Zaronis reached for a leg of the doppelganger; but then his mind seemed to switch course in
- mid-thought; and he know felt it was time to inform his subjects, of his religious conquest.
- Zaronis cleared his throat and at once received the attention of each individual at the table. "Gentlemen,
- I'm so glad you have once again obliged me by coming to my home and feasting with me. It is not every
- man who has friends like you." Zaronis shot a fake smile to the group and they loved every false
- moment of it; each grinning in return.
- "But while I would love to just feast with you men; there are more important things to tend to. We must
- talk of our Lord in heaven, Christ Jesus." Zaronis seemed to hiss as he completed his sentence.
- "Our God has come to me in a dream; and has told me that my father the king is an evil man. He has
- good in his heart; but will only hurt the kingdom with his blunders. Jesus is angered by the fact that my
- father will not accept him; and he demands his life in exchange as a reckoning." Zaronis put on yet
- another false face; except this time he pretended to be sad; as if to show that he did not want to do
- away with his father and become ruler of Mystique.
- The table was obviously shocked with this statement. Zaronis had demanded many strange tasks done
- in the name of the Lord, and many times illegal, but he had never dared before placed a direct threat
- upon the King's head such as this. One man by the name of Klayton
- was very distressed at this announcement.
- Zaronis looked at each individual's face at the table once more. Faces seemed surprised at first; but it
- seemed they each began to accept it as just another mere act that was needed of them by the lord, all
- but Klayton. Klayton had quite an angry look upon his face.
- Zaronis glared at Klayton. "Are we ok with this Klayton?"
- Klayton arose from his chair; still obviously distressed by the event at hand; and began to speak. "Why
- quite frankly sir, no. I have a deep love for the King and I have doubts in my mind that Jesus would call
- for the head of a man that does such good things for Mystique."
- Zaronis's eyes became red with anger as he looked at Klayton's face. "Perhaps it is just the liquor that
- has gone to your head. I'll dismiss your ignorant statement if you sit yourself down now without saying a
- thing."
- Klayton began to protest. "No my Lord, I have actually had very little to drink; and believe I am fully in
- control of my tongue."
- "So are you calling me a LIAR Klayton?" Zaronis stood up from his chair.
- Klayton seemed to be a bit frightened. "Nnn..nno sir... not a 'tall."
- "Then you disagree with our Lord's authority over his people? Are you telling me you are arguing with
- the will of GOD?" Zaronis shouted.
- Klayton frantically tried to respond. "No it's just that.."
- "Blasphemer! Anti-Christ! You are of the Devil! You must be cast out at once!" Zaronis screamed as he
- walked across the table and grabbed Klayton by the shirt.
- "Please my Lord, I just believe you might have misunderstood what Lord Jesus was trying to..."
- Zaronis interrupted. "So you're calling ME A FOOL? ME? A FOOL? You should have held your fucking
- tongue when I gave you the chance!" Zaronis picked Klayton up and looked at the stained glass window
- behind him.
- "I CAST THEE OUT!" Zaronis yelled as he swiftly turned around; and carried Klayton through the air and
- through the stained-glass window.
- Klayton's screams were heard for just a moment; followed then by a thud, and a woman's scream who
- witnessed the event.
- Zaronis quickly stepped before the table. "Are their any others of you that disagree with the word of
- God?"
- Each man looked at each other in fear; and silently shook their heads to each side.
- "As I thought." Zaronis then presented his cloak to the group. Once more; each stepped forward in his
- place and kissed the cross on his cloak.
- +-----------+
- | Chapter 3 |
- +-----------+
- The Ages
- Talyen looked through the old books of The Ages; remembered old times from centuries ago. He wept
- as he read of their heroic journey to the world of Mystique from Earth; many centuries ago.
- The Ages were a group of men born back on the planet known as Earth; throughout many different
- times in History. In the course of their maturity they all at one time; strangely felt the need to being
- walking, and sailing across an ocean, until they reached the secret dwelling of The Ages. Here they
- learned who they were; but even the oldest did not know what they truly were about; they just knew
- they were different.
- The Ages would never die naturally due to age. They could be killed by force of course; but if so, a great
- deal of force would be needed to due this job. It was rumored among them that a God had sent them to
- control the mortals among them; so they set about this quest upon earth. One may ask; why didn't the
- Ages war against the humans if they were so powerful? You must realize that the Ages were 1 in a
- million beings; and powerful as they were, mankind could still defeat them.
- Spirits always communicated with The Ages; and later they began to realize that these were unborn
- Ages; waiting to come into the world. And so history began to be written by these extraordinary beings.
- What humans read today known as the Bible accurately describes most of what they went through.
- A very mysterious Age went by the name of Jesus; and he began to talk to this group centuries before
- his birth. He began to tell them how to plant the seeds in mankind; that would eventually grow and allow
- a peaceful takeover of the planet, and so the great conquest began.
- Many works of magic and trickery played into the hearts of the humans as written in the Bible; and
- people began to believe. They came in millions to hear the Ages preach of a coming messiah; and The
- Ages continued to feed them with lies.
- One cold day in winter; the 3 oldest members of The Ages had an urge to begin walking; and they
- walked until they came upon a lowly stable in the middle of a town named Bethlehem. The 3 turned this
- nose up at the place and began to walk away. Then all of the sudden; a baby began to cry.
- The three rushed into the stable and saw a new Age among them. "It is our Jesus;" the oldest age
- cried; and so it became his human name. The baby smiled and looked into the eyes of his brethren.
- Chills passed through the bodies of the Ages.
- And so the greatest story for man and Age began to unfold. The Age Jesus began to work his trickery
- and magic upon the thousands of people that would hear him. Many humans became disillusioned due
- to the fact that they envisioned a king as a savior and not this lowlife scum.
- The Age Jesus ruled among Ages and the poor, ignorant humans of the Earth for 33 years until the
- humans mounted an attack against him. There he was hung upon a cross and he hung for all the world
- to see. Humans rejoiced and all the Ages wept among themselves.
- The Ages became persecuted by the humans and soon began to disappear from public view. They all
- began to fear that they had failed their God; and that they had not taken over the world as he has
- intended for them to.
- About the time that the world turned against the Christians; A new Age began to speak to them. His
- name was Zaronis; and he was to be born of a world far from their Earth. He would help them gain power
- where Jesus had failed. Jesus felt that only a man that acted humble would win the masses over; but
- Zaronis intended to give them a king. He promised them the world of Mystique to rule as their own; then
- Earth, and eventually the universe.
- Feeling that Jesus' legend was a lost cause; they all set out on a long journey for the world of
- Mystique. Years later, news reached them that the mass majority of the world had reached out to
- Christianity; and now waited for any type of sign. Ironically enough, The Ages were too far from Earth to
- take advantage of the situation.
- In order to preserve the earthly movement towards Christianity; the Ages sent letters of an Apocalypse
- to Earth; and end to everything. The letter foretold visions of the future; and warned the humans to
- continue in their current state of belief. They called it: Revelations'.
- Finally The Ages made their way to Mystique; and found their way into a kingdom by the name of
- Languin. Zaronis called to them; and they found themselves barred away from a Queen's door as they
- tried to meet Zaronis for the first time. The Ages left the building; waiting for their next chance to see the
- baby.
- A great festival was held in honor of the Prince Zaronis; and the child was shown off to the public.
- Talyen remembered seeing this baby's dark black eyes for the first time; and as he drifted back in
- began to see the same eyes again, except it was Zaronis, this man standing in front of him.
- Zaronis clapped his hands as if to awaken Talyen from the stupor. "Come Talyen; we have work to do.
- The World awaits us." And then Talyen; and the other Ages, followed prince Zaronis into the meeting
- room.
- +-----------+
- | Chapter 4 |
- +-----------+
- Another Vision From Beyond
- Absolute silence.
- Absolute Darkness.
- The skies began to spin and take the shape of a funnel ascending upward into the heavens as
- Dimitrious viewed them from the vast green fields. The purple sky soon began to calm to erupt in a fury
- of thunder and strike the earth directly in front, beside, and behind Dimitrious. A tear began to roll down
- his face; because he was being partitioned once more to be Mystique's hero.
- Dimitrious lifted his left hand towards the sky and placed the other upon his heart as a silent cry to the
- God above. Dimitrious wept and closed his eyes tightly and began to feel movement under his feet. He
- opened his eyes to find himself riding upon a horse; traveling through a city somewhere.
- The atmosphere smelled differently; and the people dressed unlike those of Mystique. They all followed
- a lowly beggar who lifted his hands in love and deceit towards them. This man was truly no ordinary
- man.
- As Dimitrious rode on he watched as this man performed many strange feats of trickery and was quite
- impressed. He was even more impressed with the way the crowds, so eager to find hope, allowed
- themselves to be deceived by such a fool.
- Dimitrious's eyes shut themselves and opened once more. He was now riding beside the same man;
- who was dying upon the symbol he saw on the prince's cloak. This man opened his eyes at once and
- looked upon Dimitrious.
- A look of sheer terror filled this Jew's eyes as he gazed at Dimitrious upon the cross. Suddenly his
- sheer cry of anger broke the silence that had come to characterize this vision.
- "MY GOD MY GOD WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?" The man yelled staring in anger, and
- incredible fear at Dimitrious. Dimitrious became very afraid. Suddenly, all life seemed to have left the
- man upon the cross; and Dimitrious breathed a bit easier.
- Other men that seemed to resemble this dead leader eyed Dimitrious in a strange manner. Dimitrious's
- horse began to melt; as well as his atmosphere... suddenly he sank into the ground, and then the
- ground became water, and the water became blood. The Sky became black; and Dimitrious fought for
- his life against the current and waves of this great sea of blood. The winds roared in his ears as the tide
- slapped against him.
- Dimitrious found himself being pulled under by the waves; until finally he could fight no more. He allowed
- himself to go beneath the waves and into the hands of death. Darkness......
- Dimitrious flew up from his bed; sweat clinging to his body like the night before. Dimitrious heard waves
- crashing against the boat; and thunder from above. He breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down.
- Dimitrious gazed at the wooden ceiling of his quarters. Suddenly, it began to take another shape. The
- Prince from his dream began to emerge from above. His black eyes stared into Dimitrious and
- Dimitrious shivered.
- At once Dimitrious realized who this man was. He was the Prince of Mystique! Blessed Prince Zaronis!
- But why would Dimitrious dream of such things?
- As if Zaronis had read his mind; he spoke to Dimitrious; once more breaking the silence. "Exactly...
- you have no reason to doubt me;" Zaronis hissed. "I can destroy you; or I can make you everything."
- Darkness.
- Dimitrious found himself once more in the strange green fields; but this time the sky was black; and
- walls were being built. A voice cried out from above.
- "DIMITRIOUS! THE AGES ARE RISING! They must be stopped."
- Dimitrious reach towards the heavens. "But who are these Ages?" he yelled back into the clouds. And
- at once all that was became known to him.
- Time stood still as he was allowed to realize what everything truly was. He knew of the world called
- Earth; he knew of The Ages; he knew of their pilgrimage to Mystique; and he knew of Zaronis's plan.
- Dimitrious looked at himself, looked at the walls rising around him, looked at the sky looking down
- upon, he saw dragons flying in from the north, and scattered doppelgangers from the south, a beautiful
- woman from the east, he saw a royal funeral in the west, he felt the presence of Zaronis near him, and
- he felt the threat to his people.
- Dimitrious breathed slowly and deeply, and raised his right hand into the air balled into a fist. He
- screamed and gave himself to the skies.
- And the Sky looked down approvingly upon Dimitrious, and time resumed. This time a single horse
- galloping invaded the silence from a distance. And in rode Zaronis once more upon his black horse
- wielding a sword at Dimitrious.
- "I WILL!" Dimitrious yelled; and with that he pulled a sword from his belt that had never been there
- before and plunged it directly into the throat of Zaronis.
- Zaronis fell of the horse gasping for air as the horse reared back and whinnied in fear...
- darkness................
- Dimitrious awoke to find a bloody sword in his hand in the throat of a dying doppelganger. It choked
- back a few times, gave a final breath; and collapsed.
- Noises of steps echoed throughout the ship as a knock came upon Dimitrious's door. Without waiting
- for an answer two crewmates busted in.
- "Shit Dimitrious!" one of them exclaimed.. "Is that what I think it is?"
- The other answered for Dimitrious. "That's a damn one of them doppelgangers... what in the hell is one
- of them doin' on a ship? They could go off and kill somebody.... Good think ole' Dimitrious got em before
- he got to him."
- Dimitrious realized his sword was still plunged into the throat of the dead doppelganger and pulled it out
- immediately.
- The first crewmate whistled at the site of the sword. "Wow.. that's pretty right there.. looks like it came
- from years ago...nice solid steel."
- Dimitrious was still to shaken up to say a word. The crewmates finally realized this after gawking for a
- minute and left Dimitrious to himself.
- The door closed and Dimitrious closed his eyes as a flash erupted from where the doppelganger was;
- and when Dimitrious looked back; it was no longer there.
- Dimitrious lay in the dark; clutching the bloody sword to his chest, listening to the waves rock the boat.
- Darkness.
- +-----------+
- | Chapter 5 |
- +-----------+
- A Look inside
- Dimitrious looked around himself confined in a small room; the walls and ceiling made of brick, and the
- floor of gravel. In the middle of the room sat a strange, wooden table. Two chairs on opposite ends
- rested near by.
- Dimitrious walked up and sat down in the chair nearest him. He gazed into the yellow flame of a candle
- burning across the quiet room. Dimitrious breathed deeply as his mind drifted off and his eyes seem to
- absorb the flame.
- For sometime Dimitrious sat staring into the flame, until all at once; his mind shook free of the daze; as
- if someone had knocked him from it. He returned to what seemed to be reality; seated opposite a
- beautiful woman he had known throughout his life, she was buried deep within even his earliest
- memories yet; this was the first time he had ever seen, or thought of her in his existence.
- And suddenly he became enchanted with her as though she were the flame at the other end of the
- room; or perhaps she was. She gazed back into his eyes with a warm feeling about her.
- She opened her mouth and words began to echo throughout the room. "And why must you Dimitrious?"
- she asked.
- "If I refuse; I refuse my people, and I refuse myself. I cannot allow us to be overtaken for another's
- personal gain."
- Her warm eyes began sad as she looked at Dimitrious. "But what if he is the way? What if he is right?"
- Dimitrious baffled at how such a soft voice could warn of such strength.
- "You know he is not. We all fear what we do not understand. Yet we mustn't turn to lies we create for
- ourselves; lest we lose track of what it all really means." For the first time since Dimitrious had lived; his
- voice spoke of confidence, of meaning, of love, and of wisdom.
- The woman began to weep and laid her head upon the table. Dimitrious looked upon her fondly and
- spoke aloud; "Sarah...." as his voice trailed off; he began to remember and know....
- Sarah was one of the youngest ages living at this time. She; unlike many other Ages, before her birth,
- had chose not to make herself known to other Ages; but to Dimitrious. As a child she saw strength and
- wisdom in him she felt few actually possessed. As an unborn Age she had whispered the secrets of life
- into this young baby's ear and had helped shape him into what he was today. Perhaps that is why the
- skies had chose him..... and then a thought occurred to Dimitrious. Not the skies, but unborn ages ?
- And is if responding to his thoughts, Sarah lifted her head from the table, wiped her eyes and quietly
- said "yes".
- Dimitrious was once more free of his daze and looked at Sarah; The Sorceress as she was know
- know.... oh how times had changed. He looked back into her eyes once more and spoke aloud. "But
- you must come with me. You must break free of the lies that bind you."
- And she began to weep again and whispered; "I cannot." And once more Dimitrious flashed back to
- what it seemed; another time. A time where this Sorceress had watched her parents die. So distraught
- she was; she clung to anything that would give her hope; to know that they were alright.
- She once more seemed to hear Dimitrious's thoughts and whispered coldly at him; "Do not think such
- things...." She pulled her hair back and sat up once more. She rose from her seat and look at
- Dimitrious for what seemed an eternity; but at once it was through; lost in a moment that would forever
- be; yet could not be regained.
- "Will you give this up? Will you join us ?" She asked.
- Dimitrious looked down at the table. "I cannot."
- And she began to weep again. She managed to stutter out; 'Then you know what I must do if we are to
- meet again?"
- Dimitrious nodded. Dimitrious began to cry out loud; realizing the pain and conviction she must feel
- towards her loved ones to fool her self in such a way as this. The perfect ending would be that she
- would see her wrong; understand, and join with Dimitrious.
- But this life was not perfect; and life was full of ironies. Now, rather than embrace her as he wished to
- do; he faced death by her hands the next time he saw her beautiful face. Such a cold, unforgiving life
- this was.
- Dimitrious began to once more question; "Why?" but then he stopped himself. At times like this he
- knew it was useless to question. He must deal with what he had been given; and do what he must do.
- Dimitrious looked at Sarah once more; and saw the tears, love, and fear in her eyes. And he saw
- himself looking back at himself in those same eyes. And as he began to look deeper into her majestic
- face, she seemed to turn bright yellow and orange, and he shook his head to see the candle burning
- across the room; yet the wick would soon give out.
- Dimitrious thought about wondering where he was; but decided against it. He got up from his chair; and
- lay down upon the floor. He closed his eyes but hen remembered the candle was still burning. As he
- thought this a sound of someone's breath echoed through out the room and the candle blew out.
- "Sleep tight Dimitrious;" and all was still.
- +-----------+
- | Chapter 6 |
- +-----------+
- The Merge between Dream and Reality
- Tick tock went the clock as Dimitrious rose from his bed. His sword lay thrust between the cross on his
- wall. Dimitrious gave a slight tug at the sword and it released its grip upon the wall. Dimitrious placed it
- in its sheath at his side and opened his cabin door. Sunlight streamed in as he covered his eyes from
- the brightly lit sky.
- Dimitrious made his way on to deck where the smell of the sea and the sweat of workers greeted him.
- Shipmates nodded their heads as they passed. A group in the middle of the deck seemed to be involved
- in a heavy conversation. Dimitrious became intrigued and walked over to them.
- "So what's the latest word?" Dimitrious asked with a smile. Grim faces greeted his cheery question.
- Dimitrious felt a sinking feeling within him. One of the older crew members that went by the name of
- Phagan was the one to answer him. "Aye son; the king has been murdered in his palace. The mark of
- the cross was engraved upon his chest. The peoples' are sayin that 'twas an act of God; and his son
- gravely confirms it."
- Dimitrious felt an almost unimaginable loss. "And what is to happen now?" The old shipmate continued;
- "Well the funeral is to be held on the West end; and the town is in a state of mornin. Peoples' are
- comin' from all sides of the world. The Great "Sarah" is coming in from the east by the way; I know you
- used ta' be acquainted with the lady." Dimitrious nodded his head.
- Dreams and reality were finally merging as one and it began to frighten Dimitrious. He wondered if his
- dreams were somehow controlling the outcomes of things but then laughed at such an idea as that. He
- came to the conclusion that everything he had envisioned was becoming frighteningly real.
- Another shipmate soon broke Dimitrious's train of thought with his harsh, annoying voice. "We heard
- whats' been said bout' that doppelganger in your room the other evnin'. Locals been reporting em
- coming in from the south in great numbers.. as if they seem to be meetin' for somethin'. Them Dragons
- coming here too! All of ems' flyin in from the North. I ain't no genius but seems that somethin' big is goin
- down on this planet."
- The crew members grunted in agreement. Dimitrious looked down at the sword by his side and up at
- the sky. "What does all this mean?" he whispered to the heavens above. No answer came. Crewmen
- continued their grim chat as Dimitrious walked away from the group.
- "It's all true.. every bit of it..." Dimitrious said to himself. Dimitrious made his way back to his quarters.
- He looked at the cross upon his wall; and his very soul became filled with rage. He thrust his sword
- directly into the cross as he had seen it once before. A brief life blinded him as the sword punctured the
- cross.
- Dimitrious opened his eyes to find himself lying on the floor. The Sword was still in his hand; but the
- cross was gone. The boat had changed; and Dimitrious could now sense that it was nighttime. The
- creaking of the boat was the only noise around him.
- Somewhere off in the distance; a disturbing voice came to Dimitrious. It uttered only one single phrase
- to Dimitrious; and the tone was irrefutable. "Get off the boat."
- Welcome to the world of Mystique.