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- +Command-line options
- +Console commands
- ++About the Console
- +++What is the console ?
- The 'console' is a text pane that can be activated
- at any time. It covers the top portion of the game
- screen. All the messages that you can read on the
- top of the screen are printed to the console as
- well. When you show up the console, you can read
- back all the messages, even those that already
- disappeared from the screen.
- You can enter commands into the console. Just type
- any command followed by the parameters, then press
- enter. Here is an example:
- > color red
- By typing this command at the console you will
- change your player color to red.
- Here's a more interesting example:
- > god
- And you become invincible!
- While all the standard options are available in
- the main game menus, many useful options are
- only available through the console.
- +++Using the console
- To bring up the console while you are playing Doom
- Legacy, simply press the 'tilde' key, that little
- key on the top-left of your keyboard (just below
- the 'Escape key). You can setup another key to
- bring up the console in the 'Setup controls' menu
- from the game.
- Press 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys respectively,
- to scroll back or scroll down the console text.
- Press the 'Tab' key to complete the current command.
- For example, if you type 'vid' and then the Tab key
- several times, you will see all the commands that
- start with 'vid' : vid_mode, vid_modelist,
- vid_modeinfo, etc.
- Press 'Shift + Tab' to complete the commands, but
- backwards.
- ++Scripts
- +++alias <aliasname> <command>
- When you will type 'aliasname', it will do like if you had
- entered 'command'. Let's better have an example: :)
- alias silence "soundvolume 0;music volume 0"
- Further, when you will type 'silence', it will execute the
- corresponding command. In this example, we have given two
- commands as one, inside " ", and using the ; as a separator
- for commands.
- +++echo <"text to output">
- Just echoes text to the console. Like 'print' in Basic :)
- +++exec <script file name>
- Execute a script file. A script file is just a text file
- containing a sequence of commands or variables. Script files
- usually have an '.cfg' extension.
- Example:
- exec autoexec.cfg
- will execute all the commands in autoexec.cfg
- +++cls
- Just clear the console text buffer.
- +++wait [<frames>]
- Wait a given amount of time. The unit is per 35th of second.
- Example: this will wait 5 seconds, then display 'ok!'
- wait 175;echo "ok!"
- WARNING: when the wait command is executed, all the following
- commands are delayed until wait has finished. Eg: if you enter
- 'wait 126000' (35 * 60seconds * 60 minutes), you will have
- to wait one hour before other commands can be excuted!!!
- ++Console Appearance
- +++con_backpic <0-1>
- 1 : use a console background picture, like in Quake. The background
- is opaque, thus it doesn't slowdown the display because the
- part of the view under the console is not drawn.
- 0 : use translucency for the console background : this one looks
- much better, somewhat like a LCD translucent screen. The
- drawback is that it is slower than the first method.
- +++con_size <0-100>
- Set how many %percent% of the total screen height the console
- will use. eg: con_size 50 (the default), will use half the
- screen height for displaying the console.
- +++con_speed <1-???>
- Set the speed at which the console comes down or moves out of
- the screen, when you press the console toggle key. The number
- is given as screen lines.
- +++con_hudtime <0-???>
- Set the number of seconds that the messages stay on the top
- of the screen. They are 5 message lines that scroll as soon
- as new messages arrive. eg: con_hudtime 5, which is the
- default, will make the messages stay for 5 seconds before
- disappearing. Set this to 0, and you will never see any
- messages out of the console (hud means heads-up messages).
- +++showmessages <0-2>
- This is like in the Options Menu, with one more setting:
- '0' means never show any messages on the screen, '1' means
- always show the messages, which is the default.
- There is one more setting, '2' that can only be entered at
- the console, it will show all messages except most of the
- 'picked up ...' style messages. Useful if you are tired of
- the 'picked up ammo', 'picked up health bonus', ect. messages.
- ++Player Setup
- +++name <your name>
- Enter your name as a player, for network games. Your name will
- be seen when you send a message (chat key), and is displayed
- in the deathmatch rankings. Use "" if the name contains spaces,
- eg: name "dj fabbe"
- The name can be entered in the Multiplayer menu.
- +++color <0-10>
- Choose your color, for multiplayer games.
- The color can be entered in the Multiplayer menu.
- +++chatmacro <0-9> <"your chat message">
- This very useful command allows to change the chat messages at
- any time during the game. They are saved to the config too!
- You can now quickly setup some circumstance messages at the
- start of a game.
- Press the chat key, then ALT plus a number key from 0 to 9 to
- send one of the chat messages. Well, just like it has always
- been for Doom.
- ++Game Controls
- +++use_mouse <0-1>
- Setting 'use_mouse' to '0' will disable the mouse. The next time
- you start the game, the mouse won't be detected.
- Set 'use_mouse' to '1' to search for a mouse, and activate it.
- +++use_joystick <0-5>
- Enable joystick support with any value other than '0'.
- '0' will disable the joystick.
- The value will choose the joystick type:
- Set one of these values for 'use_joystick'
- 0 : no joystick
- 1 : 4 buttons joystick (gamepad)
- 2 : Normal Joystick (analogic)
- 3 : 6 buttons joystick
- 4 : Wingman Extreme (Logitech) and compatible
- 5 : CH Flightstick PRO and compatible
- The last two joystick types support 4 more buttons through the
- 'hat' up/down/left/right positions.
- Go to the Setup Controls menu, to set the joystick buttons to
- game controls (just press enter on a control, then push any
- joystick button).
- +++invertmouse <0-1>
- Just like in the Options menu
- Set invertmouse to 1 to inverse the mouse y (up and down) axis.
- This is for freelook only, you will look up, when moving the mouse
- down (backward), and look down when moving mouse forward.
- +++autorun <0-1>
- Just like in the Options menu
- Set this to 1, to lock the 'run' key. You will always be running,
- without the need of pushing a key.
- +++alwaysmlook <0-1>
- Just like in the Options menu
- You can use the 'freelook' (ability to look up and down) in two
- modes : permanent or temporary.
- Setting 'alwaysmlook' to '1' will set the freelook permanent.
- When 'alwaysmlook' is '0', you will need to keep the 'freelook'
- key while moving the mouse up and down. When releasing the key,
- the view will always re-center. This is useful if you keep
- firing rockets at your feets.
- +++mousesens <0-???>
- The Options menu allows a range of 0-39 values.
- If you are one of those people that used to change the mouse
- sensitivity in the game config because you felt it was not enough,
- you can now set it at the console to any value you like!
- +++mlooksens <0-???>
- The Options menu allows a range of 0-39 values.
- Same note as the mousesens value.
- +++crosshair <0-3>
- Just like in the Options menu.
- Choose whether to use a crosshair (1-3), or not (0). The values
- are 1,2,3 for white cross, green angle, and red point.
- +++originalweaponswitch <0-1>
- Choose whether to use the original weapon change method (1), or
- the new Preferred Weapons Order (0), see 'weaponpref' for more.
- With the original weapon switch, whenever you walk on a weapon,
- it will switch to that weapon, even if it is not as powerful
- as the one you are carrying. That can be sometimes very
- annoying, especially in fast deathmatches.
- +++weaponpref <"014576328">
- The Preferred Weapons Order (tm) :)
- This works only if you have set 'originalweaponswitch' to '0'.
- You give a priority to each of the weapons, with a number digit
- from '0' to '9'. Several weapons can have the same priority.
- When you pickup a weapon that you don't already have, you
- will switch to that weapon ONLY AND ONLY IF that weapon's priority
- is greater that the one you are carrying. If you already had the
- weapon, you will pickup the ammo as usual, without changing
- weapon.
- The numbers are priority values, for each of the weapons, in
- the following order:
- Fist, Gun, Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket launcher, Plasma, BFG,
- Chainsaw, Super Shotgun.
- Thus 'weaponpref "014576328"' means that the super shotgun has
- the highest priority (8), while the fist is lowest priority (0).
- After the double shotgun, in decreasing priority you have the
- rocket launcher (7), plasma gun (6), chaingun (5), shotgun (4),
- BFG (3), chainsaw (2), gun (1).
- Let's have another interesting example :
- 'weaponpref 333333333'
- Since all weapons have the same priority in this last example,
- you will in fact NEVER change weapon automatically, because
- no weapon has a priority higher than any other one. You might
- consider this as the 'manual' weapon change.
- +++autoaim <0-1>
- Just like in the Options menu.
- The original Doom used autoaiming for up and down, and a very
- little aim adjustment on left and right.
- Now that you can shoot up and down with the freelook, you can
- play like a 'pro' and set autoaim off (0).
- Note that the autoaim has been enhanced : if you are not
- aiming at something right in front of you, you will be able
- to shoot at any angle with the freelook. If something is to
- be aimed just in front of you, then the autoaim will adjust
- your shots like in the original Doom.
- This means that you can to some extent, predict a target's
- path, and shoot ahead, while in autoaim mode.
- NETWORK NOTE: in a multiplayer game, the SERVER can force
- the autoaim off for all players with the command 'allowautoaim',
- use with caution (don't get your friends angry :) And remember:
- you can have more control now with the enhanced Autoaim so it
- might not be necessary to force everybody to autoaim off.
- +++setcontrol <controlname> <keyname> [<2nd keyname>]
- Using the Setup Controls menu will be much simpler!
- This command associates a key/joystick/mouse button, to a
- game control (forward, fire, use ...).
- The second keyname is optional. You can set it, and have
- two keys attached to one game control. eg: have 'ARROW UP'
- and 'MOUSE2' for 'forward'.
- When a key does not have a name, it uses a name of the
- form 'KEYxxx' where xxx is the key code.
- To know the name of the keys/joystick/mouse buttons, look
- for them at the Setup Controls menu.
- The control names are "forward","backward","strafe",
- "straferight","strafeleft","speed","turnleft","turnright",
- "fire","use","lookup","lookdown","centerview","mouseaiming",
- "weapon1","weapon2", ... "weapon8","talkkey","scores",
- "jump","console".
- Note: some key names have spaces in it, use the "" around.
- Example:
- > setcontrol forward "keypad 7" "up arrow"
- The following will use the windows95 'menu' key to toggle the
- console:
- > setcontrol console menu
- +++overlay <"fhmak"> : status bar overlay
- Choose which information to show when in full screen mode.
- Each letter represent a type of information that will be shown.
- 'f' : show frags (only in deathmatch)
- 'h' : show health
- 'm' : show armor
- 'a' : show current weapon ammo
- 'k' : show keys
- The default is 'fhmak' which show all kind of information
- on the status bar overlay.
- +++bind <keyname> <"command">
- You can bind a key to console commands.
- Example :
- > bind s screenshot
- This will do a screenshot every time you press the 's' key.
- ++Game options
- +++viewheight <16-56>
- Set the height of the view (the height of the eyes above the floor).
- The normal value for the Doom marine is 41.
- We have limited the range into acceptable values, to
- prevent cheating.
- +++turbo <10-400> : set turbo speed
- This is like the original -turbo game parameter, you can now set
- it anytime you want during the game.
- +++respawnitem <0-1>
- Choose whether items respawn or not.
- 'respawnitem 0' is like old deathmatch, it is set 'true'
- automatically when in Deathmatch 2
- NOTE: it is considered cheating to allow respawning of items
- when in single player mode ! :)
- +++respawnitemtime <0-???>
- Set the respawn item time in secondes. The time between th moment
- you pickup the item, and the moment it reappears.
- The default is 30 seconds, from the original Doom.
- +++respawnmonsters <0-1>
- Choose if monsters can respawn.
- 'respawnmonsters 1' is like the -respawn command-line option of
- the original Doom.
- +++respawnmonsterstime <0-???>
- Choose the time of respawn for the monsters, in seconds.
- The default is 12, from the original Doom.
- +++save <slot number> <"description">
- Save the game in the slote_number slote. And put description in
- for the name.
- +++load <slot number>
- Load the game in the slote_number slote.
- +++exitlevel
- Exits the level and goes to the intermision screen.
- This is useful for example, when you play a cooperative
- game and you can't find the exit of a level, or you are
- stuck.
- ++Video
- +++vid_nummodes
- Tells how many different video modes are available.
- +++vid_modelist
- List all available video modes, like they are shown in the
- Video Options menu. Each video mode has an associated number,
- so you can set it with the following command...
- +++vid_mode <mode number>
- Set the given video mode. Give one of the numbers displayed
- by the 'vid_modelist' command.
- +++vid_modeinfo [<mode number>]
- Shows information about the current video mode (no parameters),
- or the given video mode number.
- +++playersprites <0-1>
- Choose wheter to show the player weapon sprites (1), which is
- the default, or not to draw it (0).
- When 'playersprites' is '0', you can aim simply because your
- shots always go to the center of the screen, and the current
- weapon type is shown in the status bar, or by the ammo icon
- of the status bar overlay.
- +++usegamma <0-4>
- Choose the gamma level (brightness). Just like in the Options
- menu.
- +++viewsize <3-11>
- Choose the size of the view window.
- '3' is the smallest view window.
- '10' is the normal full view window, with the status bar.
- '11' is the full screen mode, without status bar.
- ++Multiplayer
- +++skin <skinname>
- Change your skin, provided skins are loaded (adding skins wads
- after the -file on the command line). The skin name is the one
- shown on the multiplayer->setup menu. The default marine skin
- name is 'marine'. Of course, it's easier to use the multiplayer
- setup menu.
- +++teamplay <0-1-2>
- You can change the deathmatch mode while in a multiplayer game.
- 0 : no teams, usual deathmatch
- 1 : teamplay, using color to identify teams, players of the
- same color will be in the same team, the team name will
- be like 'red team' or 'yellow team'
- 2 : teamskin, using skins to identify teams, players who use
- the same skin will be in the same team, the team name will
- show as 'leprechaun team' or 'terminator team', according
- to the name of the skin
- +++teamdamage <0-1>
- Decide whether people of the same team can hurt themselves or
- not. Note that the armor is always damaged.
- NOTE! teamdamage works for cooperative! So you can now have
- a cooperative mode where your partners don't get damage.
- 0 : damage is off, players of the same team can't kill each
- other, you'll know of this because blood won't show, and
- the player who is hit won't see his screen go red
- 1 : damage is on, like in original Doom cooperative, players
- of the same team can hurt, and kill each other. If they
- kill members of the same team, they fill score a negative
- frag.
- +++frags
- Shows the frags table, like in the original Doom intermission.
- It shows the frags count for each player, against each other
- player.
- +++teamfrags
- Just like 'frags', but for teams, so it shows the frags count
- for each team, against each other team.
- +++gravity <0.0 ... ???>
- Changes the gravity, only the server changes it, for all the players.
- Note : this value is a 'float' type, for example 0.5 is half the normal
- gravity.
- Note2: you can't walk/move while in mid air.
- The default gravity is '1'.
- +++getplayernum
- This command tells the number, node and name of the present
- players. You can then use the number for the 'kick' command,
- instead of the player name, if a player has a complicated
- name or long one to type! :)
- +++kick <"playername"-playernum>
- One of the rare pleasure of being a server : kick out somebody
- from your game!! The 'kicked' person will be brought back to the
- title screen.
- You can give either the name (using "" if it contains spaces),
- or a player number from the 'getplayernum' command.
- NOTE: this will work only for the server of the game, see legacy
- documentation for more about who is the server.
- +++allowjump <0-1>
- Choose whether jump is allowed or not. For those of you who
- comes from planet 'NoJump' or have a limited sensory system
- and couldn't survive a jump in the 3rd axis of our world,
- you can disable the jump in single player too.
- Only the server can set this variable.
- NOTE: not saved automatically, put it in autoexec.cfg
- +++allowautoaim <0-1>
- Disable autoaiming for all players... make sure everyone is ok
- before getting your friends angry.
- Only the server can set this variable.
- NOTE: not saved automatically, put it in autoexec.cfg
- +++say <message>
- Send a message to all players. It is recorded with demos.
- +++sayto <"playername"-playernum> <message>
- Send a message to one player.
- +++sayteam <message>
- Send a message only for your team.
- ++Demos
- NOTE: 'playdemo' command doesn't seem to work very well, sometimes
- the demos don't playback properly. In such case, until we
- fix it, use the -playdemo command line parm. It usually seem
- to work better.
- +++playdemo <demoname[.lmp]>
- You can now play a demo at any time during the game:
- > playdemo demo3
- This will start the internal game demo 'demo3'.
- If an internal resource by the same name is not found, it
- will add '.lmp' and search for an external demo of the
- same name.
- You may add '.lmp' to ask explicitly for an external demo,
- example:
- > playdemo cave001.lmp
- Will start an external demo, of file name 'cave001.lmp',
- that you would have started with the -playdemo parameter
- in the original Doom.
- +++stopdemo
- Stops right away the current playing demo. Very useful.
- +++timedemo <demoname[.lmp]>
- Play a demo like playdemo but run at fast as he can, rendering all
- frames. It is used to measure the speed of the engine.
- At the and of the demo it will show :
- gametics : the numbers of frame rendered.
- realtics : number of tics (1/35 second) taken to render all the
- frames
- seconde : the time take to render all frames.
- avg fps : average frame per seconde. (gametic/seconde)
- ++Miscellaneous
- +++memfree
- Show the amount of heap, virtual and physical types of memory
- available. The heap is the memory allocated for the game, and
- you can change it using the '-mb' command line parameter
- (see legacy.txt)
- +++help
- Show a list of all the console commands and variables. This
- should also give help on each command.. later.
- +++version
- Show the game version and last date of compilation.
- +++quit
- Just quits the game, without confirmation.
- Beavis: "- hey Butthead, why does Legacy always exits as soon as
- it has finished loading ??"
- Butthead: "- because I have put 'quit' in your autoexec.cfg..
- uh.. uh ehehehe.. uh !!"
- +++screenshot
- Take a screenshot like the F1 key in devparm mode.
- +++vid_ticrate <0-1>
- Show a graph of the framerate per time base.
- It is very usefull to know what part of a level is more slow in
- framerate value.
- ++Player Config
- +++saveconfig <filename[.cfg]>
- Saves the current game configuration to the specified
- file. This is just what Doom Legacy does when you
- quit the game, with the default game configuration.
- +++loadconfig <filename[.cfg]>
- Loads the specified game configuration file.
- Advanced users:
- This does just like if you typed 'exec filename.cfg'
- since the game configuration is made of console commands.
- +++changeconfig <filename[.cfg]>
- Quickly saves the current game configuration, and
- then load the specified configuration.
- This is useful when players are switching in front
- of the computer and they use different settings.
- Say Beavis and Butthead play Doom Legacy. When Beavis
- takes the chair he types 'changeconfig beavis'.
- Butthead's config is saved and Beavis's config is loa-
- ded. When Butthead kicks the ass of Beavis out of the
- chair and takes the keyboard, he types
- 'changeconfig butthead' : beavis's config is saved,
- and Butthead's config is loaded! Uh uh uhuhuhu
- ++Cheats!
- Most of the console cheats have the same effect as
- their equivalent cheat-codes (eg: typing 'IDDAD' is
- just like entering the 'god' command). Console cheats
- are useful when a dehacked mod changed the cheat codes!
- +++noclip
- Same as cheat-code 'IDCLIP'. You become a 'ghost' and you
- are able to pass through walls.
- +++god
- Same as cheat-code 'IDDAD'. It is named 'god' just like in
- Quake.
- +++gimme [xxx]
- gimme [health] [ammo] [weapons] [armor] [keys] ...
- [chainsaw] [shotgun] [chaingun] [supershotgun] ...
- [rocket] [plasma] [bfg] [berserk]
- Gives you only a specifc weapon, or ammo, or keys..
- This is for those like me who likes to cheat only 'half'
- ++Sound
- +++soundvolume <0-31>
- Just like in the Sounds menu.
- +++musicvolume <0-31>
- Just like in the Sounds menu.
- +++cd_volume <0-31>
- Just like in the Sounds menu.
- +++snd_channels <0-???>
- Choose how many sound channels will be used. Usually you will
- set a value from 8 to 16, which is plenty enough.
- +++precachesound <0-1>
- Set it to 1 (on), so that all the sounds are loaded at the
- game startup. If 0 (off), it will load the sounds while in
- the game, only when they are needed.
- +++stereoreverse <0-1>
- Set 'stereoreverse' to '1' to swap the stereo, if you hear the
- the sound of fireballs coming from the left, output from the
- speaker to the right...
- +++cd <on-off-remap-reset-play <track>-loop <track>-info-stop-resume-open>
- The CD Audio music is available only when the MSCDEX driver
- version 2.0 or later is found.
- NOTE! Always do a 'cd reset' when you have changed the cd in the
- drive, else it will say 'cd not ready'.
- Here's a description of the cd commands:
- cd on : enable cd music, game will use cd music.
- cd off : disable cd music, if you don't want to hear the cd music.
- cd open : open cd door.
- cd reset : reset the cd driver, check for a new cd. Do this if you
- have changed the cd, to make the new cd's tracks available.
- cd info : display the list of tracks, with time per track, and total
- time. The track being played is printed in white.
- cd play <track> : play a cd track, at the end, go to next track.
- cd loop <track> : loop a cd track, at the end, restart it.
- cd stop : stop/pause cd audio, use 'cd resume' to continue.
- If you really want the cd drive to stop 'turning', use
- 'cd off'.
- cd resume : continue playing after a 'cd stop'
- cd remap : remap cd tracks. Normally, the game uses the map number
- as the track number, for Doom1, it takes (episode*9)+
- map number as track number.
- This command is useful to adapt your favorite cd music
- to Doom's levels, let's have an example:
- cd remap 5 3 1 4 2
- This remaps cd tracks as follows:
- 1 becomes 5,
- 2 becomes 3,
- 3 becomes 1,
- 4 becomes 4 (does not change),
- 5 becomes 2.
- So, at map 1, it will play track 5, because track 1 was
- remapped to track 5.
- If you have a great music which is track 8 and you want
- it at map 3 and 6 :
- cd remap 1 2 8 4 5 8 ...
- ^ ^ tracks 3 and 6 become 8
- TIP A: this is very useful, if you have a cd with 'data'
- tracks, a pc cd-rom game with some audio tracks,
- usually the first track is a data track, that won't
- play. Use remap to skip the first track like this:
- cd remap 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..
- So track 1 is never used.
- TIP B: you can do some aliases for your favorites CD's,
- and save it to autoexec.cfg, example :
- alias fsol cd remap 4 5 2 9 3
- so you can just type 'fsol' to get your favorite
- track list.
- +++cd_update <0-1>
- By default, cd Update is enabled. If you feel some serious
- slowdown while the cd is playing, set cd_update to 0. The cd
- will no more move to the next track, neither loop the current
- track automatically. Another solution is to get the latest
- version of your cd driver (a better one).
- ++Unfinished
- These commands are mostly functional, but not finished, they are left
- as 'beta-test'.
- +++addfile <wadfile.WAD>
- This command loads wads at run time.
- Once wad files are loaded, use the 'map' command to play
- maps from it.
- It will give some info about sprites/musics/sounds that
- were replaced.
- NOTE: the loading of external maps was added as a last
- minute, and is very promising. We have to add a command
- to remove a wad from the active wads, and support sounds,
- sprite and textures in a wad file loaded at run time.
- Note to wad authors: it will be possible to put any number of
- maps in a wad file, using any resource name instead of the
- 'MAPxx' and simply typing 'map START' for example. Actually
- it will need to edit the wad file, and rename the 'MAPxx'
- markers.
- +++map <mapname - wadfile.WAD> [<skill>]
- To play an original map of Doom1, enter a mapname of the
- form ExMy where x is the episode and y the map number
- eg: 'map E2M3'.
- For Doom2, enter a map name of the form MAPxx where xx is
- the map number from 01 to 32.
- The command can also run external maps, it will load
- new flat textures, sprites, sounds, but _not_ wall textures.
- Example: 'map waterlab.wad'
- It can also change the skill value from 0 to 4. From baby to
- Nightmare.
- +++solidcorpse <0-1>
- The sneak preview option of Legacy v1.12 became a console
- command, but is still not finished.
- Note that this option works for solo play too.
- Setting solidcorpse other than 0, makes the dead corpses
- (monsters/marines) solid. The corpses thus stack one on top
- of another, and you walk over them. Sometimes you can even
- reach ledges where you couldn't go by climbing on corpses!
- This option is there for fun in deathmatch, and so that
- you can test easily the new improved height collision method!
- At the time of writing, this feature is not finished, it is
- not already supported for multiplayer nor demos.
- +++bloodtime <0-???>
- Choose how many seconds blood will stay on the floor.
- In the original Doom the blood stayed no more than 1 second.
- This can be fun for deathmatches, setting 'bloodtime' to '60',
- for example, will make the blood drops stay 1 minute on the
- floor before disappearing. Useful for tracking down your preys :)
- NOTE: this command is not supported for multiplayer, basically
- it works, but the other machines won't hear of it.
- NOTE2: this command has a particularity : it doesn't 'mess'
- existing demos, so you can change this while playing
- back an old demo!
- //