1 ERROR - Unable to run the installer. Please make sure that your Blood2 CD is in the CD-ROM drive and try again.
2 ERROR - Unable to launch the game. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly.
3 ERROR - Could not find resource name in CRes.dll. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly.
4 ERROR - Unable to launch the setup program. Please make sure that your Blood2 CD is in the CD-ROM drive and try again.
5 ERROR - Could not load CRes.dll. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly.
6 ERROR - Could not launch CLIENT.EXE. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly.
7 ERROR - Unable to launch the uninstaller. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly.
8 Please insert the Blood2 CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
9 Blood2
10 ERROR - Can't access the game previews. Please make sure that your Blood2 CD is in the CD-ROM drive and try again.
11 There are no games to preview on this CD.
12 ERROR - Unable to launch the Blood2 help file. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly.
16 No additional Blood2 .REZ files were found in the "Custom" folder. Blood2 add-on .REZ files must be placed in a folder called "Custom".
17 ERROR - Unable to find the blood2.rez file. Please make sure that Blood2 is installed properly and that your Blood2 CD is in the CD-ROM drive.
18 The available display options on your system will now be enumerated. This may take some time depending on what hardware is installed.\n\nIf nothing shows up in the display dialog, please verify that DirectX 6 is installed properly on your system.
19 3DFX VooDoo Graphics (Voodoo1)\n\n3DFX Interactive - http://www.3dfx.com\n\nIn order to get the best performance from any 3DFX-based card, we STRONGLY recommend that you upgrade to the latest 3DFX reference drivers.\n\nYou can get the most recent reference drivers from the 3DFX website, or you card manufacturer's site. There are also 3DFX Voodoo-1 Reference Drivers contained in a "3DFX" directory on the Blood2 CD.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nMedium\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE\n
20 3DFX VooDoo2\n\n3DFX Interactive - http://www.3dfx.com\n\nIn order to get the best performance from any 3DFX-based card, we STRONGLY recommend that you upgrade to the latest 3DFX reference drivers.\n\nWe have found that the latest 3DFX Voodoo2 reference drivers work fairly well under DX6. As of this version of Blood2, the latest 3DFX Voodoo2 DX6 Reference Drivers should be available from 3DFX or your card manufacturer. There are also older 3DFX reference drivers contained in a "3DFX" directory on the Blood2 CD.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\n-HIGH\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\n-Check "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher for increased visual quality with minimal decrease in performance\n-DO NOT CHECK OPTIMIZED SURFACES OR TRIPLE BUFFERING ON THIS CARD.\n
21 3DFX Banshee\n\n3DFX Interactive - http://www.3dfx.com\n\nIn order to get the best performance from any 3DFX-based card, we STRONGLY recommend that you upgrade to the latest 3DFX reference drivers.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nHIGH\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nCheck "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher for increased visual quality with minimal decrease in performance\n
22 Intel i740\n\nhttp://drivers.lith.com\n \nENABLE OPTIMIZED SURFACES! We have experienced instability on this card when Enable Optimized Surfaces is unchecked. We have also experienced some problems with drivers from various board manufacturers who use the i740 chipset. The Intel Reference Drivers appear to be the most stable of the bunch. However, Intel does not recommend end-users install these drivers. Check with your card manufacturer for the most recent certified drivers.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW or MEDIUM\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nYou must check "Enable Optimized Surfaces" on this card to avoid potential lockups\n\nCheck "Enable Triple Buffer" for a decent performance increase\n\nLightMapping slows down this card big time. Disable it for a nice performance boost.\n
23 G200 Millenium and Mystique\n\nMatrox - http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/drivers\n\nPlease check the Matrox website for drivers.lith.com for the most recently released drivers for all Matrox products. D3D driver support is generally good.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\n-MEDIUM\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nCheck "Enable Triple Buffer" for a decent performance increase\n\nCheck "Enable Optimized Surfaces" for a slight performance increase\n
24 Riva TNT\n\nnVidia - http://www.nVidia.com\n\nBe sure to upgrade to the most recent drivers for all TNT cards. Check your card manufacturer's site or the nVidia site for details.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nHIGH\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nCheck "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher for increased visual quality with minimal decrease in performance\n\nCheck "Enable Triple Buffer" to make the intro movies run smoother, and for a slight performance increase.\n\nCheck "Enable optimized surfaces" for a slight performance increase.\n
25 Riva 128/128ZX\n \nnVidia - http://www.nVidia.com\n\nBe sure to upgrade to the most recent drivers from nVidia for these cards.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nWith drivers released after 9-15-98, MEDIUM\n\nWith drivers released before 9-15-98, LOW\n\nRunning in HIGH or MEDIUM or enabling LightMapping with the currently drivers released before 9-15-98 will result in gray-shaded world polygons. Disabling lightmapping fixes this problem.\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nCheck "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher options for all versions of drivers. THIS IS A MUST FOR THIS CARD to remove all polygon seaming issues.\n\nCheck "Enable optimized surfaces" for a slight performance increase\n
26 Rage Pro\n\nATI - http://support.atitech.ca/drivers\n \nPlease check the ATI website for the most up to date drivers avaiable. This chipset was used and is used on many, many ATI cards.\n\nDoesn't bilinear filter the alpha channel so stuff with alpha looks all pixelated even though the RGB is all pixelated.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nCheck "Enable Mipmap Sharpening"
27 Permedia2\n\n3DLabs - http://www.3dlabs.com/drivers\n\nWorks well, although no lightmapping.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW or MEDIUM (lightmapping will automatically be turned off on this card)\n\nTurning on Shadows or Model FullBrights may cause texture corruption/flickering.\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE
28 Rendition V2100/V2200\n\nRendition - http://www.rendition.com\n\nWorks well, supports all features in Blood2.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW, or MEDIUM with Light Mapping set to off for best performance\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE\n
29 S3 Savage\n\nS3 - http://www.s3.com\n\nDISABLE FOG! There may be problems with this card and the fog settings in Blood2. Disabling fog will not provide a performance increase or decrease.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nHIGH\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nCheck "Disable Fog" in the advanced options.\n
30 Virge (Diamond Stealth 3D Pro 2000, IMagic 3D)\n\nS3 - http://www.s3.com\n\nGet the most recent drivers from the S3 site. This board was an OEM video card in many, many PC's. The 3D hardware performance is questionable, but D3D will recognize this card as a 3D hardware accelerator.\n\nRuns decent in 320x240.\n\nLightmapping and screen flash not supported.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW, 320x240\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE\n
31 Matrox M3D\n\nMatrox - http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/drivers\n\nPlease check the Matrox website for drivers.lith.com for the most recently released drivers for all Matrox products. D3D driver support is generally good.\n\nThis card is based on a version of the NEC PowerVR chipset.\n\nYou may need to update your drivers through device manager instead of the setup program that comes with the driver set\n\nBlood2 detects that this card can't do LightMapping or "light add poly" and disables both\n\nMay experience texture mipmapping glitches\n\nChromed models are REALLY slow, so enabling Environment Mapping through the menus is not recommended \n\nSome textures with alpha (4444) draw with alpha blending even if the alphablendenable state is off\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE (Blood2 detects this card automatically)\n
32 Matrox MGA-1064 (Millenium II and Mystique)\n\nMatrox - http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/drivers\n\nPlease check the Matrox website for drivers.lith.com for the most recently released drivers for all Matrox products. D3D driver support is generally good.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE\n
33 Rendition V1000\n\nRendition - http://www.rendition.com\n\nAn older card, but should work properly with Blood2.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nLOW. 512x384\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nNONE\n
34 This will disable all sound fx in Blood2.
35 This will disable Blood2's Interactive Music Architecture, or IMA. Some sound cards may have incompatibilities with IMA. Used for troubleshooting only.
36 Disables the logo and intro movies from playing every time.
37 Turns off light mapping (a shadow-lighting effect) in all display detail settings. This option is also available through the in-game menus.
38 Disables all atmospheric (not clipping plane) fog. No performance increase or decrease. Strictly subjective, although may be useful on cards that "almost" support table fog.
39 Disables all line systems in Blood2. Line systems are used for tracer fire on many enemy weapons. Unlikely to provide any performance increase, but useful as a troubleshooting item.
40 Some textures/models in Blood2 use a palette technique that makes certain colors always bright, regardless of the surrounding light conditions (e.g., making them "fully bright"). This option is also available through the in-game menus, and is disabled in medium detail mode.
41 Use only for troubleshooting. Probably doesn't do what you think it does.
42 Disables all joysticks in Blood2. Use this if your particular joystick is causing problems with Blood2 at startup.
43 Optimizes the way 2D surfaces (e.g., ammo, health, armor, crosshair) are drawn. Checking this on AGP cards may provide a performance increase, especially on Intel i740-based cards. This option may cause problems on some 3DFX cards, depending on which drivers are installed.
44 Fixes noticable gapping between polygons on some 3D video cards. A MUST for Riva 128 video cards. May slow performance on low-end/older 3D video cards. Not a significant performance decrease on fast 3D cards. Makes everything look "nicer".
45 Enables a feature on some video cards that can improve performance, but uses more of the card's video memory as a result. Most AGP video cards benefit from this feature being enabled. However, this may cause lock-ups on some PCI video cards (especially 4mb PCI video cards).
46 Sharpens the mipmaps (textures) for some ATI cards. Not really useful for anything other than making the textures look strange on most cards.
47 Check this option only when using the LithTech Software Renderer. Useful for simulating low resolutions (320x200, 320x240) on 2D video cards that don't support low resolutions in 16-bit color. If you check this option and have 640x480 16bit selected as your resolution, Blood2 will simulate 320x240. Can provide noticable performance increases at the expense of visual quality.
48 This restores all configuration settings to the original factory defaults. Resets key configuration, detail level and sound. Useful if you're mucking around with detail settings and you just want things back the way they were.
49 Advanced users only. The command line is used for setting console variables at startup. For more information on this feature, visit the Blood2 website at http://www.the-chosen.com.
50 WARNING! Tinkering with the advanced options can cause the game to run worse (or not at all) depending on your system configuration. Please click on the "Help" button for information on each advanced option before using them.
51 No renderers were found. This problem is usually due to DirectX 6 not being properly installed. Please verify that DirectX 6 is installed and re-run the installer if necessary.
52 ERROR - Unable to launch the web page. Please make sure that your web browser and internet connection are configured properly.
65 There are no 3D sound providers available on this system.
66 No 3D sound
67 The 3D sound hardware on your system will now be queried. This may take up to a minute and you may hear a few pops and clicks.
68 Blood2: The Chosen
69 Blood2: Nightmares
70 Blood2Nm.hlp
71 May provide a performance increase on some 3D cards when rendering light-mapped or multi-textured areas. Single-pass multi-texturing is currently supported by 3DFX Voodoo2 and nVidia Riva TNT cards. Future video cards may also support this feature, but checking this option may cause unpredictable results on some 3D cards.
72 Rage 128\n\nATI - http://support.atitech.ca/drivers\n\nPlease check the ATI website for the most up to date drivers avaiable.\n\nRecommended Display Settings:\nHIGH\n\nRecommended Advanced Settings:\nEnable Optimized Surfaces\nEnable Triple Buffering\nEnable poly gap fixing\n