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- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This code is copyright 2001 by G5 Software.
- // Any unauthorized usage, either in part or in whole of this code
- // is strictly prohibited. Violators WILL be prosecuted to the
- // maximum extent allowed by law.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CSovietKatushaMesh
- {
- string MeshFile = "Models/S_Katusha.mesh";
- string SkinFile = "Models/S_Katusha.skin";
- string AnimFile = "Models/S_Katusha.anim";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaStateControl extends CMobileGroundUnitStateControl
- {
- void CSovietKatushaStateControl()
- {
- CMobileGroundUnitStateControl(1000.0);
- m_DestroyPause = 7.5;
- m_ExplosionId = "EXPLID_SovietKatushaExplosion";
- }
- }
- class CSovietKatushaTargetingAnimator
- {
- string HorAnimName = "tower";
- string VerAnimName = "gun";
- float LeftEndAngle = -180.0;
- float RightEndAngle = 180.0;
- float TopEndAngle = 0.0;
- float BottomEndAngle = 20.0;
- float MaxAngleSpeed = 30.0;
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun extends CWorldPhysics, CBaseWeaponDescriptor
- {
- int AmmoQuantity = -1;
- float BulletSpeed = 150.0;
- vector GravityVector = g_Gravity;
- float FireDeviation = 0.05;
- string BulletPatternId = "BULLETID_SovietKatushaRocket";
- string EffectOnFire = "";
- string FireCloudEffect = "EFFECTID_KatushaRocketFireCloudEffect";
- string SoundOnFire = "SOUNDID_KatushaRocketFireSound";
- string WeaponName = "Gun";
- float FireWeaponDelay = 0.8;
- bool IsAutotargeting = false;
- int AttachSlotNumber = 1;
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_01 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_01";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_02 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_02";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_03 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_03";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_04 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_04";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_05 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_05";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_06 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_06";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_07 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_07";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_08 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_08";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_09 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_09";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaGun_10 extends CSovietKatushaGun
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_10";
- }
- class CSovietKatushaBehavior extends
- CBaseBehavior, CSovietKatushaMoveParameters, CSovietKatushaFireParameters
- {
- void CSovietKatushaBehavior()
- {
- CBaseBehavior();
- }
- }
- class CSovietKatushaMoveParameters
- {
- boolean CanMove = true;
- float MaxSpeed = 14; // m/s
- float MaxAngleSpeed = 3; // rad/s
- float MaxAccelleration = 15; // m/(s*s)
- float MaxAngleAccelleration = 10; // rad/(s*s)
- float MoveBank = 0.0; // tank has no banking
- float RotationBank = 0.0; // tank has no banking
- }
- class CSovietKatushaFireParameters
- {
- bool CanFire = true;
- int FirePeriod = 300; // ms
- int FirePeriodRandAdd = 0; // ms
- int ShootGunNum = 1;
- bool BurstFire = true;
- int BurstTime = 3000; // ms
- int BurstTimeRandAdd = 0; // ms
- int BurstDelay = 9000; // ms
- int BurstDelayRandAdd = 5000; // ms
- // radar
- bool HasRadar = true;
- float MaxRadarDistance = 100; // m
- float MinRadarDistance = 100; // m
- int UpdateRadarPeriod = 3000; // ms
- int UpdateRadarPeriodRandAdd = 1000; // ms
- bool FireFlying = false;
- bool FireGround = true;
- };
- class CSovietKatusha extends
- CGroundUnit,
- CArmedUnit,
- CUnitWithSound,
- CUnitWithCamera,
- CUnitWithStateControl,
- CUnitWithBehavior
- {
- void CSovietKatusha()
- {
- InitializeModelAsAnimated("CSovietKatushaMesh");
- CUnitWithStateControl("CSovietKatushaStateControl");
- InitializeSound("CSovietKatushaEngineSound");
- CreateAnimatedWeapon("Slot_01", "CSovietKatushaGun_01", "CSovietKatushaTargetingAnimator");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_02", "CSovietKatushaGun_02");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_03", "CSovietKatushaGun_03");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_04", "CSovietKatushaGun_04");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_05", "CSovietKatushaGun_05");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_06", "CSovietKatushaGun_06");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_07", "CSovietKatushaGun_07");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_08", "CSovietKatushaGun_08");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_09", "CSovietKatushaGun_09");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Slot_10", "CSovietKatushaGun_10");
- InitializeVehicleBehavior("CSovietKatushaBehavior");
- Core_AddClassificator("Russian");
- Core_AddClassificator("Katusha"); // for cockpit identification
- Core_AddClassificator("GroundUnit"); // for behavior fire logic
- }
- }
- class CCapturedSovietKatusha extends CSovietKatusha
- {
- void CCapturedSovietKatusha()
- {
- Core_RemoveClassificator("Russian");
- Core_AddClassificator("German");
- }
- }