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- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This code is copyright 2001 by G5 Software.
- // Any unauthorized usage, either in part or in whole of this code
- // is strictly prohibited. Violators WILL be prosecuted to the
- // maximum extent allowed by law.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CHelicopterMesh
- {
- string MeshFile = "Models/Helicopter.mesh";
- string SkinFile = "Models/Helicopter.skin";
- string AnimFile = "Models/Helicopter.anim";
- }
- class CHelicopterSmokeGenerator
- {
- string DustItemEffect = "EFFECTID_HelicopterSmokeTrackEffect";
- float ItemsPerSecond = 1000.0;
- void StartSmokeGeneration()
- {
- EnableDustGeneration();
- }
- void StopSmokeGeneration()
- {
- DisableDustGeneration();
- }
- }
- class CHelicopterCollision
- {
- float MaxPositionHeight = 1100.0f;
- float PositionRestriction = 500.0f;
- float RotationSpeed = 4.0f;
- float RotateReturnSpeed = 0.5f;
- float MaxRotationAngle = Math_HALFPI * 0.5f;
- float ThrowMoveFactor = 0.15;
- float ThrowRotateFactor = 0.01f;
- float ThrowMoveDamper = 0.5f;
- string CollisionJointName = "Hull_Collision_Map";
- string CollisionEffect = "";
- string CollisionSound = "SOUNDID_HelicopterCollisionSound";
- void DisableCollisionControl()
- {
- EnableObjectControl(false);
- }
- void SetTerrainCollisionMode()
- {
- }
- }
- class CHelicopterCameraLinkControl
- {
- void CHelicopterCameraLinkControl()
- {
- SetDefaultCameraView();
- }
- int m_CurrentViewMode = 0;
- void OnSetCameraView(
- int _ViewType
- )
- {
- if (CVT_DefaultView == _ViewType)
- SetDefaultCameraView();
- else
- if (CVT_NextView == _ViewType)
- SetCameraView(m_CurrentViewMode + 1);
- }
- void SetDefaultCameraView()
- {
- SetCameraView(0);
- }
- void SetCameraView(
- int _Mode
- )
- {
- m_CurrentViewMode = _Mode % 7;
- string RenderMode = CRM_Cocpit;
- if (0 != _Mode)
- RenderMode = CRM_WideScreen;
- Core_SendEventTo(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "SetCocpitRenderMode",
- RenderMode
- );
- if (0 == _Mode)
- {
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Local, vector(-34.0, 0.0, -4.0), -1.0, 12.0);
- SetCameraViewTarget(CRDSYS_Local, vector(4000.0, 0.0, 0.0), true, -1.0);
- return;
- }
- else
- if (1 == _Mode)
- {
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Origin, vector(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), -1.0, 30.0);
- SetCameraViewTarget(CRDSYS_Local, vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false, -1.0);
- return;
- }
- else
- if (2 == _Mode)
- {
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Local, vector(25.0, 0.0, 0.0), -1.0, 10.0);
- SetCameraViewTarget(CRDSYS_Local, vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false, -1.0);
- return;
- }
- else
- if (3 == _Mode)
- {
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Local, vector(0.0, 25.0, 0.0), -1.0, 10.0);
- SetCameraViewTarget(CRDSYS_Local, vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false, -1.0);
- return;
- }
- else
- if (4 == _Mode)
- {
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Local, vector(0.0, -25.0, 0.0), -1.0, 10.0);
- SetCameraViewTarget(CRDSYS_Local, vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false, -1.0);
- return;
- }
- SetDefaultCameraView();
- }
- void ShowHelicopterDeath()
- {
- vector CameraPosition = Core_GetMatrixOrigin(GetCurrentCameraPosition());
- vector ObjectPosition = Core_GetMatrixOrigin(GetCurrentObjectPosition());
- vector Position = CameraPosition - ObjectPosition;
- Position = vector(Core_GetVectorX(Position), Core_GetVectorY(Position), 0.0);
- Position = (150.0 / Core_Magnitude(Position)) * Position + vector(0.0, 0.0, 40.0);
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Origin, Position, 35.0, 0.0);
- SetCameraViewTarget(CRDSYS_Origin, vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false, Math_PI * 0.1);
- }
- void ShowHelicopterFinal()
- {
- vector CameraPosition = Core_GetMatrixOrigin(GetCurrentCameraPosition());
- vector ObjectPosition = Core_GetMatrixOrigin(GetCurrentObjectPosition());
- vector Position = CameraPosition - ObjectPosition;
- Position = vector(Core_GetVectorX(Position), Core_GetVectorY(Position), 0.0);
- Position = (75.0 / Core_Magnitude(Position)) * Position + vector(0.0, 0.0, 25.0);
- SetCameraPosition(CRDSYS_Origin, Position, 10.0, 0.0);
- }
- }
- class CHelicopterStateControl extends CUnitLifeControl, CDifficultyLevel
- {
- bool m_FreeFallEnabled = false;
- bool m_ObjectDetonated = false;
- void CHelicopterStateControl()
- {
- CUnitLifeControl(GetHelicopterHP());
- m_DestroyPause = 0.0;
- m_ExplosionId = "";
- m_SplashOnHit = false;
- }
- void HitpointsWasChanged(
- float _NowHitpoints
- )
- {
- Core_SendEventTo(Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "OnHitpointsWasChanged", _NowHitpoints / m_MaxHitpoints);
- }
- void DestroyComponent()
- {
- Core_SendEventTo(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "OnSetCameraView",
- CVT_DefaultView);
- Core_SendEventTo(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "StartFreeFall",
- GetUnitSpeed());
- Core_SendEventTo(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "StartSmokeGeneration");
- // make spherical damage on collision
- Core_DistributeEvent(
- 1.0,
- "OnDetonation",
- "SphericExplosion", // source type (explosion type)
- GetUnitPosition(), // source place
- 50.0
- );
- Core_SendEventTo(Core_GetIdentificator(), "ShowHelicopterDeath");
- m_FreeFallEnabled = true;
- }
- void OnCollisionOccured(
- float _fPower
- )
- {
- bool ToDestroy = m_IsExploded;
- OnToDamage(
- GetCollisionDamageFactor() * m_MaxHitpoints * _fPower / m_DeathPower,
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "Collision",
- GetUnitPosition()
- );
- if (!m_FreeFallEnabled || !ToDestroy)
- return;
- if (m_ObjectDetonated)
- return;
- m_ObjectDetonated = true;
- Core_SendEventTo(Core_GetIdentificator(), "StopEngineSound");
- Core_SendEventTo(Core_GetIdentificator(), "StopFreeFall");
- Core_SendEventTo(Core_GetIdentificator(), "ShowHelicopterFinal");
- Core_SendEventTo(Core_GetIdentificator(), "StartSmokeGeneration");
- Core_CallFunction(
- "Explosions",
- "CreateExplosion",
- "EXPLID_HelicopterExplosion",
- GetUnitPosition());
- Core_CallFunction(
- "Effects",
- "CreateEffect",
- "EFFECTID_HelicopterSmokeEffect",
- GetUnitPosition());
- GenerateBullets(
- 50,
- "BULLETID_ExplosionFireSplash",
- array(0.0, Math_HALFPI),
- 0,
- array(0.0, 3.0),
- array(70.0, 90.0),
- GetUnitPosition()
- );
- GenerateBullets(
- 10,
- "BULLETID_ExplosionSmokeSplash",
- array(0.0, Math_HALFPI),
- 0,
- array(0.0, 1.5),
- array(40.0, 50.0),
- GetUnitPosition()
- );
- // Destroy object
- Core_PostEventTo(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "DestroyGameObject",
- Core_GetIdentificator()
- );
- }
- void ConsoleCommand_SetImmortalMode(
- bool _ImmortalMode
- )
- {
- m_ImmortalMode = _ImmortalMode;
- if (m_ImmortalMode)
- Core_LogMessage("immortal mode on");
- else
- Core_LogMessage("immortal mode off");
- }
- }
- class CHelicopterFreeFallControl extends CWorldPhysics
- {
- void CHelicopterFreeFallControl()
- {
- EnableFreeFall(false);
- }
- void StartFreeFall(
- vector _InitSpeed
- )
- {
- Core_SendEventTo(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "DisableCollisionControl");
- Core_SendEventTo(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- "SetTerrainCollisionMode");
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_GameController,
- "EnableControl",
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- false
- );
- SetFreeFallSpeed(_InitSpeed);
- SetFreeFallAccel(g_Gravity);
- SetFreeFallAngle(Math_PI * 0.05, Math_PI * 0.001);
- EnableFreeFall(true);
- }
- void StopFreeFall()
- {
- EnableFreeFall(false);
- }
- }
- class CHelicopterRotorAnimator
- {
- string AnimationName = "rotor";
- float SpeedFactor = 0.15;
- }
- class CHelicopterGun extends CBaseWeaponDescriptor
- {
- int AmmoQuantity = -1;
- float BulletSpeed = 600.0;
- float FireDeviation = 0.005;
- string BulletPatternId = "BULLETID_HelicopterGunBullet";
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_01";
- string EffectOnFire = "EFFECTID_HelicopterGunFireEffect";
- string SoundOnFire = "SOUNDID_HelicopterGunFireSound";
- float TargetingRange = 3.0;
- string WeaponName = "Gun";
- float FireWeaponDelay = 0.15;
- bool IsAutotargeting = false;
- int AttachSlotNumber = 0;
- }
- class CHelicopterMissileWeapon extends CBaseWeaponDescriptor
- {
- void ConsoleCommand_LoadFullAmmo()
- {
- ResetAmmoQuantity();
- }
- void ConsoleCommand_SetUnlimitedAmmo(
- bool _Unlimited
- )
- {
- if (_Unlimited)
- ResetAmmoQuantity();
- SetUnlimitedAmmo(_Unlimited);
- if (_Unlimited)
- Core_LogMessage("unlimited ammo on");
- else
- Core_LogMessage("unlimited ammo off");
- }
- }
- class CHelicopterS8Launcher extends CHelicopterMissileWeapon, CDifficultyLevel
- {
- int AmmoQuantity = GetS8MissileQuantity();
- float BulletSpeed = 250.0;
- float FireDeviation = 0.0;
- string LinkJointName = "";
- string EffectOnFire = "";
- string FireCloudEffect = "EFFECTID_HelicopterRocketFireCloudEffect";
- string SoundOnFire = "SOUNDID_HelicopterMissileFireSound";
- float TargetingRange = 5.0;
- float FireWeaponDelay = 1.0;
- bool IsAutotargeting = false;
- string BulletPatternId = "BULLETID_HelicopterRocket";
- bool NotifyOnFire = true;
- }
- class CHelicopterVikhrLauncher extends CHelicopterMissileWeapon, CDifficultyLevel
- {
- int AmmoQuantity = GetVikhrMissileQuantity();
- float BulletSpeed = 200.0;
- float FireDeviation = 0.0;
- string LinkJointName = "";
- string EffectOnFire = "";
- string FireCloudEffect = "EFFECTID_HelicopterRocketFireCloudEffect";
- string SoundOnFire = "SOUNDID_HelicopterMissileFireSound";
- float TargetingRange = 0.0;
- float FireWeaponDelay = 1.0;
- bool IsAutotargeting = true;
- string BulletPatternId = "BULLETID_HelicopterMissile";
- bool NotifyOnFire = true;
- }
- class CHelicopterMissileLauncher_1 extends CHelicopterVikhrLauncher
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_05";
- string WeaponName = "Launcher 1";
- int AttachSlotNumber = 1;
- }
- class CHelicopterMissileLauncher_2 extends CHelicopterS8Launcher
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_04";
- string WeaponName = "Launcher 2";
- int AttachSlotNumber = 2;
- }
- class CHelicopterMissileLauncher_3 extends CHelicopterS8Launcher
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_02";
- string WeaponName = "Launcher 3";
- int AttachSlotNumber = 3;
- }
- class CHelicopterMissileLauncher_4 extends CHelicopterVikhrLauncher
- {
- string LinkJointName = "_Gun_Fire_03";
- string WeaponName = "Launcher 4";
- int AttachSlotNumber = 4;
- }
- class CHelicopter extends
- CFlyingUnit, CArmedUnit, CUnitWithSound, CUnitWithCamera, CUnitWithStateControl
- {
- void CreateRotorEffect(
- string Name,
- string Joint
- )
- {
- CreateComponent(Name + "Effect", "StaticEffect", "CHelicopterRotorEffect");
- CreateComponent(Name + "Link", "ObjectEffectLink");
- SetComponentSlaveObject(Name + "Link", Name + "Effect");
- SetComponentPositionable(Name + "Link", "Mesh", Joint);
- }
- void CHelicopter()
- {
- InitializeModelAsAnimated("CHelicopterMesh");
- InitializeSound("CHelicopterEngineSound");
- InitializeCamera("CHelicopterCameraLinkControl");
- CUnitWithStateControl("CHelicopterStateControl");
- CreateComponent("Rotor", "CircledAnimator", "CHelicopterRotorAnimator");
- SetComponentSlaveObject("Rotor", "Mesh");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Weapon", "CHelicopterGun");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Missile_1", "CHelicopterMissileLauncher_1");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Missile_2", "CHelicopterMissileLauncher_2");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Missile_3", "CHelicopterMissileLauncher_3");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Missile_4", "CHelicopterMissileLauncher_4");
- CreateComponent("Collision", "CollisionControl", "CHelicopterCollision");
- SetComponentSlaveObject("Collision", "Mesh");
- CreateRotorEffect("RotorUp", "RH_up");
- CreateRotorEffect("RotorDown", "RH_down");
- CreateComponent("FreeFall", "FreeFallControl", "CHelicopterFreeFallControl");
- SetComponentSlaveObject("FreeFall", "Mesh");
- CreateComponent("SmokeGenerator", "DustGenerator", "CHelicopterSmokeGenerator");
- SetComponentPositionable("SmokeGenerator", "Mesh");
- Core_AddClassificator("FlyingUnit"); // for behavior fire logic
- }
- }
- class CSovietHelicopter extends CHelicopter
- {
- void CSovietHelicopter()
- {
- Core_AddClassificator("Russian");
- }
- }
- class CPlayerSovietHelicopter extends CSovietHelicopter
- {
- void CPlayerSovietHelicopter()
- {
- // Create movement manual control
- CreateComponent("Manual", "ManualObjectControl");
- SetComponentSlaveObject("Manual", "Mesh");
- // Create and initialize cockpit
- CreateComponent("Cockpit", "Cockpit", "CHelicopterCockpit");
- SetComponentPositionable("Cockpit", "Mesh");
- for (int Index = 0; Index < m_WeaponNames.size(); Index = Index + 1)
- SetComponentSlaveObject("Cockpit", m_WeaponNames[Index]);
- // this classificator marks the model controlled by player in the game
- // it is used by ShadowRender to select the shadow page of the
- // corresponding size
- }
- }