home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This code is copyright 2001 by G5 Software.
- // Any unauthorized usage, either in part or in whole of this code
- // is strictly prohibited. Violators WILL be prosecuted to the
- // maximum extent allowed by law.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CGameMachine extends CStrings
- {
- color ConsoleStartColor = color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0);
- color ConsoleLoadColor = color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0);
- color ConsoleGameColor = color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.75);
- void CGameMachine()
- {
- // load text rendering component
- LoadTextRender("CFonts");
- // SetConsoleState(Enabled, ScreenAreaPersent, BackColor)
- SetConsoleState(true, 100, ConsoleStartColor);
- // InitMainCamera(CameraClass) camera automaticaly activated
- InitMainCamera("CMainGameCamera");
- // Create music controller
- CreateMusicController("CMusicController");
- // InitMainListener(???)
- InitMainListener();
- // Load game menu
- CreateGameMenu("CGameMenu");
- // Load mission menu
- CreateMissionMenu("CMissionMenu");
- // Hide console after everything's loaded
- SetConsoleState(false, 50, ConsoleGameColor);
- // Disable all controls just for a case
- EnableControl("", false);
- // Enable game menu control
- EnableControl(SOID_GameMenu, true);
- // Start menu music playing
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MusicController, "PlayMenuMusic");
- }
- bool m_bMissionLoaded = false;
- void OnShowMissionMenu()
- {
- if (!m_bMissionLoaded)
- return;
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MissionController, "OnShowMissionMenu");
- }
- void OnForceMissionMenu()
- {
- if (!m_bMissionLoaded)
- return;
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MissionController, "OnForceMissionMenu");
- }
- void OnShowMissionStatus()
- {
- if (!m_bMissionLoaded)
- return;
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MissionController, "OnShowMissionStatus");
- }
- void OnShowMissionHelpScreen()
- {
- if (!m_bMissionLoaded)
- return;
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MissionController, "OnShowMissionHelpScreen");
- }
- void OnQuitGame()
- {
- QuitGame();
- }
- // loaded mission name,
- // saved for 'restart' button
- string m_strCurrentMission;
- // loaded mission number,
- // saved for open new mission functionality
- int m_nCurrentMissionNumber;
- void OnLoadMission(
- string _MissionName,
- int _MissionNumber
- )
- {
- m_strCurrentMission = _MissionName;
- m_nCurrentMissionNumber = _MissionNumber;
- // configure game menu to show load screen while loading
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_GameMenu,
- "GoToSubMenu",
- "GameMenu_LoadScreen"
- );
- // turn off mouse cursor while loading
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_GameMenu,
- "HideCursor"
- );
- SetConsoleState(false, 100, ConsoleLoadColor);
- EnableControl("", false); // Disable all
- ActivateCamera("", false); // Disable all
- EnableControl(SOID_GameMenu, true);
- ActivateCamera(SOID_MainCamera, true);
- LoadMission(_MissionName);
- // turn on mouse cursor for menu
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_GameMenu,
- "ShowCursor"
- );
- EnableControl("", false); // Disable all
- ActivateCamera("", false); // Disable all
- SetConsoleState(false, 50, ConsoleGameColor);
- Core_PostEventTo(
- SOID_GameController,
- "SwitchControlToHelicopter"
- );
- m_bMissionLoaded = true;
- }
- void SwitchControlToHelicopter()
- {
- ActivateObject("Helicopter", true); // enable for helicopter
- }
- // which missions open which
- array m_MissionOpens =
- array(
- array(1, 2),
- array(3, 5),
- array(4, 6),
- array(8),
- array(10),
- array(7),
- array(11),
- array(9),
- array(14),
- array(),
- array(13),
- array(12),
- array(),
- array(),
- array()
- );
- void OnSetMissionResult(
- array _objectives,
- array _statuses,
- array _bonus_objectives,
- array _bonus_statuses,
- string _statistics
- )
- {
- // analyze whether mission is completed and enable the next mission
- // button on the play! menu
- // mission is complete if all the main objectives are complete
- bool bMissionComplete = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < _statuses.size(); i = i + 1)
- {
- bMissionComplete = bMissionComplete && (_statuses[i] == str_ObjectiveComplete);
- }
- //
- // prepare mission results screen
- //
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_GameMenu,
- "BaseMenu_SetMissionStatus",
- _objectives,
- _statuses,
- _bonus_objectives,
- _bonus_statuses,
- _statistics,
- false, // in-game flag, notifies that mission is over
- // and menu should display 'Failed' but not 'In progress'
- // for incomplete objectives
- bMissionComplete // flag showing whether mission is complete
- );
- if (bMissionComplete)
- {
- int cur_state = GetMissionState(m_nCurrentMissionNumber);
- // mission medal
- int level = Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_GameMenu,
- "GetDifficultyLevel"
- );
- if (cur_state < level + 2)
- cur_state = level + 2;
- SetMissionState(m_nCurrentMissionNumber, cur_state);
- // open missions
- array Missions2Open = m_MissionOpens[m_nCurrentMissionNumber];
- for (int i = 0; i < Missions2Open.size(); i = i + 1)
- {
- int state = GetMissionState(Missions2Open[i]);
- if (state == 0)
- state = 1;
- SetMissionState(Missions2Open[i], state);
- }
- }
- }
- void OnQuitMission()
- {
- // Start menu music playing
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MusicController, "PlayMenuMusic");
- EnableControl("", false); // Disable all
- ActivateCamera("", false); // Disable all
- m_bMissionLoaded = false;
- UnloadMission();
- ActivateCamera(SOID_MainCamera, true);
- Core_CallFunction(SOID_GameMenu,
- "GoToSubMenu",
- "BaseMenu_ShowMissionStatus");
- EnableControl(SOID_GameMenu, true);
- }
- void OnRestartMission()
- {
- // Start menu music playing
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_MusicController, "PlayMenuMusic");
- EnableControl("", false); // Disable all
- ActivateCamera("", false); // Disable all
- m_bMissionLoaded = false;
- UnloadMission();
- ActivateCamera(SOID_MainCamera, true);
- // load mission
- Core_SendEventTo(SOID_GameController, "OnLoadMission", m_strCurrentMission, m_nCurrentMissionNumber);
- }
- }
- class CMainGameCamera
- {
- float FOV = 1.0;
- float RectLeft = 0;
- float RectTop = 0;
- float RectRight = 1.0;
- float RectBottom = 1.0;
- float ZMin = 0.0;
- float ZMax = 1.0;
- float ZNear = 1.0;
- float ZFar = 1000.0;
- float Priority = 0;
- }