home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This code is copyright 2001 by G5 Software.
- // Any unauthorized usage, either in part or in whole of this code
- // is strictly prohibited. Violators WILL be prosecuted to the
- // maximum extent allowed by law.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *** Bases for AI specific behavior ***
- //
- // use SetBehaviorTask function to specify mission task for behavior
- //
- class CBaseAITask_BaseTask
- {
- //
- // *** 'virtual' functions ***
- //
- // All functions do nothing by default. Overwrite if needed
- //
- //
- // start up initialization
- void Init() {} // called by CVehicleBehavior after assign
- //
- // events
- void OnEnemyTargeted() {} // called when enemy targeted by a gun
- void OnNoEnemy() {} // called when all enemy disapeared from radar
- void OnUpdate() {} // called every game takt to synchronize
- void OnStopped() {} // called when unit stop
- string OnGetDebugInfo() // called when behavior renders debug information
- { // returned string will be appended to output text
- return "";
- }
- void OnOrderedEnemyKilled() // called when the enemy (specified by SetFireStyle_Enemy) was killed
- {
- SetFireStyle_Nearest();
- }
- void OnLeaderLost( string _LeaderID) {} // called when leader (specified by SetOrder_Follow or SetOrder_Formation) is lost
- void OnEnemyLost( string _EnemyID) {} // called when enemy (specified by SetOrder_Attack) is lost
- }
- class CBaseAITask_Patrol extends CBaseAITask_BaseTask
- {
- //
- // *** 'pure virtual' functions
- //
- // the functions should be overwritten
- //
- // Overwrite this function to specify patrol trip
- // the function shoud return array of vectors
- array GetPatrolTrip()
- {
- return array(); // the default implementation returns empty array
- }
- //
- // *** 'virtual' functions
- //
- // the functions can be overwritten to implement specific patrol logic
- //
- void ResetTripPointIndex()
- {
- m_TripPointIndex = 0;
- }
- boolean HasMoreTripPoints()
- {
- array Trip = GetPatrolTrip();
- return ( Trip.size() > 0);
- }
- void IncrementTripPointIndex()
- {
- // default implementation cycles trip points
- array Trip = GetPatrolTrip();
- m_TripPointIndex = m_TripPointIndex + 1;
- if ( m_TripPointIndex >= Trip.size())
- m_TripPointIndex = 0;
- }
- vector GetNowTripPoint()
- {
- array Trip = GetPatrolTrip();
- return ( Trip[m_TripPointIndex]);
- }
- float GetTripSpeed()
- {
- // default implementation returns vehicle maximum speed
- return MaxSpeed; // this property returns by script user
- }
- //
- // *** notification handlers
- //
- // called by Behavior on initialization
- void Init()
- {
- Notify_Init();
- StartPatrol();
- }
- void StartPatrol()
- {
- m_Active = true;
- // set start trip point
- ResetTripPointIndex();
- if ( HasMoreTripPoints())
- {
- // order to move to current trip point
- SetOrder_MoveTo(
- GetNowTripPoint(),
- GetTripSpeed());
- }
- }
- void ActivatePatrol()
- {
- if ( !m_Active && HasMoreTripPoints())
- {
- // order to move to current trip point
- SetOrder_MoveTo(
- GetNowTripPoint(),
- GetTripSpeed());
- }
- m_Active = true;
- m_AttackState = false;
- }
- void DeactivatePatrol()
- {
- m_Active = false;
- m_AttackState = false;
- SetOrder_StopNow();
- }
- // called by Behavior when movement stopped
- void OnStopped()
- {
- if ( m_Active && !m_AttackState)
- {
- // trip point reached. move to next one
- IncrementTripPointIndex();
- if ( HasMoreTripPoints())
- {
- // order to move to current trip point
- SetOrder_MoveTo(
- GetNowTripPoint(),
- GetTripSpeed());
- };
- }
- }
- void OnEnemyTargeted()
- {
- Notify_OnEnemyTargeted();
- if ( m_Active && !m_AttackState)
- {
- // enemy on radar. attack it
- m_AttackState = true;
- SetFireStyle_Enemy( GetTargetedEnemy());
- SetOrder_Attack(
- GetTargetedEnemy(),
- 200.0, // #TMP:#TODO
- 300.0, // #TMP:#TODO
- GetTripSpeed()); // #TMP:#TODO
- Notify_BeginAttack();
- };
- }
- void OnNoEnemy()
- {
- if ( m_Active && m_AttackState)
- {
- // no more enemy on radar. continue patrolling
- m_AttackState = false;
- if ( HasMoreTripPoints())
- {
- // order to move to current trip point
- SetFireStyle_Nearest();
- SetOrder_MoveTo(
- GetNowTripPoint(),
- GetTripSpeed());
- };
- Nofify_EndAttack();
- };
- };
- // #TMP: special functions
- void Notify_Init() {};
- void Notify_BeginAttack() {};
- void Notify_OnEnemyTargeted() {};
- void Nofify_EndAttack() {};
- //
- // *** 'private' data and operations
- //
- int m_TripPointIndex = 0;
- boolean m_AttackState = false;
- boolean m_Active = true;
- }