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- *type1: vb + obj-here-get
- get
- +acquire
- +take
- +steal
- +grab
- +pick up
- +pick
- remove
- *type2: vb + obj-inv
- drop
- +leave behind
- +put down
- dig with
- throw away
- +dispose of
- +get ridof
- *type3: vb + obj-here/inv
- examine
- +look at
- look under
- +look below
- +look beneath
- +peek under
- lift
- view
- +display
- +show
- look on
- +search on
- +look onto
- search
- look behind
- +peek behind
- touch
- +feel
- *type4: vb + obj-inv+get/here-notget
- open
- close
- +shut
- unlock
- lock
- knock on
- +hammer on
- +rap on
- hit
- +beat
- +punch
- +hammer
- +kick
- ring
- +sound
- knock
- break
- +destroy
- +smash
- +crush
- use
- sit on
- +sit downon
- +sit onto
- pack
- +roll
- +wrap
- +wrap up
- dust
- clean
- +wash
- tidy
- +tidy up
- +clear
- look in
- +look into
- +look inside
- +search in
- empty
- +pour out
- +spill out
- +pour
- +spill
- take out
- read
- browse
- +browse through
- +leaf through
- go through
- +walk through
- +step through
- +climb through
- +crawl through
- sleep on
- +nap on
- +lie downon
- +lie on
- +lie onto
- jump through
- +leap through
- tear
- +rip
- cut
- +slit
- +slice
- stab
- sleep in
- +lie in
- +lie downin
- look through
- +peer through
- +peek through
- look outof
- jump outof
- +leap outof
- go downthrough
- +get downthrough
- +climb downthrough
- have
- pull
- push
- +press
- light
- +ignite
- burn
- set
- dig in
- extinguish
- +put out
- blow out
- blow at
- break through
- +break inthrough
- +crash inthrough
- +crash through
- break in
- +crash in
- eat
- swallow
- +gulp
- drink
- drink from
- +drink outof
- kill
- +murder
- +attack
- mend
- +repair
- +fix
- sit in
- +sit downin
- put
- +place
- tear up
- stand on
- +stand upon
- wait for
- look for
- +search for
- +find
- *type5: vb + place
- go to
- +get to
- +run to
- +walk to
- climb
- +climb on
- +get up
- +get on
- +step on
- +climb upon
- +get upon
- enter
- +go in
- +go into
- +go inside
- +get in
- +get into
- +get inside
- +come in
- +come into
- +come inside
- +step in
- +step into
- +step inside
- +jump in
- +jump into
- +jump inside
- leave
- +go out
- +get out
- +go outof
- +get outof
- +come out
- +come outof
- go north
- +n
- +walk north
- +move north
- +run north
- go south
- +s
- +walk south
- +move south
- +run south
- go east
- +e
- +walk east
- +move east
- +run east
- go west
- +w
- +walk west
- +move west
- +run west
- go up
- +ascend
- +u
- +climb up
- +run up
- go down
- +descend
- +d
- +climb down
- +run down
- go northeast
- +ne
- +walk northeast
- +move northeast
- +run northeast
- go northwest
- +nw
- +walk northwest
- +move northwest
- +run northwest
- go southeast
- +se
- +walk southeast
- +move southeast
- +run southeast
- go southwest
- +sw
- +walk southwest
- +move southwest
- +run southwest
- go back
- +b
- +walk back
- +move back
- +go backnorth
- +go backsouth
- +go backeast
- +go backwest
- +go backnortheast
- +go backnorthwest
- +go backsoutheast
- +go backsouthwest
- +go backup
- +go backdown
- +go backin
- +go backout
- go
- +walk
- +run
- jump down
- jump on
- +leap on
- +jump onto
- +leap onto
- jump to
- +leap to
- go on
- +walk on
- +step on
- fly on
- +fly to
- climb upthrough
- +get upthrough
- jump backon
- +leapbackon
- *type6: vb + obj-wearable
- wear
- +put on
- +try on
- *type7: vb + obj-worn
- unwear
- +take off
- +undress
- +remove
- *type8: vb + nothing
- inventory
- +inv
- +i
- score
- load
- save
- restart
- quit
- +give up
- +give in
- +surrender
- map
- dictionary
- sit
- +sit down
- lie
- +lie down
- sleep
- +nap
- relax
- jump
- +leap
- +jump up
- +leap up
- make
- bathe
- jump back
- +leap back
- dig
- cook
- look around
- +look about
- fuck
- +fuck off
- +jerk
- +jerk off
- +cunt
- +shit
- +damn
- +piss
- +piss off
- pee
- +urinate
- wait
- stand
- +stand up
- cry
- +weep
- shout
- +yell
- +scream
- *type9: vb + code
- dial
- type
- say
- look up
- *end