home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- *vb
- empty
- spill
- pour
- open
- go
- get
- enter
- leave
- examine
- look
- lock
- unlock
- tell
- see
- have
- own
- use
- close
- inv
- inventory
- wear
- knock
- hit
- beat
- punch
- hammer
- ring
- sound
- rap
- break
- destroy
- smash
- crush
- step
- peek
- lift
- pick
- score
- load
- save
- quit
- restart
- map
- dictionary
- view
- display
- show
- search
- sit
- roll
- dust
- kill
- attack
- murder
- pack
- wrap
- clean
- wash
- tidy
- clear
- kick
- read
- browse
- leaf
- lie
- sleep
- relax
- nap
- remove
- crawl
- jump
- leap
- tear
- rip
- cut
- slit
- slice
- stab
- make
- bathe
- pull
- push
- press
- fly
- burn
- light
- ignite
- set
- fire
- dig
- shut
- extinguish
- eat
- gulp
- swallow
- drink
- cook
- repair
- mend
- fix
- touch
- feel
- shit
- fuck
- damn
- cunt
- jerk
- pee
- urinate
- piss
- dispose
- dial
- put
- place
- give
- surrender
- wait
- stand
- find
- cry
- weep
- shout
- yell
- scream
- *n
- floor
- door
- house
- key
- knapsack
- +bag
- +sack
- road
- +way
- +path
- +trail
- home
- indian
- +statue
- +figurine
- knife
- candle
- clothes
- everything
- +all
- +objects
- +things
- paper
- piece
- +bit
- painting
- +picture
- +portrait
- pillow
- +cushion
- pickaxe
- +pickax
- +pick-axe
- box
- matches
- +match
- screwdriver
- book
- +story
- bell
- +doorbell
- +door-bell
- cupboard
- +crockery
- bin
- +waste-bin
- +wastebin
- +rubbish-bin
- table
- staircase
- +stairs
- +stair
- chairs
- +chair
- carpet
- +rug
- safe
- wall
- sofa
- +couch
- bath
- +shower
- +tub
- +bathtub
- +bath-tub
- mirror
- washbasin
- +basin
- +wash-basin
- curtains
- +curtain
- bed
- +sleep
- window
- trapdoor
- +trap-door
- bench
- darkness
- chest
- hole
- roof
- grass
- flowers
- +flower
- tree
- fountain
- shed
- chimney
- nest
- +feathers
- +straw
- branches
- +branch
- inventory
- grandmother
- +woman
- spider
- +spiders
- +cobweb
- +cobwebs
- +webs
- +web
- room
- hall
- bump
- score
- game
- map
- dictionary
- dust
- rubbish
- +waste
- +garbage
- lock
- -direct-
- code
- +combination
- +number
- +numbers
- +password
- bedroom
- passage
- garden
- patio
- +terrace
- bathroom
- diary
- attic
- fire
- +flame
- ground
- kitchen
- upstairs
- downstairs
- water
- you
- +yourself
- rest
- +break
- +pause
- ceiling
- road
- *adj
- game
- old
- +ancient
- +antique
- open
- closed
- +shut
- empty
- free
- full
- small
- +little
- +tiny
- big
- +large
- +huge
- locked
- unlocked
- burning
- +lit
- +lighted
- sharp
- kitchen
- rusty
- green
- red
- blue
- orange
- pink
- black
- white
- brown
- grey
- yellow
- golden
- +gold
- door
- rubbish
- +garbage
- +waste
- +trash
- dining
- living
- wall
- pretty
- +nice
- +beautiful
- +handsome
- +good-looking
- tall
- +high
- wooden
- +wood
- bird's
- +bird
- +bird┤s
- +birds
- tree
- new
- grandfather┤s
- +grandfather's
- main
- entrance
- code
- +combination
- +number
- +numbers
- +password
- hidden
- +concealed
- secret
- cold
- hot
- wet
- dial
- *det
- the
- an
- a
- some
- this
- that
- these
- those
- any
- your
- *adv
- quickly
- fast
- very
- again
- hard
- aloud
- *prep
- to
- +towards
- +toward
- in
- +into
- on
- +onto
- at
- behind
- through
- +thru
- up
- down
- out
- +outta
- of
- but
- +except
- with
- off
- away
- about
- for
- north
- south
- east
- west
- northeast
- +north-east
- northwest
- +north-west
- southeast
- +south-east
- southwest
- +south-west
- back
- under
- +beneath
- +below
- by
- from
- inside
- around
- rid
- *conj
- and
- ,
- then
- *pron
- it
- him
- her
- them
- there
- *spec
- where
- what
- why
- when
- who
- which
- how
- yes
- no
- ok
- okay
- don┤t
- don't
- me
- you┤re
- you're
- are
- can
- *end