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- Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic 53 55
- Age of Empires II: Age of Kings 1
- Age of Mythology 31
- Age of Mythology 39
- Age of Wonders 10
- Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne 42 24
- Alien vs. Predator 2 32
- Alone in the Dark 4 17
- Anachronox 27
- Anarchy Online 26
- Anno 1503 31
- Anno 1503 49
- Another War 42 26
- Aquanox 32
- Arx Fatalis 33 28
- B-17 Flying Fortress II 7 22
- Baldur's Gate 0
- Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn 13
- Battle Isle 4: Children of Haris 12
- Battle Mages 48 35
- Battlezone 2 6
- Beach Life 37 24
- Besieger 48 34
- Black & White 24
- Black & White 2 50 30
- Blair Witch Trilogy 23 26
- Blitzkrieg 50 34
- Bloodrayne 49
- C&C: Tiberian Sun 3
- Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! 0
- Celtic King: Rage of Wars 43
- Civilization III 32 45
- Clive Barker's Undying 23
- Cold Zero: The Last Stand 46 26
- Comanche 4 34
- Comanche Hokum 16
- Command & Conquer: Generals 41
- Command & Conquer: Generals 47
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 22
- Command & Conquer: Renegade 11
- Command & Conquer: Renegade 33
- Commandos 2 30
- Counter Strike: Condition Zero 36
- Death Tracer 19 24
- Delta Force: Black Hawk Down 44
- Deus Ex 2: Invisible War 42 28
- Deus Ex 2: Invisible War 51
- Diablo II 3
- Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 30
- Divine Divinity 31
- Divine Divinity 43
- Doom 3 29
- Doom III 42
- Dragon Empires 38
- Driver 3
- Duke Nukem Forever 14
- Duke Nukem Forever 32 38
- Duke Nukem: P°φb∞h opravdovΘho Φlov∞ka 27
- Dungeon Keeper II 4
- Dungeon Siege 17
- Dungeon Siege 31
- Dungeon Siege 39
- EA Sports 2001 (FIFA, NHL, NBA Live) 19 28
- Earth and Beyond 35
- Empire Earth 24
- Empire Earth 31
- Enter the Matrix 50 26
- Etherlords 2 48 32
- FIFA 2001 22
- FIFA 2003 44
- Fleet Command 5
- Flight Simulator 2002 29
- Freelancer 47 28
- FreeSpace 2 9
- Ghost Master 51 30
- Giants 20
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto 11
- Goldenland 44 22
- Gothic II 43
- Grand Prix 4 40
- Grand Theft Auto 2 10
- Grand Theft Auto 3 37
- Grand Theft Auto III 41
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 50
- Half-Life: Gunman 23 24
- Half-Life: Opposing Force 8
- Halo 15
- Halo 30
- Halo 36
- Heretic 2 0
- Heroes of Might and Magic IV: Winds of War 50 35
- Hidden & Dangerous 2
- Hidden & Dangerous 2 22
- Hidden & Dangerous 2 31
- Highland Warriors 48
- Hired Guns 14
- Hitchcock: The Final Cut 34
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin 35
- Homeplanet 50 36
- Hooligans: Storm over Europe 34
- HorkΘ lΘto 2 5
- Chaser 35
- Chrome 35
- Icewind Dale II 38
- IL-2 Sturmovik 4
- IL-2 Sturmovik 16
- Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb 47 26
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine 0
- Iron Storm 46
- Jagged Alliance 2 3
- Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast 33 26
- KnightShift 44 24
- Kreed 36
- Legenda: Poselstvφ tr∙nu 2 49
- Lionheart 45 24
- Lock On: Modern Air Combat 46
- Loose Cannon 7 24
- Loose Cannon 28 36
- Mafia 20
- Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven 40
- MDK 2 11
- Medal of Honor 32 42
- Medival: Total War 38
- MechCommander 2 29
- MechWarrior 4 21
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance 50 29
- Midtown Madness 2 21
- Might and Magic IX 37
- Need for Speed 4 7 26
- Need for Speed: Motor City Online 32 36
- Neverwinter Nights 26
- Neverwinter Nights 32
- Neverwinter Nights 37 26
- Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide 51 33
- NHL 2001 22
- NHL 2003 43
- No One Lives Forever 2 40
- Nox 10
- Operation Flashpoint 25
- Panzers 49 36
- Planescape: Torment 9
- Polda 2 9
- Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor 15
- Poseidon 1
- Poselstvφ tr∙nu 2: Legenda 44 26
- Praetorians 46 24
- Project Ego 33 24
- Project IGI 2: Mercenary Force 35
- Railroad Tycoon 2 0
- Rally Championship 99 4
- Rally Trophy 33
- Red Faction 24
- Republic: The Revolution 16
- Republic: The Revolution 34
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein 23 22
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein 31
- Revenant 10
- Rise of Nations 41
- Rise of Nations 47
- Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood 42
- Rune 21
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost 49 30
- Sacred 51 28
- Sea Dogs II 48 30
- Settlers IV 19 26
- Shadowman 6
- Simcity 4 45
- Simon the Sorcerer 3D 15
- SimsVille 21
- Soldier of Fortune 6
- Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix 30
- Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix 39 32
- Spellforce: The Order of Dawn 49 28
- Star Trek Elite Force II 41
- Star Trek mßnie 8
- Star Wars Galaxies 32 46
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 51 26
- Stronghold 33
- Sudden Strike 2 40
- Summoner 18 22
- Swat: Urban Justice 45
- Swords and Sorcery 6
- Sydney 2000 20
- SystΘm Shock 2 4
- Team Factor 40
- Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms 16
- The Cult 47
- The Elders Scroll: Morrowind 32
- The I of the Dragon 39
- The Sims 6
- Throne of Darkness 23
- TOCA Race Driver 48
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Raven Shield 41
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 45 22
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 48
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 49 32
- Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft 0
- Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness 40
- Torn 31
- Train Simulator 25
- Trickstyle 11
- Tropico 2: Pirate Cove 50 37
- UFO: Aftermath 49
- Unreal 2 37
- Unreal II 30
- Unreal Tournament 5
- Unreal Tournament 2 37
- Unreal Tournament 2003 40
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption 10
- Venom 28 32
- Vietcong 45 26
- Vietcong 48
- Warcraft III: Frozen Throne 50 32
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 11
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 20
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 39
- Warlords IV 43
- Warrior Kings 36
- Wheel of Time 6
- Will Rock 38
- World of Warcraft 34
- XIII 51 34
- X-Isle 33
- Half-Life 2 52 30
- Colin McRae Rally 3 52 34
- Chrome 52 36
- Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight 52 38
- Korea: Forgotten Conflict 52 40
- Pro Beach Soccer 52 42
- The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon 52 43
- Dredd vs. Death 53 38
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth 53 41
- Greyhawk: Temple of Elemental Evil 53 42
- X2: The Thread 53 44
- Trinity 53 46
- The Witcher 53 47
- Full Throttle: Hell of Wheels 53 48
- The Sims 2 53 51
- Chicago 1930 53 52
- Riftunner 54 26
- Kreed 54 28
- Contract J.A.C.K. 54 30
- Join Operations 54 32
- Hidden & Dangerous 2 54 33
- Transport Giant 54 34
- Battle Mages 54 36
- Vietcong: First Alpha 55 26
- Lula 3D 55 30
- Far Cry 55 32
- Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon 34
- Alias 55 36
- Unreal Tournament 2004 55 37
- Worms 3D 55 38
- Weird War: The Unknown Episode of World War II 55 39
- Chicago 1930 55 40
- FIFA Soccer 2004 55 42
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow 56 28
- Need for Speed: Underground 56 30
- Medal of honor: Pacific Assault 56 32
- Silent Hill 3 56 34
- Beyond Good & Evil 56 35
- Knights of Honor 56 36
- Sniper Elite 57 28
- Pro Evolution Soccer 3 57 29
- Armed & Dangerous 57 30
- Train Simulator 2 57 32
- Gothic II: The Night of The Raven 57 34
- The Fall: Last Days of Gaia 58 26
- Planet Prison 58 27
- Fair Strike 58 28
- Restricted Area 58 30
- Painkiller 59 28
- I of the Gragon 59 30
- Chicago 1930 59 32
- Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre 59 24
- port Royale 2 59 35
- Star Wars: Battlefront 60 34
- Sacred 60 36
- Colin McRae Rally 04 60 38
- Psychotoxic 60 40
- Kuma: War 60 42
- Castle Strike 60 44
- Perimetr 60 46
- Star Wars Republic Command 61 34
- ToCa Race Driver 2: The Ultimate Racing Simulator 61 36
- Full Spectrum Warrior 61 38
- Syberia II 61 40
- True Crime: Streets of L.A. 61 42
- Space ack 61 45
- Xpand Rally 61 46
- BloodRayne 2 62 28
- Dungeon Lords 62 30
- Besieger 62 32
- S÷ldner: Secret Wars 62 34
- Chaos League 62 36
- RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 62 37
- Codename: Panzers 62 38
- Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 62 40
- Dungeon Siege II 63 32
- Splinter Cell 3 63 33
- F.E.A.R. 63 34
- Catwoman 63 36
- Brothers in Arms 63 37
- Men of Valor 63 38
- The Movies 63 40
- Battlefield 2 64 34
- Imperial Glory 64 36
- Silent Hill 4: The Room 64 38
- Flatout 64 40
- GTA: San Andreas 64 42
- Call of Duty: United Offensive 64 44
- Soldiers: Heroes of World Wae II 64 45
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 64 46
- Armies of Exigo 64 48
- Juiced 64 50
- NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 64 52
- Empire Earth II 64 53
- Shellshock: nam '67 65 28
- Prince of persia 2 65 30
- Knights of honor 65 32
- Specnaz: project wolf 65 35
- Confloct: vietnam 65 36
- Alfa: antiterror 65 38
- Shade: hn∞v and∞l∙ 65 40
- The Settlers: heritage of kings 66 28
- The chronicles of riddick: Escape from butcher bay 66 30
- Starship troopers 66 32
- Pirates! 66 34
- Full spectrum warrior 66 36
- Rome: Total War 66 38
- Scrapland 66 40
- El matador 67 26
- Dragonshard 67 28
- Pariah 67 30
- Act of war: Direct action 67 32
- Dragon age 67 34
- Project: snowblind 67 36
- Close combat: first to fight 67 38
- Swat 4: Global strike team 68 26
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 68 28
- Psychonauts 68 30
- The Bard's tale 68 32
- Boiling point: road to hell 68 34
- The roots 69 28
- Stranger 69 30
- Telladar chronicles: Decline 69 32
- Bet on soldier 69 34