Secrets are necessary, unless they're your enemy's.
A series of missions chronicling the retrieval of Deep Scout Mendez after he was lost behind enemy lines. Mendez had retrieved vital information about a new Wrath production that was needed on the other side of the lines. You, the Deep Rescue Team, are sent in after him to help warn the UETF about this terrible new threat. iÜ VCigarettes Purpose Focus Hive Brittle Success Comrade Closing Time Storm Center Ionization Storm Center Ionization Storm Center Doldrums Doldrums CakeWalk Shepherd
Duckshoot Doldrums Pre-Emptive Strike Hive Brittle Success Comrade Comrade Closing Time Purpose Focus Hive Brittle Success Comrade Closing Time Hive Brittle Success Comrade Closing Time Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission New UETF Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Test Assault Mission Hunters Test Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Interception Hunters Test Interception New UETF Mission Interception Interception Interception Interception Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test Hunters Test CakeWalk Shepherd