Help_Object_AutoFlattenOn="Turn on auto flattenning"
Help_Object_AutoFlattenOff="Turn off auto flattenning"
Help_Object_Pickup="Select object"
Help_Object_Browser="Object browser"
Help_Object_Change="Change object"
Help_DeleteAll="Delete all placed objects"
Help_Fog_Menu="Fog menu"
Help_Sky_Menu="Sky menu"
Help_Weather_Menu="Weather menu"
Help_Sounds_Menu="Sounds menu"
Help_Lighting_Menu="Open lighting tool"
Help_CloseMenu="Close Menu"
Warning_NotEnoughMem="Not Enough Memory For Object"
Warning_ActorCount="Maximum number of objects reached"
Warning_CamTooClose="Camera Too Close To Ground To Raise Terrain"
Warning_NoDeletePlayerStart="You Can Not Delete Player Starts"
Warning_NoDeleteAssaultObjective="You Can Not Delete The Assault Objective"
Warning_VehicleCount="Too Many Vehicles"
Warning_GameObjCount="Too Many Game Objects"
Warning_FlatForRamp="Need a Flat Surface to Create Ramp"
Warning_JumpTooHigh="Maximum Ramp Height Reached"
Warning_JumpTooLow="Can't Go Any Lower"
Warning_FlatForObj="Terrain Not Flat Enough"
Warning_IntersectWithObj="Object Intersects"
MenuTitle.Text="Select Base Map"
Question.Text="You already have a map named <MAPNAME>. Do you want to replace it?"
MenuTitle.Text="Confirm Overwrite"
Options[0].Blurred.Text="Publish Maps"
Options[2].Blurred.Text="Sign out"
NoMapsFound.Text="No maps found."
StringLive="Xbox Live"
MenuTitle.Text="Select Map"
LiveMessage.Text="You are about to load an Xbox Live map while offline.\n\nIf you don't sign in first, it will be classified as Offline and can only be saved for Practice Mode and System Link games.\n"
Options[0].Blurred.Text="Sign in to Xbox Live First"
Options[1].Blurred.Text="Load it offline"
Options[0].Blurred.Text="Try Map"
Options[1].Blurred.Text="Save Map"
Options[2].Blurred.Text="New Map"
Options[3].Blurred.Text="Load Map"
Options[5].Blurred.Text="Xbox Live"
Options[6].Blurred.Text="Return to Pariah"
StringSaveOfflineMap="Save your Offline map."
StringSaveLiveMap="Save your Live map."
BLabel.Text="Continue Editing"
MenuTitle.Text="Pariah Map Editor"
WasLiveMessage.Text="You are about to save an Xbox Live map but you are not currently signed-in.\n\nIf you don't sign in first, the copy you save will be classified as Offline and can only be used for Practice Mode and System Link games.\n"
WasNewMessage.Text="Do you want to save an Xbox Live map?\n\nIf you sign in first, you will be able to publish your map on Xbox Live and share it with your friends.\n\nIf you don't sign in first, it will be classified as Offline and can only be used for Practice Mode and System Link games.\n"
Options[0].Blurred.Text="Sign in to Xbox Live first"
Options[1].Blurred.Text="Save for Offline play"
StringSaveChangesUntitled="Save your map before continuing?"
StringSaveChangesTitled="Save changes to <MAPNAME> before continuing?"