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- ; This source file can be requested from NVLink.
- ; It could be re-assembled as a shader, but note that
- ; NVLink has already assembled this file into D3D opcodes
- ; You can ask NVLink for the constant and vertex slots from the API.
- ; Total Instructions: 22
- ; Instructions removed by optimizer: 2
- ; Used Constants: 10
- ; Used Vertex Slots: 0
- ; Used Registers: 5
- #define c_constants 0
- #define c_decompress_object_scale 1
- #define c_ambient_light 6
- #define c_worldviewprojection_0 2
- #define c_worldviewprojection_1 3
- #define c_worldviewprojection_2 4
- #define c_worldviewprojection_3 5
- #define c_heightfogplane 8
- #define c_heightfogconst 9
- #define c_objectspace_eyeposition 7
- vs.1.0
- ; f_move_uncompressed_position
- ; f_decompress_texture0
- mad r1.xy, v2.ywww, c[c_constants].wwww, v2.xzzz
- mad oT0.xy, r1.xyyy, c[c_decompress_object_scale].zzzz, -c[c_decompress_object_scale].wwww
- ; f_move_fixed_localposition
- mov r0, v0
- ; f_outputobjectpos_clipspace
- mov r0.w, c[c_constants].yyyy
- dp4 oPos.x, r0, c[c_worldviewprojection_0]
- dp4 oPos.y, r0, c[c_worldviewprojection_1]
- dp4 oPos.z, r0, c[c_worldviewprojection_2]
- dp4 oPos.w, r0, c[c_worldviewprojection_3]
- ; f_set_ambient
- mov r2, c[c_ambient_light]
- ; f_create_objectspace_eyevector_local_viewer
- add r3, r0, -c[c_objectspace_eyeposition]
- dp3 r3.w, r3, r3
- rsq r4.w, r3.wwww
- mul r3, -r3, r4.wwww
- ; f_calculate_texture_height_fog
- mov r0.w, c[c_constants].yyyy
- dp4 r0.y, r0, c[c_heightfogplane]
- rcp r0.x, r4.wwww
- mul oT1.x, r0.xxxx, c[c_heightfogconst].xxxx
- add r4.x, -c[c_heightfogconst].yyyy, c[c_heightfogconst].wwww
- add oFog, c[c_constants].yyyy, r4.xxxx
- ; f_output_texture_height_fog_t1
- mov oT1.y, r0.xyyy
- ; f_write_default_texture
- ; f_set_diffuse_alpha_ambient
- mov oD0.w, c[c_ambient_light].wwww
- ; f_write_diffuse_result
- mov oD0.xyz, r2
- ; end