home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo ""
- echo "^5 "
- echo "^5 "
- echo "^5 "
- echo "^5 "
- echo "^5 "
- echo ""
- // menus
- bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" // menus
- bind "~" "toggleconsole" // console
- bind "TAB" "_impulse19" // scoreboard
- bind "LEFTALT" "_ingamestats" // in-game stats popup
- bind "t" "clientmessagemode" // say
- bind "y" "clientMessageMode 1" // team say
- bind "v" "_voiceChat" // voicechat
- bind "F1" "_impulse28" // vote yes
- bind "F2" "_impulse29" // vote no
- bind "KP_ENTER" "_impulse21" // enter the waiting room in tourney mode
- bind "KP_MINUS" "g_fov 120" // field-of-view cvar sometimes doesn't get archived :(
- // movement
- bind "SPACE" "_moveup" // jump
- bind "c" "_movedown" // crouch
- bind "w" "_forward" // forward
- bind "s" "_back" // backpedal
- bind "a" "_moveleft" // strafe left
- bind "d" "_moveright" // strafe right
- bind "LEFTSHIFT" "_speed" // walk
- bind "MOUSE3" "noclip" // noclip
- // weapons
- bind "1" "_impulse0" // gauntlet
- bind "e" "_impulse7" // railgun
- bind "f" "_impulse8" // lightning gun
- bind "q" "_impulse6" // rocket launcher
- bind "r" "_impulse5" // nailgun
- bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14" // next weapon
- bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15" // previous weapon
- bind "MOUSE1" "_attack" // fire
- bind "MOUSE2" "_zoom" // zoom
- // other
- bind "h" "emote salute" // salute
- bind "j" "emote cheer" // cheer
- bind "k" "emote taunt" // taunt
- bind "l" "emote grab_a" // crotch-grab
- bind "p" "toggle pm_thirdperson" // thirdperson view
- bind "UPARROW" "dec pm_thirdpersonrange 5" // back the thirdperson camera away
- bind "DOWNARROW" "inc pm_thirdpersonrange 5" // push the thirdperson camera in
- bind "LEFTARROW" "dec pm_thirdpersonangle 5" // rotate the thirdperson camera around to the left
- bind "RIGHTARROW" "inc pm_thirdpersonangle 5" // rotate the thirdperson camera around to the right
- bind "KP_INS" "pm_thirdpersonangle 0;pm_thirdpersonrange 80" // reset thirdperson camera to default
- // screenshots
- bind "PRINTSCREEN" "screenshot" // normal screenshot
- bind "F11" "SCREENSHOT 4000 3000" // xbox-huge screenshot
- bind "F12" "SCREENSHOT 4000 3000 12" // xbox-huge screenshot supersampled twelve times
- // names
- // Dear q4 community:
- //
- // Please enjoy Dube's new RGB color-codes.
- // They are of the format ^c<R><G><B> where <R>, <G>, and <B> are values 0-9.
- // Have fun with super-colorful names/clan tags.
- //
- // Love,
- // rgoer
- bind "PAUSE" "ui_clan '^c984<raven>^0'; set ua_nameAnimator 'vstr ua_animatorOff'; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- bind "INS" "ui_clan '^c333<raven>^0'; set ua_nameAnimator 'vstr ua_pulseAnimator'; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- bind "HOME" "ui_clan '^c910<^c950r^c990a^c091v^c095e^c099n^c109>^0' ; set ua_nameAnimator 'vstr ua_rainbowAnimator'; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- bind "PGUP" "ui_clan '^6<raven>^0'; set ua_nameAnimator 'vstr ua_pinkAnimator'; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- bind "DEL" "ui_clan '^c776<^c665R^c554a^c443v^c554e^c665n^c776>^0'; ui_name '^c998S^c887t^c776e^c665p^c554p^c443i^c332n^c443g ^c554R^c665a^c776z^c887o^c998r^0'"
- set ua_animatorOff "ui_name '^c651rgoer^0'"
- set ua_pulseAnimator "ui_name '^c000rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c101rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c202rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c303rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c404rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c505rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c606rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c707rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c808rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c909rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c919rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c929rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c939rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c949rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c959rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c969rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c979rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c989rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c999rgoer^0'; wait 10; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- set ua_rainbowAnimator "ui_name '^c910rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c950rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c990rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c091rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c095rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c099rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c109rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c509rgoer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^c909rgoer^0'; wait 10; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- set ua_pinkAnimator "ui_name '^0r^6goer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^6r^0g^6oer^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^6rg^0o^6er^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^6rgo^0e^6r^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^6rgoe^0r'; wait 10; ui_name '^6rgo^0e^6r^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^6rg^0o^6er^0'; wait 10; ui_name '^6r^0g^6oer^0'; wait 10; vstr ua_nameAnimator"
- set ui_name "^c651rgoer^0"
- set ui_clan "^c984<raven>^0"
- // cvars
- seta g_fov "120"
- seta r_brightness "1.2" // upping r_brightness looks better than upping r_gamma
- seta r_gamma "1" // leave r_gamma default
- seta r_swapInterval "0" // vsync off
- seta r_shadows "1" // shadows
- seta m_strafeSmooth "4" // default number of samples for mouse smoothing
- seta m_smooth "1" // use mouse smoothing
- seta m_strafeScale "6.25" // default amount of strafe smoothing scale
- seta m_yaw "0.022" // default yaw
- seta m_pitch "0.022" // default pitch (not inverted)
- seta sensitivity "25" // I'm so sensitive
- seta in_alwaysRun "1" // always run
- seta in_freeLook "1" // mouse look
- seta com_showFPS "1" // fps indicator
- seta sys_lang "english" // english menus/voiceover
- seta ui_showGun "0" // hide the in-view gun
- seta g_showHud "1" // show the HUD
- seta ui_autoSwitch "0" // disable auto-switch of weapons
- seta ui_hitscanTint "9 4 2" // CLOWN GUN (this is probably gone by the time we ship)
- // clown gun 2.0
- set ua_clownGun "ui_hitscanTint 0 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 30 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 60 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 90 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 120 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 150 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 180 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 210 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 240 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 270 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 300 0.9 1; wait 10; ui_hitscanTint 330 0.9 1; wait 10; vstr ua_fancyRails"
- set ua_clownOff "ui_hitscanTint 9 4 2; vstr ua_fancyRails"
- bind "KP_MINUS" "set ua_fancyRails 'vstr ua_clownGun'; vstr ua_fancyRails"
- bind "KP_PLUS" "set ua_fancyRails 'vstr ua_clownOff'; vstr ua_fancyRails"
- // console
- seta com_allowconsole "1" // console please
- // a note about aliases:
- // q3-style console aliases (set foo "bar"; vstr foo) still work, but require a slight change
- // your user-defined alias name ("foo") needs the ua_ (user alias) prefix in q4, or else it
- // gets flagged as a cheat... leaving you unable to change it in-game (unless cheats are enabled)
- // essentially, "set foo 'bar'; vstr foo" becomes "set ua_foo 'bar'; vstr ua_foo"