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Text File | 2005-11-10 | 24.7 KB | 1,511 lines |
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Tracker scheme resource file
- //
- // sections:
- // Colors - all the colors used by the scheme
- // BaseSettings - contains settings for app to use to draw controls
- // Fonts - list of all the fonts used by app
- // Borders - description of all the borders
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Scheme
- {
- //////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////
- //////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////
- Colors
- {
- // base colors
- "Orange" "0 155 255 255"
- "OrangeDim" "0 155 255 120"
- "LightOrange" "123 203 255 128"
- "Red" "0 100 255 140"
- "Black" "0 0 0 196"
- "TransparentBlack" "0 0 0 196"
- "TransparentLightBlack" "0 0 0 90"
- "Blank" "0 0 0 0"
- "ForTesting" "255 0 0 32"
- "ForTesting_Magenta" "255 0 255 255"
- "ForTesting_MagentaDim" "255 0 255 120"
- }
- ///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS ////////////////////////
- //
- // default settings for all panels
- // controls use these to determine their settings
- BaseSettings
- {
- "FgColor" "0 155 255 100"
- "BgColor" "0 0 0 76"
- "Panel.FgColor" "0 155 255 100"
- "Panel.BgColor" "0 0 0 76"
- "BrightFg" "0 220 255 255"
- "DamagedBg" "180 0 0 200"
- "DamagedFg" "180 0 0 230"
- "BrightDamagedFg" "255 0 0 255"
- // weapon selection colors
- "SelectionNumberFg" "0 155 255 255"
- "SelectionTextFg" "0 155 255 255"
- "SelectionEmptyBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "SelectionBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "SelectionSelectedBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "ZoomReticleColor" "0 155 255 255"
- // HL1-style HUD colors
- "Yellowish" "00 160 255 255"
- "Normal" "0 155 255 255"
- "Caution" "255 48 0 255"
- // Top-left corner of the "Half-Life 2" on the main screen
- "Main.Title1.X" "76"
- "Main.Title1.Y" "184"
- "Main.Title1.Color" "255 255 255 255"
- // Top-left corner of the "DEATHMATCH" on the main screen
- "Main.Title2.X" "315"
- "Main.Title2.Y" "222"
- "Main.Title2.Color" "255 255 255 180"
- // Top-left corner of the menu on the main screen
- "Main.Menu.X" "76"
- "Main.Menu.Y" "240"
- // Blank space to leave beneath the menu on the main screen
- "Main.BottomBorder" "32"
- ///HERE
- // vgui_controls color specifications
- Border.Bright "LightOrange" // the lit side of a control
- Border.Dark "LightOrange" // the dark/unlit side of a control
- Border.Selection "Blank" // the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button
- Button.TextColor "Orange"
- Button.BgColor "Blank"
- Button.ArmedTextColor "Orange"
- Button.ArmedBgColor "Red"
- Button.DepressedTextColor "Orange"
- Button.DepressedBgColor "Red"
- CheckButton.TextColor "Orange"
- CheckButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- CheckButton.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- CheckButton.Border1 "Border.Dark" // the left checkbutton border
- CheckButton.Border2 "Border.Bright" // the right checkbutton border
- CheckButton.Check "Orange" // color of the check itself
- ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor "Orange"
- ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor "Orange"
- ComboBoxButton.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- Frame.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.0" // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
- Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.0" // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
- Frame.AutoSnapRange "0"
- FrameGrip.Color1 "Blank"
- FrameGrip.Color2 "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.FgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.BgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.DisabledFgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- FrameSystemButton.FgColor "Blank"
- FrameSystemButton.BgColor "Blank"
- FrameSystemButton.Icon ""
- FrameSystemButton.DisabledIcon ""
- FrameTitleBar.TextColor "Orange"
- FrameTitleBar.BgColor "Blank"
- FrameTitleBar.DisabledTextColor "Orange"
- FrameTitleBar.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- GraphPanel.FgColor "Orange"
- GraphPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Label.TextDullColor "Orange"
- Label.TextColor "Orange"
- Label.TextBrightColor "Orange"
- Label.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- Label.BgColor "Blank"
- Label.DisabledFgColor1 "Blank"
- Label.DisabledFgColor2 "LightOrange"
- ListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
- ListPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- ListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
- ListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
- ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor "Red"
- ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor "Orange"
- Menu.TextColor "Orange"
- Menu.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- Menu.ArmedTextColor "Orange"
- Menu.ArmedBgColor "Red"
- Menu.TextInset "6"
- Chat.TypingText "Orange"
- Panel.FgColor "OrangeDim"
- Panel.BgColor "blank"
- ProgressBar.FgColor "Orange"
- ProgressBar.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- PropertySheet.TextColor "Orange"
- PropertySheet.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- PropertySheet.TransitionEffectTime "0.25" // time to change from one tab to another
- RadioButton.TextColor "Orange"
- RadioButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- RichText.TextColor "Orange"
- RichText.BgColor "Blank"
- RichText.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- RichText.SelectedBgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarButton.FgColor "Orange"
- ScrollBarButton.BgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarButton.ArmedFgColor "Orange"
- ScrollBarButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarButton.DepressedFgColor "Orange"
- ScrollBarButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
- ScrollBarSlider.FgColor "Blank" // nob color
- ScrollBarSlider.BgColor "Blank" // slider background color
- SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor "Orange"
- SectionedListPanel.HeaderBgColor "Blank"
- SectionedListPanel.DividerColor "Black"
- SectionedListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
- SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor "Orange"
- SectionedListPanel.BgColor "TransparentLightBlack"
- SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
- SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
- SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor "Black"
- SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "255 255 255 32"
- Slider.NobColor "108 108 108 255"
- Slider.TextColor "127 140 127 255"
- Slider.TrackColor "31 31 31 255"
- Slider.DisabledTextColor1 "117 117 117 255"
- Slider.DisabledTextColor2 "30 30 30 255"
- TextEntry.TextColor "Orange"
- TextEntry.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- TextEntry.CursorColor "Orange"
- TextEntry.DisabledTextColor "Orange"
- TextEntry.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
- TextEntry.SelectedTextColor "Black"
- TextEntry.SelectedBgColor "Red"
- TextEntry.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "Red"
- TextEntry.FocusEdgeColor "TransparentBlack"
- ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
- Tooltip.TextColor "TransparentBlack"
- Tooltip.BgColor "Red"
- TreeView.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
- WizardSubPanel.BgColor "Blank"
- // scheme-specific colors
- "FgColor" "Orange"
- "BgColor" "TransparentBlack"
- "ViewportBG" "Blank"
- "team0" "204 204 204 255" // Spectators
- "team1" "255 64 64 255" // CT's
- "team2" "153 204 255 255" // T's
- "MapDescriptionText" "Orange" // the text used in the map description window
- "CT_Blue" "153 204 255 255"
- "T_Red" "255 64 64 255"
- "Hostage_Yellow" "Panel.FgColor"
- "HudIcon_Green" "0 160 0 255"
- "HudIcon_Red" "160 0 0 255"
- // CHudMenu
- "ItemColor" "0 155 255 200" // default 255 167 42 255
- "MenuColor" "0 100 255 255"
- "MenuBoxBg" "0 0 0 100"
- // weapon selection colors
- "SelectionNumberFg" "255 220 0 200"
- "SelectionTextFg" "255 220 0 200"
- "SelectionEmptyBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "SelectionBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
- "SelectionSelectedBoxBg" "0 0 0 190"
- // Hint message colors
- "HintMessageFg" "255 255 255 255"
- "HintMessageBg" "0 0 0 60"
- "ProgressBarFg" "255 30 13 255"
- // Top-left corner of the "Counter-Strike" on the main screen
- "Main.Title1.X" "32"
- "Main.Title1.Y" "180"
- "Main.Title1.Color" "255 255 255 255"
- // Top-left corner of the "SOURCE" on the main screen
- "Main.Title2.X" "380"
- "Main.Title2.Y" "205"
- "Main.Title2.Color" "255 255 255 80"
- // Top-left corner of the "BETA" on the main screen
- "Main.Title3.X" "460"
- "Main.Title3.Y" "-10"
- "Main.Title3.Color" "255 255 0 255"
- // Top-left corner of the menu on the main screen
- "Main.Menu.X" "32"
- "Main.Menu.Y" "248"
- // Blank space to leave beneath the menu on the main screen
- "Main.BottomBorder" "32"
- }
- //////////////////////// FONTS /////////////////////////////
- //
- // describes all the fonts
- Fonts
- {
- // fonts are used in order that they are listed
- // fonts are used in order that they are listed
- "DebugFixed"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Courier New"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "400"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- // fonts are used in order that they are listed
- "DebugFixedSmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Courier New"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "400"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- // fonts listed later in the order will only be used if they fulfill a range not already filled
- // if a font fails to load then the subsequent fonts will replace
- Default
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "9"
- "weight" "700"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "1 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "700"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "1200 10000"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- "DefaultSmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "13"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F"
- "yres" "1200 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "6"
- {
- "name" "Arial"
- "tall" "12"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "0"
- }
- }
- "DefaultVerySmall"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "480 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "13"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "0"
- "range" "0x0000 0x017F" // Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A
- "yres" "1200 6000"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- "6"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "0"
- }
- "7"
- {
- "name" "Arial"
- "tall" "11"
- "range" "0x0000 0x00FF"
- "weight" "0"
- }
- }
- WeaponIcons
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "64"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- WeaponIconsSelected
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "64"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "blur" "5"
- "scanlines" "2"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- Crosshairs
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "40"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "0"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- "yres" "1 10000"
- }
- }
- QuickInfo
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HL2cross"
- "tall" "28"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- HudNumbers
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "32"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- HudNumbersGlow
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "32"
- "weight" "0"
- "blur" "4"
- "scanlines" "2"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- HudNumbersSmall
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "16"
- "weight" "1000"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- HudSelectionNumbers
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "11"
- "weight" "700"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- HudHintTextLarge
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "1000"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- HudHintTextSmall
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "11"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- HudSelectionText
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "8"
- "weight" "700"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "1 599"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "10"
- "weight" "700"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "600 767"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "16"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "17"
- "weight" "1000"
- "antialias" "1"
- "yres" "1200 10000"
- }
- }
- BudgetLabel
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Courier New"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "400"
- "outline" "1"
- }
- }
- DebugOverlay
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Courier New"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "400"
- "outline" "1"
- }
- }
- "CloseCaption_Normal"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Tahoma"
- "tall" "26"
- "weight" "500"
- }
- }
- "CloseCaption_Italic"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Tahoma"
- "tall" "26"
- "weight" "500"
- "italic" "1"
- }
- }
- "CloseCaption_Bold"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Tahoma"
- "tall" "26"
- "weight" "900"
- }
- }
- "CloseCaption_BoldItalic"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Tahoma"
- "tall" "26"
- "weight" "900"
- "italic" "1"
- }
- }
- // this is the symbol font
- "Marlett"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Marlett"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "0"
- "symbol" "1"
- }
- }
- "Trebuchet24"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x007F" // Basic Latin
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- "Trebuchet18"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "900"
- }
- }
- ClientTitleFont
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HL2MP"
- "tall" "46"
- "weight" "0"
- "additive" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- CreditsLogo
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "128"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- CreditsText
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- CreditsOutroLogos
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HalfLife2"
- "tall" "48"
- "weight" "0"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- "custom" "1"
- }
- }
- CreditsOutroText
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "9"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- CenterPrintText
- {
- // note that this scales with the screen resolution
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "18"
- "weight" "900"
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "1"
- }
- }
- "ChatFont"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "12"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "480 599"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "2"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "13"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "600 767"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "3"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "14"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "768 1023"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "4"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "20"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "1024 1199"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- "5"
- {
- "name" "Verdana"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "700"
- "yres" "1200 10000"
- "dropshadow" "1"
- }
- }
- "TargetID"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "Trebuchet MS"
- "tall" "24"
- "weight" "900"
- "range" "0x0000 0x007F" // Basic Latin
- "antialias" "1"
- "additive" "0"
- }
- }
- "HL2MPTypeDeath"
- {
- "1"
- {
- "name" "HL2MP" // csd.ttf
- "tall" "32"
- "weight" "0"
- "additive" "1"
- "antialias" "1"
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////// BORDERS //////////////////////////////
- //
- // describes all the border types
- Borders
- {
- BaseBorder
- {
- "inset" "0 0 1 1"
- Left
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Dark"
- "offset" "0 1"
- }
- }
- Right
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Bright"
- "offset" "1 0"
- }
- }
- Top
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Dark"
- "offset" "0 0"
- }
- }
- Bottom
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Bright"
- "offset" "0 0"
- }
- }
- }
- TitleButtonBorder
- {
- "inset" "0 0 1 1"
- Left
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Bright"
- "offset" "0 1"
- }
- }
- Right
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Dark"
- "offset" "1 0"
- }
- }
- Top
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Bright"
- "offset" "0 0"
- }
- }
- Bottom
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "Border.Dark"
- "offset" "0 0"
- }
- }
- }
- TitleButtonDisabledBorder
- {
- "inset" "0 0 1 1"
- Left
- {
- "1"
- {
- "color" "BgColor"
- "offset" "0 1"
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- //////////////////////// CUSTOM FONT FILES /////////////////////////////
- //
- // specifies all the custom (non-system) font files that need to be loaded to service the above described fonts
- CustomFontFiles
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- "1" "resource/HL2MP.ttf"
- "2" "resource/HL2crosshairs.ttf"
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- }