If you downloaded the zip file extract the file with paths on to your steam/steamapps/sourcemods directory. It should appear as HL2:Assault in the 3rd party games section of your steam menu. If you downloaded the installer then this is already done for you. Server admins: Remember to set sv_lan to 0, as it's set to 1 by default. These maps are built for 12 players max. You can try for more, but you will probably spoil the enjoyment. You have been warned :)
Gameplay: You start as either Combine or Rebels. The first thing you see is a team menu, so you can change team should you wish. Hitting L ingame will bring up the team select menu at any time. Rebels: Keep an eye on the radar, targets are marked with numbers in the order in which they need to be destroyed.
Playing as Combine is fairly simple. Blow the crap out of any Rebels you see, and if you can do it for longer than 5 minutes, you win. Weapons in this mod *have* been limited. The combine only have the stunstick, ar2, Smoke grenades and SLAMs as their job is fairly simple, and the rebels have only the crowbar, gravity gun, pistol, SMG and smoke grenades. If you are a rebel, remember to make good use of the grenades for your SMG, as it will help breach the points much more easily. Please don't complain that 'my weapons aren't working' as they are, there's just less than in Deathmatch. Afterall, this is a game of objectives, not just frags ;) If anyone asks any questions on how to play this mod then I'll either assume they haven't read this, or are just plain stupid, in which case I'll fill their pants with rabid snarks. Have fun :)
BIG Thanks goes to everyone supporting me with this mod, especially Hunter-Killer, and his ub3r mapping skills.2h2k for their playtesting services, all those of you who have inspired me on the hl2.net forums and the valve wiki, thankyou, a few months ago I couldn't find my arse with an atlas. Of course I can't forget Nagual and his hosting abilities, Malone for his installer scriptiness and everyone else on #fxhome (irc.fxhome.com) who have inputted their ideas. It takes all of you to make something this good ;)
Beta 7
Lots of Stuff :) Fixed loads of bugs with the maps, people getting stuck, holes etc. Changed Objective icons so it's easier to tell whether you need to 'use' it or blow it up. Plain icons are just for direction. Fixed a weird serverside message thing just for my peace of mind, wasn't really a problem. Made the last objective easier on as_coast as it was nigh on impossible, and added objective logos. Fixed the spawn points to make them more protected on as_ghosttown, and made camping points more deadly to deter Combine campers. Moved kill notification below the overview map to make it visable again. Use button now lets you pick up small objects for defence, as Combine lack gravgun. Made it a bit harder for Combine to accidently trigger Rebel wins, though this isn't entirely fixed. Gave both teams smoke grenades and Combine SLAMs. Other players names now appear on the HUD, and indicates whther they are friendly or not. Laid an Easteregg. Tweaked weapon balance.
Beta 6b
Small Patch to fix server not appearing in Master server list. Changed music in as_invasion. Added server.cfg for dedicated servers.
Beta 6
Updated windows client with a VGUI overhaul, changing the colour scheme and updating the scoreboard layout. Added as_watertreatment,and as_ghosttown. Replaced weapon scripts with ones from beta 5 after realising I'd accidentally replaced them with weapon defaults from HL2:DM. Added team menu, press L ingame to display it. Rebound Scoreboard to TAB, and changed Radar mode to 'O'. Added Steam icon and website links to steam menu. Gave Overview mode an overhaul, big thanks to Kebab from sourceballmod and tim for all their pointers. Added theme music to main menu. Tweaked weapons to make them slightly more realistic. Released over Vapour www.vapour-online.com
Beta 5c
Updated client and server dlls to tweak a few gamerules and VGUI panels. Scoreboard is back, and now bound to the 'Home' key. You can change this, but if you bind it to TAB you'll lose radar. Fixed a leak in as_invasion that somehow slipped into 5b. Built linux dedicated server BIG thanks goes to Kebab of the Sourceball mod (www.sourceball.com) and to malone and Blueshift.
Beta 5b
Small updates to as_invasion and as_canal.
Beta 5
Dropped as_petrol as it was too laggy, and well quite frankly not suited to assault play. Also added new weapon skins, thanks to [2h2k]timmy. Added as_canal. Added overview mode to direct players to their targets. Default TAB to change between small view, full screen and off. Fixed silly timer bug announcing wrong times in as_coast. Removed scoreboard as frag counts were somewhat irrelevant. Released to public.
Beta 4
Changed server setup in VGUI to allow sv_lan to be set easily. Been a right pain in the arse previously. Added as_coast and Hunter-Killer's remake of as_invasion. These 2 maps change the gameplay at breach points, improving over the 'smash the switch and move on' monotony, and adds a continuing theme between maps. Make's explaining objectives a tad harder tho. Updated as_petrol to try and bring it in line with updated gameplay style. Added a new menu to reflect spanky new logo. Added intro video.
Beta 3
Weapon code. Teams now start fully armed and all weapons have been removed from the maps. Ammo is still available. Tweaked as_petrol somewhat to improve lag. Spawn points now move as play progresses an as_petrol. Not going to be included in as_invasion as it's too small, but will in all future maps.
Preliminary voiceovers to describe map layout, objective and various other pieces (breach announcements, time remaining etc..) Music by Meet her sister and regular John., both used with permission. Credits.txt now in map folder for any custom work done, including voices and music.
Currently waiting on hunter_killer's as_coast to be added in beta 4... and more playtesting. Gamerules are likely to be changed for this map to make play a bit more entertaining a la Hybrid-Halo's comments. Depending on outcome as_invasion and as_petrol may be dropped. Hopefully will release beta 4 to the public, though only if all 3 maps remain. Voices are subject to change depending on submissions.
Beta 2b
Small release to mappers only for dev purposes. Will include all updates in official beta 3.
Beta 2
Not a lot really, as_invasion has been given a major overhaul, and is now final. Trying to improve it any more is probably a waste of time. Added as_petrol - pretty final at the moment, though yet to decide on anything until playtesting has been done. Other than that, a few cosmetic changes to improve overall appearance, though still subject to change. I still have a few ideas :)
Beta 1
First release, containing as_invasion RC1, and most gamerules implemented. Not much else can be said until playtesting has been done.